112 research outputs found

    A new species of the genus Chiromyza Wiedemann (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Seven species of the genus Chiromyza Wiedemann are recorded in Brazil: C. brevicornis (Lindner, 1949), C. enderleini (Lindner, 1949), C. leptiformis (Macquart, 1838), C. ochracea Wiedemann, 1820, C. stylicornis (Enderlein, 1921), C. viridis Bezzi, 1922 and C. vittata Wiedemann, 1820. Herein I describe a new species, Chiromyza raccai sp. nov., based on 88 specimens (41 males, 47 females) from the Atlantic Rain Forest mountains of State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the city of Miguel Pereira. The new species is distinguished from the related species C. ochracea and C. vittata by the structure of male terminalia. Chiromyza raccai sp. nov. has the distal region of the phallus rounded with two conspicuous apical setae, C. ochracea has the distal surface of the phallus wide and flatness, and C. vittata has the distal surface of the phallus rounded with outer margin rugose

    Notas sobre o bicho-da-seda no folclore Chinês

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    Notas sobre o bicho-da-seda no folclore chinês. Duas lendas sobre o bicho-da-seda (Bombyx mori Linnaeus, 1758) no folclore chinês são apresentadas: uma sobre a sua origem, a outra sobre os gatos como protetores do bicho-da-seda e da sericultura.Notes about the silkworm in Chinese folklore. Two legends about the silkworm (Bombyx mori Linnaeus, 1758) in Chinese folklore are presented: one about its origin, the other about cats as protectors of silkworms and sericulture

    Deuses e gafanhotos nas antigas civilizações da Eurásia: notas etnoentomológicas

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    A brief survey is made of the gods directly or indirectly associated to locusts in China (Ta Pa Cha, Ch'ung Wang, Auntie Chin Ku, Pu Shen, Ma Cha, Crow and Frog) and Mesopotamia (Wind gods, Ashur and Nanaya). Considerations are also made about the Seleucides birds (Sturnus roseus).Faz-se um breve apanhado dos deuses direta ou indiretamente associados a gafanhotos na China (Ta Pa Cha, Ch'ung Wang, Tiazinha Chin Ku, Pu Shen, Ma Cha, Corvo e Rã), e Mesopotâmia (deuses do vento; Ashur e Nanaya). São também feitas considerações sobre as aves chamadas Seleucides (Sturnus roseus)

    New record of Pantophthalmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae) in the Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil

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    Pantophthalmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae) has been reported to occur in south and southeastern Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Here we report the first occurrence of these rare flies in the Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. We also provide an updated list of the geographical distribution of the 20 species of the genus Opetiops Enderlein, 1921 (1 species) and Pantophthalmus Thunberg, 1919 (19 species) in the Neotropical region.Pantophthalmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae) has been reported to occur in south and southeastern Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Here we report the first occurrence of these rare flies in the Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. We also provide an updated list of the geographical distribution of the 20 species of the genus Opetiops Enderlein, 1921 (1 species) and Pantophthalmus Thunberg, 1919 (19 species) in the Neotropical region

    New record of Pantophthalmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae) in the Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil

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    Pantophthalmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae) has been reported to occur in south and southeastern Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Here we report the first occurrence of these rare flies in the Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. We also provide an updated list of the geographical distribution of the 20 species of the genus Opetiops Enderlein, 1921 (1 species) and Pantophthalmus Thunberg, 1919 (19 species) in the Neotropical region.Pantophthalmus pictus (Wiedemann, 1821) (Diptera, Pantophthalmidae) has been reported to occur in south and southeastern Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Here we report the first occurrence of these rare flies in the Cerrado vegetation of central Brazil. We also provide an updated list of the geographical distribution of the 20 species of the genus Opetiops Enderlein, 1921 (1 species) and Pantophthalmus Thunberg, 1919 (19 species) in the Neotropical region

    Revisão do gênero Zenithoptera Bates, in Selys Longchamps, 1869 (Odonata, Libellulidae)

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    Zenithoptera Bates, in Selys Longchamps, 1869, is formally characterized, and the synonymy of two Linnean names related to this genus is discussed and Libellula fasciata is proposed as a new synonym of L. americana. Z. americana (L.,1758) Z. viola Ris, 1910, Z. lanei Santos, 1941 and Z. anceps Pujol-Luz (in press) are redescribed, their distinguishing features figured, and a keys are presented. Male and female genital morphology furnished the basis for presentation of combination of characters related with the wing coulor variation and geographical distribution of the species of this genus.CAPESZenithoptera Bates, in Selys Longchamps, 1869, é formalmente caracterizado e a sinonímia dos dois nomes lineanos a ele relacionados é discutida, sendo Libellula fasciata proposta como sinônimo de L. americana. Zenithoptera americana (L.,1758) Z. viola Ris, 1910, Z. lanei Santos, 1941 e Z. anceps Pujol-Luz (no prelo-b) são redescritas, seus caracteres distintivos são figurados e chaves para a identificação são apresentadas. A morfologia genital dos machos e das fêmeas forneceu a base para a representação das combinações de caracteres relacionados à variação de coloração das asas e para a distribuição geográfica das espécies do gênero

    On the association of Philopota sp. (Diptera, Acroceridae) with flowers of gervão-azul, Stachytarphetta cayenensis (Verbenaceae) in Marambaia Island, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    The acrocerids (small headed-flies) form a small group of flies, which are difficult to find and observe. They are rare in collections. Their larvae are heteromorphic parasitoids of many families of spiders and their imagoes show a great deal of morphological variation. Little is known about the biology and systematics of this group in the Neotropical region, especially the Philopotinae. Most studies are based on species from Europe and North America. The Philopotinae occurs througout the world, and are characterized by the strongly developed postpronota, which form a shield dorsally in front of the scutum. Fifty specimens of Philopota sp. were collected from branches of Stachytarphetta cayenensis (Verbenaceae) in the Ilha da Marambaia (23º 04' S - 43º 53' W, 240 m), southern coast of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The specimens were determined to Philopota n.sp. (acc. to Evert I. Schlinger). In Marambaia, S. cayenensis occurs alongside trails. Small lycosid spiders were observed associated with litter in the surrounding soil. Both males and females of Philopota n.sp. visit the flowers periodically. Couples in sexual intercourse were observed on the flowers. When feeding, they introduced their whole bodies inside the flower. A territorial behavior was observed involving both males and females. Up to four individuals were observed disputing a flower of S. cayenensis at the same time

    Glyphidops (Glyphidops) filosus (Diptera: Neriidae) revisited, with special attention to the morphology of the male and female terminalia

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    Although a recent revision of the genus Glyphidops Enderlein covered most its known, some of the Brazilian forms were not surveyed. Here we take advantage of the excellent morphological work available in the literature and redescribe Glyphidops (Glyphidops) filosus, based on 91 specimens (43 males and 48 females) from the States of Amazonas and Goiás, including Brasília, Brazil. We also provide a study of male genitalia using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and female genitalia and spermathecae, using light microscopy (LM). We present descriptions of the following structures in male genitalia: epandrium, hypandrium, surstyli, cerci and sections of aedeagus, and in female genitalia: oviscape, bursa copulatrix, ‘S’ bend and spermatheca. An update list of Brazilian species of Glyphidops Enderlein is also presented

    From Homer to Redi: Some historical notes about the problem of necrophagous blowflies' reproduction

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    Some historical notes about the ideas of the reproduction of necrophagous blowflies are presented, including Homer's Iliad, Ancient Egypt and Near East, the Persian Vendidad, William Shakespeare and the elegant experiments of Francesco Redi, who discredited the theory of spontaneous generation.Apresentam-se algumas notas históricas sobre a reprodução de varejeiras necrófagas, incluindo a Ilíada de Homero, o Antigo Egito e o Oriente Médio, o Vendidad persa, William Shakespeare, e os elegantes experimentos de Francesco Redi, que desacreditou a teoria da geração espontânea
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