14 research outputs found

    A Spark of Humor in English Classroom: Contribution and Consideration

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    This paper supports an idea that humor has a significant role in increasing the English learners' communicative competence. It is very common for teachers to present humor in English classrooms, whether it is purposely presented or spontaneously practiced in classroom activities. Yet, regardless of its significant contribution in language learning activities, it is highly likely that humor is one point that remains untouched in language learning. How many English textbooks containing humor in it? We hardly ever find any syllabi purposefully present the ability of students to tell or to understand jokes. Telling jokes in a serious classroom maybe considered as something inappropriate as it may distract the classroom activities. Therefore, spontaneous humor may sometimes be viewed as an 'off task' behavior. However, it is sometimes forgotten that understanding other people's joke may be one of the keys of understanding other cultures, and ,more importantly, building a relationship with people from other countries

    Manajemen kepemimpinan dalam Student Symphonic Band Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta periode 2008/2009

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    Organisasi Seni Pertunjukan Mahasiswa Jurusan Musik Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta merupakan suatu kegiatan yang berorientasi untuk pengembangan karya-karya seni musik dan organisasi ini berorientasi pada pembelajaran dalam menyelenggarakan suatu pertunjukan. Manajemen akan membantu organisasi seni pertunjukan mahasiswa Jurusan Musik untuk dapat mencapai tujuan yang efektif dan efisien. Organisasi seni pertunjukan mahasiswa Jurusan Musik juga tidak terlepas dari pengaruh seorang pemimpin dan kepemimpinan merupakan inti dari manajemen. Salah satu organisasi seni pertunjukan mahasiswa Jurusan Musik ISI YK adalah Student Symphonic Band (STUDSY Band) yang menyajikan pertunjukan dengan format symphonic band. Penelitian ini akan membahas manajemen dan kepemimpinan dalam STUDSY Band periode 2008/2009. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan studi kasus dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara Diskusi Kelompok Terarah (Focus Group Discussion - FGD). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen STUDSY Band ISI YK periode 2008/2009 membutuhkan pemimpin yang dapat bertanggung jawab dan berwawasan manajemen seni pertunjukan

    Condition and Level Utilization Facilities of Kronjo Fish Landing Place Tangerang Regency Banten Province

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    Kronjo Sub-district was established to be one of the main areas of Tangerang Regency Minapolitan. Minapolitan area is a development concept based on economic management of the region with the motor of marine and fisheries sector, based on the principle of integration, efficiency, quality and acceleration. The purpose of this study was to identify the condition and to analyze the level of facility utilization of Kronjo Fishing Port. This research was conducted in July-November 2017. The method used in this research is survey. The depth of the harbor pool, the need for clean water, the need for ice beams, and the fishing port area of Kronjo Fishing Port has exceeded its capacity, with the level of facility utilization 223,33%, 2.111,09%, 702%, 200%-400%. Where the depth of the harbor pool is3.5 m and it is only available 2 m and has a shallowing to 1.85 m. Clean water available in Kronjo Fishing Port is only 550 L/day while the need for clean water is 11,611 L/day, needs of ice beam 70.2 tons and available in Kronjo Fishing Port only 10 tons. The total area of facilities of Kronjo Fishing Port 681.8 m2and the minimum land area of Kronjo Fishing Port required is 1,363.6 m2 and the maximum land area required is 2,727.2 m2

    Improving Student-Teachers' Research Literacies through APA Citation 7th and Mendeley Workshops

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    Academic honesty and plagiarism awareness become essential abilities for university students and early-career researchers. One way to enhance academic honesty and awareness of plagiarism issues is by mastering the skills of managing citations and references/bibliographies. Moreover, nowadays, various reference manager applications can be utilized to assist college students and early researchers in their research activities. Based on these statements, the Primary School Teacher Education (PSTE) study program and Center of Language and Culture (CLC) at President University conducted a community service program for university students and early researchers. This program was conducted through an online platform called Zoom as a preventive measure to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. There were 370 students, teachers, and early researchers from campuses across Indonesia and even overseas (Australia & China) who registered for this community service program. Based on the survey distributed after the program, the majority of participants responded very positively, in which their comprehension of referencing and citing and Mendeley is considered improving significantly. Some implications for future practice and research are also outlined in this article


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    One of the renewal of legal instruments in criminal procedural law is the expansion of evidence ie electronic information and / or electronic document and / or its printed outcome. Arrangement of evidence in criminal procedural law in Indonesia pursuant to Article 184 KUHAP, Article 5 paragraph (1) and (2) and Article 44 letter of Information and Electronic Transaction Act, covering witness statements, expert information, letters, instructions, defendants, electronic information and / or electronic documents and / or prints. The decision of the Constitutional Court Number 20 / PUU-XIV / 2016 that for electronic information and / or electronic document as evidence is done in the framework of law enforcement at the request of the police, prosecutor and / or other law enforcement institutions determined by law. Electronic information and / or electronic documents as evidence must be obtained in accordance with the provisions of Article 31 paragraph (3) of the Information and Electronic Transactions Act, this relates to the value of legal certainty and the value of justice for the litigan

    The Students’ Problems and The Lecture Strategy in Public Speaking Class of Fourth Semester Students of English Education Program at State College for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Tulungagung

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    Key words: Students’ problems, Lectures’ strategy, Public speaking class. Learning to speak fluently is not easy for ESL students. This phenomenon also happens to public speaking class in STAIN Tulungagung Especially in pronunciation, English pronunciation is different from Indonesian pronunciation. So, if we want to speak fluently we must often practice our pronunciation and we must also study hard if we want to speak English well. This study provides information about students’ pronunciation problems and lectures’ strategy to overcome students’ problems in public speaking class. The formulation of the research problems were:1)What are students’ problems in Pronunciation? 2) What are the lectures’ strategies to overcome students’ problems in pronunciation? Research method: 1) Research design used was descriptive qualitative because the writer want to describe the current phenomena about the students’ problems and lectures’ strategy in public speaking class. 2) the subject of the study were students and lecture of public speaking class. 3) data collecting method and instrument: a) observation, b) interview, c) documentation.4) the data analysis was using inductive method. The result of the study show that students had problems in pronunciation. Students had problem in vowel, consonant and dithongs. From many pronunciation of vowel, the most problem faced by students of public speaking class is they can’t differentiate vowel [ʌ], [ə],[æ] and vowel [ɔ] with dipthongs [aʊ]. Then in consonant, some students’ of public speaking class are unable to differentiate consonant [v] with [f] and consonant [s] with [z]. They often pronounce [f] in consonant [v] and also pronounce [s] in consonant [z]. the last prolems in pronounce dipthongs, the students’ of public speakin class often confuse to pronounce dipthongs or vowel. They also can’t differentiate dipthongs [ei] and [ai]. For example in word “say” they should pronounce [sei] not [sai]. In this case the lecture has strategy to overcome students’ problems. Lecture correct directly when students find problem in pronunciation, sometimes she writes the pronunciation in the white board and teach them how to pronounce well. Besides, she also always ask to their students to practice speak English in order to students can speak fluently

    Meningkatan Keterampilan Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk Siswa SMP dengan Memberdayakan Objek Nyata yang Berada dalam Kehidupan Siswa Sehari-Hari

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    Tujuan penelitian tindakan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa dalam bahasa Inggris dengan memberdayakan objek yang sering dijumpai dan dilabikan siswa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini mempergunakan model Kemmis & McTaggart yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan setiap tahap mehputi perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Data yang dikumpulkan adalah nilai kemampuan menulis yang didapatkan melalui observasi kelas, catatan lapangan, wawancara, petekaman, dan studi dokumenter. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) siswa menjadi lebih aktif dalam mengekspresikan ide dan gagasan, baik secara lisan maupun tertulis, (2) motivasi dan gairah siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris meningkat, dan (3) keterampilan siswa dalam menciptakan teks berbahasa Inggris meningkat. Dengan demikian, melalui pengembangan keterampilan menulis dengan memberdayakan objek yang sering dijumpai siswa dalam kehidupan siswa sehari-hari, keterampilan menulis siswa dalam bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih baik. Kata kunci: keterampilan menulis, objek nyata

    Manajemen kepemimpinan dalam Student Symphonic Band Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta periode 2008/2009

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    STUDSY (Student Symphonic) Band merupakan salah satu organisasi seni pertunjukan mahasiswa jurusan musik ISI Yk, yang menyajikan pertunjukan dengan format Symphonic Band. Penelitian ini akan membahas tentang manajemen kepemimpinan dalam Studsy band periode 2008/2009. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatannya menggunakan studi kasus dengan pengumpulan data melalui FGD (Focus Group Discussion) atau diskusi kelompok terarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen Studsy Band ISI Yk. periode 2008/2009 membutuhkan pemimpin yang dapat bertanggungjawab & berwawasan manajemen seni pertunjukan