89 research outputs found

    A Literature Review: Pre-service Teachers’ Self-efficacy to Deal with Student with Special Needs

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    This review offered a detailed analysis of 18 studies that focused on self-efficacy of preservice teachers in inclusive classrooms. There were two focuses: the research methodology and results of the study that cover influential factors and the changes of self-efficacy levels of preservice teachers teaching in inclusive classrooms. The methodological concerns that need to be addressed by future researchers, as well as some research agendas for future studies, are suggested based on the findings of this paper. Only 26% (n=5) of the studies offered some alternative strategies that can be applied to enhance high self-efficacy levels of the preservice teachers. More supporting studies in different contexts with various research methods including longitudinal studies and qualitative methods are recommended. However, there are some key components of influential factors that can contribute to high levels of self-efficacy teaching in inclusive classrooms, including the intensity of the inclusive education materials either in separate or integrated courses, previous experiences with people and/or students with special needs, and gender in specific contexts related to socio-cultural issues. These findings can be a starting point for researchers to conduct their studies with a rigor, including a clear description of the sample, preservice program, context of the study; use reliable and valid measures with additional revalidation when needed; and the use of multiple data resources. These recommendations will guide future researchers to develop accumulative knowledge in the preservice programs to support the implementation of inclusive education

    Investigation of the changes of preservice teachers\u27 efficacy beliefs in teaching students with special needs

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    This study was designed to examine preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in teaching students with special needs during student teaching and to explore potential influential factors contributed to its change. The efficacy theory (Bandura, 1977) was applied as the theoretical frameworks of this study. This framework guided this study for a deeper understanding of how preservice teachers interpreted their experiences when teaching students with special needs. The participants were preservice teachers in one of a university in the Midwest who enrolled in the student teaching program in Spring 2018 and taught students with special needs in their classroom(s). Collecting data, this study employed The Teaching Students with Disabilities Efficacy Survey (TSDES, Dawson & Scott, 2013) to gather information about preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs and how it changed over student teaching. The TSDES covers five areas, but this study only focuses on four areas: instruction, professionalism, providing support, and classroom management which consists of 16 questions with a 7-point scale. Structured interviews were conducted three to four times for four participants to explore how they perceived their teaching experiences. The first survey was distributed at the end of the first placement, and 76 participants completed the survey (33% response rate), while the second survey was distributed six weeks afterward at the end of the second placement with the completion of 41 participants. In order to examine the preservice teachers’ self-efficacy in the first placement, descriptive statistics were employed. Followed by paired t-tests, the preservice teachers’ self-efficacy change was examined, and independent t-tests were conducted to determine factors that differentiate preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs. The interview data was analyzed through systematic qualitative analysis to explore influential factors of preservice teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs. The results of this study indicate that at the end of the first placement, preservice teachers perceived high efficacy in all areas, more specifically they were higher in providing support (μ = 5.81) and professionalism (μ = 6.44) than classroom management (μ = 5.38) and instruction (μ = 5.81) in teaching students with special needs. Also, the four interview participants reported a lack of entry level knowledge and skills in teaching students with special needs and in collaborating with other teachers at the beginning of the first placement. At the end of the second placement, there was a significant improvement of preservice teachers’ self-efficacy in the area of classroom management (t (40) = 2.245, p \u3c 0.05, d = 0.35), whereas the qualitative data revealed improvement in the other areas. This change was influenced by six factors: successful experiences, quality of relationships with students with special needs and teachers, previous coursework primarily with special education content, previous experiences, and the availability of support based on qualitative findings. Implications for teacher preparation programs and future research are presented

    Teaching Accommodation and Modification for Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Inclusive Classrooms

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    The general purpose of the research is to make a handling model of the children with learning disabilities based on accommodations and modification of learning collaborating with researchers from Chiang Mai University. The specific purposes of the research are: 1) To make a guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification for the teachers, 2) To make a guidance to train the teachers on handling the children with learning disabilities, 3) For international publication. The research is a development research of handling the children with learning disabilities model based on learning accommodations and modification which adapted from a development model by Borg and Gall (2003). These are the steps of the development: 1) Doing literary study about the handling model of the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification which appropriate with the needs of children with learning disabilities on elementary school; 2) Collecting information and suggestion from the practitioners and the experts related to the requirement of learning and learning accommodations and modification for the children with learning disabilities at school; 3) Compiling hypothetical model which will be applied in the activity of learning accommodations and modification. It will be a model and a guide-book about learning accommodations and modification, evaluation system, and indicator of achievement on the model implementation; 4) Drafting the guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on accommodations and modification which includes material, procedure, strategy and evaluation system of learning accommodations and modification; 5) Doing initial test (limited test) to complete the initial hypothetical model; 6) Revising the guidebook draft through the result of the initial test and compiling draft-2 of guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification; 7) Validating and testing guide-book draft toward subjects; 8) Revising guidebook draft through the result of the second test; 9) compiling of final models and product, that is the final draft of guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification; 10) Implementing and disseminating the guide-book. In this research, step 1-5 are done in 2015. Then, step 6-9 will be done in the first year (2016) and the 10th step which disseminating and implementing, also socializing, the guide-book will be done in the second year (2017). The first year research results can be presented as follows : (1) Handling children with learning disabilities is still not implemented adequately; (2) Perceptions and expectations of teachers to the problems of handling children with learning disabilities tends to be negative , hence the need for guidelines on the application of learning accommodation for children with learning disabilities; (3) Hypothetical model handling of children with learning disabilities based learning accommodation and modification that has been tested begining on a limited basis , could be developed as a model further through the subjects try involvement to school more and increase the participants in the forum panel discussion and Focus Group Discussion / FGD order to obtain more models effective. The achievement result in this second year can descript as follows: (1) Revising the guide-book draft had done during March 03 until May 14, 2016, and had discussed in 2 October 2016 with the researcher team from Chiang May University;(2) Validating and testing guide-book draft toward subjects by doing extended test to complete the guide book of handling children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodation and modification had done by socialization, training and mentoring. (3)International publication in association with researchers team from Chiang May University had discussed and will realized soon


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    Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengembangkan model perkuliahan berbasis kolaboratif yang dapat meningkatkan self-efficacy dan sikap positif mahasiswa PGSD terhadap pendidikan inklusif di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian multiyears yang direncanakan dilaksanakan selama tiga tahun. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa PGSD yang merupakan calon guru di masa depan akan pentingnya self-efficacy dan sikap positif terhadap pendidikan inklusi. Secara khusus penelitian ini bertujuan a) melakukan kajian literatur/studi literer mengenai model-model pendidikan guru yang sudah dikembangkan dan diteliti, b) Mengindentifikasi kelemahan kompetensi guru di sekolah inklusi saat ini, c) mengidentifikasi harapan, faktor pendukung penerapan model pendidikan guru yang mendukung pendidikan inklusif, d) merancang draft perkuliahan kolaboratif berupa modul Model penelitian yang digunakan dalam keseluruhan penelitian ini adalah Research and Developmet (R & D). Subjek penelitian adalah guru-guru jenjang SD yang mengajar di sekolah inklusif dan mahasiswa PGSD. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah angket, observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi, yang didukung focus group discussion (FGD) serta buku catatan lapangan/logbook. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini akan dianalisis dengan teknik kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1. Pemahaman guru terhadap karakteristik dan strategi penanganan ABK membutuhkan bantuan ahli ; 2. Hasil penilaian skala keyakinan guru diketahui bahwa guru masih ragu menangani ABK 3. Hasil observasi dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa guru telah memiliki sikap positif dalam menangani ABK ; 4. Draft perangkat perkuliahan kolaboratif pada mata kuliah strategi pembelajaran SD

    Teaching Accommodation and Modification for Students with Learning Disabilities in Elementary Inclusive Classrooms

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    The general purpose of the research is to make a handling model of the children with learning disabilities based on accommodations and modification of learning collaborating with researchers from Chiang Mai University. The specific purposes of the research are: 1) To make a guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification for the teachers, 2) To make a guidance to train the teachers on handling the children with learning disabilities, 3) For international publication. The research is a development research of handling the children with learning disabilities model based on learning accommodations and modification which adapted from a development model by Borg and Gall (2003). These are the steps of the development: 1) Doing literary study about the handling model of the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification which appropriate with the needs of children with learning disabilities on elementary school; 2) Collecting information and suggestion from the practitioners and the experts related to the requirement of learning and learning accommodations and modification for the children with learning disabilities at school; 3) Compiling hypothetical model which will be applied in the activity of learning accommodations and modification. It will be a model and a guide-book about learning accommodations and modification, evaluation system, and indicator of achievement on the model implementation; 4) Drafting the guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on accommodations and modification which includes material, procedure, strategy and evaluation system of learning accommodations and modification; 5) Doing initial test (limited test) to complete the initial hypothetical model; 6) Revising the guidebook draft through the result of the initial test and compiling draft-2 of guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification; 7) Validating and testing guide-book draft toward subjects; 8) Revising guidebook draft through the result of the second test; 9) compiling of final models and product, that is the final draft of guide-book of handling the children with learning disabilities based on learning accommodations and modification; 10) Implementing and disseminating the guide-book. In this research, step 1-5 are done in 2015. Then, step 6-9 will be done in the first year (2016) and the 10th step which disseminating and implementing, also socializing, the guide-book will be done in the second year (2017). The research results, the conclusion can be presented as follows : (1) Handling children with learning disabilities is still not implemented adequately; (2) Perceptions and expectations of teachers to the problems of handling children with learning disabilities tends to be negative , hence the need for guidelines on the application of learning accommodation for children with learning disabilities; (3) Hypothetical model handling of children with learning disabilities based learning accommodation and modification that has been tested beginning on a limited basis , could be developed as a model further through the subjects try involvement to school more and increase the participants in the forum panel discussion and Focus Group Discussion / FGD order to obtain more models effective


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    Keberadaan anak dengan perilaku bermasalah sering ditemukan di Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB). Pada kenyataannya perilaku bermasalah yang mereka lakukan sangat mengganggu aspek personal, sosial, dan akademik. Di lain pihak, kasus yang ditemukan adalah guru di sekolah menyatakan kesulitan dalam mengelola perilaku bermasalah pada mereka. Sekolah juga belum memiliki program yang tersistem untuk mengelola perilaku bermasalah yang sering muncul saat pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian tahun pertama telah tersusun model modifikasi perilaku terintegrasi dengan program pembelajaran. Pada tahun kedua ini akan (1) menguji keterlaksanaan model modifikasi perilaku terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran , (2) mengetahui efektivitas model sebagai upaya untuk menrurangi perilaku escape yang yang terjadi pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan research and development dari Borg dan Gall (2003), dengan tiga tahapan utama, yakni studi pendahuluan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Adapun penelitian tahap kedua meliputi pengembangan dan implementasi terdiri dari uji keterbacaan oleh ahli dan penggunaa sebagai bentuk validaso model dan uji lapangan oleh pengguna yang menghasilkan nilai efektivitas model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa buku pandukung penerapan perilaku terintegrasi pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini dapat diterapkan oleh guru-guru terutama membantu untuk mengetahui secara spesifik motif dari munculnya masalah perilaku. Efektivitas dari buku panduan dapat diketahui dari penerapan intervensi pada 1 subyek dalam penelitian ini. Sementara untuk 2 subyek lainnya belum terlihat karena ketidakhadiran pemicu masalah perilaku dan ketidakhadiran subyek di kelas. Meskipun demikian, masalah perilaku agresif tetap dijumpai terutama pada waktu yang tidak terstruktur (jam istirahat
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