179 research outputs found

    Estudio y desarrollo del software y hardware de un sistema de control del movimiento de un telescopio

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    El projecte que es presenta a continuació, es basa en el estudi i la implementació d'un sistema electrònic per el control de un telescopi. La solució adoptada es un sistema capaç de seguir les estrelles gràcies al processat d'imatges captades per una càmera digital. Un programa principal s'encarrega de detectar el moviment i generar les ordres oportunes a un microcontrolador que governa un parell de servomotors que enfoquen constantment la càmera cap al objectiu. Aquet projecte te una component elevada de investigació per part dels autors. La temàtica de visió artificial i programació visual així com les comunicacions entre el microcontrolador i el PC han suposat una gran inversió de temps amb diferents mètodes fins donar amb la solució mes idionea

    Alcohol as a trigger of migraine attacks in people with migraine: results from a large prospective cohort study in English-speaking countries

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    Objective: To assess whether alcohol intake is associated with the onset of migraine attacks up to 2 days after consumption in individuals with episodic migraine (EM).Background: Although alcohol has long been suspected to be a common migraine trigger, studies have been inconclusive in proving this association.Methods: This was an observational prospective cohort study among individuals with migraine who registered to use a digital health platform for headache. Eligible indi-viduals were aged =18 years with EM who consumed alcohol and had tracked their headache symptoms and alcohol intake for =90 days. People who did not drink any alcohol were excluded. The association of alcohol intake (“Yes/No”) and of the number of alcoholic beverages in the 2 days preceding a migraine attack was assessed ac-counting for the presence of migraine on day-2 and its interaction with alcohol intake on day-2, and further adjusted for sex, age, and average weekly alcohol intake.Results: Data on 487 individuals reporting 5913 migraine attacks and a total of 40,165 diary days were included in the analysis. Presence of migraine on day- 2 and its interac-tion with alcohol intake on day- 2 were not significant and removed from the model. At the population level, alcohol intake on day- 2 was associated with a lower probability of migraine attack (OR [95% CI] = 0.75 [0.68, 0.82]; event rate 1006/4679, 21.5%), while the effect of alcohol intake on day- 1 was not significant (OR [95% CI] = 1.01 [0.91, 1.11]; event rate 1163/4679, 24.9%) after adjusting for sex, age, and average weekly alcohol intake. Similar results were obtained with the number of beverages as exposure.Conclusions: In this English-speaking cohort of individuals with EM who identified themselves as mostly low-dose alcohol consumers, there was no significant effect on the probability of a migraine attack in the 24 h following consumption, and a slightly lower likelihood of a migraine attack from 24 to 48 h following use.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Reporting reimbursement price decisions for onco-hematology drugs in Spain

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    Health technology assessment; Onco-hematologic prices; Price and reimbursement systemsAvaluació de tecnologies sanitàries; Preus onco-hematològics; Sistemes de preus i reemborsamentEvaluación de tecnologías sanitarias; Precios oncohematológicos; Sistemas de precios y reembolsosIntroduction: Even using well-established technology assessment processes, the basis of the decisions on drug price and reimbursement are sometimes perceived as poorly informed and sometimes may be seen as disconnected from value. The literature remains inconclusive about how Health Technology Assessment Bodies (HTAb) should report the determinants of their decisions. This study evaluates the relationship between oncology and hematology drug list prices and structured value parameters at the time of reimbursement decision in Spain. Methods: The study includes all new onco-hematological products (22), with a first indication authorized between January 2017 and December 2019 in Spain and pricing decisions published up until October 2022. For each product, 56 contextual and non-contextual indicators reflecting the structured multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) – Evidence-based Decision-Making (EVIDEM) framework were measured. The relationship between prices and the MCDA-EVIDEM framework was explored using univariate statistical analyses. Results: Higher prices were observed when the standard of care included for combinations, if there were references to long-lasting responses, for fixed-duration treatment compared to treatment until progression and treatment with lower frequencies of administration; lower prices were observed for oral administration compared to other routes of administration. Statistically significant associations were observed between prices and the median duration of treatment, the impact on patient autonomy, the ease of use of the drug, and the recommendations of experts. Discussion: The study suggests that indicators related to the type of standard of care, references to long-lasting responders, the convenience of the use of the drug, and the impact of treatment on patient autonomy, as well as contextual indicators such as the existence of previous clinical consensus, are factors in setting oncology drug prices in Spain. The implementation of MCDA-EVIDEM methodologies may be useful to capture the influence on pricing decisions of additional factors not included in legislation or consolidated assessment frameworks such as the European Network for Health Technology Assessment (EunetHTA) core model. It may be opportune to consider this in the upcoming revision of the Spanish regulation for health technology assessments and pricing and reimbursement procedures

    Prenatal Betamethasone Exposure and its Impact on Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus : A Preliminary Study in a Spanish Cohort

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    Betamethasone, a glucocorticoid used to induce lung maturation when there is a risk of preterm delivery, can affect the immune system maturation and type 1 diabetes (T1D) incidence in the progeny. It has been described that prenatal betamethasone protects offspring from experimental T1D development. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the possible association between betamethasone prenatal exposure and T1D in humans. Research Design and Methods. A retrospective case-control study with a total of 945 children, including 471 patients with T1D and 474 healthy siblings, was performed. Participants were volunteers from the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and DiabetesCero Foundation. Parents of children enrolled in the study completed a questionnaire that included questions about weeks of gestation, preterm delivery risk, weight at birth, and prenatal betamethasone exposure of their children. Multiple logistic regression was used to detect the association between betamethasone exposure and T1D. We compared T1D prevalence between subjects prenatally exposed or unexposed to betamethasone. The percent of children with T1D in the exposed group was 37.5% (21 of 56), and in the unexposed group was 49.52% (410 of 828) (p = 0.139). The percentage of betamethasone-treated subjects with T1D in the preterm group (18.05%, 13 of 72) was significantly higher than that found in the control group (12.5%, 9 of 72) (p = 0.003). The odds ratio for T1D associated with betamethasone in the univariate logistic regression was 0.59 (95% confidence interval, 0.33; 1.03 [ p = 0.062]) and in the multivariate logistic regression was 0.83 (95% confidence interval, 0.45; 1.52 [ p = 0.389]). The results demonstrate that the prenatal exposure to betamethasone does not increase T1D susceptibility, and may even be associated with a trend towards decreased risk of developing the disease. These preliminary findings require further prospective studies with clinical data to confirm betamethasone exposure effect on T1D risk

    The G1/S Specific Cyclin D2 Is a Regulator of HIV-1 Restriction in Non-proliferating Cells

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    Macrophages are a heterogeneous cell population strongly influenced by differentiation stimuli that become susceptible to HIV-1 infection after inactivation of the restriction factor SAMHD1 by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK). Here, we have used primary human monocyte-derived macrophages differentiated through different stimuli to evaluate macrophage heterogeneity on cell activation and proliferation and susceptibility to HIV-1 infection. Stimulation of monocytes with GM-CSF induces a non-proliferating macrophage population highly restrictive to HIV-1 infection, characterized by the upregulation of the G1/S-specific cyclin D2, known to control early steps of cell cycle progression. Knockdown of cyclin D2, enhances HIV-1 replication in GM-CSF macrophages through inactivation of SAMHD1 restriction factor by phosphorylation. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that cyclin D2 forms a complex with CDK4 and p21, a factor known to restrict HIV-1 replication by affecting the function of the downstream cascade that leads to SAMHD1 deactivation. Thus, we demonstrate that cyclin D2 acts as regulator of cell cycle proteins affecting SAMHD1-mediated HIV-1 restriction in non-proliferating macrophage

    Efferocytosis promotes suppressive effects on dendritic cells through prostaglandin E2 production in the context of autoimmunity

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    Introduction: Efferocytosis is a crucial process by which apoptotic cells are cleared by phagocytes, maintaining immune tolerance to self in the absence of inflammation. Peripheral tolerance, lost in autoimmune processes, may be restored by the administration of autologous dendritic cells loaded with islet apoptotic cells in experimental type 1 diabetes. Objective: To evaluate tolerogenic properties in dendritic cells induced by the clearance of apoptotic islet cells, thus explaining the re-establishment of tolerance in a context of autoimmunity. Methods: Bone marrow derived dendritic cells from non-obese diabetic mice, a model of autoimmune diabetes, were generated and pulsed with islet apoptotic cells. The ability of these cells to induce autologous T cell proliferation and to suppress mature dendritic cell function was assessed, together with cytokine production. Microarray experiments were performed using dendritic cells to identify differentially expressed genes after efferocytosis. Results: Molecular and functional changes in dendritic cells after the capture of apoptotic cells were observed. 1) Impaired ability of dendritic cells to stimulate autologous T cell proliferation after the capture of apoptotic cells even after proinflammatory stimuli, with a cytokine profile typical for immature dendritic cells. 2) Suppressive ability of mature dendritic cell function. 3) Microarray-based gene expression profiling of dendritic cells showed differential expression of genes involved in antigen processing and presentation after efferocytosis. 4) Prostaglandin E2 increased production was responsible for immunosuppressive mechanism of dendritic cells after the capture of apoptotic cells. Conclusions: The tolerogenic behaviour of dendritic cells after islet cells efferocytosis points to a mechanism of silencing potential autoreactive T cells in the microenvironment of autoimmunity. Our results suggest that dendritic cells may be programmed to induce specific immune tolerance using apoptotic cells; this is a viable strategy for a variety of autoimmune diseases.This work was supported by grants from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PS09/00253 and PI12/00195) of the Carlos III Institute of Health, www.isciii.es. RP was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of the Spanish National Institute of Health (FIS05/00418). MVP is funded by the stabilization program of Miguel Servet biomedical researchers and RMA by the program of research technicians of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Direcció d’Estrategia i Coordinacio, Health Dept. of the Catalonian Government. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    CD26/DPPIV Inhibition alters the expression of immune response-related genes in the thymi of NOD mice

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    The transmembrane glycoprotein CD26 or dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) is a multifunctional protein. In immune system, CD26 plays a role in T-cell function and is also involved in thymic maturation and emigration patterns. In preclinical studies, treatment with DPPIV inhibitors reduces insulitis and delays or even reverses the new onset of type 1 diabetes (T1D) in non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice. However, the specific mechanisms involved in these effects remain unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate how DPPIV inhibition modifies the expression of genes in the thymus of NOD mice by microarray analysis. Changes in the gene expression of β-cell autoantigens and Aire in thymic epithelial cells (TECs) were also evaluated by using qRT-PCR. A DPPIV inhibitor, MK626, was orally administered in the diet for 4 and 6 weeks starting at 6-8 weeks of age. Thymic glands from treated and control mice were obtained for each study checkpoint. Thymus transcriptome analysis revealed that 58 genes were significantly over-expressed in MK626-treated mice after 6 weeks of treatment. Changes in gene expression in the thymus were confined mainly to the immune system, including innate immunity, chemotaxis, antigen presentation and immunoregulation. Most of the genes are implicated in central tolerance mechanisms through several pathways. No differences were observed in the expression of Aire and β-cell autoantigens in TECs. In the current study, we demonstrate that treatment with the DPPIV inhibitor MK626 in NOD mice alters the expression of the immune response-related genes in the thymus, especially those related to immunological central tolerance, and may contribute to the prevention of T1D

    Tumor phenotype and breast density in distinct categories of interval cancer: results of population-based mammography screening in Spain

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    Introduction: Interval cancers are tumors arising after a negative screening episode and before the next screening invitation. They can be classified into true interval cancers, false-negatives, minimal-sign cancers, and occult tumors based on mammographic findings in screening and diagnostic mammograms. This study aimed to describe tumor-related characteristics and the association of breast density and tumor phenotype within four interval cancer categories. Methods: We included 2,245 invasive tumors (1,297 screening-detected and 948 interval cancers) diagnosed from 2000 to 2009 among 645,764 women aged 45 to 69 who underwent biennial screening in Spain. Interval cancers were classified by a semi-informed retrospective review into true interval cancers (n = 455), false-negatives (n = 224), minimal-sign (n = 166), and occult tumors (n = 103). Breast density was evaluated using Boyd’s scale and was conflated into: 75%. Tumor-related information was obtained from cancer registries and clinical records. Tumor phenotype was defined as follows: luminal A: ER+/HER2- or PR+/HER2-; luminal B: ER +/HER2+ or PR+/HER2+; HER2: ER-/PR-/HER2+; triple-negative: ER-/PR-/HER2-. The association of tumor phenotype and breast density was assessed using a multinomial logistic regression model. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Forty-eight percent of interval cancers were true interval cancers and 23.6% false-negatives. True interval cancers were associated with HER2 and triple-negative phenotypes (OR = 1.91 (95% CI:1.22-2.96), OR = 2.07 (95% CI:1.42-3.01), respectively) and extremely dense breasts (>75%) (OR = 1.67 (95% CI:1.08-2.56)). However, among true interval cancers a higher proportion of triple-negative tumors was observed in predominantly fatty breasts (<25%) than in denser breasts (28.7%, 21.4%, 11.3% and 14.3%, respectively; <0.001). False-negatives and occult tumors had similar phenotypic characteristics to screening-detected cancers, extreme breast density being strongly associated with occult tumors (OR = 6.23 (95% CI:2.65-14.66)). Minimal-sign cancers were biologically close to true interval cancers but showed no association with breast density. Conclusions: Our findings revealed that both the distribution of tumor phenotype and breast density play specific and independent roles in each category of interval cancer. Further research is needed to understand the biological basis of the overrepresentation of triple-negative phenotype among predominantly fatty breasts in true interval cancers