10 research outputs found

    Sulphur isotopes as tracers of the influence of a coal-fired power plant on a Scots pine forest in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    Stable sulphur isotopes and major ionic composition were analysed in precipitation and throughfall samples from a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) forest near the Cercs coal-fired power plant (Catalonia, NE Spain). The purpose of the study was to determine the main sources of sulphur deposition on this pine forest. Sulphur isotope measurements from the SO2 power plant stack emissions were used to identify the isotopic signature of this source. Net throughfall fluxes of sulphur (26.1 kg S ha 1 yr−1) and nitrogen (16.3 kg N ha−1 yr−1) were higher 5-25 times higher for S and 5-15 times for N at this site than in other forests in Catalonia. Sulphur isotope analysis confirmed that the net throughfall fluxes of sulphur were mostly due to the dry deposition of the SO2 power plant emissions onto the pine canopies. Two potential atmospheric end-members were distinguished: regional background rainwater (δ34S=+7.2 ) and power plant emissions (δ34S=−2.8 ). By applying a two-component sulphur isotope mixing model, we found that during periods of low power plant activity (⩽10 emission h day−1), 62% of the throughfall sulphate could be attributed to the power plant emissions. At higher activity periods (⩾14 emission h day−1), this contribution rose to 73%. Although power plant contribution to bulk deposition was lower in both cases (34% and 45%), the possible influence of sulphate coming with long-range transport events from the polluted areas in the Mediterranean basin (δ34S≈0 ) was not discarded

    Sulphur isotopes as tracers of the influence of a coal-fired power plant on a Scots pine forest in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    Stable sulphur isotopes and major ionic composition were analysed in precipitation and throughfall samples from a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) forest near the Cercs coal-fired power plant (Catalonia, NE Spain). The purpose of the study was to determine the main sources of sulphur deposition on this pine forest. Sulphur isotope measurements from the SO₂ power plant stack emissions were used to identify the isotopic signature of this source. Net throughfall fluxes of sulphur (26.1 kg S ha¹ yr־¹) and nitrogen (16.3 kg N ha־¹ yr־¹) were higher-5-25 times higher for S and 5-15 times for N-at this site than in other forests in Catalonia. Sulphur isotope analysis confirmed that the net throughfall fluxes of sulphur were mostly due to the dry deposition of the SO2 power plant emissions onto the pine canopies. Two potential atmospheric end-members were distinguished: regional background rainwater (δ³⁴S=+7.2‰) and power plant emissions (δ³⁴S=−2.8‰). By applying a two-component sulphur isotope mixing model, we found that during periods of low power plant activity (⩽10 emission h day¹) 62% of the throughfall sulphate could be attributed to the power plant emissions. At higher activity periods (⩾14 emission h day־¹), this contribution rose to 73%. Although power plant contribution to bulk deposition was lower in both cases (34% and 45%), the possible influence of sulphate coming with long-range transport events from the polluted areas in the Mediterranean basin (δ34S≈0‰) was not discarded

    Nitrate pollution of groundwater, all right... but nothing else?

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    Contamination from agricultural sources and, in particular, nitrate pollution, is one of the main concerns in groundwater management. However, this type of pollution entails the entrance of other substances into the aquifer, as well as it may promote other processes. In this study, we deal with hydrochemical and isotopic analysis of groundwater samples from four distinct zones in Catalonia (NE Spain), which include different lithological units, to investigate the influence of manure fertilization on the overall hydrochemical composition of groundwater. Results indicate that high nitrate concentrations, resulting from intense manure application, homogenize the contents of the major dissolved ions (i.e.; Cl-, SO42-, Ca2+, Na+, K+, and Mg2+). Moreover, positive linear relationships between nitrate and some ions are found indicating the magnitude of the fertilization impact on groundwater hydrochemistry. Nevertheless, the increasing concentration of specific ions is not only attributed to the manure input, but to the enhancing effect of manure and slurry upon the biogeochemical processes that control water-rock interactions. Such results raise awareness that such processes should be evaluated in advance in order to assess adequate groundwater resources assessmen

    Multi-isotopic and statistical approaches to trace nitrate pollution sources and assess natural attenuation in groundwater: examples from nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    [cat] Amb els objectius de traçar les fonts de nitrat i sulfat i de determinar si s'estan produint processos d'atenuació natural a les aigües subterrànies, s'han estudiat dues zones vulnerables a la contaminació per nitrats de Catalunya: les depressions de la Selva i del Baix Ter. Ambdues zones són hidrogeològicament complexes i estan caracteritzades per sistemes de flux regionals i locals afectats per una intensa extracció d'aigua subterrània i múltiples fonts de contaminació. La δ15N, δ18ONO3, δ34S i δ18OSO4 indiquen que la font de contaminació dominant de les aigües subterrànies és el purí aplicat als camps, tot i que els fertilitzants sintètics i les aigües residuals també s'han detectat isotòpicament. La mesura de la relació isotòpica del bor dissolt (δ11B), que no s’havia emprat abans en aquestes zones, confirma que la principal contribució de nitrogen és deguda a l’aplicació dels purins. La correlació positiva entre la δ15N i la δ18O del nitrat està d'acord amb l'existència de processos de desnitrificació natural. La δ34S i la δ18O del sulfat mostren que l'oxidació de pirites no està lligada a la desnitrificació, suggerint la matèria orgànica com el donador d'electrons que permet la reducció del nitrat. Les dades hidroquímiques i isotòpiques apunten que pot haver-hi una relació entre els processos de mescla d'aigua subterrània dels sistemes de flux local i regional i la desnitrificació natural del nitrat, sobretot en àrees associades a zones de falles i xarxes de fractures. Tenint en compte la naturalesa composicional de les dades obtingudes, s'ha aplicat un tractament estadístic apropiat a la hidroquímica i relacions isotòpiques de cinc zones vulnerables de Catalunya (Selva, Baix Ter, Lluçanès, Maresme i Osona) per tal d’establir-ne una comparativa.[eng] In the last decades, anthropogenic inputs of nitrogen to groundwater have dramatically increased, and they nowadays represent one of the most important water resources concerns as NO3-N has become the most ubiquitous chemical contaminant in the world's aquifers. Agriculture, farming activities and wastewater seepage are the main anthropogenic sources of water contamination in rural areas. Another factor that is known to contribute to the decline of groundwater quality is excessive groundwater withdrawal in relation to the natural average recharge. Intensive groundwater exploitation regimes largely disturb hydrogeological systems modifying natural flow paths, altering relationships between groundwater recharge/discharge areas and modifying the flux among aquifer formations. All these human activities have affected the rates and quality of groundwater resources. In order to address these issues, the origin, fate and transport of nitrate in groundwater have been extensively studied over the past decades. Stable isotope ratios of NO3 (d15N and d18ONO3), SO42-(d34S and d18OSO4), B (d11B) and C (d13CHCO3) have come to be successful tracers of pollution sources, and useful for assessing physico-chemical processes that affect pollutant fate. Aiming to fingerprint nitrate and sulfate sources and determine whether natural attenuation of pollution is occurring in groundwater, two nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain), the Selva and Baix Ter basins, have been studied applying multi-isotope and statistical approaches, in the frame of their hydrogeological settings. Both basins are characterized by regional and local, heterogeneous groundwater flow systems, disturbed by groundwater withdrawal from the different aquifer formations and at distinct rates and frequencies depending on the final water use (mainly for irrigation and for urban and farm supplies). In accordance with potentiometric, hydrochemical and isotopic data, the hydrogeology of the Selva hydrogeological system has been described in order to characterize the alteration brought about in the system by intensive current groundwater withdrawal, and to define the resulting groundwater hydrodynamics. Hydraulic head data indicate the relationships between geological formations in the range areas and the sedimentary infill of the basin. Tectonic elements, such as fault zones and the basement fracture network, play a significant role in the flow behavior, since they have a direct effect on the recharge and allow upward vertical flow to the aquifers constituted by the sedimentary infilling. The use of fluoride and nitrate as tracers for the contribution of deep and shallow flow systems, respectively, provides a detailed portrait of the effects of pumping on the flow path distribution. Therefore, two distinct flow systems, with specific groundwater qualities, have been identified: a regional, large-scale, longer residence time nitrate-free system, recharged from the surrounding ranges, and a local flow system fed by rainfall infiltration in the lower areas of the basin, and affected by anthropogenic activities. The interaction between both flow systems produces a dilution effect that modifies nitrate concentration. Indeed, hydrochemical data, along with d15N, d18ONO3, d34S, d18OSO4 and d13CHCO3 information, confirmed mixing between regional and local flow systems. The d15N, d18ONO3 and d34S indicated that the predominant sources of contamination in the basin are pig manure and synthetic fertilizers. Apart from dilution processes that can contribute to the decrease of nitrate concentrations, the positive correlation between d15N and d18ONO3 agreed with the occurrence of denitrification processes. The d34S and d18OSO4 indicated that oxidation of pyrites is not linked to denitrification, suggesting organic matter to be an electron donor. However, d13CHCO3 did not point to the occurrence of organic matter oxidation. Thus, it is proposed that the mixing processes between deeper regional and local surface groundwater allow denitrification to occur due to the reducing conditions of the regional groundwater. Results in the Baix Ter basin show a large range of groundwater nitrate concentrations, from no nitrate to up to 480 mg NO3 L-1. In the studied fluvio-deltaic formations d15N and d18ONO3 prove that natural denitrification is occurring, and in combination with d11B, confirm that pig manure application is the main vector of nitrate pollution, although sewage and mineral fertilizers are also isotopically fingerprinted. The natural reduction of nitrate happens in near­river environments and in areas hydrologically related to fault zones. d34S and d18OSO4 indicate that denitrification is not linked to the pyrite oxidation, but rather to the oxidation of organic matter. A statistical treatment attending to the compositional nature of available data has been applied using samples from five nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia: Baix Ter, Selva, Lluçanès, Maresme and Osona. Three different sets of variables have been used: only geochemical data, only isotope data, or both together. The aims were twofold. First, to establish a graphical comparative tool to discriminate between the different zones affected by nitrate pollution, looking for combinations of logratios of variables that have significantly different average values between the sampled regions. Second: to put forward a statistical methodology that integrates isotope data together with geochemical data. According to these aims, a linear discriminant analysis entering compositional data has been performed and the corresponding discriminant biplot has been depicted. It is remarkable the notable discriminating power when using only the isotope data set, although the optimal separation of regions is achieved when using both geochemical and isotope data subsets, as predicted by the theory of discriminant analysis. Obtaining all this information can help to understand the mechanisms that control groundwater nitrate contamination, and to evaluate the influence of anthropogenic activities and pressures over the aquifer system at a local as well as regional scale, as a basis for adopting an appropriate water management strategy

    Sulphur isotopes as tracers of the influence of a coal-fired power plant on a Scots pine forest in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    Stable sulphur isotopes and major ionic composition were analysed in precipitation and throughfall samples from a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) forest near the Cercs coal-fired power plant (Catalonia, NE Spain). The purpose of the study was to determine the main sources of sulphur deposition on this pine forest. Sulphur isotope measurements from the SO₂ power plant stack emissions were used to identify the isotopic signature of this source. Net throughfall fluxes of sulphur (26.1 kg S ha¹ yr־¹) and nitrogen (16.3 kg N ha־¹ yr־¹) were higher-5-25 times higher for S and 5-15 times for N-at this site than in other forests in Catalonia. Sulphur isotope analysis confirmed that the net throughfall fluxes of sulphur were mostly due to the dry deposition of the SO2 power plant emissions onto the pine canopies. Two potential atmospheric end-members were distinguished: regional background rainwater (δ³⁴S=+7.2‰) and power plant emissions (δ³⁴S=−2.8‰). By applying a two-component sulphur isotope mixing model, we found that during periods of low power plant activity (⩽10 emission h day¹) 62% of the throughfall sulphate could be attributed to the power plant emissions. At higher activity periods (⩾14 emission h day־¹), this contribution rose to 73%. Although power plant contribution to bulk deposition was lower in both cases (34% and 45%), the possible influence of sulphate coming with long-range transport events from the polluted areas in the Mediterranean basin (δ34S≈0‰) was not discarded

    Sulphur isotopes as tracers of the influence of a coal-fired power plant on a Scots pine forest in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    Stable sulphur isotopes and major ionic composition were analysed in precipitation and throughfall samples from a Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.) forest near the Cercs coal-fired power plant (Catalonia, NE Spain). The purpose of the study was to determine the main sources of sulphur deposition on this pine forest. Sulphur isotope measurements from the SO2 power plant stack emissions were used to identify the isotopic signature of this source. Net throughfall fluxes of sulphur (26.1 kg S ha 1 yr−1) and nitrogen (16.3 kg N ha−1 yr−1) were higher 5-25 times higher for S and 5-15 times for N at this site than in other forests in Catalonia. Sulphur isotope analysis confirmed that the net throughfall fluxes of sulphur were mostly due to the dry deposition of the SO2 power plant emissions onto the pine canopies. Two potential atmospheric end-members were distinguished: regional background rainwater (δ34S=+7.2 ) and power plant emissions (δ34S=−2.8 ). By applying a two-component sulphur isotope mixing model, we found that during periods of low power plant activity (⩽10 emission h day−1), 62% of the throughfall sulphate could be attributed to the power plant emissions. At higher activity periods (⩾14 emission h day−1), this contribution rose to 73%. Although power plant contribution to bulk deposition was lower in both cases (34% and 45%), the possible influence of sulphate coming with long-range transport events from the polluted areas in the Mediterranean basin (δ34S≈0 ) was not discarded

    Characterizing sources and natural attenuation of nitrate contamination in the Baix Ter aquifer system (NE Spain) using a multi-isotope approach

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    Nitrate pollution is a widespread issue affecting global water resources with significant economic and health ef- fects. Knowledge of both the corresponding pollution sources and of processes naturally attenuating them is thus of crucial importance in assessing water management policies and the impact of anthropogenic activities. In this study, an approach combining hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and multi-isotope systematics (8 isotopes) is used to characterize the sources of nitrate pollution and potential natural attenuation processes in a polluted basin of NE Spain. δ2H and δ18O isotopes were used to further characterize the sources of recharge of the aquifers. Results show that NO−3 is not homogeneously distributed and presents a large range of concentrations, from no NO−3 to up to 480 mg L−1. δ15N and δ18O of dissolved NO−3 identified manure as the main source of nitrate, although sew- age and mineral fertilizers can also be isotopically detected using boron isotopes (δ11B) and δ34S and δ18O of dis- solved sulphate, respectively. The multi-isotope approach proved that natural denitrification is occurring, especially in near-river environments or in areas hydrologically related to fault zones. δ34S and δ18O indicated that denitrification is not driven by pyrite oxidation but rather by the oxidation of organic matter. This could not be confirmed by the study of δ13CHCO3 that was buffered by the entanglement of other processes and sources

    Nitrate pollution of groundwater, all right... but nothing else?

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    Contamination from agricultural sources and, in particular, nitrate pollution, is one of the main concerns in groundwater management. However, this type of pollution entails the entrance of other substances into the aquifer, as well as it may promote other processes. In this study, we deal with hydrochemical and isotopic analysis of groundwater samples from four distinct zones in Catalonia (NE Spain), which include different lithological units, to investigate the influence of manure fertilization on the overall hydrochemical composition of groundwater. Results indicate that high nitrate concentrations, resulting from intense manure application, homogenize the contents of the major dissolved ions (i.e.; Cl-, SO42-, Ca2+, Na+, K+, and Mg2+). Moreover, positive linear relationships between nitrate and some ions are found indicating the magnitude of the fertilization impact on groundwater hydrochemistry. Nevertheless, the increasing concentration of specific ions is not only attributed to the manure input, but to the enhancing effect of manure and slurry upon the biogeochemical processes that control water-rock interactions. Such results raise awareness that such processes should be evaluated in advance in order to assess adequate groundwater resources assessmen

    Multi-isotopic and compositional exploration of factors controlling nitrate pollution

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    In Catalonia, according to the nitrate directive (91/676/EU), nine areas have been declared as vulnerable to nitrate pollution from agricultural sources (Decret 283/1998 and Decret 479/2004). Five of these areas have been studied coupling hydro chemical data with a multi-isotopic approach (Vitòria et al. 2005, Otero et al. 2007, Puig et al. 2007), in an ongoing research project looking for an integrated application of classical hydrochemistry data, with a comprehensive isotopic characterisation (δ15N and δ18O of dissolved nitrate, δ34S and δ18O of dissolved sulphate, δ13C of dissolved inorganic carbon, and δD and δ18O of water). Within this general frame, the contribution presented explores compositional ways of: (i) distinguish agrochemicals and manure N pollution, (ii) quantify natural attenuation of nitrate (denitrification), and identify possible controlling factors.To achieve this two-fold goal, the following techniques have been used. Separate biplots of each suite of data show that each studied region has a distinct δ34S and pH signatures, but they are homogeneous with regard to NO3- related variables. Also, the geochemical variables were projected onto the compositional directions associated with the possible denitrification reactions in each region. The resulting balances can be plot together with some isotopes, to assess their likelihood of occurrenceGeologische Vereinigung; Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya; International Association for Mathematical Geology; Càtedra Lluís Santaló d’Aplicacions de la Matemàtica; Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Recerca; Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; Ingenio 2010

    Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphical modelling supporting the evaluation of fluoride enrichment in groundwater: Lakes basin (Central Ethiopia)

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    Study region The Lakes Basin is located in the Main Ethiopian Rift. It covers the northern part of the rift valley basin, the Upper Awash River basin, and some sub-basins from the Omo River basin. Due to the presence of high fluoride (F−) content, natural contamination of groundwater has long been recognized as a water-related health issue in the area. Study focus A multidisciplinary research effort, including geological, hydrogeological, hydro-chemical, and geophysical investigations, was adopted to understand the 3D hydrogeological conceptual model and to evaluate F− enrichment in groundwater. New hydrological insights for the region The 3D hydrogeological conceptual model shows a complex hydrogeological environment and a clear hydraulic interconnection between different aquifers. The geological setting has deeply influenced the geometry of the aquifers, recharge and discharge areas, and F− enrichment in groundwater. Two hydrogeological units, namely sedimentary and volcanic multi-aquifers, were identified. The analyses of groundwater circulation, flow paths, and distribution of F- concentrations in each aquifer were conducted. In groundwater, the concentration of fluoride varies from 0.1 to 68.9 mg L−1; in surface water, it ranges from 0.6 to 244.2 mg L−1. Fluoride concentration of 62 % of the water samples analyzed exceeded the 1.5 mg L−1 WHO threshold for fluoride concentration in drinking water. The proposed methodological approach has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool that could be applied in other similar areas