160 research outputs found

    The process of building innovation capabilities

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    The main objective of this PhD dissertation is to discuss the process of building innovation capabilities over time. To understand how to couple stability and change into an organized firm over time, it is necessary to understand how the firm is organized based on its internal innovation capabilities arrangement, what are the possible paths to build innovation capabilities and which paths are related to firm’s success and failure. Therefore, this PhD dissertation addresses these issues through three sequential papers written from 2017 to 2021 and based on the innovation capability model, proposed by Zawislak et al. (2012), encompassing four dimensions (development, operations, management, and transaction capability). The three papers analyze the innovation capabilities of the same sample of manufacturing firms in two different moments in time, 2014 and 2020, and enlighten the discussion on the process of building innovation capabilities. The first paper presents the different types of organization of the firm, the second paper suggests paths to be followed by these firms towards innovation, and finally the third paper presents the process of building innovation and discusses successful and failed paths based on panel data. This PhD dissertation concludes that the process of building innovation capabilities should be toward transaction and development capabilities to ensure competitive performance over time.O principal objetivo desta tese de doutorado é discutir o processo de construção de capacidades de inovação ao longo do tempo. Para entender como associar estabilidade e mudança em uma firma organizada ao longo do tempo, é necessário entender como a firma está organizada com base em seu arranjo interno de capacidades de inovação, quais são os caminhos possíveis para construir capacidades de inovação e quais caminhos estão relacionados com o sucesso e fracasso da firma. Esta tese aborda essas questões por meio de três artigos sequenciais escritos de 2017 a 2021 e embasados no modelo de capacidades de inovação proposto por Zawislak et al. (2012) que envolve quatro dimensões (desenvolvimento, operação, gestão e transação). Os três artigos analisam as capacidades de inovação da mesma amostra de firmas industriais em dois momentos diferentes, 2014 e 2020, e baseiam a discussão sobre o processo de construção de capacidades de inovação. O primeiro artigo apresenta os diferentes tipos de organização da firma, o segundo artigo sugere caminhos a serem seguidos por diferentes firmas rumo à inovação e, por fim, o terceiro artigo apresenta o processo de construção da inovação e discute caminhos de sucesso e fracasso com base em dados em painel. Esta tese conclui que o processo de construção de capacidades de inovação deve ser voltado para as capacidades de transação e desenvolvimento a fim de garantir um desempenho competitivo ao longo do tempo

    The Evolution and Ecology of Hygrochastic Capsule Dehiscence

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    This dissertation aims to explore hygrochasy in different genera of various habitats by investigating biomechanics, challenging accepted hypotheses and broadening the knowledge of the ecology and evolution of this dispersal mechanism. Hygrochasy, the dehiscence of capsules in response to moisture, is a specialized plant movement that facilitates primary dispersal by raindrops. This research enhances the understanding of this intriguing plant behaviour with a multidisciplinary approach outlined in the following paragraphs. Hygrochastic New Zealand Veronica (Plantaginaceae) have been identified and investigated in regards to the anatomy and biomechanics of their opening mechanism and comparisons to related ripening dehiscent species have been drawn. Light microscopy has been used to analyse the capsule anatomy and function, while multivariate methods have been used to explore the data and associations with other characters. A swelling tissue in the septum, which absorbs water quickly and expands and a lignified resistance tissue have been found to cause the opening of hygrochastic capsules. This imbibition mechanism can be found in a number of hygrochastic genera in different habitats but the position of involved tissues due to capsule anatomy is unique for New Zealand Veronica. Morphological analysis revealed that hygrochasy in Veronica is most likely associated with solitary, erect, narrowly angustiseptate capsules on short peduncles of creeping subshrubs or cushions. The hypothesis that hygrochasy in alpine Veronica is an adaptation to ensure short distance dispersal to safe sites is explored. Dispersal distances were measured in the field and in laboratory experiments and habitat patch size was measured for hygrochastic and related non-hygrochastic species. Habitat patches for alpine hygrochastic Veronica are small and distinctly different from surrounding habitat. They provide safe sites due to their microtopography and the presence of adult cushion plants. Hygrochastic capsules facilitate ombrohydrochory by raindrops, which is an antitelechoric strategy previously reported from desert plant species. For the first time directed short distance dispersal to safe sites could be demonstrated in alpine hygrochastic species. Additionally, environmental attributes for known locations of hygrochastic and related non-hygrochastic Veronica were obtained from LENZ IV in arcGIS. These have been used to identify the environmental amplitude for each species as well as variations in habitat. Non-hygrochastic species show a higher environmental amplitude and grow in a wider range and variety of habitats than hygrochastic species. Hygrochastic Veronica are specialists with a narrow ecological niche and are usually confined to small habitat patches in specific alpine habitats. By combining both approaches I show that hygrochasy in alpine Veronica not only supports safe site strategies in seed dispersal but that hygrochastic Veronica are limited to special habitats requiring specific edaphic conditions. Short-distance dispersal also ensures the persistence of existing populations in these rare habitats. Opening of some sessile New Zealand Colobanthus capsules during rain has been observed in the field and I carried out investigations regarding hygrochastic movements in this genus. Various staining and sectioning techniques for light microscopy have been carried out and scanning electron microscopy has been used to further analyse capsule anatomy. Statistical analysis similar to the investigation of Veronica capsules was employed. In contrast to other species with hygrochastic capsules, Colobanthus capsules are not lignified. Here, opening under wet conditions is a result of a combination of imbibition and cohesion mechanisms. Outer cells of the capsule have a thickened outer cell wall, which absorbs moisture, whereas the inner cells have thin cell walls and the cell lumen swells when water is absorbed. Interestingly, all Colobanthus species have the same capsule anatomy and are therefore capable of hygrochastic opening. Earlier it was assumed that only Colobanthus species with sessile capsules might potentially be hygrochastic. In order to understand the relations between those species and other Colobanthus and to investigate whether this genus is monophyletic, I attempted to solve the phylogeny of this genus. I used the nuclear marker ITS and the chloroplast markers rps16 and trnT-trnE to investigate the phylogeny with parsimony and Bayesian analyses. A number of outgroups in the family of Caryophyllaceae were used to test for monophyly of Colobanthus. Analyses of combined datasets show that the genus Colobanthus is monophyletic with Sagina as sister clade. Colobanthus forms a crown clade with no distinct differences between species. Results suggest a very recent speciation but further study with different markers or AFLPs is warranted, since the markers used in this study showed very little variation. Hygrochasy has previously been reported and described to some extent in some North American Oenothera (Onagraceae) of subclade B, characterized by winged fruits. Here, I use the same methods employed by Poppendieck to extend the list of known hygrochastic Oenothera and I also describe xerochasy in one additional species. The position of the swelling tissue and resistance tissue is the same in all hygrochastic Oenothera, whereas the positions of these tissues are reversed in the xerochastic species. Hygrochastic movement was also observed in a ripening dehiscent species of subclade B, which is characterized by lanceoloid fruits. Here, hygrochasy occurs when the exocarp disintegrates and the endocarp expands after water absorption, similar to hygrochastic species of subclade B. However, due to the morphology of the capsule, the opening of the fruit does not resolve in a wide splash cup. Hypotheses for hygrochastic capsules have mostly been developed for plants in arid regions. The most prevalent theories are that hygrochasy restricts dispersal in time by limiting dispersal events to rainfall events and therefore favourable germination conditions. Also, hygrochasy restricts seed dispersal to short distances, which increases the survival chance of seeds in the very local parental habitat, rather than surrounding harsh environments. However, hygrochasy occurs in a wide range of unrelated genera in a variety of habitats. Here, I investigate whether the widely accepted hypotheses for arid species also apply to hygrochastic Oenothera in North America. Dispersal experiments, cluster analysis of morphological traits and the analysis of environmental and distribution data were used in this study and compared with similar data for hygrochastic Veronica in New Zealand and hygrochastic Aizoaceae in Southern Africa. Character evolution was also investigated using the latest published phylogenies of Oenothera and Veronica. Results indicate that none of the hypotheses for hygrochasy applies to current day Oenothera. However, it appears that hygrochasy evolved only once in this genus and previous research implies that Oenothera have evolved as part of the Madro-Tertiary flora in the mid- to late Miocene. The Madro-Tertiary flora evolved in a dry, highly seasonal climate. Possessing hygrochastic capsules would be advantageous to restrict dispersal to rare rainfall events in the wet seasons. It therefore appears that at least the temporal restriction hypothesis applies to Oenothera at the time of their evolution. Other, unknown factors might play a role in the persistence of this character

    Parents’ economic migration and the psychological well-being of their Polish children

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    Aim: The aim of the study was to analyze mental well-being, especially anxiety and a sense of loneliness of Polish children temporarily separated from their parent or parents who are migrating for economic reasons, and children who went abroad with their parents. Methods: Explicit Anxiety Scale was used to measure anxiety “Jaki Jesteś?” (“What are you like?” by Skrzypek and Choynowski) (textbook by Zwierzyńska, Matuszewski, 2007) and the Polish versions of the UCLA Loneliness Scale were used to measure loneliness (by Russell, Peplau, & Cutrona, adapted by Rembowski, 1992). Test results were supplemented with an interview with children. 320 children from different types of migrant families participated in the study. Results: the highest level of anxiety is felt by children temporarily separated from their mother, and children who, together with their parents, went abroad and find it difficult to adapt to the new environment. The duration of emigration was an important factor. Most children in the sample ‒ regardless of the type of migratory family ‒ feel lonely, do not feel strong ties with close relatives, do not feel understood by them, do not feel associated with a peer group. Conclusion: The results of the research indicate the necessity to take actions in the area of institutional and legal as well as psychological support for families and children both in the situation of going abroad and returning from migration. The most important directions of activities concerning the creation of environmental forms of separation compensation and the environmental assistance system for the migration family are indicated at the stage of prevention related to people planning trips

    Dysproporcje w rozwoju poznawczym i emocjonalno-społecznym a potrzeby uczniów zdolnych

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    Parents and teachers are struggling with various problems concerning children with high intelligence, outstanding academic abilities, who are usually called gifted children, without consideration that this group also includes children possessing other types of special abilities (e.g. artistic, scientific, leadership). There are many causes of the problems. One of them is asynchronous development of the child prodigies and their unique individual characteristics. Other causes result from external factors. The most important are: diagnostic difficulties leading to erroneous, often late identification of gifted students among peers and neglecting of their needs. Another is insufficient professional knowledge of parents and teachers on the specifics of the development of gifted children, the use of common knowledge to explain the unusual behaviour of these children, depending on the type and level of ability, lack of understanding of their needs and the lack of support that takes into consideration these personal and learning needs. The article focuses on reminding the most common problems in the development and behaviour of gifted children.Rodzice i nauczyciele zmagają się z różnymi problemami dotyczącymi dzieci o dużej inteligencji, wybitnie uzdolnionych akademicko, o których zwykle mówi się jako o dzieciach zdolnych, zapominając, że do tej grupy należą także dzieci dysponujące innymi rodzajami zdolności specjalnych (m.in.: artystycznych, ścisłych, przywódczych). Przyczyn problemów jest wiele. Należą do nich np. asynchroniczny rozwój dzieci wybitnie zdolnych i ich unikalne cechy indywidualne. Inne przyczyny wynikają z czynników zewnętrznych. Do najważniejszych zaliczyć można: trudności diagnostyczne prowadzące do błędnej, często późnej identyfikacji uczniów zdolnych w gronie rówieśników i zaniedbania ich potrzeb. Kolejne to: niedostateczna wiedza profesjonalna rodziców i nauczycieli na temat specyfiki rozwoju dzieci zdolnych, korzystanie z wiedzy potocznej do wyjaśniania nietypowych zachowań tych dzieci w zależności od rodzaju i poziomu zdolności, niezrozumienie potrzeb osobistych i edukacyjnych dzieci zdolnych i brak wsparcia uwzględniającego owe potrzeby. W artykule skoncentrowano się na przypomnieniu najczęściej występujących trudności w rozwoju i zachowaniu dzieci zdolnych

    Plant density can increase invertebrate postdispersal seed predation in an experimental grassland community

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    Janzen–Connell effects are negative effects on the survival of a plant’s progeny at high conspecific densities or close to its conspecifics. Although the role of Janzen–Connell effects on the maintenance of plant diversity was frequently studied, only few studies targeted Janzen–Connell effects via postdispersal seed predation in temperate grassland systems. We examined effects of conspecific density (abundance of conspecific adult plants) on postdispersal seed predation by invertebrates of three grassland species (Centaurea jacea, Geranium pratense, and Knautia arvensis) in experimental plant communities. Additionally, we examined the impact of plant species richness and different seed predator communities on total and relative seed predation (= seed predation of one plant species relative to others). We offered seeds in an exclusion experiment, where treatments allowed access for (1) arthropods and slugs, (2) arthropods only, (3) small arthropods only, and (4) slugs only. Treatments were placed in plots covering a gradient of abundance of conspecific adults at different levels of plant species richness (1, 2, 3, 4, 8 species). Two of the plant species (C. jacea and K. arvensis) experienced higher rates of seed predation and relative predation with increasing abundance of conspecific adults. For C. jacea, this effect was mitigated with increasing plant species richness. Differences in seed predator communities shifted seed predation between the plant species and changed the magnitude of seed predation of one plant species relative to the others. We exemplify density-dependent increase in seed predation via invertebrates in grassland communities shaping both the total magnitude of species-specific seed predation and seed predation of one species relative to others. Further differences in seed predator groups shift the magnitude of seed predation between different plant species. This highlights the importance of invertebrate seed predation to structure grasslands via density-dependent effects and differing preferences of consumer groups

    Functionality of the Family System in the Perception of Adolescent Students with Different Levels of Creative Attitudes

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    The article analyses adolescents’ perceptions of the functionality of the family system (N = 335 persons, age 16–18 years) in the light of different levels of creative and reproductive attitudes. The results showed no significant relationships between a global sense of family functionality and the level of creative and reproductive attitudes of adolescents, but significant negative relationships were obtained between the intensity of family developmental difficulties and nonconformity and heuristic behaviour: components of creative attitude. It was also found that algorithmic behaviour (the cognitive component of reproductive attitudes) positively correlates with family cohesion and mutual understanding: positive dimensions of the functioning of the family system. In turn, conformism correlated with the adolescents' perception of the pathogenic roles of family members. The results obtained justify the need for further research on family determinants of the formation of creative attitudes in adolescents.Pufal-Struzik, Irena: irenapufal; Agnieszka Szewczyk: [email protected], Irena: Department of Psychology, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, 11 Krakowska St., 25-029 Kielce, Poland.; Agnieszka Szewczyk, Faculty of Education and Arts, Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, 6/11 Domaniówka St., 25-413 Kielce, Poland1111913

    Surviving Fallout 4: A Design Fiction

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    ABSTRACT For many people in the so-called developed (industrial) world, it's hard to imagine a world of true scarcity within our present context of relative abundance. The fundamental assumptions of neoliberalism and late-stage capitalism require continuous economic growth, and continuous resource consumption at the industrial scale. This same need to consume is mirrored in America's "consumer culture" at the household and individual scales. This behavior is unsustainable, but it is implicated within massive socio-political structures that rob individuals of any meaningful agency while eliding the real and impending consequences of human activity on our climate, food networks, and water supply (IPCC 2014). Looking into the potential future that arises from our continued inability to check our own expansion and consumption of resources, we can imagine a world with limited food supplies, unpredictable and extreme weather, mass extinctions, and the collapse of global infrastructures. In such a world, people might band together within factional and nomadic pseudo-tribal social structures, or take up arms to prey upon the unwary, all while eking out survival as parasites and scavengers, reappropriating the technological remnants of industrial society. Such is the case in the simulated postapocalyptic wasteland of Fallout 4 Engagement with game worlds can produce complex player engagements that often extend beyond the boundaries of the simulation. We see this in fan-production practices such as cosplay, fanfiction, role playing, and game-"modding" (Jenkins 2012). These worlds are compelling, so what can we do with them? Fallout 4 is set in an alternative-future version of Boston, Massachusetts in the years following 2077. The world is much akin to our own, save for a historical and technological development timeline that begins to diverge sometime around 1945

    Fast and simple method of morphine extraction from the blood

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    Wstęp/Materiał i metody. W badaniu oceniano wydajność ekstrakcji morfiny z krwi pełnej metodą ciecz-ciecz za pomocą 3 układów rozpuszczalników organicznych. Wyniki. Najwyższy procent odzysku morfiny z krwi (92,5%) obserwowano, stosując mieszaninę izopropanolu i chloroformu (9:1), natomiast niższy, choć nadal zadowalający, gdy używano acetonitrylu (72,7%) lub dichlorometanu (67,1%). Wnioski. Izolacja morfiny z krwi pełnej za pomocą ekstrakcji ciecz-ciecz z zastosowaniem mieszaniny izopropanolu i chloroformu jest metodą szybką, wydajną i łatwą do przeprowadzenia w każdym laboratorium.Background/Material and methods. In this study we evaluated the efficiency of morphine extraction from the whole blood by liquid-liquid methods using three types of organic solvents. Results. The highest average recovery rate was observed for the 9:1 mixture of isopropanol and chloroform (92.5%). Lower, but still satisfactory, recovery rate was observed for acetonitril (72.7%) and dichloromethane (67.1%). Conclusions. Isolation of morphine from the whole blood by simple solvent extraction with isopropanol-chloroform mixture is fast, efficient and easily accessible for each laboratory

    Motor development in the hospitalized infant and its biological and environmental characteristics

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    Introduction: Hospitalization is a risk factor for delayed motor development, due to the lack of adequate stimulation; therefore, it is important to assess child development during hospital admission.Methods: In this study, motor development of previously healthy hospitalized infants was assessed and associated with biological and environmental characteristics, including length of hospital stay and physiotherapeutic treatment. The assessment was made before discharge, with questionnaires and a motor assessment scale.Results: The sample of 32 infants aged from zero to 18 months had an average length of hospital stay of 4.94±2.39 days. 50% of infants were girls (n = 16) and mostly belonged to socioeconomic class C (n = 16). Length of hospital stay explained only 3.3% of motor development variation, showing no significant impact. Infants from lower socioeconomic classes were nearly six times more susceptible to motor delays than those belonging to higher classes (p = 0.05). During hospitalization, 25% of the sample (n = 8) was treated with physiotherapy. All these patients were hospitalized for respiratory dysfunction and presented five times less chance of altered motor development when compared to those who did not undergo physiotherapy.Conclusion: These results should be interpreted with caution, since the type of physiotherapy care provided and infant’s degree of motor impairment were unknown. In this study, length of stay and hospital environment were not significant risk factors when analyzed individually, concluding that the greater the exposure and the amount of associated factors, the more susceptible the infant will be to present motor delays.Keywords: Child development; hospitalization; developmental disabilities Introduction: Hospitalization is a risk factor for delayed motor development, due to the lack of adequate stimulation; therefore, it is important to assess child development during hospital admission. Methods: In this study, motor development of previously healthy hospitalized infants was assessed and associated with biological and environmental characteristics, including length of hospital stay and physiotherapeutic treatment. The assessment was made before discharge, with questionnaires and a motor assessment scale. Results: The sample of 32 infants aged from zero to 18 months had an average length of hospital stay of 4.94 ± 2.39 days. 50% of infants were girls (n = 16) and mostly belonged to socioeconomic class C (n = 16). Length of hospital stay explained only 3.3% of motor development variation, showing no significant impact. Infants from lower socioeconomic classes were nearly six times more susceptible to motor delays than those belonging to higher classes (p = 0.05). During hospitalization, 25% of the sample (n = 8) was treated with physiotherapy. All these patients were hospitalized for respiratory dysfunction and presented five times less chance of altered motor development when compared to those who did not undergo physiotherapy. Conclusion: These results should be interpreted with caution, since the type of physiotherapy care provided and infant’s degree of motor impairment were unknown. In this study, length of stay and hospital environment were not significant risk factors when analyzed individually, concluding that the greater the exposure and the amount of associated factors, the more susceptible the infant will be to present motor delays.Keywords: Child development; hospitalization; developmental disabilities 

    Temperament i motywacja osiągnięć menedżerów

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    The article analyzes the issue of managers’ temperament and motivation to achieve from a personological perspective. The main research goal was to diagnose the state of psychological properties in the context of variables such as: position held, years of work, and sex of the manager. The research used the questionnaire temperament PTS and the LMI Achievement Motivation Questionnaire. The results gathered in a 216-person group of managers with an average age of 41 were analyzed. The statistical inference allowed the formulation of the following conclusions. There is a relationship between temperament and the motivation behind the manager’s achievements. Temperament is a predictor of the motivation of the manager’s achievements. A chairman, CEO or manager do not differ in temperament, but the manager is less independent than the chairman. With the growing number of years at work, the compensatory effort, taking care of prestige and perseverance are reduced also in the manager’s position. The longer the total seniority, the less satisfaction with the achievements and the lower self-control. As far as temperament is concerned, statistically women show significantly higher level of mobility of nervous processes, and in the scope of achievement motivation – higher enthusiasm for learning and goal orientation. On the other hand, the level of satisfaction with achievements and self-control is statistically significantly higher in male managers. The research results can be used in recruitment as well as for directing the development of the psychological potential of male and female managers.W artykule analizie poddano zagadnienie temperamentu i motywacji osiągnięć menedżerów w ujęciu personologicznym. Głównym celem badawczym była diagnoza stanu właściwości psychologicznych w kontekście takich zmiennych, jak: zajmowane stanowisko, lata pracy, płeć menedżera. W badaniach zastosowano Kwestionariusz Temperamentu PTS oraz Inwentarz Motywacji Osiągnięć LMI. Przeanalizowano wyniki 216-osobowej grupy menedżerów o średniej wieku 41 lat. Analiza statystyczna pozwala na sformułowanie następujących wniosków. Istnieje związek między temperamentem a motywacją osiągnięć menedżera. Temperament jest predyktorem motywacji osiągnięć menedżera. Prezes, dyrektor i kierownik nie różnią się od siebie temperamentem, ale kierownik jest mniej niezależny niż prezes. Wraz z długością ogólnego stażu zawodowego również na stanowisku menedżera zmniejsza się wysiłek kompensacyjny, dbanie o prestiż i wytrwałość. Im dłuższy staż pracy ogółem, tym mniejsza satysfakcja z osiągnięć i samokontrola menedżera. Menedżerki charakteryzuje w zakresie temperamentu istotnie statystycznie wyższy poziom ruchliwości procesów nerwowych, a w zakresie motywacji osiągnięć – wyższy zapał do nauki oraz ukierunkowanie na cel. Natomiast menedżerowie posiadają istotnie statystycznie wyższy poziom satysfakcji z osiągnięć oraz samokontroli. Wyniki badań można wykorzystać zarówno w selekcji, jak i do ukierunkowania rozwoju potencjału psychologicznego menedżerów i menedżerek