239 research outputs found

    INAUT, a Controlled Language for the French Coast Pilot Books Instructions nautiques

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    We describe INAUT, a controlled natural language dedicated to collaborative update of a knowledge base on maritime navigation and to automatic generation of coast pilot books (Instructions nautiques) of the French National Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service SHOM. INAUT is based on French language and abundantly uses georeferenced entities. After describing the structure of the overall system, giving details on the language and on its generation, and discussing the three major applications of INAUT (document production, interaction with ENCs and collaborative updates of the knowledge base), we conclude with future extensions and open problems.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication at Fourth Workshop on Controlled Natural Language (CNL 2014), 20-22 August 2014, Galway, Irelan


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    Editorial International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 2009, vol. 2, n° 1, pp. 1-3 Special Issue on Telemedicine & E-HealthInternational audienc

    Immunogenetics of extinct woolly mammoths and extant elephants

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    Anthropogenic pressure and climate change are the main causes of biodiversity loss. It is estimated that by 2050 the extinction of living species could reach 40%. Loss of genetic diversity, inbreeding depression, and mutation deleterious accumulation are the underlying mechanisms that might increase extinction risk reducing the adaptive potential of the endangered populations. Paleogenomics has helped to understand the population dynamics and evolution of extinct megafauna, however, causes of extinction may be species-specific. This PhD thesis is focused to understand the evolutionary dynamics of the immunity in populations of the extinct woolly mammoth and the three extant elephant species. Mammoths and elephants represent the Proboscidean order, a group that has undergone rapid diversification and extinction processes, thus providing fundamental insight into the genetic drivers of both extinction and conservation in closely related species. The approach consisted in analyze the spatiotemporal mammoths immunodiversity during the Late Pleistocene using in- solution target hybridization capture and next-generation sequencing. As a result, deleterious alleles segregate in mammoth populations and were maintained at considerable frequencies during the Late Pleistocene. On the other hand, immunogenetic diversity of TLRs and MHC was measured in the three living elephant populations by incorporation of a novel high throughput multilocus genotyping. Inbreeding and heterozygosity deficiency are decreasing genetic diversity in elephant populations that may implicate a depletion of the immune response, interesting, balancing selection is acting as rebound effect to maintain the MHC diversity. The findings found in this study provides important insight to quantify genetic threats in extinct and endangered species

    Área en unidades triangulares

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    El presente trabajo está enmarcado en los pensamientos espacial y métrico propuestos por el MEN (2006). En él se presenta un taller relacionado con la construcción de una fórmula que permita hallar el área de figuras planas en unidades triangulares(utilizando como unidad de medida un triángulo equilátero de lado 1 centímetro). Este taller se estructuró gracias al trabajo realizado durante algunas de las sesiones de clase del espacio de formación Didáctica de la Geometría, asignatura de quinto semestre del proyecto curricular Licenciatura en Educación Básica con Énfasis en Matemáticas dirigido por el docente William Jiménez, REPITE EN PÁGINAS 2 Y 3 además de tener en cuenta algunos referentes teóricos para su consecución

    Reliability evaluation of incomplete AIS trajectories

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    International audienceAutomatic Identification System (AIS) data are prone to alterations that impede signal storage, producing incomplete trajectories. Since trajectory analysis assumes complete AIS data sets, incomplete trajectories are discarded. Yet, those data sets contain proper values, which could be exploited. This paper describes an approach to estimate the degree of reliability assigned to missing segments of a vessel trajectory, depending on meaningful statistical variations of recorded and predicted vessel positions. The approach was tested on real AIS data of three vessels. Results suggest that reliability can be determined from vessel speed and heading variations

    Los niveles de van hiele, ejemplo en un modelo de geometría euclídea donde las rectas son redondas

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    Se presentan algunos resultados del trabajo realizado por estudiantes del curso Didáctica de la Geometría, en el que se estudió la relación de las representaciones de algunos axiomas en un modelo diferente al euclídeo, donde cualquier recta debe pasar por un punto afín, con los niveles de razonamiento presentados por van Hiele y las habilidades propuestas por Hoffer para estos niveles

    Full Reference Video Quality Model for UHD HEVC Encoded Sequences

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    International audienceDespite its relative robustness, subjective video quality evaluation is a time-consuming and costly process. Alternatives are required therefore to simplify visual quality estimation, particularly in the case of new video formats. This paper presents an analysis of full reference quality metrics focused on Ultra High Definition sequences, encoded with H.265/High Efficiency Video Coding. After evaluating the individual performance of three objective video quality metrics - structural similarity, gradient difference, and motion distortion - an optimal combination is defined, to be weighted by three perceptibility criteria, considering luminance, motion, and texture masks, in uniform and selective perception contexts. Performances at each step are compared by correlation, to subjective scores of each sequence given by Subjective Assessment Methodology of Video Quality session. A close correlation to subjective quality measurements is measured applying three indicators

    Caracterización molecular y análisis evolutivo de receptores de células Natural Killer tipo lectina en primates neotropicales

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    La mayoría de las especies de primates neotropicales en Colombia se encuentran amenazadas o en peligro de extinción, debido principalmente a la destrucción de su hábitat y al aumento de la morbi-mortalidad como consecuencia de enfermedades infecciosas y malignas. En la interfase entre el sistema inmune adaptativo y el innato de los mamíferos, las células Natural Killer (NK) juegan un papel fundamental en el reconocimiento y eliminación de células malignas e infectadas por virus. La función de las células NK está regulada por receptores activadores e inhibidores específicos para moléculas del Complejo Mayor de Histocompatibilidad clase I presentes en las células blanco. Los receptores de células NK se clasifican en dos familias estructurales, la familia de las inmunoglobulinas y la de las lectinas. En el presente trabajo se caracterizaron dos receptores de células NK tipo lectina específicos para MHC clase I: CD94 y NKG2D, en nueve especies de primates de Colombia. RNA total se extrajo a partir de sangre periférica y fue amplificado por retrotranscriptasa reversa (RT)-PCR con iniciadores específicos. Los productos de amplificación fueron clonados y al menos 10 clones por cada individuo se secuenciaron por el método de Sanger. Las secuencias obtenidas mostraron un alto grado de conservación con aquellas de humanos y otros primates. Análisis filogenéticos con estas secuencias produjeron árboles que reflejan la filogenia de las especies. A pesar de su conservación, los genes que codifican para estos dos receptores tienen la capacidad de generar niveles altos de variabilidad mediante mecanismos de procesamiento alternativo del RNA. Catorce isoformas de CD94 y seis de NKG2D se identificaron, algunas de ellas presentes en todas las especies estudiadas mientras que otras están restringidas a solo un grupo de especies. Las variantes comunes a varias especies han sido probablemente seleccionadas para llevar a cabo funciones distintas a la de la forma completa. El modelamiento por homología de las estructuras mostró que la mayoría de las variantes son incapaces de interactuar con las moléculas del MHC clase I en la célula blanco, pero conservan regiones que podrían interactuar con otros ligandos. Los resultados de este estudio indican que los receptores de células NK tipo lectina CD94 y NKG2D son altamente conservados para funciones de reconocimiento del MHC, pero muestran un alto grado de diversificación por mecanismos de procesamiento alternativo del ARN que probablemente amplían su rango de especificidades.Abstract. Most species of New World primates in Colombia are threatened or endangered, mainly due to habitat destruction and increased morbidity and mortality from infectious and malignant diseases. At the interface between the adaptive and the innate immune system of mammals, Natural Killer (NK) cells play a critical role in the recognition and elimination of malignant and virally infected cells. The role of NK cells is regulated by activators and inhibitors receptors that are specific for molecules of the Major Histocompatibility Complex class I present in the target cells. NK cell receptors are classified into two structural families, the immunoglobulins and lectins classes. In this thesis in nine Colombian New World Primate species, the CD94 and NKG2D C type lectine receptors specific to MHC class I molecules were characterized. Total RNA was extracted from peripheral blood, it was amplyfied by reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR using specific primers. The amplification products were cloned and at least 10 clones per individual were sequenced by the Sanger method. The gene sequences are highly conserved with humans and othe primates. Phylogenetic analysis with this results produced trees that reflect the species phylogeny. Although conservation, the genes coding for these two receptors are capable to produce high levels of variability by alternative splicing mechanisms. Fourteen isoforms of CD94 and six of NKG2D were identified, some of which are present in all species studied while others are restricted only one group of species. In several species common variants have probably been evolutionary selected to perform different functions of the complete protein. Homology modeling of structures showed that most of the variants are unable to interact with MHC class I molecules on the target cell, however, these retain regions that could be interact with other ligands. The results of this study indicate that CD94 and NKG2D NK lectine receptors are hihhly conserved for MHC recognition functions, but show a high degree of diversification led by alternative splicing mechanisms that probably expand their range of specificities.Maestrí

    Las competencias laborales generales como configuradoras de ethos personal. Equilibrio entre racionalidad instrumental y racionalidad práctica.

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    1 documento en PDF de 127 páginas​​La definición de competencia que impera en la actualidad es la orientada al resultado, al saber hacer, aquella que está asociada a la racionalidad instrumental. Sin embargo, dicha concepción no responde del todo a la intención de formación de estudiantes competentes que aprendan lo que tienen que aprender como personas, como miembros activos de la sociedad y como seres que emprenden con acierto sus proyectos de vida, fortaleciendo así la racionalidad práctica. Por eso, hablar de Competencias Laborales Generales, es hablar del desarrollo de competencias para la vida. Es hablar de competencias que no solamente están asociadas a la productividad y la competitividad, sino que antes están asociadas a atributos personales, a actitudes, pero sobre todo a hábitos, al modo de ser personal, al saber obrar, y que más allá de llevar a que la persona haga, conducen a que la persona sea de un modo determinado. Es así que el presente trabajo de profundización está orientado a recuperar las Competencias Laborales Generales de tipo intelectual, personal e interpersonal, las cuales han venido siendo marginadas del currículo por la errónea concepción que se tienen de las mismas, analizando sus alcances y limitaciones como configuradoras de Ethos personal, determinándolas como unas herramientas que permiten lograr el equilibrio entre la racionalidad instrumental y la racionalidad práctica

    Experimental intra-abdominal hypertension influences airway pressure limits for lung protective mechanical ventilation

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    BACKGROUND: Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS) may complicate monitoring of pulmonary mechanics owing to their impact on the respiratory system. However, recommendations for mechanical ventilation of patients with IAH/ACS and the interpretation of thoracoabdominal interactions remain unclear. Our study aimed to characterize the influence of elevated intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on airway plateau pressure (PPLAT) and bladder pressure (PBLAD). METHODS: Nine deeply anesthetized swineweremechanically ventilated via tracheostomy: volume-controlled mode at tidal volume (VT) of 10mL/kg, frequency of 15, inspiratory-expiratory ratio of 1:2, and PEEP of 1 and 10 cm H2O (PEEP1 and PEEP10, respectively). A tracheostomy tube was placed in the peritoneal cavity, and IAP levels of 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 mm Hg were applied, using a continuous positive airway pressure system. At each IAP level, PBLAD and airway pressure measurements were performed during both PEEP1 and PEEP10. RESULTS: PBLAD increased as experimental IAP rose (y = 0.83x + 0.5; R2 = 0.98; p G 0.001 at PEEP1). Minimal underestimation of IAP by PBLAD was observed (j2.5 T 0.8 mm Hg at an IAP of 10-25 mm Hg). Applying PEEP10 did not significantly affect the correlation between experimental IAP and PBLAD. Approximately 50% of the PBLAD (in cm H2O) was reflected by changes in P PLAT, regardless of the PEEP level applied. Increasing IAP did not influence hemodynamics at any level of IAP generated. CONCLUSION: With minimal underestimation, PBLAD measurements closely correlated with experimentally regulated IAP, independent of the PEEP level applied. For each PEEP level applied, a constant proportion (approximately 50%) of measured PBLAD (in cm H2O) was reflected in PPLAT. A higher safety threshold for PPLAT should be considered in the setting of IAH/ACS as the clinician considers changes in VT. A strategy of reducing V T to cap PPLAT at widely recommended values may not be warranted in the setting of increased IAP. Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams and amp; Wilkins