58 research outputs found

    Association between attitudes toward violence and violent behavior in the school context: a systematic review and correlational meta-analysis

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    Background/Objective Both theoretical proposals and empirical work point to a common concurrence between attitudes toward school violence and violent behavior. Studies often address this issue superficially or within intervention programs. Our objective is to describe the results of a systematic review and to conduct a meta-analysis exploring these associations. Method A systematic review was conducted in the main databases. Effect sizes were calculated and synthesized using random-effects meta-analysis to estimate the relationship between attitudes toward violence and school violence. A meta-regression was performed for the moderator analysis of sex and age. Results The literature search strategy produced 12,293 articles. The review process produced a final result of 23 studies. Our results estimate a significant positive relationship (r =.368 p < .001; 95% CI [.323, .412]) between attitudes toward violence and school violence in children and adolescents. Conclusions This study allows us to quantify with an adequate degree of specificity the attitude-behavior relationship in the school context. These results may facilitate future researchers to design programs that address this specificity in order to improve school climate. More research is needed using validated instruments to further specify the type of attitudes that have the greatest influence on the manifestation of school violence.Antecedentes/Objetivo Las propuestas teóricas y trabajos empíricos apuntan una concurrencia entre las actitudes y la conducta violenta en el contexto escolar. Los estudios suelen abordar esta cuestión superficialmente o dentro de programas de intervención donde se trabajan múltiples variables, existiendo diferencias en la magnitud de esta relación. El objetivo del estudio es describir los resultados de una revisión sistemática y realizar un meta análisis que explore estas asociaciones. Método Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las principales bases de datos. Se calcularon los tamaños del efecto y fueron sintetizados mediante un meta análisis de efecto aleatorio para la relación entre actitudes hacia la violencia y violencia escolar. Se realizó una meta regresión para el análisis moderador del sexo y edad. Resultados La estrategia de búsqueda produjo 12.293 artículos. El proceso de revisión estructurado produjo un resultado final de 23 estudios. Nuestros resultados estiman una relación positiva y significativa (r = 0,368 p < 0,001; 95% CI = [0,323, 0,412]) entre actitudes y violencia escolar en menores. Conclusiones Este estudio permite cuantificar con un adecuado grado de especificidad la relación actitud conducta en el contexto escolar. Estos resultados facilitarían a futuros investigadores plantear programas que aborden esta especificidad para mejorar el clima escolar

    Malentendidos e ideas erróneas en la aplicación del comportamiento no verbal en el contexto jurídico-forense español

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    Antecedentes y objetivos. Tanto en la población general como en la especializada se mantienen determinadas creencias que relacionan el comportamiento no verbal (CVN) con la probabilidad de que una persona esté diciendo la verdad o mintiendo. Sin embargo, la evidencia señala que no existe ningún indicador o marcador no verbal que permita discriminar con precisión y fiabilidad entre un testimonio honesto y deshonesto, advirtiendo de la pseudocientificidad de estas técnicas. A pesar de ello, el empleo de los indicadores de CNV está ampliamente extendido en los ámbitos de seguridad y justicia. Por ello, el presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar los errores, utilidad práctica y usos inadecuados que subyacen en la práctica actual del CVN en el contexto jurídico-forense español. Método. Se ha realizado tanto una revisión de la evidencia disponible en lo relativo al CNV, como del proceso legal y criterios científicos en el ámbito técnico forense de la aplicación de estas técnicas. Conclusiones. La evidencia respecto al uso de CNV en el contexto jurídico-forense, especialmente en la población española, es notablemente limitada. Además, no cumple con los estándares Daubert de admisibilidad de la prueba científica, lo que judicialmente la califica como pseudocientífica. Esto no solo se aplica a su uso en la detección de la mentira o el engaño, sino también en todas las prácticas en las que se ha refugiado la disciplina, como en procesos de credibilidad del testimonio en cualquier tipología de delito o en la valoración de la coherencia o congruencia emocionalBackground and objective: In both the general and specialized population, certain beliefs are held that relate nonverbal communication (NVC) to the probability that a person is telling the truth or lying. However, the evidence indicates that there is no nonverbal indicator or marker that can accurately and reliably discriminate between honest and dishonest testimony, warning of the pseudoscientificity of these techniques. Despite this, the use of NVC indicators is widely used in the fields of security and justice. Therefore, the present work aims to analyze the errors, practical utility and inadequate uses underlying the current practice of NVC in the Spanish legal-forensic context. Method: We made a review of the available evidence regarding NVC, as well as of the legal process and scientific criteria in the technical forensic field of the application of these techniques. Conclusions:The evidence on the use of NVC in the legal-forensic context is extremely limited, especially in the Spanish population, and does not meet the Daubertstandards of admissibility of scientific evidence, i.e.,judicially it is pseudoscientific evidence. This applies not only to its use in the detection of lying or deception, but also in all the practices in which the discipline has taken refuge, such as in processes of credibility of testimony in any type of crime, or in the assessment of emotional coherence or congruence

    Assessment of non-physical user violence and burnout in primary health Care professionals. The modulating role of job satisfaction

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    Introduction: Growing concern about workplace violence shows the need for an evaluation in specific contexts in order to identify the particularities of each professional group. The health sector consists of a group of professionals with high exposure to violence, specially from users. There are differences depending on the professional category or unit in which the professional works. In this regard, Primary Health Care (PHC) is characterized by a personalized and continuous patient treatment over time, which is not exempt from cases of violence. Among the commonly studied consequences of these situations are decreases in job satisfaction and burnout. Objective: The main objective of this study is to analyze the modulating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between non-physical user violence and the onset of burnout. Methods: Cross-sectional comparative descriptive design. The sample consisted of 574 professionals from 39 PHC centers of the Murcian Health Service. Data were collected using two-stage cluster sampling. For data analysis, descriptive analysis, correlations and stepwise hierarchical regression were used to analyze the interaction between the variables. Results: Regression analysis draws a model where non-physical violence and low intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction act as modulators of non-physical violence, cynicism and emotional exhaustion. Conclusions: This study provides evidence of the psychological consequences of the perception of user violence in the PHC staff. Furthermore, it is evident that the emergence of burnout syndrome in these professionals is related to exposure to verbal or non-physical violence together with low job satisfaction. In this sense, a circular and bidirectional relationship between the variables studied is proposed as a possible explanatory model

    Users’ perception of violence and conflicts with professionals in primary care centers before and during covid-19. a qualitative study

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    Background: Workplace violence is a social problem of special interest in both intervention and research. Among the sectors that most perceive this type of violence, health care professionals stand out. The most common type of violence for this professional group is the one perpetrated by the users or patients themselves. It has been reported that one out of every four acts of violence in the workplace occurs in the healthcare setting. Within the health sector, the Mental Health, Emergency and Primary Care services have been widely reported as being among the most vulnerable, with Primary Care being the least addressed of the three. Although the available literature is extensive, there are hardly any studies that explore from a qualitative perspective what are the sources of conflict in this sector from the perspective of the users, the most common being to work with professionals. Objective: The aim of this study is to examine those aspects derived from the organization, the professionals or the users of Primary Care that, from the users’ point of view, cause violent situations and how they think these could be avoided. Method: The sample consisted of 80 users of the Primary Care services of the Health Service of Murcia. For data collection, a qualitative study was conducted through 10 focus groups and a subsequent thematic analysis of the data. Results: The results have allowed us to identify that, from an organizational point of view, the uncertainty in waiting times, the need to adapt the telematic or telephone appointment to the different types of users, or the management of emergencies in Primary Care are the aspects that cause most conflicts between users and professionals. In this sense, suggested improvements are aimed at providing information in the mobile application updated on the opening hours or maintaining the telephone appointment for those who need or request it, among many others. As for the professionals, users point out that the medical staff is perceived as distant and sometimes does not provide

    (Un)Broken: Lateral violence among hospital nurses, user violence, burnout, and general health: A structural equation modeling analysis

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    Introduction Workplace violence is a social problem yet to be solved. Although it is present in virtually all work environments, its prevalence in healthcare settings stands out, being perceived as something inherent to the job. Most studies in this context have focused on user violence against professionals. However, it has been observed that violence among colleagues in these types of jobs is a risk factor for the health of workers and has rarely been studied as a whole. Among the main consequences of exposure to violence reported in the literature, burnout syndrome, depression, anxiety, or somatic problems have been among the most studied. On the one hand, some authors claim that being exposed to workplace violence can increase the associated physical and psychological pathology and lead to a picture congruent with burnout. On the other hand, it has been hypothesized that violence is associated with burnout, which can trigger physical and psychological symptoms. Taking into account this background, the aim of this study is to explore workplace violence in health personnel, symptomatology, and burnout syndrome through mediation models that allow us to know the interrelationships between the variables.MethodsA cross-sectional design with a double descriptive-associative strategy was used. The sample was composed of 950 nursing professionals from public hospitals. The scales of physical and non-physical violence from users to professionals HABS-U, personal, social, and occupational violence among co-workers using the Health Aggressive Behavior Scale – Co-workers and Superiors (HABS-CS) scale, the burnout scale Maslach Burnout Inventory – General Survey (MBI-GS) which evaluates professional exhaustion, efficacy and cynicism, and the factors referring to depression, anxiety, somatization, and dysfunction of the GHQ-28 scale were applied. In order to calculate the models, workplace violence was used as a predictor of symptomatology, using the burnout variables as mediators. Regression coefficients with and without mediation model, direct and standardized estimates were obtained. For statistical power, Bootstrap analysis was used to calculate direct mediation effects.ResultsAfter controlling the mediation effects of burnout and cynicism, physical and non-physical user violence toward healthcare personnel were significant predictors of the GHQ-28 scores. These same results were obtained when assessing the relationship between social, occupational, and personal violence among co-workers and GHQ-28 scores.ConclusionOur results contribute to increase the evidence about the effects of violence on the health of professionals and to advance in the characterization of the possible consequent psychological damage. Regardless of the type of violence experienced, exposure to violence can lead to anxious, depressive or somatization symptoms, among others. Violence is also a predictor of burnout syndrome, which in turn accentuates the rest of the consequences studied. Despite the limitations of the proposed model, these results serve to highlight the complexity of the situation experienced by healthcare professionals. Moreover, it serves as a basis for proposing intervention/prevention programs to raise awareness and protect professionals from these risks. To this end, self-care tools should be proposed with which professionals take care of their own health through the management of violent situations and/or the improvement of occupational health

    Variables relacionadas con la reducción de la satisfacción de los usuarios de emergencias

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    The information received by patients about the severity of their condition, the type of tests to be performed, or the average waiting time in the service are factors that influence their degree of satisfaction and, therefore, their possible anger and/or aggressiveness. Users' discomfort can sometimes lead to violence towards health workers, and this, in turn, can lead to the commonly associated physical and psychological consequences. Our main objective is to explore the relationship between the waiting time, patients' perceived satisfaction with the service, as well as the other variables under study. We used a cross-sectional design was used to evaluate 320 hospital patients in the Region of Murcia (Spain). Our indicate that receiving information about their process, waiting time until the doctor's consultation, the degree of satisfaction with the professional, and the resolution of the doubts are predictors of the degree of overall patient satisfaction with the clinical experience.La información recibida por los pacientes sobre la gravedad de su condición, el tipo de pruebas a realizar o el tiempo promedio de espera en el servicio son factores que influyen en el grado de satisfacción. La incomodidad de los usuarios a veces puede conducir a la violencia hacia los trabajadores de salud, y esto, a su vez, a las consecuencias físicas y psicológicas comúnmente asociadas. Nuestro objetivo es explorar la relación entre el tiempo de espera, la satisfacción del paciente con el servicio y otras variables de interés. Se utilizó un diseño transversal para evaluar a 320 pacientes hospitalarios en la Región de Murcia (España). Los resultados indican que recibir información sobre su proceso, el tiempo de espera hasta la consulta, el grado de satisfacción con el profesional y la resolución de dudas son predictores del grado de satisfacción general del paciente con la experiencia clínica

    Whiplash-Associated Disorders. Biopsychosocial Profiles of Pain Perception in Forensic Cases of Victims of Motor Vehicle Accidents

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    In order to make a complete diagnosis of all the factors influencing whiplash associated disorders (WAD), the evidence suggests that the condition evaluation should follow an integrated biopsychosocial model. This perspective would offer a fuller view of it, recognizing the interplay between the medical, biomechanical, social, and psychological factors. Despite the progress made in the subject, evidence of which psychosocial factors influence the experience of pain in litigant WAD patients is limited. A cross-sectional design and a cluster analysis was used to study the experience of pain and the psychosocial factors included therein in 249 patients with WAD assessed after suffering a motor vehicle accident. Three clusters were obtained: C1, with low scores of pain and a slight-moderate alteration of the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL); C2, with medium scores of pain, alteration of HRQoL and a perception of moderate disability; and C3, with medium-high scores of pain, alteration of the HQoL, perception of moderate disability, presence of anxious-depressive symptomatology, poorer comprehension of the condition suffered, and the belief that it will extend over a long period of time. The results show a heterogeneous experience of pain in WAD, compatible with the biopsychosocial model of disease and the multidimensional approach to pain. The role of the psychologist in the evaluation of the condition could be useful to obtain a complete view of the condition, thus ensuring that the treatment is adapted to the needs of the patient

    Evaluation on the effectiveness of therapy with Virtual Reality in minors and youths subject to a judicial measure of therapeutic confinement, who present problems in impulse control

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    [EN] In this quasi experimental study, the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy supported by Virtual Reality has been tested with minors and youths subject to a judicial measure of therapeutic confinement, who have problems in impulse control. The sample consisted of 93 minors who served their judicial measure in 4 Spanish centers for the execution of judicial measures. 45 of them received cognitive-behavioral therapy supported by Virtual Reality (Virtual Reality Group), and the other 48 received traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy (Control Group). The treatment consisted of 10 individual sessions, each lasting 90 minutes, on a weekly basis. According to the results obtained, there was a significant decrease in impulsivity after the application of Virtual Reality therapy. In addition, after this therapy, the participants have also increased their ability to concentrate for problem solving, they were able to express and communicate better their feelings and needs, and they statistically significant reduced the overall risk recidivism. On the other hand, a statistically significant reduction in the impulsivity variable was not observed between the pre-test and post-test of the Control Group.[ES] En este estudio cuasi-experimental se ha puesto a prueba la efectividad de la terapia cognitivo-conductual apoyada en Realidad Virtual, con menores y jóvenes sujetos/as a una medida judicial de internamiento terapéutico que presentan problemas en el control de impulsos. La muestra constó de 93 menores que cumplían su medida judicial en 4 centros de ejecución de medidas judiciales españoles. De ellos/as, 45 recibieron terapia cognitivo-conductual apoyada en Realidad Virtual (Grupo Realidad Virtual), y los/as otros/as 48 recibieron terapia cognitivo-conductual tradicional (Grupo Control). El tratamiento constó de 10 sesiones individuales, de 90 minutos de duración cada una de ellas, con una periodicidad semanal. Según los resultados obtenidos, hubo una disminución significativa de la impulsividad tras la aplicación de la terapia con Realidad Virtual. Además, tras esta terapia las personas participantes también incrementaron su capacidad de concentración para la resolución de problemas, fueron capaces de expresar y comunicar mejor sus sentimientos y necesidades y disminuyeron de manera estadísticamente significativa el nivel de riesgo global de reincidencia. Por otra parte, no se observó una reducción estadísticamente significativa en la variable impulsividad, entre el pre-test y post-test del Grupo Control.Financiado por el Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, con cargo a la asignación tributaria del 0,7% de IRPF.Palanques Alegre, N.; Pozo Martínez, A.; Puente López, E.; Rambaud Quiñones, P. (2022). Evaluación sobre la eficacia de la terapia con realidad virtual en menores y jóvenes sujetos/as a una medida judicial de internamiento terapéutico que presentan problemas en el control de impulsos. Revista sobre la infancia y la adolescencia. (22):54-67. https://doi.org/10.4995/reinad.2022.15194OJS54672