23 research outputs found

    Casos prácticos de eficiencia energética en instalaciones de climatización en los edificios

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    Este documento trata sobre la climatización, los elementos que la componen y sus equipos. El desarrollo del trabajo tiene un acercamiento a la física, pasando por la generación y transferencia de calor y el frio, hasta el uso y aprovechamiento en equipos y sistemas concretos aplicables y disfrutables para la sociedad. Se desarrolla en diferentes capítulos durante los cuales se van poniendo ejemplos prácticos sobre el tema que se está desarrollando, para poder ver y resolver cuestiones de la vida diaria. En este trabajo se intenta hacer comprender mejor cuestiones sobre climatización de los edificios y algunas cosas singulares de la vida cotidiana que se ven a menudo y no se comprende su funcionamiento. La finalidad del trabajo es promover el conocimiento y la aplicación de la tecnología en las diferentes situaciones posibles en un sistema de climatización, utilizando sistemas con la máxima eficiencia energética, este aspecto es muy importante por la presencia que tiene en los reglamentos de instalaciones térmicas en edificios. Este tipo de documento sirve como manual para tener una introducción a los procesos de climatización, una vez finalizado el documento se podrá empezar a desarrollar ejercicios prácticos de climatización en locales, ya que se han desarrollado y comprendido la parte teórica de todos los componentes que la integra

    Comparativa y análisis de los sistemas elearning: plataformas y herramientas

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    Actualmente la docencia a distancia, online, es una claro método de transferencia de conocimiento que cuenta con claras ventajas sobre la docencia presencial. La docencia online cuenta con objetos tecnológicos que permiten optimizar esta transferencia de conocimiento, adaptándolos a la distancia entre el profesor y el estudiante. Existen diversas plataformas, sobre las que soportar cada una de las herramientas que pueden desarrollarse para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, tratando de representar y seguir los mismos objetivos planteados, o incluso objetivos superiores, en las tradicionales actividades formativas y metodologías docentes, propias de la enseñanza presencial. Cada sistema eLearning presenta diversas características propias, que hacen que se diferencie del resto y que, una vez implantado el sistema es más engorrosa la migración a otro, la elección de uno u otro sistema no debe tomarse a la ligera. Además, todas las plataformas no permiten el desarrollo de todas las herramientas necesarias para el desarrollo de las actividades deseada

    Wind energy planning for a sustainable transition to a decarbonized generation scenario based on the opportunity cost of the wind energy: Spanish Iberian Peninsula as case study

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    [EN] Most countries in Europe are going under a significant transformation process from carbonized power energy sources to renewable and sustainable ones to feed their increasing demands. European Union targets on its energy roadmap states that by 2030, a reduction of 40% of CO2 emissions regarding the 1990 levels must be done and full transition must be completed by 2050. Thus, EU member countries, such Spain, are carrying out lots of investments to transform their power generation structure by promoting the installation of renewable energy power plants, with a significant visual and environmental impact. In the case of Spain, it is planned that, by 2030, 27% of final power consumption must be renewable, with approximately 31 GW of installed wind energy (8 GW must be installed in the next 10 years). Wind energy is supposed to be one of the generation leaders in this transformation context due to its high performance, high availability and fast decreasing costs. Nevertheless, wind farms have been installed on-shore with great success since the decade of the 90s covering the locations with the best wind resource. Thus, many of the installed wind turbines have overcome the half part of their expected lifespan and their payback periods, but the learning curve of the wind energy technology has improved exponentially since then. This paper is focused on the true valorization of an existing wind farm and the efficacy of the exploitation of the site’s wind resource. A novel repowering decision support model based on the opportunity cost analysis between repowering the current wind farm with the latter technologies and full depletion of the wind farm is proposed and applied to the Spanish Iberian Peninsula case study. Results show that the repowering option is significantly attractive in most cases and its proper application could have, not only a positive environmental effect, but also an economic impact on the sustainability of this source of energy.S

    True power consumption labeling and mapping of the health system of the Castilla y León region in Spain by clustering techniques

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    [EN] The latest revisions in April 2018 of the 2010/31/UE and 2012/27/UE Directives on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings respectively, point out the need of the development of smart energy indexes for buildings with the aim to (i) supervise the energy consumption on the building sector -that currently represents up to one third of the total final energy consumption- and (ii) lead the appropriate actions to transform the current buildings stock to nearly Zero Energy Buildings and Positive Energy Buildings. From public managed buildings, the Health System is the first energy consumer with great difference with other government administration sectors, such as Education or General Administration. Moreover, the energy bill has great impact on the sustainability of the public health care system. However, very few real data were available to characterize the energy demand on public buildings, which are usually the most intensive energy consumers, and efficiency indexes were usually obtained from simulation results. Nevertheless, thanks to the deployment of Smart Metering systems in the last years, it is possible to access to the true energy demand profiles of hundreds of these buildings. In this paper, with three years historical monthly electrical energy consumption data from the health system of the region of Castilla y León in Spain -including hospitals, outpatient facilities, clinics and other medical institutions- and the application of data mining techniques, an end-use electrical energy analysis was conducted to cluster the building housing according to the energy consumption into several energy use intensity clusters and, then, an average value and a Reference Building Energy Index for each cluster is proposed. Thus, a true energy labeling of these buildings based on their distance to the Reference Building Energy Index is done and presented in georeferenced maps.S

    Electrical Consumption Profile Clusterization: Spanish Castilla y León Regional Health Services Building Stock as a Case Study

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    [EN] Health Services building stock is usually the top energy consumer in the Administrative sector, by a considerable margin. Therefore, energy consumption supervision, prediction, and improvement should be carried out for this group in a preferential manner. Most prior studies in this field have characterized the energy consumption of buildings based on complex simulations, which tend to be limited by modelisation restrictions and assumptions. In this paper, an improved method for the clusterization of buildings based on their electrical energy consumption is proposed and, then, reference profiles are determined by examining the variation of energy consumption over the typical yearly consumption period. The temporary variation has been analyzed by evaluating the temporary evolution of the area consumption index through data mining and statistical clusterization techniques. The proposed methodology has been applied to building stock of the Health Services in the Castilla y León region in Spain, based on three years of historical monthly electrical energy consumption data for over 250 buildings. This building stock consists of hospitals, health centers (with and without emergency services) and a miscellaneous set of administrative and residential buildings. Results reveal five distinct electrical consumption profiles that have been associated with five reference buildings, permitting significant improvement in the demand estimation as compared to merely using the classical energy consumption indicators.SIEREN (Ente Regional de la Energía de Castilla y León)Laboratorio de Inspección Técnica de Minas (LITEM

    The Internet of Things for the Intelligent Management of the Heating of a Swimming Pool by Means of Smart Sensors

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    [EN] By using various smart sensors integrated in a global domotic system, a proper solar thermal management is executed. The goal is to properly manage solar energy for heating swimming pool using various devices installed at home. Swimming pools are a necessity in many communities. In summer, they are a source of refreshment. However, maintaining a swimming pool at an optimal temperature can be a challenge even in the summer months. The use of the Internet of Things in homes has enabled proper management of solar thermal energy, thus significantly improving the quality of life by making homes more comfortable and safer without using additional resources. The houses built today have several smart devices that manage to optimize the energy consumption of the house. The solutions proposed in this study to improve energy efficiency in swimming pool facilities include the installation of solar collectors to heat swimming pool water more efficiently. The installation of smart actuation devices (to efficiently control energy consumption of a pool facility via different processes) together with sensors that provide valuable information on energy consumption in the different processes of a pool facility, can optimize energy consumption thus reducing overall consumption (by 90%) and economic cost (by more than 40%). Together, these solutions can help to significantly reduce energy consumption and economic costs and extrapolate it to different processes of similar characteristics in the rest of the societyS

    Decision-making tools for sustainable planning and conceptual framework for the energy–water–food nexus

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    Suplemento 6 con el título: Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability[EN] The impact assessment of energy strategies, more specifically those that promote an integrated approach on resource management in other sectors such as water and food, requires knowledge related to the evaluation of the quality and knowledge that may be estimated by quantitative means. The present paper makes inquiries into those knowledge requirements in addition to review the means used to obtain it—including the required entries and the results they provide. In response to the recognized problems in knowledge, this paper introduces a basic reference structure underlying a system to evaluate the way that a progressive development of inexhaustible energies in a particular geographical region can affect the demand of water and food. Then, the proposed conceptual framework constitutes a novel approach for energy policy makers which only consider partial impacts of the energy management. By considering the nexus of energy, water and food, energy management policies may be redefined and differences with current policies must be investigated.SICabildo de Tenerif

    Degradation Monitoring of Photovoltaic Plants: Advanced GIS Applications

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    In order to evaluate a photovoltaic (PV) plant performance, payback time, profitability and environmental impact, an analysis must be made of plant maintenance needs, module and wiring degradation, mismatches and dust effects and PV cell defects and faults. Although a wide range of studies can be found that show the theory and laboratory testing of how these circumstances may affect PV production, very few studies in the field have covered or quantified real degradation effects and faults using a systematic procedure. The authors have therefore reviewed the conditions of PV plants operating in Southern Europe, examining the most frequently found faults and types of degradation, and they look at how novel technologies, such as geographic information system (GIS) applications, can help maintainers, owners, and promoters to supervise and locate damaged PV modules and monitor their evolution and impact on plant working conditions. GIS applications in this field allow the organization of a geo-referenced database of the system, locating and supervising the thirds of each PV cell in the power plant. With this information, investors and maintainers can exert increased control on the PV plant performance and conduct better preventive maintenance measures. The examples given demonstrate that these sorts of applications can be applied both to large PV plants and to domestic installations

    Development of a GIS Tool for High Precision PV Degradation Monitoring and Supervision: Feasibility Analysis in Large and Small PV Plants

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    [EN] It is well known that working photovoltaic (PV) plants show several maintenance needs due to wiring and module degradation, mismatches, dust, and PV cell defects and faults. There are a wide range of theoretical studies as well as some laboratory tests that show how these circumstances may affect the PV production. Thus, it is mandatory to evaluate the whole PV plant performance and, then, its payback time, profitability, and environmental impact or carbon footprint. However, very few studies include a systematic procedure to quantify and supervise the real degradation effects and fault impacts on the field. In this paper, the authors first conducted a brief review of the most frequent PV faults and the degradation that can be found under real conditions of operation of PV plants. Then, they proposed and developed an innovative Geographic Information System (GIS) application to locate and supervise them. The designed tool was applied to both a large PV plant of 108 kWp and a small PV plant of 9 kWp installed on a home rooftop. For the large PV plant, 24 strings of PV modules were modelized and introduced into the GIS application and every module in the power plant was studied including voltage, current, power, series and parallel resistances, fill factor, normalized PV curve to standard test conditions (STC), thermography and visual analysis. For the small PV installation three strings of PV panels were studied identically. It must be noted that PV modules in this case included power optimizers. The precision of the study enabled the researchers to locate and supervise up to a third part of every PV cell in the system, which can be adequately georeferenced. The developed tool allows both the researchers and the investors to increase control of the PV plant performance, to lead to better planning of maintenance actuations, and to evaluate several PV module replacement strategies in a preventive maintenance program. The PV faults found include hot spots, snail tracks, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) discoloration, PV cell fractures, busbar discoloration, bubbles and Si discoloration.SILaboratorio de Inspección Técnica de la Escuela de Minas (LITEM

    Aplicativo para el cálculo básico de instalaciones de autoconsumo solar fotovoltaico

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    Inscripción de derechos de propiedad intelectual.[ES] La herramienta “Aplicativo para el Cálculo Básico de Instalaciones de Autoconsumo Solar Fotovoltaico" describe un programa informático diseñado como herramienta de soporte para ingenieros, gestores energéticos y ciudadanos interesados en integrar sistemas de generación solar fotovoltaica para autoconsumo en sus instalaciones eléctricas. Este software ayuda a evaluar la viabilidad económica y energética de instalaciones de autoconsumo solar fotovoltaico, adaptándose a los requerimientos específicos de España. El programa permite al usuario simular diversas configuraciones de una instalación fotovoltaica, incluyendo el cálculo de balances energéticos y económicos. Utiliza un modelo validado internacionalmente para estimar el potencial de generación solar del emplazamiento y permite al usuario configurar los costes de la instalación. Además, evalúa indicadores técnicos y económicos relevantes como la cuota de autoconsumo, el valor actual neto (VAN) y la tasa interna de retorno (TIR). El aplicativo está diseñado para ser accesible y fácil de usar, proporcionando una herramienta valiosa para la planificación y optimización de instalaciones fotovoltaicas de autoconsumo. Esta herramienta es particularmente útil en el contexto de la legislación española y las iniciativas de la Unión Europea para aumentar el uso de energías renovables y reducir las emisiones de CO2, ofreciendo a los usuarios una forma efectiva de evaluar proyectos de autoconsumo solar en términos de su viabilidad, rentabilidad y eficiencia energética