184 research outputs found

    Effect of immobilization stress on the level of macroergic phosphates in the blood of rats

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    The effect of immobilization for 1, 2, and 24 hours, and of daily (for 2 hours for 7 days) immobilization on the blood nucleotide (ATP, ADP, AMP) level was studied on 79 male rats. A progressive reduction of the ATP content was most pronounced in immobilization for 24 hours. This was accompanied by an increase of lymphopenia and eosinopenia. A fall of the relative weight of the thymus and a weight gain of the adrenal glands was observed along with a reduction of ascorbic acid concentration in both of them. In case of daily immobilization for 2 hours, the ATP and ADP content on the 1st and 2nd day was below the normal level, and then showed a gradual increase, with complete normalization in 6-7 days, except for inorganic phosphorus the level of which remained lower than normal

    Estimate of the possibility of conducting mass spectrometric measurements of the matter of lunar surface

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    Electron beams studied for use in lunar soil spectrometric analysi

    Russian version of cultural federalism

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    This article proposes a vision of the idea of “cultural federalism” contributing to the stability of ethnic culture in the era of assimilation by mass culture and global unification, revitalizing the meanings of modernity, enriching the multinational synergy of Russian culture, overcoming capitalist alienation and disintegration of multiculturalism. Methods of analysis and comparison are used in ethnocultural dynamics, mastering such symbolic conquests as “federalism” in the paradigm of modernity, which fits into the process of ethnocultural modernization. The novelty of the work lies in the substantiation of the concept of cultural federalism vs ethnic federalism, as the most appropriate for the modern cultural situation in Russia, the cultural capital of which is multinational and, accordingly, the effect of “Russian multiculturalism” that can oppose secession with an integration trend, reanimate the cooperative effect of the interaction of cultural programs, their complementarity. The authors are interested in the dialectical self-development of historical and cultural differences of the subjects of the federation entering the era of natural modernization, reflected in the ethnic cultural renaissance of the present. The idea of cultural federalism contributes to the development of the Russian national idea, the absence of which reduces the effect of national consolidation and socio-economic development. It is proposed as a tool for solving the problem of "sleeping federalism" and the dialectical contradiction between the form and content of the present state of ethnic federalism

    Specific displays of labour potential

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    Розглянуто видові прояви трудового потенціалу підприємства, регіону, країни, суспільства.The specific displays of labour potential of enterprise, region, country, society are considered

    Monitoring of Heavy Metals Spread in the Vicinity of Combined Heat and Power Plant-3, Using Indicator Plants

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    Examination of heavy metals content in the vicinity of Combined Heat and Power Plant-3 in Karaganda showed that all the examined plants store the detectable chemical elements in concentrations, exceeding the background ones several times. The examined plants look more suppressed, have different distortions of morphological characteristics, if compared to the background one


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    Статья посвящена одному из аспектов истории уральского сундучного центра, участию хозяев мастерских и кустарей в выставках разного уровня, которые проводились в России во второй половине XIX – начале XX в. Публикуются сведения о количестве экспонентов и представленных ими изделиях. Участие уральцев в выставках анализируется на фоне общей истории горнозаводского сундучного дела. Сделан вывод, что выставки далеко не всегда отражали текущее состояние сундучного промысла и его роль в культурной и экономической жизни Урала; появление на выставках уральских сундучников зависело не столько от положения дел в промысле, сколько от ситуации, сложившейся в выставочном деле. Подчеркивается, что выставки оказывали положительное воздействие на развитие уральского сундучного производства.The paper deals with one of the aspects of the history of the Ural chest production, the participation of workshop owners and handicraftsmen in exhibitions of various levels, which were held in Russia in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The article contains information about the number of exhibitors and their products. The participation of the Ural people in exhibitions is analyzed against the background of the general history of the Ural chest craft. It is concluded that exhibitions did not always reflect the current situation in the chest production and its role in the cultural and economic life of the Urals; the appearance of Ural chests masters at exhibitions depended not so much on the state of the craft as on the situation in the exhibition area. Exhibitions had a positive influence on the development of the Ural chest production

    Measurements of the composition of aerosol component of Venusian atmosphere with Vega 1 lander, preliminary data

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    Preliminary investigation of mass spectra of gaseous products of pyrolyzed Venusian cloud particles collected and analyzed by the complex device of mass-spectrometer and collector pyrolyzer on board Vega 1 lander revealed the presence of heavy particles in the upper cloud layer. Based on 64 amu peak (SO2+), an estimate of the lower limit of the sulfuric acid aerosol content at the 62 to 54 km heights of approximately 2.0 mg/cu m is obtained. A chlorine line (35 and 37 amu) is also present in the mass spectrum with a lower limit of the chlorine concentration of approximately 0.3 mg/ cu m

    Synthesis of Serving Policies for Objects Flow in the System with Refillable Storage Component

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    This paper discusses the solution of the logistic problem occurred in a management system to supply fuel to inhabitants in the Arctic regions using bulk water transport delivery. The suggested mathematical model of a logistic scheme is designed in the form of uniprocessor system with refillable storage component providing a single stage service of deterministic objects flow. The task scheduling optimisation problem is formulated in the way where service policies are estimated by two independent minimised criteria. Proposed synthesis algorithm of Pareto-efficient service policies utilises a bicriterial approach of dynamic programming. The algorithm has been verified by the simulation example

    Hafnium in nuclear power industry: the evolution of increasing of the economic indicators and the operation safety of pressurized water nuclear reactors

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    А further increase of the reliability, safety and efficiency of nuclear reactors, the extension of the nuclear fuel campaign and a better control of the fuel burning-out level demand to search for and use new materials. New materials are also necessary for new energy release management elements in the active zone. In this paper, the potential place that hafnium could occupy in the solution of the mentioned tasks is discussed. The high values of the absorption cross-section for thermal and epithermal neutrons, high corrosion resistance, good mechanical properties and heat conduction of hafnium allow for its use, without any barrier coatings, as the absorbing and structural material for regulation rods of nuclear reactors. Another application of high purity hafnium in the nuclear power industry can be in the emitter material of Compton-type Self-Powered Neutron Detectors (SPND). Such SPND will have instant response to neutron flux changes, which will allow to reach positive effects on the reactor safety and efficiency: increase fuel burning-out times; control the crisis boiling coordinates and time; exclude the processes, which could cause heavy accidents).Збільшення надійності та безпеки, підвищення ефективності ядерних реакторів, подовження кампанії палива та контроль рівня його вигоряння вимагають пошуку і використання нових матеріалів, в тому числі, й для елементів управління енерговиділенням в активній зоні. У роботі розглядається, яке місце може зайняти гафній при вирішенні перерахованих завдань. Високі перетини поглинання теплових і резонансних нейтронів, корозійна стійкість, механічні властивості та теплопровідність гафнію дозволяють використовувати його без оболонок і покриттів в якості поглинаючого та одночасно конструкційного матеріалу для регулюючих стрижнів ядерних реакторів. Іншим застосуванням чистого гафнію в ядерній енергетиці може бути використання його в якості емітера в комптонівському детекторі прямого заряду (ДПЗ). Такий ДПЗ буде мати миттєву реакцію на зміни потоку нейтронів, що багато в чому дозволить досягти позитивних ефектів (збільшення вигоряння палива; контролю координати і часу кризового кипіння; виключення процесів, що призводять до тяжких аварій).Увеличение надёжности и безопасности, повышение эффективности ядерных реакторов, продление кампании топлива и контроль уровня его выгорания требуют поиска и использования новых материалов, в том числе и для элементов управления энерговыделением в активной зоне. В работе обсуждается, какое место может занять гафний при решении перечисленных задач. Высокие сечения поглощения тепловых и резонансных нейтронов, коррозионная стойкость, механические свойства и теплопроводность гафния позволяют использовать его без оболочек и покрытий в качестве поглощающего и одновременно конструкционного материала для регулирующих стержней ядерных реакторов. Другим применением чистого гафния в ядерной энергетике может быть использование его в качестве эмиттера в комптоновском детекторе прямого заряда (ДПЗ). Такой ДПЗ будет обладать мгновенной реакцией на изменения потока нейтронов, что во многом позволит достичь положительных эффектов (увеличения выгорания топлива; контроля координаты и времени кризисного кипения; исключения процессов, приводящих к тяжелым авариям)