82 research outputs found

    Effect of Psidium guajava Juice on The Seminiferous Tubules Diameter and Epithelium Thickness in Rattus norvegicus Exposed by Lead Acetate

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    Lead is one of humans and animals' most common and hazardous heavy metals. This study aimed to investigate the effect of white guava (Psidium guajava) fruit juice on the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness in rats (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to lead acetate. The research design was a completely randomized design (CRD). A total of 25 male rats with an average weight of 200 grams were used for the study, divided into 5 treatment groups, each consisting of 5 rats. The treatments were as follows: the control group (C) was given distilled water orally; the T0 group was induced with lead acetate (50 mg/Kg BW) orally; the T1, T2, T3 groups were induced with lead acetate (50 mg/Kg BW) and then given 25%, 50%, and 100% concentration of white guava fruit juice, respectively. All the treatments were conducted for 14 days. The histopathology slides of the testis were made with HE staining, and the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness were measured. The data were analyzed using One Way ANOVA and Duncan test (p<0.05). The results showed that the control group (C) which was given distilled water only had a seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness of 336.24±23.32 µm and 66.46±4.39 µm, respectively. The T0 group which was induced with lead acetate only showed a reduction in the diameter and epithelium thickness of seminiferous tubules (243.38±49.35 µm and 44.08±14.45 µm). The members of the T1, T2 and T3 groups showed positive effects on the diameter (323.49±22.82 µm; 314.41±13.04 µm; 325.04±16.88 µm, respectively) and epithelium thickness (56.36±3.36 µm; 60.50±3.81 µm; 66.744±9.50 µm, respectively). There was no significant difference reported between each group. The administration of guava juice to rats induced with lead acetate can positively affect the diameter and epithelium thickness of seminiferous tubules

    Perbaikan Metode Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Fisiologi Dan Teknologi Reproduksi

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    Hasil dari kegiatan metocie mata kuliah Fisiologi dan Teknologi Reproduksi Inl bermanfaat untuk proses belajar mengajar dan peningkatan ranah kognitif mahasiswa yang dapat dilihat dari perolehan nilai mahasiswa berupa : Jumlah nilai A, B, B/C dan E pada tahun 2003 masing-masing sebesar 4,86%, 16,67%, 34,72% dan 5,56% sedang pada tahun 2004 masing-masing meningkat sebesar 8,22%, 17,81%, 40,41% dan 6,16%. Q Jumlah Nilai NB dan 0 pada tahun 2003 masing-masing sebesar 11,8% dan 9,03% sedang pada tahun 2004 menurun menjadi 6,85% dan 5/r8%

    Determination of Born Calves' Sex Based on Insemination Time in Dairy Cows

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    Former researchers found that there are differences of shape, cap size, motility ability, age, electricity and chemical characters between Y and X chromosome bearing sperm. Y sperm moves f aster, has smaller size but shorter life time within f emale reproduction tract. In opposite, X sperm is 3% fatter and has more round shape. Concerning its bigger shape, X sperm moves slower, but has longer life time in f emale reproductive tract. Based on that matter, this research was conducted to find out the sex of born calves depend on insemination time, early to inseminate, best time to inseminate and late to insem.inate. This research used 40 head of cows, divided by four groups; each group consists of 10 head. Control group was inseminated by sexed semen, first, second, third and forth group was inseminated by unsexing semen, respectively on early, the best and late time of insemination. Successfully pregnancy was obtained from the best time insemination, both by sexing and unsexing semen. While born calves sex were not significant different, meant almost the same, from. both semen. Research result showed insemination by both sexing and unsexing semen which was done in early time to inseminate will tend yield female calve

    Pengembangan Budaya Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Surabaya merupakan kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia, dengan jumlah penduduk yang cukup besar, sehingga merupakan pangsa pasar yang cukup menjanjikan untuk penjualan air susu sapi. Universitas Airlangga sejak tahun 2009 mempunyai Pusat Pembinaan Karir dan Kewirausahaan yang mempunyai aktivitas diantaranya memberikan peluang dan tata cara mengirim lamaran untuk peke~aan, dan mengadakan pelatihan untuk kewirausahaan. Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan di Universitas Airlangga mata kuliah kewirausahaan dilaksanakan pada semester IV dengan beban 2 sks. Penyiapan wirausaha baru melalui peningkatan ketrampilan dalam usaha peternakan sapi perah untuk menunjang program pemerintah dalam ketahanan pangan nasional merupakan magang kewirausahaan yang dibiayai dengan dana Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi diikuti oleh sembilan mahasiswa terpilih dengan melalui tahapan seleksi. Kegiatan ini dibimbing oleh tiga orang dosen dan beraktivitas di perusahaan sapi perah milik Nur Rohman yang berdomisili di Wonocolo V1I3, kecamatan Wonocolo kota Surabaya. Indikator kine~a kegiatan ini adalah dihasilkannya rencana bisinis, dengan indikator tambahan bagi mahasiswa peserta magang, bagi pengusaha mitra MKU, dan bagi tim pelaksana dengan lama kegiatan empat bulan. Dalam dua bulan pertama pelaksanaan yang bertepatan dengan bulan puasa, mahasiswa peserta magang melakukan peninjauan pengambilan gambar lokasi peternakan, mewawancarai petemak tentang jenis pakan yang diberikan, jumlah produksi susu per hari, praktek tentang cara pengelolaan sapi perah yang meliputi pembersihan kandang, pemberian pakan, memandikan sapi dan pemerahan susu serta kontrol kesehatan sapi perah, sisa waktu kegiatan dilakukan untuk membuat rencana bisnis. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dalam 3 bulan pelaksanaan MKU ini adalah : 1) te~adi penumpukan produksi susu baik pagi maupun siang hari pada saat bulan puasa .2) pembuatan susu masak atau pasteurisasi diharapkan dapat mengatasi keadaan tersebut 3). ampas tahu masih merupakan pakan pilihan yang belum tergantikan untuk sapi perah di kota 4). mahasiswa MKU banyak memperoleh manfaat dengan kegiatan ini dan 5). Pembuatan Rencana Bisnis dengan judul Usaha Pemasaran Susu Masak Siap Saji, Upaya Alternatif Mencegah Penumpukan Susu Segar Saat Bulan Puasa

    Test Various Estrus Detection Device Against Pregnancy Rates on Dairy Cows in Cooperative Tunas Setia Baru Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    This research aims to determine the use of various estrus detection devices before artificial insemination as measured by pregnancy rate. The researcher used a sample of 60 cows were used in this research which is divided into four groups as a control and treatment groups (Thermopin®, Hauptner and Draminski groups), and each cow was detected for the sign of estrus by three devices that were Thermopin®, Hauptner and Draminski prion when doing an artificial insemination. The cows were observed to 45 days after artificial insemination for observing pregnancy. This research method is the exploration scope to prove the effect of various estrus detection tool against pregnancy rates. The result of ANOVA test, there is the effect of using a various estrus detection devices against pregnancy rates. Samples tested by Draminski with average (1.53±0.51) resulted in a 53.3% pregnancy rate, the samples were tested with Hauptner with average (1.67±0,48) resulted in pregnancy rate 66.7%. Without treatment or control, sample with an average of (1.67±0.48) resulted in a  73.3% pregnancy rate. While samples were tested with Thermopin® with average (2.00±0.00) resulted in a 100% pregnancy rate. In conclusion, Thermopin® the best detection tool than other estrus detection devices. Keyword: estrus detection, artificial insemination, dairy cow, pregnancy rat

    Level of Heat Shock Protein 70 and Cortisol in Bull's Serum Before and After Collecting Semen

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    Artificial Insemination is a breeding technique by injecting semen into the female genital tract by using Artificial Vagina. The process of collecting semen, bulls can experience of stress which the effect can be affect in reproduction process. This study aims to prove that the increased levels of HSP 70 and cortisol in bull’s serum after collecting semen as an indicator of stress in cattle. Blood serum used for ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) test using Bovine-HSP 70 Test Kit and Bovine Cortisol Test Kit then the result read by ELISA reader. The result showed that no significant differences. The conclusion from this study was that elevated levels of HSp 70 and cortisol levels were not significant, so it is suggested further research on the increased levels of HSP 70 and cortisol levels to the manufacture of frozen semen for artificial insemination. Keywords : Bull, HSP70, Cortisol, Semen Qualit

    Unnatural Forced Moulting in The Laying Hen as Cause of Zoonosis from Salmonella Enteritidis

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    The aims of this reseach is to give information to the farmers and people about the bad consequences of consuming the poultry products that use unnatural forced moulting. The research was carried out by examining Salmonella enteritidis bacteria in the laying hens feces after treatment. The laying hens devided in three groups and treatment with unnatural forced moulting, dietary feed carried out during 2, 3 and 4 days, and the another group given natural forced moulting treatment by 200 ig/ml each hen á Prl single dose compared with the group without dietary feed and á Prl. The result showed that unnatural forced moulting with dietary feed during 2, 3 and 4 days decrease laying hen immune function. It was founded Salmonella enteritidis in laying hens feces after treatment. The Salmonella enteritidis can be the causal factor of zoonosis for human

    Pengukuran Kadar Hormon Progesteron dan Deteksi Birahi pada Sapi Perah yang Disinkronisasi dengan CIDR (Controlled Internal Drug Release)

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    Deteksi birahi dan program perkawinan merupakan cara yang tepat untuk dapat mengoptimalkan performa reproduksi pada sapi perah. Rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pretest-postest design. Terdiri dari empat macam perlakuan yaitu P1C1, P1C2, P2C1, dan P2C2, masing-masing perlakuan diulang sebanyak empat kali. Faktor yang diujikan adalah faktor P: usia korpus luteum 15 hari (P1) dan 10 hari (P2), faktor C: pencabutan atau pelepasan implan progesterone pada hari ke-9 (C1) dan pada hari ke-13(C2). Hasil yang diperoleh dengan uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat interaksi antara perbedaan usia korpus luteum dengan perbedaan waktu pencabutan atau pelepasan implan controlled internal drug release (CIDR) (p>0.05). Dari total sampel 16 ekor sapi perah, 13 sampel menunjukkan tanda birahi tiga hari setelah implan controlled internal drug release (CIDR) dilepaskan. Persentase total dari keseluruhan sampel yang menunjukkan tanda birahi adalah 81.25%

    The Role of Human, Animal, Environment to Maintain Ecosystem as Global Food Security

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    Emerging and reemerging disease for animal in Indonesia still appear for every year. These diseases not only caused by viral disease like Avian Influenza, Malaria, Rabies, but there are some kind of other infectious disease like bacterial disease as well as brucellosis, anthrax's, tuberculosis (TBC) and also parasitic disease like toxoplasmosis. These way model prevention of emerging and reemerging disease in Indonesia more important role, although base on the globally of infectious disease on two years ago have founded new infectious disease, that call Zika virus in Brazilian become large problem in the world. The veterinarian profession is a valued partner for their comprehensive education and expertise within healthcare professional networks and respected leaders in multidisciplinary teams. In the 21st century global food security and access to safe water are concerns. In the one health approach are for establishing guidance and policy, and approach relies on disciplines amongst other welfare, health, economics, social and environmental science. One Health concept is a worldwide strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment. This approach model have been done and realized at our university through collaboration between some research center at the university, and were combined between program in regional, national government and international. Key Words: Emerging and reemerging disease, preventing, one health concepts, multidisciplinary team

    The Benefit Of Additional Banana (Musa paradisiaca L,var sapientum) And Mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana L.) Skins Flour Toward Weight Gain And Feed Conversion In Male Broiler

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    This study aimed to determine the benefit of additional banana (Musa paradisiaca L.var sapientum) and mangosteens (Garcinia mangostana L.) skins flour toward weight gain and feed conversion in male broiler. Experimental animals used were male broilers of Cobb strain CP 707 by 20 heads. Of a number of samples were randomized according to the pattern completely randomized design to four treatments (P0, P1, P2 and P3), each treatment with five replications. P0 treatment was feed commercially control (without the addition of bananas and mangosteens skin wheat). Treatment of commercially feed P1 + 10% bananas skin wheat. Treatment of commercially feed P2 + 10% mangosteen skin wheat. Treatment of commercial feed P3 + 5% banana skin + 5% mangosteen skin. During the study, feed consumption, weight gain and feed convestion rate by recorded. The result showed that supplementative feeding with 5% banana and mangosteens skins flour showed significant effect (p0,05) with control and 10% banana skins flour on feed conversion rate, while for the weight gain showed no significant effect (p>0,05) so no need for further analysi