12 research outputs found


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    Encontradas na plataforma continental do Atlântico Ocidental, as lagostas sapateiras Scyllarus depressus (Smith, 1881) são capturas como fauna acompanhante nas pescarias de arrasto de fundo em águas brasileiras e, apesar de não apresentarem valor comercial, sofrem com este impacto. Através do presente estudo foi possível estender a amplitude latitudinal, retificar sua ocorrência em relação à profundidade e registrar sua fecundidade

    Los cuidados integrales en salud en los barrios populares de Bariloche, Río Negro: ¿Cómo pensar el después del COVID-19?

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    Desde el primer trimestre de 2019 iniciamos trabajo de campo relevando cuidados integrales en salud en dos centros de atención primaria de la Salud (CAPS) en el área periférica de la ciudad de Bariloche, dependientes del Hospital Zonal con vistas a reconocer los cuidados comunitarios en salud. En ese sentido el enfoque etnográfico nos permite recuperar la variabilidad de miradas acerca de los fenómenos que deseamos estudiar y los puntos de vista de los protagonistas sobre cuestiones consideradas universalmente comprendidas. Los cuidados en salud son un ejemplo de cómo se puede pensar las acciones en salud, más allá de la ocurrencia de afecciones específicas o una vez que éstas se han producido, a fin de reducir el sufrimiento o el padecimiento de las personas afectadas (Domínguez Mon y Femenías, 2018). Esto es ver el cuidado como una categoría en uso por los agentes involucrados, y por ende, con diversos significados. Del mismo modo trabajar en territorio, nos permite reconocer las particularidades de estas acciones cuando se llevan a cabo en instituciones próximas a la vida cotidiana de la gente, en sus barrios y cerca de sus casas. Esto implica descubrir las relaciones que se establecen desde y entre las personas y las instituciones. Recuperamos las experiencias de los propios agentes como productores cuidados y receptores de cuidados. En realidad, el trabajo de campo prolongado, nos revelan formas específicas en que nuestros interlocutores van produciendo estas actividades: el trabajo de cuidados es además una acción histórica y socialmente determinada.Fil: Santisteban, Mariel Kaia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; ArgentinaFil: Dominguez Mon, Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio; ArgentinaFil: Cayuman, Vanesa. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Ahrensburg, Alejo. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaFil: Puciarelli, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; ArgentinaIX Jornadas sobre Etnografía y Métodos CualitativosArgentinaInstituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social. Centro de Antropología Socia

    Second St. Gallen European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Gastrointestinal Cancer Conference: consensus recommendations on controversial issues in the primary treatment of rectal cancer

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    Primary treatment of rectal cancer was the focus of the second St. Gallen European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Gastrointestinal Cancer Conference. In the context of the conference, a multidisciplinary international expert panel discussed and voted on controversial issues which could not be easily answered using published evidence. Main topics included optimal pretherapeutic imaging, indication and type of neoadjuvant treatment, and the treatment strategies in advanced tumours. Here we report the key recommendations and summarise the related evidence. The treatment strategy for localised rectal cancer varies from local excision in early tumours to neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy (RCT) in combination with extended surgery in locally advanced disease. Optimal pretherapeutic staging is a key to any treatment decision. The panel recommended magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or MRI + endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) as mandatory staging modalities, except for early T1 cancers with an option for local excision, where EUS in addition to MRI was considered to be most important because of its superior near-field resolution. Primary surgery with total mesorectal excision was recommended by most panellists for some early tumours with limited risk of recurrence (i.e. cT1-2 or cT3a N0 with clear mesorectal fascia on MRI and clearly above the levator muscles), whereas all other stages were considered for multimodal treatment. The consensus panel recommended long-course RCT over short-course radiotherapy for most clinical situations where neoadjuvant treatment is indicated, with the exception of T3a/b N0 tumours where short-course radiotherapy or even no neoadjuvant therapy were regarded to be an option. In patients with potentially resectable tumours and synchronous liver metastases, most panel members did not see an indication to start with classical fluoropyrimidine-based RCT but rather favoured preoperative short-course radiotherapy with systemic combination chemotherapy or alternatively a liver-first resection approach in resectable metastases, which both allow optimal systemic therapy for the metastatic disease. In general, proper patient selection and discussion in an experienced multidisciplinary team was considered as crucial component of care

    A metric study of three types of artificial cranial modification from north-central Peru

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    Artificial cranial modification (ACM) involves the alteration of cranial vault shape by cultural means, and is performed during infancy while the cranial bones remain soft and malleable. The direction of normal cranial growth is altered through the application of external forces. In this study, three types of ACM from north-central Peru (posterior flattening, bilobed and circumferential) were analysed using standard craniometric techniques. The aim was to determine the effects of these forms of ACM on craniofacial morphology, and the extent to which different types of ACM could be distinguished from one another and unmodified crania on the basis of these measurements. Significant differences between artificially modified and unmodified crania, and between different types of ACM, were demonstrated in cranial vault shape for all types. Significant differences in facial morphology were found only in the bilobed group compared with the unmodified crania. Canonical variates analysis (discriminant analysis) confirmed that major differences between modification types and unmodified crania were in measurements and angles of the cranial vault. While the results show some similarities to previous studies, they add to the variability in the patterns and extent of differences documented to date. It is suggested, based on these results and visual observations, that interpopulation variation in ACM within major modification categories may explain some of the variability in results between studies, an explanation which has previously received insufficient recognition but which remains to be tested since varied methodology between studies may also be a contributory factor. While previous studies have often sought to generalise about the effects of ACM, the examination of the differences between populations even within major ACM categories may offer new insight into cultural variation in modification techniques between populations and the nature of craniofacial development.<br/

    Primera experiencia de aula virtual en la Cátedra "Geografía Ecogeografía" de la Carrera de Geografía, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNCuyo

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    Las nuevas tecnologías están generando cambios importantes en la sociedad actual, sin embargo su desarrollo en la educación universitaria argentina aún es escaso. Por eso, el presente informe pretende constituir un aporte al desarrollo de esta nueva forma de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el ámbito académico, porque describe una primera experiencia de aula virtual en “Geografía Ambiental: Ecogeografía", una materia de la carrera de Geografía, dictada en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. El trabajo menciona las actividades realizadas en el marco de la plataforma virtual, sus logros, dificultades y desafíos, percibidos tanto desde las profesoras como desde los alumnosFil: Robledo, Silvia Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y LetrasFil: Puciarelli, Natalia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y LetrasFil: Quiroga, Claudia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y LetrasFil: Domizio, María Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letra

    A machine learning approach to predict the pink shrimp harvest in the Patos Lagoon estuary

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    This paper presents a novel methodology to predict the natural behavior of pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus paulensis) harvest, in the Patos Lagoon Estuary (PLE) by using supervised machine learning. This prediction is a critical task due to its environmental, economic and social impact. Supervised machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), decision trees and rules learning were combined with meta-learning techniques to perform the discrete prediction of the harvest. Performance of several classifiers is evaluated by a set of metrics, especially by a specific metric to deal with the inherent relation of order between the classes. The official harvest data, provided by government agencies, may be affected by random and systemic errors caused mainly by illegal fishing and lack of efficient landing control. These errors, together with the lack of knowledge of the fishing effort employed, increase the difficulty of the prediction task. Results obtained using meta-learning techniques combined with classic algorithms reached an accuracy of 91% for the pink shrimp harvest prediction