103 research outputs found

    Un caso de hemangiosarcoma en un perro de 2 años

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    Se describe un caso de tumor maligno vascular Octubre 1987 (hemangioendotelioma maligno o hemangiosarcoma), en un perro pastor alemán hembra de 2 años de edad, que llegó a nuestra consulta con síntomas inespecíficos. Solamente tras la exploración radiográfica se pensó en la posibilidad de un proceso tumoral; la necropsia y el posterior examen hisropatológico nos dieron el diagnóstico definitivo.A case of a malign vascular neoplasm (malign hemangioendothelioma or hemangiosarcoma) is described in a 2-year-old fernale German Sbepberd dog which was brought in for an examination with inespecific signs. After radiographic exploration a tumoral process vias suspected. Necropsy and histopathologic examination lead to the definitive diagnosis

    Obtención por vía SHS-AE de compuesto cerámico αSiC-αAl2O3-CaAl4O7

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    El presente trabajo muestra los resultados experimentales de la obtención del compuesto cerámico SiC-Al2O3-CaAl 4O7 mediante el proceso SHS-AE (síntesis auto-sostenida de alta temperatura combinada con arco eléctrico) a partir del sistema vidrio sódico-cálcico-Al-C. Se utilizó horno de arco eléctrico con atmósfera de argón para la reducción del contenido de sílice presente en el vidrio con aluminio.La combinación de la energía de la reacción de formación del Al2O3 con la del arco eléctrico provee suficiente energía térmica para superar las barreras cinéticas asociadas con la reacción de formación de los componentes cerámicos.A partir de las relaciones estequiométricas de las materias primas, (polvos que se compactan en forma de pastilla) se efectúa la síntesis alcanzando una temperatura superior a los 2500 K formándose el compuesto SiC-Al2O3-CaAl 4O7. Las muestras obtenidas se caracterizaron por DRX y MEB-EDX confirmando la obtención simultánea de αSiC-αAl2O3-CaAl4O7

    Animal thermoregulation: a review of insulation, physiology and behaviour relevant to temperature control in buildings

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    Birds and mammals have evolved many thermal adaptations that are relevant to the bioinspired design of temperature control systems and energy management in buildings. Similar to many buildings, endothermic animals generate internal metabolic heat, are well insulated, regulate their temperature within set limits, modify microclimate and adjust thermal exchange with their environment. We review the major components of animal thermoregulation in endothermic birds and mammals that are pertinent to building engineering, in a world where climate is changing and reduction in energy use is needed. In animals, adjustment of insulation together with physiological and behavioural responses to changing environmental conditions fine-tune spatial and temporal regulation of body temperature, while also minimizing energy expenditure. These biological adaptations are characteristically flexible, allowing animals to alter their body temperatures to hourly, daily, or annual demands for energy. They exemplify how buildings could become more thermally reactive to meteorological fluctuations, capitalising on dynamic thermal materials and system properties. Based on this synthesis, we suggest that heat transfer modelling could be used to simulate these flexible biomimetic features and assess their success in reducing energy costs while maintaining thermal comfort for given building types

    Las ocupaciones prehistóricas del Barranc de L'Encantada (Beniarrés, Alacant). Un primer balance de la intervención arqueológica en el área a través del análisis del registro lítico

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    S'hi presenta un avanç dels resultats de les intervencions arqueològiques a l'area del barranc de l'Encantada (Beniarrés, Alacant) en el marc del projecte innd Use Dynamics in the Western Mediterranean: A regional Approach to the Transition to Domestication Economies. Els sondejos realitzats en una extensa àrea del peu del fiter rocds situat en la confluència entre el riu d'Alcoi o Serpis i el barranc de l'Encantada, han propiciat la recuperació d'un inreressant conjunt de vestigis materials, principalment lítics, que il.lustren l'ampli ventall cronocultural de les ocupacions prehistòriques en l'área, des del paleolític superior fins a l'edat del bronze. Paraules clau: paleolític superior. Epipaleolític. Mesolític. Neolític. Edat del bronze. Prospecció. "Augers". Excavació.We present an advance of rhe archaeological research in El Barranc de I'Encantada (Beniarrés, Alacant, Spain) in the framework of the project land Use Dynamics in the Western Mediterranean: A regional Approach to the Transition to Domestication Economies. The diggings in an extensive area close to the rocky confluence between the river Alcoi or Serpis and the Barranc of l'Encantada. have recovered an interesting material record, mainly lithic material. This documentarion illustrates the extensive chrono-cultural scope of the prehistoric occupations in the area, since the Palaeolithic until the Bronce Age. Key Words: Upper Palaeolithic. Epipalaeolithic. Mesolithic. Neolithic. Bronze Age. Surveys. Augers. Excavation.Se lleva a cabo en este trabajo un primer balance de los resultados de las intervenciones arqueológicas en el área del Barranc de I'Encantada (Beniarrés. Alacant) en el marco del proyecto land Use Dynamics in the Western Mediterranean: A regional Approach to the Transition to Domestication Economies. Los sondeos practicados en diferentes puntos de concentración de materiales prehistóricos, en una extensa área al pie del farallón rocoso situado en la confluencia entre el río Alcoi o Serpis y el Barranc de l'Encantada, han propiciado la recuperación de un interesante conjunto de vestigios materiales, principalmente líticos, que ilustran el amplio abanico crono-cultural de las ocupaciones prehistóricas en el área, desde el Paleolítico Superior a la Edad del Bronce. Palabras Clave: Paleolítico Superior. Epipaleolítico. Mesolítico. Neolítico. Edad del Bronce. Prospección. Augers. Excavación

    The origins of agriculture in Iberia: a computational model

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    Here we discuss the importance of using the rich and growing database of high-precision, audited radiocarbon dates for high-resolution bottom-up modelling to focus on problems concerning the spread of the Neolithic in the Iberia. We also compare the spread of the Late Mesolithic (so-called Geometric) and the Early Neolithic using our modelling environment. Our results suggest that the source of radiocarbon data used to evaluate alternative hypotheses plays an important role in the results and open up new lines of research for the future.V članku poudarjamo pomen bogate in še vedno rastoče podatkovne zbirke natančnih in revidiranih radioakarbonskih datumov pri pojasnjevanju širjenja neolitika na Iberskem polotoku s pomočjo ‘visoko ločljivega modeliranja od spodaj navzgor’. Z njegovo pomočjo primerjamo tudi širitev poznega mezolitika (to je ‘geometričnega’ mezolitika) in zgodnjega neolitika. Rezultati kažejo, da izvor radioakarbonskih datumov, ki jih uporabljamo pri vrednotenju alternativnih hipotez, vpliva na rezultate in odpira nove možnosti raziskav v prihodnosti

    Paleoseismology of a major crustal seismogenic source near Mexico City. The southern border of the Acambay Graben

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    The Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is an active continental volcanic arc related to subduction along the Middle America trench. It is characterized by intra-arc extension resulting into several major arc-parallel active fault systems and tectonic basins. The Acambay graben, one of the largest of these basins, is located near Mexico City, in the central part of this province. In 1912, a M 6.9 earthquake ruptured the surface along the northern border of the graben together with at least two other faults. In this paper, we analyze the paleoseismic history of the southern border of the Acambay Graben, with new observations made in one natural outcrop and four paleoseismological trenches excavated across branches of the Venta de Bravo Fault at the site where it overlaps with the Pastores Fault. We present evidence of at least two paleo-earthquakes that occurred between 12,190 +/- 175 and 5,822 +/- 87 cal year BP and between 647 +/- 77 and 250 cal year BP. On one of these branches, we estimate a minimum slip-rate value between 0.1 and 0.23 mm/year for the last 12 ka and a mean recurrence interval of 8.5 +/- 3 ka. By considering several likely rupture lengths along the Venta de Bravo and Pastores faults, we calculated a maximum possible magnitude of M-w 7.01 +/- 0.27. Finally, by correlating events recorded along different faults within the Acambay Graben, we discuss several possible rupture coalescent scenarios and related consequences for Mexico City

    Les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells, La Marina Alta-Alacant):

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    Es presenta una descripció preliminar de la seqüència arqueològica de les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells). Els conjunts arqueològics i les datacions C 14 obtingudes indiquen que la cavitat registra ocupacions humanes estratificades entre el XIV i el VI mil·lenni BP, amb materials arqueològics que poden ser relacionats amb el magdalenià superior, epipaleolític sauvaterrià, mesolític i neolític II. Des d’aquest moment la cavitat es va fer servir, bàsicament, de corral per al tancament de ramat domèstic. Paraules clau: Cova. Magdalenià. Epipaleolític. Mesolític. Neolític. Marina Alta (Alacant).A preliminary description of the archaeological sequence of Les Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells) is offered. Archaeological assemblies and obtained C 14 datings indicate that the cavity registers stratified human occupations between 14th and 6th millenium BP, with archaeological record that can be related to the Upper Magdalenian, Sauveterroid Epipaleolithic Period, Mesolithic and Neolithic II. Since this moment the cavity had a function, basically, of corral for the closing of domestic cattle. Key Words: Cave. Magdalenian. Epipaleolithic. Mesolithic. Neolithic. Marina Alta (province of Alicante).Se ofrece una descripción preliminar de la secuencia arqueológica de las Coves de Santa Maira (Castell de Castells). Los conjuntos arqueológicos y las dataciones C 14 obtenidas indican que la cavidad registra ocupaciones humanas estratificadas entre el XIVº y VIº milenio BP, con materiales arqueológicos que pueden ser relacionados con el Magdaleniense superior, Epipaleolítico sauveterroide, Mesolítico y Neolítico II. A partir de este momento la cavidad tuvo una función, básicamente, de corral para el cierre del ganado doméstico. Palabras Clave: Cueva. Magdaleniense. Epipaleolítico. Mesolítico. Neolítico. Marina Alta (Alicante)

    Mode-automata: About modes and states for reactive systems

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    Memoria de la red de coordinación del tercer curso del grado en Ingeniería Multimedia

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    Durante el presente curso se ha constatado el asentamiento del tercer curso del grado en Ingeniería Multimedia, lo que se deriva de los informes de seguimiento de las asignaturas del curso que, en su gran mayoría, no han destacado problema alguno (con alguna excepción de la que se informa). Por otro lado, se ha llevado a cabo una iniciativa para contrastar si las dependencias entre las asignaturas de tercero con respecto a sus precedentes en el plan de estudios responden en realidad a los planteamientos que se hicieron durante el diseño del mismo, intentando descubrir carencias o inconsistencias en los contenidos. De esta manera, se han detectado dependencias que no son tales, dependencias que faltan y temarios de asignaturas básicas en los que, desde el punto de vista de las asignaturas de tercero faltan o sobran contenidos

    Prehistoric palaeodemographics and regional land cover change in eastern Iberia

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    Much attention has been placed on the drivers of vegetation change on the Iberian Peninsula. While climate plays a key role in determining the species pools within different regions and exerts a strong influence on broad vegetation patterning, the role of humans, particularly during prehistory, is less clear. The aim of this paper is to assess the influence of prehistoric population change on shaping vegetation patterns in eastern Iberia and the Balearic Islands between the start of the Neolithic and the late Bronze Age. In all, 3385 radiocarbon dates have been compiled across the study area to provide a palaeodemographic proxy (radiocarbon summed probability distributions (SPDs)). Modelled trends in palaeodemographics are compared with regional-scale vegetation patterns deduced from analysis of 30 fossil pollen sequences. The pollen sequences have been standardised with count data aggregated into contiguous 200-year time windows from 11,000 cal. yr BP to the present. Samples have been classified using cluster analysis to determine the predominant regional land cover types through the Holocene. Regional human impact indices and diversity metrics have been derived for north-east and south-east Spain and the Balearic Islands. The SPDs show characteristic boom-and-bust cycles of population growth and collapse, but there is no clear synchronism between north-east and south-east Spain other than the rise of Neolithic farming. In north-east Iberia, patterns of demographic change are strongly linked to changes in vegetation diversity and human impact indicator groups. In the south-east, increases in population throughout the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Age result in more open landscapes and increased vegetation diversity. The demographic maximum occurred early in the 3rd millennium cal. BP on the Balearic Islands and is associated with the highest levels of human impact indicator groups. The results demonstrate the importance of population change in shaping the abundance and diversity of taxa within broad climatically determined biomes