463 research outputs found

    Novel Attacks and Defenses for Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) Systems

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    This doctoral dissertation expands upon the field of Enterprise Internet-of-Things (E-IoT) systems, one of the most ubiquitous and under-researched fields of smart systems. E-IoT systems are specialty smart systems designed for sophisticated automation applications (e.g., multimedia control, security, lighting control). E-IoT systems are often closed source, costly, require certified installers, and are more robust for their specific applications. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the current E-IoT threat landscape and introduces three novel attacks and defenses under-studied software and protocols heavily linked to E-IoT systems. For each layer, we review the literature for the threats, attacks, and countermeasures. Based on the systematic knowledge we obtain from the literature review, we propose three novel attacks and countermeasures to protect E-IoT systems. In the first attack, we present PoisonIvy, several attacks developed to show that malicious E-IoT drivers can be used to compromise E-IoT. In response to PoisonIvy threats, we describe Ivycide, a machine-learning network-based solution designed to defend E-IoT systems against E-IoT driver threats. As multimedia control is a significant application of E-IoT, we introduce is HDMI-Walk, a novel attack vector designed to demonstrate that HDMI\u27s Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) protocol can be used to compromise multiple devices through a single connection. To defend devices from this threat, we introduce HDMI-Watch, a standalone intrusion detection system (IDS) designed to defend HDMI-enabled devices from HDMI-Walk-style attacks. Finally, this dissertation evaluates the security of E-IoT proprietary protocols with LightingStrike, a series of attacks used to demonstrate that popular E-IoT proprietary communication protocols are insecure. To address LightningStrike threats, we introduce LGuard, a complete defense framework designed to defend E-IoT systems from LightingStrike-style attacks using computer vision, traffic obfuscation, and traffic analysis techniques. For each contribution, all of the defense mechanisms proposed are implemented without any modification to the underlying hardware or software. All attacks and defenses in this dissertation were performed with implementations on widely-used E-IoT devices and systems. We believe that the research presented in this dissertation has notable implications on the security of E-IoT systems by exposing novel threat vectors, raising awareness, and motivating future E-IoT system security research

    Patrimonio Histórico Minero-Metalúrgico, Patrimonio Cultural/ Mining-Metallurgical Historical Heritage, Cultural Heritage

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    El panel se divide en tres secciones : Minería histórica , Patrimonio Minero y Museos

    Heterogeneous Sensory Innervation and Extensive Intrabulbar Connections of Olfactory Necklace Glomeruli

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    The mammalian nose employs several olfactory subsystems to recognize and transduce diverse chemosensory stimuli. These subsystems differ in their anatomical position within the nasal cavity, their targets in the olfactory forebrain, and the transduction mechanisms they employ. Here we report that they can also differ in the strategies they use for stimulus coding. Necklace glomeruli are the sole main olfactory bulb (MOB) targets of an olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) subpopulation distinguished by its expression of the receptor guanylyl cyclase GC-D and the phosphodiesterase PDE2, and by its chemosensitivity to the natriuretic peptides uroguanylin and guanylin and the gas CO2. In stark contrast to the homogeneous sensory innervation of canonical MOB glomeruli from OSNs expressing the same odorant receptor (OR), we find that each necklace glomerulus of the mouse receives heterogeneous innervation from at least two distinct sensory neuron populations: one expressing GC-D and PDE2, the other expressing olfactory marker protein. In the main olfactory system it is thought that odor identity is encoded by a combinatorial strategy and represented in the MOB by a pattern of glomerular activation. This combinatorial coding scheme requires functionally homogeneous sensory inputs to individual glomeruli by OSNs expressing the same OR and displaying uniform stimulus selectivity; thus, activity in each glomerulus reflects the stimulation of a single OSN type. The heterogeneous sensory innervation of individual necklace glomeruli by multiple, functionally distinct, OSN subtypes precludes a similar combinatorial coding strategy in this olfactory subsystem

    Cellular Imaging and Emerging Technologies for Adult Neurogenesis Research

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    The first report on the generation of new neurons in the adult mammalian brain occurred in the early 1960s, however, nearly 40 years passed before the scientific community generally recognized the existence of adult mammalian neurogenesis. Development of new technologies that facilitate the identification of newborn neurons in the early 1990s has been central to expanding our understanding of adult neurogenesis as a process influencing mammalian brain plasticity. Subsequently, the field of adult neurogenesis progressed tremendously thanks to continuous technical advances allowing in vivo and in vitro manipulations of adult neural progenitors. Today, a core understanding of various aspects of adult neurogenesis has emerged, including neural progenitor proliferation and fate-specification, and the migration, maturation, and synaptic integration of newborn neurons into functional circuits. However, numerous questions remain open. This research topic issue gather

    Hitos turísticos urbanos y su representación en las producciones audiovisuales: el caso de España (2000–2021)

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    Esta investigación tiene como principal objetivo conocer el grado de coincidencia entre los hitos o lugares de más interés turístico y los espacios urbanos representados en las principales producciones audiovisuales rodadas en el siglo XXI. El trabajo se basa en algunas de las ciudades más relevantes a nivel turístico de la geografía española, así como en territorios insulares de especial importancia turística. La investigación es de naturaleza analítico-descriptiva, con una metodología cuantitativa y la utilización de la técnica de observación científica. Uno de los principales resultados obtenidos es la existencia de un alto grado de coincidencia entre algunas de las localizaciones proyectadas en las películas y series seleccionadas con los lugares de más interés turístico de las ciudades e islas analizadas

    An agent-based simulator for quantifying the cost of uncertainty in production systems

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    Product-mix problems, where a range of products that generate different incomes compete for a limited set of production resources, are key to the success of many organisations. In their deterministic forms, these are simple optimisation problems; however, the consideration of stochasticity may turn them into analytically and/or computationally intractable problems. Thus, simulation becomes a powerful approach for providing efficient solutions to real-world productmix problems. In this paper, we develop a simulator for exploring the cost of uncertainty in these production systems using Petri nets and agent-based techniques. Specifically, we implement a stochastic version of Goldratt’s PQ problem that incorporates uncertainty in the volume and mix of customer demand. Through statistics, we derive regression models that link the net profit to the level of variability in the volume and mix. While the net profit decreases as uncertainty grows, we find that the system is able to effectively accommodate a certain level of variability when using a Drum-Buffer-Rope mechanism. In this regard, we reveal that the system is more robust to mix than to volume uncertainty. Later, we analyse the cost-benefit trade-off of uncertainty reduction, which has important implications for professionals. This analysis may help them optimise the profitability of investments. In this regard, we observe that mitigating volume uncertainty should be given higher consideration when the costs of reducing variability are low, while the efforts are best concentrated on alleviating mix uncertainty under high costs.This article was financially supported by the State Research Agency of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/ 10.13039/50110 0 011033), via the project SPUR, with grant ref. PID2020–117021GB-I00. In addition, the authors greatly appreciate the valuable and constructive feedback received from the Editorial team of this journal and two anonymous reviewers in the different stages of the review process

    Cribra orbitalia e hiperostosis porótica en una población prehistórica del litoral fluvial del Paraná medio

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    La presencia de hiperostosis porótica y cribra orbitalia en esqueletos humanos constituyen un indicador útil en la reconstrucción de los sistemas de salud en la prehistoria, ya que informa acerca de la afección de anemias por dietas deficientes en hierro o por la presencia de parásitos intestinales. Este trabajo presenta la incidencia de anemia y su posible causa de ocurrencia, en una población que basaba su subsistencia en la pesca, la recolección y la caza, especializada en nutrias y ciervos, proveniente del sitio La Lechuza (Santa Fe), datado en 1760 + 60 años AP. Se seleccionó una muestra compuesta por 22 individuos craneales, (11 adultos - 4 F y 7 M- de un rango etario entre 23 y 60 años, y 11 infantiles entre 0.8 y 3 años de edad). La observación se realizó macroscopicamente, con asistencia de una lente de aumento (X10). El grupo adulto presenta una prevalencia de hiperostosis porótica de un 54.5%, distribuido de la siguiente manera: 2/4 femeninos afectados y 4/7 masculinos. La mayoría de estas lesiones exhiben remodelación ósea, lo que indicaría un estado de inactividad al momento de la muerte. En cuanto a la muestra infantil se observaron 7 casos de cribra orbitalia, incipiente en su mayoría, lo que estaría implicando una prevalencia del 63%. De las tres causas etiológicas que explicarían la ocurrencia anémica, desde lo genético, lo nutricional y lo parasitario, inferimos desde la evidencia biológica, que este caso resulta del modelo parasitario.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA

    Cribra orbitalia e hiperostosis porótica en una población prehistórica del litoral fluvial del Paraná medio

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    La presencia de hiperostosis porótica y cribra orbitalia en esqueletos humanos constituyen un indicador útil en la reconstrucción de los sistemas de salud en la prehistoria, ya que informa acerca de la afección de anemias por dietas deficientes en hierro o por la presencia de parásitos intestinales. Este trabajo presenta la incidencia de anemia y su posible causa de ocurrencia, en una población que basaba su subsistencia en la pesca, la recolección y la caza, especializada en nutrias y ciervos, proveniente del sitio La Lechuza (Santa Fe), datado en 1760 + 60 años AP. Se seleccionó una muestra compuesta por 22 individuos craneales, (11 adultos - 4 F y 7 M- de un rango etario entre 23 y 60 años, y 11 infantiles entre 0.8 y 3 años de edad). La observación se realizó macroscopicamente, con asistencia de una lente de aumento (X10). El grupo adulto presenta una prevalencia de hiperostosis porótica de un 54.5%, distribuido de la siguiente manera: 2/4 femeninos afectados y 4/7 masculinos. La mayoría de estas lesiones exhiben remodelación ósea, lo que indicaría un estado de inactividad al momento de la muerte. En cuanto a la muestra infantil se observaron 7 casos de cribra orbitalia, incipiente en su mayoría, lo que estaría implicando una prevalencia del 63%. De las tres causas etiológicas que explicarían la ocurrencia anémica, desde lo genético, lo nutricional y lo parasitario, inferimos desde la evidencia biológica, que este caso resulta del modelo parasitario.Asociación de Antropología Biológica de la República Argentina (AABRA
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