19 research outputs found

    Early medieval stronghold in Bnin near Poznań in the light of dendrochronology

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    The article presents results of dendrochronological investigations of wooden constructions of the rampart of early medieval stronghold in Bnin (current location Kómik-Bnin), of which a well preserved stone-wooden-earthen fortifications are among the best recognized in Wielkopolska. The site was excavated in the years 1961-1969. The relicts of two phases of the rampart construction discovered in so-called northern trench were dated to the end of the 12,h - beginning of the 13lh century. Based on results of dendrochronological dates of 25 samples taken in 1994, a discovered part of the rampart was constructed in two phases with a break in the year 939. The older construction was finished in 938, while the younger one in 940.The article presents results of dendrochronological investigations of wooden constructions of the rampart of early medieval stronghold in Bnin (current location Kómik-Bnin), of which a well preserved stone-wooden-earthen fortifications are among the best recognized in Wielkopolska. The site was excavated in the years 1961-1969. The relicts of two phases of the rampart construction discovered in so-called northern trench were dated to the end of the 12,h - beginning of the 13lh century. Based on results of dendrochronological dates of 25 samples taken in 1994, a discovered part of the rampart was constructed in two phases with a break in the year 939. The older construction was finished in 938, while the younger one in 940

    Charakter prawny opłaty dodatkowej za brak odpowiedniego dokumentu przewozu

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    The article constitutes an attempt to explain the legal nature of the additional fee for the lack of an appropriate transport document. In the first part of the article, the authors consider what legal relationship, if any, connects the carrier with the person who in fact took a place in the means of transport, but did not intend to pay the transport charges. This is the basis for considering more general issues, such as the definition of a declaration of intent. In this context, the authors criticize the latest rulings by the Court of Justice of the European Union regarding the legal situation of a person travelling without a ticket. Then the authors tackle the issue signalled in the title – they attempt to determine the legal nature of the additional fee. To this end, they first review the positions presented in the doctrine to then formulate their own conclusions. First of all, the issue in question requires the boundaries between civil and administrative law to be clarified, and also for some deliberation to be devoted to the purpose of the title fee.Artykuł stanowi próbę wyjaśnienia charakteru prawnego opłaty dodatkowej za brak odpowiedniego dokumentu przewozu. W pierwszej części artykułu autorzy zastanawiają się nad tym, jaki ewentualnie stosunek prawny łączy przewoźnika z osobą, która wprawdzie zajęła miejsce w środku transportowym, lecz nie miała zamiaru uiszczenia należności przewozowych. Stanowi to punkt wyjścia rozważań nad bardziej ogólnymi kwestiami, takimi jak definicja oświadczenia woli. W tym kontekście autorzy krytycznie odnoszą się do najnowszego orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej dotyczącego sytuacji prawnej osoby podróżującej „na gapę”. Następnie autorzy przechodzą do tytułowej kwestii, czyli próby odpowiedzi na pytanie o charakter prawny opłaty dodatkowej. W tym celu najpierw dokonują przeglądu stanowisk prezentowanych w doktrynie, by w dalszej kolejności sformułować własne wnioski. Wskazane zagadnienie wymaga przede wszystkim doprecyzowania granic między prawem cywilnym a administracyjnym oraz zastanowienia się nad funkcją tytułowej opłaty

    Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of two grapevine cultivars in response to bioproducts

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different bioproducts on the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of ‘Solaris’ and ‘Regent’ grapevine cultivars. The following bioproducts were used, alone or with mineral fertilization (NPK): Ausma, Bioilsa, manure and BF Ekomix. The highest mycorrhizal frequency was recorded in the roots of ‘Solaris’ after applying the bioproduct Ausma. For the ‘Regent’ cultivar, the highest mycorrhizal frequency was found in the plants treated with Ausma, BF Ekomix and manure. Colonization of grapevine roots by AM fungi was limited bymineral fertilization. After the combined use of bioproducts and mineral fertilizers, there was observed a tendency for minimized negative effect of mineral fertilization on the formation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

    Practical aspects of entrepreneur’s transformation into a capital company in the most recent judicature and doctrine

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest ocena funkcjonowania przekształcenia przedsiębiorcy w spółkę kapitałową. Instytucja ta, wprowadzona w 2011 r., do dziś generuje pewne trudności natury systemowej. Sporne pozostaje podstawowe zagadnienie zasady przejścia praw i obowiązków związanych z prowadzoną działalnością gospodarczą. Artykuł przedstawia wyrażone w doktrynie i judykaturze stanowiska, próbując je ocenić i wybrać możliwie najbardziej trafne. W dalszej kolejności prezentowane są konsekwencje przyjęcia jednej z zasad kontynuacji czy to sukcesji ,w szczególności zaś problemy pojawiające się przy okazji dochodzenia należności przez wierzycieli przedsiębiorcy. W tym zakresie artykuł porusza dwie kwestie: zmiany podmiotowej w postępowaniu cywilnym oraz relacje między terminami przedawnienia roszczeń i terminem zawitym dotyczącym trwania odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorcy przekształconego.The subject matter of the article is the assessment of the functioning of transformation of an entrepreneur into a capital company. This institution, introduced in 2011, still generates difficulties of systemic nature. The fundamental issue concerning the principle of the transfer of rights and obligations related to the conducted business activity remains disputable. The article collects current opinions in judicature and legal scholarship and tries to evaluate them and choose the most accurate solutions. Subsequently, author presents the consequences of adopting either the principle of continuity or the principle of succession, as well as points out difficulties arising when a creditor of an entrepreneur pursues claims. The article deals with two issues: subject modification in civil proceedings as well as periods of limitation of claims and expiration time concerning the period of responsibility of a transformed entrepreneur

    Practical aspects of entrepreneur’s transformation into a capital company in the most recent judicature and doctrine

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    Przedmiotem artykułu jest ocena funkcjonowania przekształcenia przedsiębiorcy w spółkę kapitałową. Instytucja ta, wprowadzona w 2011 r., do dziś generuje pewne trudności natury systemowej. Sporne pozostaje podstawowe zagadnienie zasady przejścia praw i obowiązków związanych z prowadzoną działalnością gospodarczą. Artykuł przedstawia wyrażone w doktrynie i judykaturze stanowiska, próbując je ocenić i wybrać możliwie najbardziej trafne. W dalszej kolejności prezentowane są konsekwencje przyjęcia jednej z zasad kontynuacji czy to sukcesji ,w szczególności zaś problemy pojawiające się przy okazji dochodzenia należności przez wierzycieli przedsiębiorcy. W tym zakresie artykuł porusza dwie kwestie: zmiany podmiotowej w postępowaniu cywilnym oraz relacje między terminami przedawnienia roszczeń i terminem zawitym dotyczącym trwania odpowiedzialności przedsiębiorcy przekształconego.The subject matter of the article is the assessment of the functioning of transformation of an entrepreneur into a capital company. This institution, introduced in 2011, still generates difficulties of systemic nature. The fundamental issue concerning the principle of the transfer of rights and obligations related to the conducted business activity remains disputable. The article collects current opinions in judicature and legal scholarship and tries to evaluate them and choose the most accurate solutions. Subsequently, author presents the consequences of adopting either the principle of continuity or the principle of succession, as well as points out difficulties arising when a creditor of an entrepreneur pursues claims. The article deals with two issues: subject modification in civil proceedings as well as periods of limitation of claims and expiration time concerning the period of responsibility of a transformed entrepreneur

    Early medieval stronghold in Bnin near Poznań in the light of dendrochronology

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    The article presents results of dendrochronological investigations of wooden constructions of the rampart of early medieval stronghold in Bnin (current location Kómik-Bnin), of which a well preserved stone-wooden-earthen fortifications are among the best recognized in Wielkopolska. The site was excavated in the years 1961-1969. The relicts of two phases of the rampart construction discovered in so-called northern trench were dated to the end of the 12,h - beginning of the 13lh century. Based on results of dendrochronological dates of 25 samples taken in 1994, a discovered part of the rampart was constructed in two phases with a break in the year 939. The older construction was finished in 938, while the younger one in 940

    On the problem of definition of God : orthodox confessions of faith by St. Gregory Palamas and patriarch Gennadios Scholarios

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    The main Christian Creeds - doctrinal statements of faith were proclaimed by Ecumenical Councils to resolve theological controversies. After the great schism in 1054 the Orthodox Church ceased to announce the official Creeds and replaced them by personal letters or statements of faith put forward by individual bishops. Some of these documents, when they were accepted by the local Church councils, came to acquire universal authority and are used by the Church as essence of the orthodox faith. The authors of the paper present the translations of two famous Confessions of faith written by the most authoritative orthodox bishops - St. Gregory Palamas (14th century) - bishop of Thessalonica and defender of the hesychastic tradition and Gennadios Scholarios ( 15lh century) - patriarch of Constantinople

    Effect of Organic Cultivation on the Occurrence of Beneficial Groups of Microorganisms in the Rhizosphere Soil of Vegetable Crops

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    The article presents the results of research on the occurrence of beneficial groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere of carrot, parsley and potato plants after the application of: (1) a commercial product EmFarma Plus (Probiotics Polska), (2) a consortium called Skierniewickie Microorganisms (MS) (containing three strains of Klebsiella oxytoca, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas sp.), and (3) Consortium MS together with EmFarma Plus. The study estimated the populations of microscopic fungi and bacteria, including the groups of microorganisms considered to be beneficial, i.e., spore-forming bacteria, fluorescent bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas, diazotrophs and actinomycetes. Applications of Consortium MS and, to a lesser extent, the preparation EmFarma Plus together with Consortium MS resulted in a significant increase in the total population of diazotrophs isolated from the rhizosphere soil of the vegetable species included in the study. There was no significant impact of the application of EmFarma Plus on the population size of the analyzed groups of microorganisms in the rhizosphere soil

    Growth, Yielding and Healthiness of Grapevine Cultivars ‘Solaris’ and ‘Regent’ in Response to Fertilizers and Biostimulants

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    In the years 2008–2015, field experiments were conducted on the vines of cultivars ‘Solaris’ and ‘Regent’ grafted on SO4 rootstock. The following treatments: 1. control (untreated), 2. NPK (mineral fertilization 70 kg N·ha−1; 40 kg P·ha−1; 120 kg K·ha−1), 3. mycorrhizal substrate (AMF – Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi), 4. NPK + AMF, 5. manure (before planting), 6. NPK + manure (before planting), 7. Bioilsa, 8. NPK + Bioilsa, 9. BF-Ecomix, 10. NPK + BF-Ecomix, 11. Ausma and 12. NPK + Ausma were applied to evaluate the usefulness of biostimulants and mineral and organic fertilizers in organic grapevine production in “cool climate” conditions of Poland. The tests did not show a definite positive effect of the biostimulants and organic fertilizers on growth, yielding and healthiness of the cultivars ‘Solaris’ and ‘Regent’. There were no substantial differences in total marketable yield in the years 2009 to 2015 between control and other treatments. Grapevines planted in soil rich in minerals grew and yielded well despite no mineral fertilization for a number of years. In 2014, when the air humidity was high during vegetation, intensive rotting of the berries of cultivar ‘Solaris’, caused by Botrytis cinerea, was observed on plants fertilized with NPK