40 research outputs found

    Compartmentation of Redox Metabolism in Malaria Parasites

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    Malaria, caused by the apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium, still represents a major threat to human health and welfare and leads to about one million human deaths annually. Plasmodium is a rapidly multiplying unicellular organism undergoing a complex developmental cycle in man and mosquito – a life style that requires rapid adaptation to various environments. In order to deal with high fluxes of reactive oxygen species and maintain redox regulatory processes and pathogenicity, Plasmodium depends upon an adequate redox balance. By systematically studying the subcellular localization of the major antioxidant and redox regulatory proteins, we obtained the first complete map of redox compartmentation in Plasmodium falciparum. We demonstrate the targeting of two plasmodial peroxiredoxins and a putative glyoxalase system to the apicoplast, a non-photosynthetic plastid. We furthermore obtained a complete picture of the compartmentation of thioredoxin- and glutaredoxin-like proteins. Notably, for the two major antioxidant redox-enzymes – glutathione reductase and thioredoxin reductase – Plasmodium makes use of alternative-translation-initiation (ATI) to achieve differential targeting. Dual localization of proteins effected by ATI is likely to occur also in other Apicomplexa and might open new avenues for therapeutic intervention

    Neuropharmacological properties of neurons derived from human stem cells

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    Human pluripotent stem cells have enormous potential value in neuropharmacology and drug discovery yet there is little data on the major classes and properties of receptors and ion channels expressed by neurons derived from these stem cells. Recent studies in this lab have therefore used conventional patch-clamp electrophysiology to investigate the pharmacological properties of the ligand and voltage-gated ion channels in neurons derived and maintained in vitro from the human stem cell (hSC) line, TERA2.cl.SP12. TERA2.cl.SP12 stem cells were differentiated with retinoic acid and used in electrophysiological experiments 28-50 days after beginning differentiation. HSC-derived neurons generated large whole cell currents with depolarizing voltage steps (-80 to 30 mV) comprised of an inward, rapidly inactivating component and a delayed, slowly deactivating outward component. The fast inward current was blocked by the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (0.1 μM) and the outward currents were significantly reduced by tetraethylammonium ions (TEA, 5 mM) consistent with the presence of functional Na and K ion channels. Application of the inhibitory neurotransmitters, GABA (0.1-1000 μM) or glycine (0.1-1000 μM) evoked concentration dependent currents. The GABA currents were inhibited by the convulsants, picrotoxin (10 μM) and bicuculline (3 μM), potentiated by the NSAID mefenamic acid (10-100 μM), the general anaesthetic pentobarbital (100 μM), the neurosteroid allopregnanolone and the anxiolytics chlordiazepoxide (10 μM) and diazepam (10 μM) all consistent with the expression of GABA receptors. Responses to glycine were reversibly blocked by strychnine (10 μM) consistent with glycine-gated chloride channels. The excitatory agonists, glutamate (1-1000 μM) and NMDA (1-1000 μM) activated concentration-dependent responses from hSC-derived neurons. Glutamate currents were inhibited by kynurenic acid (1 mM) and NMDA responses were blocked by MgCl (2 mM) in a highly voltage-dependent manner. Together, these findings show that neurons derived from human stem cells develop an array of functional receptors and ion channels with a pharmacological profile in keeping with that described for native neurons. This study therefore provides support for the hypothesis that stem cells may provide a powerful source of human neurons for future neuropharmacological studies. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. A

    Regulation of epidermal proliferation and hair follicle cycling by synthetic photostable retinoid EC23

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    Background Retinoid signaling is an important regulator of the epidermis and skin appendages. Therefore, synthetic retinoids have been developed for therapeutic use for skin disorders such as psoriasis and acne. Aims In previous studies, we showed how the photostable retinoid EC23 induces neuronal differentiation in stem cell-like cell populations, and here, we aim to investigate its ability to influence epidermal and hair follicle growth. Methods EC23 influence on skin biology was investigated initially in cultures of monolayer keratinocytes and three-dimentional in vitro models of skin, and finally in in vivo studies of mice back skin. Results EC23 induces keratinocyte hyperproliferation in vitro and in vivo, and when applied to mouse skin increases the number of involucrin-positive suprabasal cell layers. These phenotypic changes are similar in skin treated with the natural retinoid all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA); however, EC23 is more potent; a tenfold lower dose of EC23 is sufficient to induce epidermal thickening, and resulting hyperproliferation is sustained for a longer time period after first dose. EC23 treatment resulted in a disorganized stratum corneum, reduced cell surface lipids and compromised barrier, similar to ATRA treatment. However, EC23 induces a rapid telogen to anagen transition and hair re-growth in 6-week-old mice with synchronously resting back skin follicles. The impact of EC23 on the hair cycle was surprising as similar results have not been seen with ATRA. Conclusions These data suggest that synthetic retinoid EC23 is a useful tool in exploring the turnover and differentiation of cells and has a potent effect on skin physiology

    How good is the evidence that cellular senescence causes skin ageing?

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    Skin is the largest organ of the body with important protective functions, which become compromised with time due to both intrinsic and extrinsic ageing processes. Cellular senescence is the primary ageing process at cell level, associated with loss of proliferative capacity, mitochondrial dysfunction and significantly altered patterns of expression and secretion of bioactive molecules. Intervention experiments have proven cell senescence as a relevant cause of ageing in many organs. In case of skin, accumulation of senescence in all major compartments with ageing is well documented and might be responsible for most, if not all, the molecular changes observed during ageing. Incorporation of senescent cells into in-vitro skin models (specifically 3D full thickness models) recapitulates changes typically associated with skin ageing. However, crucial evidence is still missing. A beneficial effect of senescent cell ablation on skin ageing has so far only been shown following rather unspecific interventions or in transgenic mouse models. We conclude that evidence for cellular senescence as a relevant cause of intrinsic skin ageing is highly suggestive but not yet completely conclusive

    Systems modelling ageing: from single senescent cells to simple multi-cellular models

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    Systems modelling has been successfully used to investigate several key molecular mechanisms of ageing. Modelling frameworks to allow integration of models and methods to enhance confidence in models are now well established. In this article, we discuss these issues and work through the process of building an integrated model for cellular senescence as a single cell and in a simple tissue context