5 research outputs found

    Design of concordant forms of modern clothes on the basis of proportional correlations of sacred geometry

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    Design of concordant collection of women’s clothes by means of interpretation of proportional correlations of sacred geometry using combination options for structural forms and lines when creating texture, colour and prints. In order to analyse the information sources, the literary and analytical, visual and analytical methods have been applied; to investigate the requirements of the customer segment, the sociological survey has been applied; in order to transform typical proportional correlations to rhythms of the designer clothes, the systems and structural, morphological analyses have been applied

    Визначення закономірностей побудови гармонійного форменого одягу провідників Укрзалізниці

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    They have researched arrangements of viewing and emblematic recognizing of stylish patterns of the mode of departmental uniform for conductors of Ukrainian railway from the viewpoint of “human – uniform - surroundings”. They have researched arrangements of sketch presentation of artistic image and structural- geometric intermutation of models for the purpose of creationg typical fashion on the base of additive lines of “golden section”. It is proposed to use banks as independent structural units of project forms for definite geometrical laws and harmonical rations.Исследованы механизмы визуализации и выявления знаковых структур стилистического образа ведомственной спецодеждыпроводников железнолорожного транспорта с позиции системы «человек-спецодежда-среда». Исследованы механизмы эскизного представления художественного образа и структурно-геометрического формообразования моделей с целью создания типизованых форм на основе адитивных рядов «золотого сечения». Предложено использование модулей в качестве самостоятельных структурных единиц проектной формы по определенным геометрическими законами и гармоническими соотношениями.Досліджено механізми  структур стилістичного образу одягу провідників залізничного транспорту з позицій системи «людина-одяг-середовище». Досліджено механізми  представлення образу та структурно-геометричного утворення моделей з метою створення типізованих форм на основі адитивних рядів. Запропоновано застосування  в якості самостійних структурних одиниць проектної форми за визначеними геометричними законами і гармонійними співвідношеннями

    Somatoform disorders in the family doctor's practice.

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    Somatoform disorders – psycho­genic diseases are characterized by pathological physical symptoms that resemble somatic illness. Thus, any organic manifestations, which can be attributed to known diseases are not detected, but there are non-specific functional impairments. Somatoform disorders include somatization disorder, undifferentiated somatoform disorder, hypocho­n­driacal disorder, somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system and stable somatoform pain disorder. The first part of the article reviewes features of the clinical manifestations of somatization disorder and undifferentiated somatoform disorder. Role of non-benzodiazepine tranquilizers (ADAPTOL) and metabolic drugs (VASONAT) in the treatment of patients with somatoform disorders is discussed. In review article data of neurologists and cardiologists on the effectiveness of anxiolytic drug ADAPTOL and metabolic drug VASONAT in different clinical groups of patients (coronary artery disease, chronic ischemia of the brain), which can significantly improve quality of life, increase exercise tolerance, improve cognitive function and correct mental and emotional disorders are presented

    Research of topography of influence and classification of the requirements for uniform of passenger car attendants

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    The article investigates the theoretical foundations of the study of reliability indicators in order to identify priorities in development of efficient uniform for the passenger car attendants with predictable properties. Thus, functional and constructive design is carried out, taking into account the topography of influence by defining zones of influence on different parts of the garment, what enables development of variable constructive and functional solutions for the uniform in accordance with the quality requirements

    Fashion design in a multicultural space

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    The collective monograph contains the results of the synthesis of theoretical materials, as well as the authors` applied research developments on the design of the clothes of different assortment and purpose, made from different materials considering the modern scientific methods