724 research outputs found

    On the destruction of the hidden order in URu2_2Si2_2 by a strong magnetic field

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    We present a study of transport properties of the heavy fermion URu2_2Si2_2 in pulsed magnetic field. The large Nernst response of the hidden order state is found to be suppressed when the magnetic field exceeds 35 T. The combination of resistivity, Hall and Nernst data outlines the reconstruction of the Fermi surface in the temperature-field phase diagram. The zero-field ground state is a compensated heavy-electron semi-metal, which is destroyed by magnetic field through a cascade of field-induced transitions. Above 40 T, URu2_2Si2_2 appears to be a polarized heavy fermions metal with a large density of carriers whose effective mass rapidly decreases with increasing magnetic polarization.Comment: published versio

    Quantum-Classical Crossover and Apparent Metal-Insulator Transition in a Weakly Interacting 2D Fermi Liquid

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    We report the observation of a parallel magnetic field induced metal-insulator transition (MIT) in a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) for which spin and localization physics most likely play no major role. The high-mobility metallic phase at low field is consistent with the established Fermi liquid transport theory including phonon scattering, whereas the insulating phase at higher field shows a large negative temperature dependence at resistances much smaller than the quantum of resistance, h/e2h/e^2. We argue that this observation is a direct manifestation of a quantum-classical crossover arising predominantly from the magneto-orbital coupling between the finite width of the 2DEG and the in-plane magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Evidence for a new magnetic field scale in CeCoIn5

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    The Nernst coefficient of CeCoIn5 displays a distinct anomaly at H_K ~ 23 T. This feature is reminiscent of what is observed at 7.8 T in CeRu2Si2, a well-established case of metamagnetic transition. New frequencies are observed in de Haas-van Alphen oscillations when the field exceeds 23 T, which may indicate a modification of the Fermi surface at this field.Comment: submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Action of Humicola lanuginosa lipase on mixed monomolecular films of tricaprylin and polyethylene glycol stearate

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    The hydrolysis catalyzed by Humicola lanuginosa lipase (HLL) of pure tricaprylin (TC) or stearate of polyethylene glycol 1500 (PEG-St) as well as their mixtures spread as monomolecular films were studied. The catalytic transformation of the two substrates TC or PEG-St into their respective reaction products was detected by measuring simultaneously the decrease in the film area and the surface potential using the "zero order" trough at constant surface pressure. A kinetic model describing the enzymatic hydrolysis was developed. The surface concentrations of the two substrates and their respective reaction products as well as the values of the global kinetic constants of hydrolysis were determined. The experimentally obtained global kinetic constants of the catalytic action of HLL against TC and PEG-St present in mixed monolayers of TC/PEG-St are approximately the same as in the case of pure monolayers. These obtained results give some indications that the activity of enzyme is not significantly affected by the different molecular environments in the mixed monolayers

    Cool Communities—Urban Density, Trees, and Health

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    A move towards more compact and climate-resilient cities is being encouraged around the world. As part of these plans, there is a need to manage the potential conflict between increasing urban densities and the extent of tree canopy in cities. Reductions in tree canopy are a major contributor to the urban heat island (UHI) effect, which will act to reduce rather than increase climate resilience in many cities. A systems thinking approach called Collaborative Conceptual Modelling was used to study the interaction between urban infill, tree canopy, and human health in Perth, Australia. The results indicated that under current planning policies and development practices, the behaviour of the system is dominated by the drive towards higher housing densities. While this may result in the attainment of urban infill targets, it is likely to lead to a reduction in tree canopy, higher temperatures, and a decrease in a range of other benefits provided by trees. Recommended actions to overcome this behaviour were determined by the identification of leverage points in the system. These included a shift to a sustainable development paradigm that places greater value on the environmental and social benefits provided by trees and a greater emphasis on a climate-resilient future. Market and legislative mechanisms should be integrated into the city’s greening strategy and development plans to ensure the protection of existing trees and the inclusion of new trees on public and private land

    Heat Transport in a Strongly Overdoped Cuprate: Fermi Liquid and Pure d-wave BCS Superconductor

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    The transport of heat and charge in the overdoped cuprate superconductor Tl_2Ba_2CuO_(6+delta) was measured down to low temperature. In the normal state, obtained by applying a magnetic field greater than the upper critical field, the Wiedemann-Franz law is verified to hold perfectly. In the superconducting state, a large residual linear term is observed in the thermal conductivity, in quantitative agreement with BCS theory for a d-wave superconductor. This is compelling evidence that the electrons in overdoped cuprates form a Fermi liquid, with no indication of spin-charge separation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published version, title changed, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 147003 (2002

    Hall, Seebeck, and Nernst Coefficients of Underdoped HgBa2CuO4+d: Fermi-Surface Reconstruction in an Archetypal Cuprate Superconductor

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    Charge density-wave order has been observed in cuprate superconductors whose crystal structure breaks the square symmetry of the CuO2 planes, such as orthorhombic YBa2Cu3Oy (YBCO), but not so far in cuprates that preserve that symmetry, such as tetragonal HgBa2CuO4+d (Hg1201). We have measured the Hall (R_H), Seebeck (S), and Nernst coefficients of underdoped Hg1201 in magnetic fields large enough to suppress superconductivity. The high-field R_H(T) and S(T) are found to drop with decreasing temperature and become negative, as also observed in YBCO at comparable doping. In YBCO, the negative R_H and S are signatures of a small electron pocket caused by Fermi-surface reconstruction, attributed to charge density-wave modulations observed in the same range of doping and temperature. We deduce that a similar Fermi-surface reconstruction takes place in Hg1201, evidence that density-wave order exists in this material. A striking similarity is also found in the normal-state Nernst coefficient, further supporting this interpretation. Given the model nature of Hg1201, Fermi-surface reconstruction appears to be common to all hole-doped cuprates, suggesting that density-wave order is a fundamental property of these materials

    Nernst and Seebeck Coefficients of the Cuprate SuperconductorYBa2_2Cu3_3O6.67_{6.67}: A Study of Fermi Surface Reconstruction

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    The Seebeck and Nernst coefficients SS and ν\nu of the cuprate superconductor YBa2_2Cu3_3Oy_y (YBCO) were measured in a single crystal with doping p=0.12p = 0.12 in magnetic fields up to H = 28 T. Down to T=9 K, ν\nu becomes independent of field by H≃30H \simeq 30 T, showing that superconducting fluctuations have become negligible. In this field-induced normal state, S/TS/T and ν/T\nu/T are both large and negative in the T→0T \to 0 limit, with the magnitude and sign of S/TS/T consistent with the small electron-like Fermi surface pocket detected previously by quantum oscillations and the Hall effect. The change of sign in S(T)S(T) at T≃50T \simeq 50 K is remarkably similar to that observed in La2−x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_4, La2−x−y_{2-x-y}Ndy_ySrx_xCuO4_4 and La2−x−y_{2-x-y}Euy_ySrx_xCuO4_4, where it is clearly associated with the onset of stripe order. We propose that a similar density-wave mechanism causes the Fermi surface reconstruction in YBCO.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. New title, shorter abstract, minor revision of text and added reference
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