605 research outputs found


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    Data on 9 new species for the fauna of Serbia are presented: Dicyphus (Dicyphus) epilobii Reuter, 1883; Europiella decolor (Uhler, 1893); Icodema infuscata (Fieber, 1861); Lygus wagneri Remane, 1955; Orthocephalus brevis Panzer, 1798; Phoenicocoris obscurellus (FallƩn, 1829); Phytocoris (Exophytocoris) scitulus Reuter, 1908; Pinalitus rubricatus (FallƩn, 1807) and Polymerus (Poeciloscytus) palustris Reuter, 1905

    COVID-19 in Intensive Care Units

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    Klinički se virus prezentira od vrlo blagih simptoma, blage prehlade pa sve do pneumonije koja može dovesti do akutnoga respiratornog zatajenja i u kasnijoj fazi multiorganskog zatajivanja sa smrtnoŔću od 2 do 10 %. Kod hospitaliziranih bolesnika intersticijska upala pluća i ARDS javljaju se obično tijekom drugog tjedna liječenja, 7 āˆ’ 9 dana od početka bolesti. Neinvazivna ventilacijska potpora nije se pokazala učinkovitom u liječenju ovog tipa ARDS-a uz postojeći dodatni rizik od pojačanog Å”irenja bolesti na medicinsko osoblje (otvoreni sustav ventilacije), a odgađanje invazivne ventilacijske potpore često dovodi do pogorÅ”anja stanja bolesnika. Bolesnici sa saturacijom 75 āˆ’ 80 % i PaO2/FiO2 < 150 zahtijevaju invazivno ventilacijsko liječenje. Kod ovih bolesnika može se javiti fulminantna kardiomiopatija čak i u stadijima oporavka od bolesti. JoÅ” nije jasno izaziva li infekcija virusnu kardiomiopatiju ili je srčana disfunkcija posljedica citokinske oluje. Pravovremeno odvajanje od mehaničke ventilacije ključni je dio uspjeÅ”nog liječenja COVID-19 bolesnika iz razloga Å”to je uopće respiratorna potpora bila u većini slučajeva granično indicirana. Produženom ventilacijom bolesnika, dužom od 5 do 7 dana stvaraju se uvjeti za naseljavanje drugih patogena počesto rezistentnih bakterija i gljivica koje nailaze na izrazito oslabljen imunoloÅ”ki odgovor domaćina čime je put prema sepsi značajno skraćen i ubrzan. Za kontroliranje i uspjeÅ”no liječenje najtežih COVID-19 respiratornih infekcija važna je dobra organizacija jedinica intenzivnog liječenja uz jasno definirane protokole. U takvoj jedinici mora raditi dovoljan broj medicinskog osoblja, prvenstveno najiskusniji liječnici intenzivisti, medicinski tehničari koji su ujedno i najvažnije osoblje.The virus develops from very mild symptoms, mild colds, to pneumonia that can lead to acute respiratory failure and ultimately to multiorgan failure with a mortality of 2 to 10%. In hospitalized patients, interstitial pneumonia and ARDS usually occur during the second week of treatment, 7 ā€“ 9 days from the onset of the disease. Non-invasive ventilation support has not been shown to be effective in treating this type of ARDS with the existing additional risk of increased disease spread to medical staff (open ventilation system). But delaying invasive ventilation support often leads to worsening of the patient\u27s condition. Patients with a saturation of 75 ā€“ 80% and PaO2 / FiO2 <150 require invasive ventilation treatment. Fulminant cardiomyopathy may occur in these patients even in the stages of recovery from the disease. It is not yet clear whether the infection causes viral cardiomyopathy or whether cardiac dysfunction is due to a cytokine storm. Early weaning from mechanical ventilation is one of the key aspects of successful treatment of patients with COVID-19 because respiratory support in general was borderline indicated in most cases. Prolonged ventilation of patients for more than 5 ā€“ 7 days creates conditions for the colonization of other pathogens, often resistant bacteria and fungi that encounter a markedly weakened immune response of the host, which significantly shortens and accelerates the path to sepsis. Good organization of intensive care units with clearly defined protocols is important for the control and successful treatment of the most severe COVID-19 respiratory infections. Such units must have a sufficient number of medical staff, primarily meaning the most experienced intensive care physicians, and medical technicians who are essentially the most important personnel

    Serbian radicalism 1881-1903: Political thought and practice

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    Subject to transformation and change as any other political ideology Serbian Radicalism nevertheless revolved round some more or less permanent concepts, the most important being constitutionalism, parliamentary democracy, civil liberties and local self-government. Yet another basic aspect of the Radical Party's ideology, its national programme, may be seen as an external ingredient inasmuch as the national emancipation, liberation and unification of the Serbs were viewed as originating from internal freedom. It was only in the 1890s that their national programme became fully developed. Major features of the Party's political practice, on the other hand, were flexibility, pragmatism and cohesion

    Between Democracy and Populism: Political Ideas of the PeopleŹ¹s Radical Party in Serbia:(The Formative Period: 1860Ź¹s to 1903)

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    Special editions 133. Institut for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Art

    Sources of the ideology of the Serbian radical movement 1881-1903

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    The sources of the ideology of Serbian Radicalism were twofold: imported and domestic. The imported (or foreign) influences came in three major waves: 1) European (especially Russian) socialist, anarchist, and populist traditions mainly influencing the group round Svetozar Marković and covering the period described as rudimentary Radicalism; 2) strong influence of the French Radical movement both in terms of political programme and organization; 3) British parliamentary and constitutional theory, fully accepted by the Radicals in Serbia by the late 1880s. The ideas drawn from European political experience needed to be transformed, changed, and adapted to suit the specific Serbian political environment. The internal (or domestic) sources of Radicalism were the specific political circumstances of Serbian society political expressions emerging from the ruler, on the one hand, and from political parties, on the other, fundamentally influenced and modified the Radical ideology

    Bioethical issues in the development of biopharmaceuticals

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    Development of biopharmaceuticals is a challenging issue in bioethics. Unlike conventional, small molecular weight drugs, biopharmaceuticals are proteins derived from DNA technology and hybrid techniques with complex three dimensional structures. Immunogenicity of biopharmaceuticals should always be tested in clinical settings due to low predictive value of preclinical animal models. However, non-human primates (NHP) and transgenic mice could be used to address certain aspects of immunogenicity. Substantial efforts have been made to reduce NHP use in biopharmaceutical drug development, e.g. study design improvements and changes in regulatory policy. In addition, several expert groups are active in this field (e.g. NC3Rs, BioSafe, and Biopharmaceutical Technical Group). Despite that, there is an increasing trend of use of NHP in preclinical safety testing of biopharmaceuticals, especially regarding monoclonal antibodies. Other potential bioethical issues related biopharmaceutical drug development are their cost/effectiveness ratio, clinical safety assessment, production of biosimilars, and comparison of their efficacy with placebo in countries without intention to market. Identification of the human genome has opened many new bioethical issues. Development of biopharmaceuticals is an important bioethical issue for several reasons. It connects all aspects of contemporary bioethics: bioĀ­medicine (e.g. clinical trials in vulnerable subjects), animal welfare and the most recent adĀ­vances in biotechnology. In particular, biopharmaceutical drug development is a challenging issue regarding treatment of rare diseases


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    Heteropteran fauna of Serbia has increased by six newly recorded species: Macrolophus costalis Fieber, 1858, Macrolophus rubi Woodroffe, 1957, Charagochilus spiralifer Kerzhner 1988, Maurodactylus albidus Kolenati, 1845, Phoenicocoris dissimilis (Reuter, 1878), and Plesiodema pinetella (Zetterstedt, 1828). All of them belong to the family Miridae

    A Kinetic Study of the Inhibition of Protein Synthesis by Several Antibiotics

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    The effects of several antibiotics on the initial reaction rates of the polyphenylalanine and polylysine syntheses were measured in cell-free systems from Escherichia coli MRE600, stimulated by polyuridilic and polyadenylic acid, respectively. lVIichaelis-Menten Ā·Ā·type of dependence on the tRNA concentration, and a sigmoidal (possibly cooperative) dependence on the polynucleotide concentration was obtained. Puromycin and chloramphenicol were competitive inhibitors with respect to tRNA, while erythromycin, streptomycin and chlorotetracycline were non-competitive inhibitors. On the other hand, erythromycin was apparently a competitive inhibitor with respect to the synthetic polynucleotide, while other above-mentioned antibiotics showed either uncompetitive, non-competitive or mixed type of inhibition. This kinetic approach enabled the calculation of inhibition constants for the examined antibiotics; they ranged from 2.5 x 10-7 mol dmĀ·3 for erythromycin and streptomycin, to over 1 Ā· 10Ā·4 mol dm-a for puromycin


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    A new species for the fauna of Serbia - Dimorphocoris beieri Wagner, 1965, was caught on the Veliki StreÅ”er, the highest peak of the Mount Vardenik. The species is endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, and in addition to Serbia, it has also been recorded in Montenegro on the Mount Durmitor (Wagner 1965, 1973; Protić et al. 1990). In addition to this, another species of the same genus was recorded in Serbia - D. saulii Wagner, on the Mount Stolovi (Protić, 2016)

    Novi podaci o predatorima lisnih buva (Heteroptera: Miridae)

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    U Srbiji do sada nije bilo faunističkog proučavanja lisnih buva i njihovih prirodnih neprijatelja. Jedino su proučavani prirodni neprijatelji kruÅ”kinih lisnih buva - Cacopsylla pyri i C. pyrisuga (PAVIĆEVIĆ, 1977; GRBIĆ et al., 1989; JERINIĆ-PRODANOVIĆ et al., 2010). Među predatorima se navodi nekoliko vrsta Heteroptera iz familija Anthocoridae i Miridae, a GRBIĆ et al. (1989) navode joÅ” i Nabis pseudoferus Remane iz familije Nabidae. U ovom radu obrađene su dve vrste predatora lisnih buva iz familije Miridae. Deraeocoris (Deraeocoris) flavilinea (A. Costa, 1862) je nova vrsta za faunu Srbije. To je mediteranska vrsta u ekspanziji. Do 1965. bila je poznata samo na Siciliji, a posle proÅ”iruje svoj areal prvo u Italiji, Francuskoj, a sada je rasprostranjena u gotovo svim evropskim državama (KERZHNER, I. M., JOSIFOV M. 1999). U naÅ”im istraživanjima D. flavilinea je utvrđena na pet vrsta lisnih buva: Cacopsylla bidens, Homotoma ficus, Trioza rhamn, Psyllopsis discrepans i Ps. machinosa. Hypseloeucus visci (Puton) je odgajena sa jedne vrste lisne buve Cacopsylla visci. Prema raspoloživoj literaturi, Hypseloeucus visci do sada u svetu nije utvrđena kao predator lisnih buva. Ovom istraživanjima je prvi put utvrđena kao predator lisnih buva i novi je član faune Heteroptera Srbije
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