52 research outputs found

    Towards Organic Zeolites and Inclusion Catalysts: Heptazine Imide Salts Can Exchange Metal Cations in the Solid State

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    Highly crystalline potassium (heptazine imides) were prepared by the thermal condensation of substituted 1,2,4- triazoles in eutectic salt melts. These semiconducting salts are already known to be highly active photocatalysts, e.g. for the visible light driven generation of hydrogen from water. Herein, we show that within the solid state structure, potassium ions can be exchanged to other metal ions while the crystal habitus is essentially preserved

    Paraneoplastic syndrome in urothelial carcinoma of the kidney: difficulty in diagnosis and deterioration in prognosis

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    Paraneoplastic syndrome is not a common concomitance of urothelial tumors. The literature describes a few tens of clinical cases in which urothelial cancer has become a cause of marked nonspecific tumor-associated reactions, associated with the presence of the tumor. Bladder tumors are at stake in all cases. The given clinical observation describes paraneoplastic manifestations in high-grade urothelial carcinoma of the kidney. It demonstrates difficulties in differential diagnosis and gives a retrospective estimate of diagnostic and therapeutic tactics

    Electrooxidation of formic acid on gold : An ATR-SEIRAS study of the role of adsorbed formate

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    Funding from the DGI (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science) through Projects CTQ2009-07017 and PLE2009-0008 is gratefully acknowledged. M.E.-E. acknowledges an FPI fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and an accommodation grant at the Residencia de Estudiantes from the Madrid City Council. C. V.-D. acknowledges a JAE-Doc fellowship from CSIC.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Паранеопластический синдром при уротелиальной карциноме почки: затруднение диагностики, ухудшение прогноза

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    Paraneoplastic syndrome is not a common concomitance of urothelial tumors. The literature describes a few tens of clinical cases in which urothelial cancer has become a cause of marked nonspecific tumor-associated reactions, associated with the presence of the tumor. Bladder tumors are at stake in all cases. The given clinical observation describes paraneoplastic manifestations in high-grade urothelial carcinoma of the kidney. It demonstrates difficulties in differential diagnosis and gives a retrospective estimate of diagnostic and therapeutic tactics.Паранеопластический синдром не является частым спутником уротелиальных опухолей. В литературе описано несколько десятков клинических наблюдений, когда уротелиальный рак становился причиной выраженных неспецифических системных реакций, ассоциированных с наличием опухоли. Во всех случаях речь шла об опухолях мочевого пузыря. В представленном клиническом наблюдении описаны паранеопластические проявления при низкодифференцированной уротелиальной карциноме почки. Продемонстрированы сложности дифференциальной диагностики и дана ретроспективная оценка диагностической и лечебной тактики

    Biochemical applications of surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

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    An overview is presented on the application of surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopy to biochemical problems. Use of SEIRA results in high surface sensitivity by enhancing the signal of the adsorbed molecule by approximately two orders of magnitude and has the potential to enable new studies, from fundamental aspects to applied sciences. This report surveys studies of DNA and nucleic acid adsorption to gold surfaces, development of immunoassays, electron transfer between metal electrodes and proteins, and protein–protein interactions. Because signal enhancement in SEIRA uses surface properties of the nano-structured metal, the biomaterial must be tethered to the metal without hampering its functionality. Because many biochemical reactions proceed vectorially, their functionality depends on proper orientation of the biomaterial. Thus, surface-modification techniques are addressed that enable control of the proper orientation of proteins on the metal surface. [Figure: see text


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    Recurrent corneal erosion (RCE) is a chronic recurrent disease of uncertain etiology that declares itself by an epithelial defect in a certain corneal zone, that is due to an adhesion loss between epithelium and Bowman’s membrane, and inability for self spontaneous re-epithelization. Among main etiological factors are: previous micro-trauma (39.3-60%), basal epithelial membrane dystrophy (17.1-29%), previous PRK (17.1%), LASIK (7.7%) and uncertain etiology (18.8%). Specific characteristics of RCE are: epithelial erosions, Cogan’s cysts, «dactyloscopic finger-prints» on the epithelium, visible by retro-luminescence. To verify the diagnosis and to evaluate disease dynamics it is worth using corneal fluorescein staining with counting points according to one of grading scales (Efron, Bron, CCLRU, CLEK, Barr etc.). Conservative therapy methods: lubricants, antibiotic ointments, punctual occluders, bandage contact lenses, steroid and nonsteroid per os. Surgical methods: anterior stromal punctures, epithelial scarification, superficial keratectomy, PTK. It is being reported of metalloproneinases-2 and -9 inhibitors efficacy, as well as that of homologous fibronectin, blood plasma, PROSE eco-pro, tymosin b4, nexagone, keratoepithelioplasty and limbal transplantation. The efficacy of new drugs is being inveatigated on a clinical stage: opoid antagonists, CFTR activators, tretinoin-A (vitamin A analog), epithelial growth factors etc. Therefore, there are plenty of RCE treatment methods, based on etiopathogenesis and clinical symptoms. However, one should give preference to one of them according to corneal affection rate, concomitant diseases, defect localization and adhere to comprehensive customized treatment


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    Purpose. Analysis of clinical course of corneal lesion in case of Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis.Material and methods. The study performed an analysis of literature and also an algorithm of current diagnosis and treatment of patient with Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis is shown.Results. In application of corticosteroids in a low concentration, 0.05% Cyclosporine A, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with the tear substitute therapy it was possible to obtain a regression of symptoms.Conclusions. The observation of the course of keratitis proposed an immune theory of disease and also a connection with cytomegalovirus infection