206 research outputs found

    Population and Human Capital Growth in Egypt: Projections for Governorates to 2051

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    Human capital formation has been chosen as the initial focal point of this new IIASA population-development-environment case study on Egypt. With its population still likely to double and its water resources severely restricted, Egypt faces formidable population- and environment-related challenges. The government has an explicit population policy aimed at bringing the fertility rate down to replacement level by 2017. With its options for agricultural development severely limited, the future livelihood of this rapidly growing population can only be secured through rapid development in the industrial and service sectors. For both sectors, human capital development is a necessary prerequisite for success. Of course, such development needs to be complemented by the right investment and trade policies. But without a sufficiently well-educated population, Egypt will not be able to compete in the global service and industry markets. The study explores the human capital dimension at the aggregate level for the whole of Egypt and at the governorate level, distinguishing between 21 governorates and the Frontier Region. For each of the governorates a multi-state population projection model is defined that differentiates the population by age, sex, and level of education. The scenarios demonstrate the momentum of educational development: The challenges will be important for those governorates where past investments in education have been insufficient, especially for the female population, and where the working-age population will increase tremendously, such as in Fayoum, Menia, Assyout, and Suhag. The projections point to the necessity of major structural changes in the development of Egypt

    Modeling bioremediation of contaminated groundwater

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    Bioremediation: Applied Microbial Solutions for Real-World Environmental Cleanup is a fascinating examination of research and its real-world application. Intended for both academics and practitioners, the book presents information on the legal, scientific, and engineering principles behind bioremediation for cleaning up contaminated soil and groundwater sources. Bioremediation incorporates a variety of international perspectives in detailing for industrial engineers and researchers the current technologies and the research and development pointing to new technologies. This new volume covers foundational material, including the importance of bioremediation, the range of contamination conditions under which bioremediation technologies can be used, and the legal and regulatory drivers for employing bioremediation. The methods used to assess contamination sites are detailed, and focused chapters cover organic, metal, soil, aquatic, and marine bioremediation. Chapters also provide in-depth coverage of challenges associated with bioremediation, including risk-based design criteria and project modeling

    Colloid Release and Clogging in Porous Media: Effects of Solution Ionic Strength and Flow Velocity

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    The release and retention of in-situ colloids in aquifers play an important role in the sustainable operation of managed aquifer recharge (MAR) schemes. The processes of colloid release, retention, and associated permeability changes in consolidated aquifer sediments were studied by displacing native groundwater with reverse osmosis-treated (RO) water at various flow velocities. Significant amounts of colloid release occurred when: (i) the native groundwater was displaced by RO-water with a low ionic strength (IS), and (ii) the flow velocity was increased in a stepwise manner. The amount of colloid release and associated permeability reduction upon RO-water injection depended on the initial clay content of the core. The concentration of released colloids was relatively low and the permeability reduction was negligible for the core sample with a low clay content of about 1.3%. In contrast, core samples with about 6 and 7.5% clay content exhibited: (i) close to two orders of magnitude increase in effluent colloid concentration and (ii) more than 65% permeability reduction. Incremental improvement in the core permeability was achieved when the flow velocity increased, whereas a short flow interruption provided a considerable increase in the core permeability.This dependence of colloid release and permeability changes on flow velocity and colloid concentration was consistent with colloid retention and release at pore constrictions due to the mechanism of hydrodynamic bridging. A mathematical model was formulated to describe the processes of colloid release, transport, retention at pore constrictions, and subsequent permeability changes. Our experimental and modeling results indicated that only a small fraction of the in-situ colloids was released for any given change in the IS or flow velocity. Comparison of the fitted and experimentally measured effluent colloid concentrations and associated changes in the core permeability showed good agreement, indicating that the essential physics were accurately captured by the model

    Noble gas constraints on the fate of arsenic in groundwater

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    Groundwater contamination of geogenic arsenic (As) remains a global health threat, particularly in south-east Asia. The prominent correlation often observed between high As concentrations and methane (CH4_{4}) stimulated the analysis of the gas dynamics in an As contaminated aquifer, whereby noble and reactive gases were analysed. Results show a progressive depletion of atmospheric gases (Ar, Kr and N2_{2}) alongside highly increasing CH4_{4}, implying that a free gas phase comprised mainly of CH4_{4} is formed within the aquifer. In contrast, Helium (He) concentrations are high within the CH4_{4} (gas) producing zone, suggesting longer (groundwater) residence times. We hypothesized that the observed free (CH4_{4}) gas phase severely detracts local groundwater (flow) and significantly reduces water renewal within the gas producing zone. Results are in-line with this hypothesis, however, a second hypothesis has been developed, which focuses on the potential transport of He from an adjacent aquitard into the (CH4_{4}) gas producing zone. This second hypothesis was formulated as it resolves the particularly high He concentrations observed, and since external solute input from the overlying heterogeneous aquitard cannot be excluded. The proposed feedback between the gas phase and hydraulics provides a plausible explanation of the anti-intuitive correlation between high As and CH4_{4}, and the spatially highly patchy distribution of dissolved As concentrations in contaminated aquifers. Furthermore, the increased groundwater residence time would allow for the dissolution of more crystalline As-hosting iron(Fe)-oxide phases in conjunction with the formation of more stable secondary Fe minerals in the hydraulically-slowed (i.e., gas producing) zone; a subject which calls for further investigation

    Comparison of parameter sensitivities between a laboratory and field scale model of uranium transport in a dual domain, distributed rate reactive system

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    A laboratory-derived conceptual and numerical model for U(VI) transport at the Hanford 300A site, Washington, USA, was applied to a range of field-scale scenarios of different geochemical complexity to identify the importance of individual processes in controlling the fate of U(VI), as well as to elucidate the characteristic differences between well-defined laboratory and the more complex field-scale conditions. Therefore, a rigorous sensitivity analysis was carried out for the various simulation scenarios. The underlying conceptual and numerical model, originally developed from column experiment data, includes distributed rate surface complexation kinetics of U(VI), aqueous speciation, and physical nonequilibrium transport processes. The field scenarios accounted additionally for highly transient groundwater flow and variable geochemical conditions driven by frequent water level changes of the nearby Columbia River. The results of the sensitivity analysis showed not only similarities but also important differences in parameter sensitivities between the laboratory and field-scale models. It was found that the actual degree of sorption disequilibrium, actual concentration of sorbed U(VI), and the sorption extent (i.e., theoretical concentration of sorbed U(VI) at equilibrium) are the major controls for the magnitude of the calculated parameter sensitivities. These internal model variables depended mainly on (1) the groundwater flow conditions, i.e., the relatively long phases of limited groundwater movement in the field scale (intercepted by short peak flow events) and the long sustained flow phases in the column experiment (intercepted by relatively short stop flow events), and (2) the sampling location in the field-scale model, i.e., plume fringe versus plume center. Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union

    Modelling the fate of oxidisable organic contaminants in groundwater

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    Subsurface contamination by organic chemicals is a pervasive environmental problem, susceptible to remediation by natural or enhanced attenuation approaches or more highly engineered methods such as pump-and-treat, amongst others. Such remediation approaches, along with risk assessment or the pressing need to address complex scientific questions, have driven the development of integrated modelling tools that incorporate physical, biological and geochemical processes. We provide a comprehensive modelling framework, including geochemical reactions and interphase mass transfer processes such as sorption/desorption, non-aqueous phase liquid dissolution and mineral precipitatation/dissolution, all of which can be in equilibrium or kinetically controlled. This framework is used to simulate microbially mediated transformation/degradation processes and the attendant microbial population growth and decay. Solution algorithms, particularly the split-operator (SO) approach, are described, along with a brief résumé of numerical solution methods. Some of the available numerical models are described, mainly those constructed using available flow, transport and geochemical reaction packages. The general modelling framework is illustrated by pertinent examples, showing the degradation of dissolved organics by microbial activity limited by the availability of nutrients or electron acceptors (i.e., changing redox states), as well as concomitant secondary reactions. Two field-scale modelling examples are discussed, the Vejen landfill (Denmark) and an example where metal contamination is remediated by redox changes wrought by injection of a dissolved organic compound. A summary is provided of current and likely future challenges to modelling of oxidisable organics in the subsurface

    Modelling the fate of oxidisable organic contaminants in groundwater

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    Subsurface contamination by organic chemicals is a pervasive environmental problem, susceptible to remediation by natural or enhanced attenuation approaches or more highly engineered methods such as pump-and-treat, amongst others. Such remediation approaches, along with risk assessment or the pressing need to address complex scientific questions, have driven the development of integrated modelling tools that incorporate physical, biological and geochemical processes. We provide a comprehensive modelling framework, including geochemical reactions and interphase mass transfer processes such as sorption/desorption, non-aqueous phase liquid dissolution and mineral precipitatation/dissolution, all of which can be in equilibrium or kinetically controlled. This framework is used to simulate microbially mediated transformation/degradation processes and the attendant microbial population growth and decay. Solution algorithms, particularly the split-operator (SO) approach, are described, along with a brief résumé of numerical solution methods. Some of the available numerical models are described, mainly those constructed using available flow, transport and geochemical reaction packages. The general modelling framework is illustrated by pertinent examples, showing the degradation of dissolved organics by microbial activity limited by the availability of nutrients or electron acceptors (i.e., changing redox states), as well as concomitant secondary reactions. Two field-scale modelling examples are discussed, the Vejen landfill (Denmark) and an example where metal contamination is remediated by redox changes wrought by injection of a dissolved organic compound. A summary is provided of current and likely future challenges to modelling of oxidisable organics in the subsurface

    Challenges in measuring nitrogen isotope signatures in inorganic nitrogen forms: An interlaboratory comparison of three common measurement approaches

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    Rationale Stable isotope approaches are increasingly applied to better understand the cycling of inorganic nitrogen (Ni) forms, key limiting nutrients in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. A systematic comparison of the accuracy and precision of the most commonly used methods to analyze ÎŽ15N in NO3− and NH4+ and interlaboratory comparison tests to evaluate the comparability of isotope results between laboratories are, however, still lacking. Methods Here, we conducted an interlaboratory comparison involving 10 European laboratories to compare different methods and laboratory performance to measure ÎŽ15N in NO3− and NH4+. The approaches tested were (a) microdiffusion (MD), (b) chemical conversion (CM), which transforms Ni to either N2O (CM-N2O) or N2 (CM-N2), and (c) the denitrifier (DN) methods. Results The study showed that standards in their single forms were reasonably replicated by the different methods and laboratories, with laboratories applying CM-N2O performing superior for both NO3− and NH4+, followed by DN. Laboratories using MD significantly underestimated the “true” values due to incomplete recovery and also those using CM-N2 showed issues with isotope fractionation. Most methods and laboratories underestimated the at%15N of Ni of labeled standards in their single forms, but relative errors were within maximal 6% deviation from the real value and therefore acceptable. The results showed further that MD is strongly biased by nonspecificity. The results of the environmental samples were generally highly variable, with standard deviations (SD) of up to ± 8.4‰ for NO3− and ± 32.9‰ for NH4+; SDs within laboratories were found to be considerably lower (on average 3.1‰). The variability could not be connected to any single factor but next to errors due to blank contamination, isotope normalization, and fractionation, and also matrix effects and analytical errors have to be considered

    Toward a more sustainable mining future with electrokinetic in situ leaching

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from AAAS via the DOI in this recordData and materials availability: All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the paper are present in the paper and/or the Supplementary Materials. Additional data related to this paper may be requested from the authors.Metals are currently almost exclusively extracted from their ore via physical excavation. This energy-intensive process dictates that metal mining remains among the foremost CO2 emitters and mine waste is the single largest waste form by mass. We propose a new approach, electrokinetic in situ leaching (EK-ISL), and demonstrate its applicability for a Cu-bearing sulfidic porphyry ore. In laboratory-scale experiments, Cu recovery was rapid (up to 57 weight % after 94 days) despite low ore hydraulic conductivity (permeability = 6.1 mD; porosity = 10.6%). Multiphysics numerical model simulations confirm the feasibility of EK-ISL at the field scale. This new approach to mining is therefore poised to spearhead a new paradigm of metal recovery from currently inaccessible ore bodies with a markedly reduced environmental footprint.Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA
