180 research outputs found


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    The article addresses the problems of the evaluation methodology improvement of the transport service efficiency and quality provided to passengers on suburban bus routes in accordance with the modern management system requirements. The purpose of the study is to provide practical recommendations to motor transport enterprises following which they can improve the level of service provided to suburban bus route passengers, as well as to provide a structured approach that will allow transport organizations to respond objectively and reasonably to requests resulting from new passenger transportation needs. For a comprehensive assessment of quantitative and qualitative transport service indicators, the evaluation method of the transport service efficiency is proposed. This approach makes it possible to reflect the transport service level both through the prism of enterprises` operation efficiency and the quality of transport service provision. The results of the study are of practical importance in the application of such methods in motor transport enterprises` activity providing the necessary information for management in modern business conditions.The article addresses the problems of the evaluation methodology improvement of the transport service efficiency and quality provided to passengers on suburban bus routes in accordance with the modern management system requirements. The purpose of the study is to provide practical recommendations to motor transport enterprises following which they can improve the level of service provided to suburban bus route passengers, as well as to provide a structured approach that will allow transport organizations to respond objectively and reasonably to requests resulting from new passenger transportation needs. For a comprehensive assessment of quantitative and qualitative transport service indicators, the evaluation method of the transport service efficiency is proposed. This approach makes it possible to reflect the transport service level both through the prism of enterprises` operation efficiency and the quality of transport service provision. The results of the study are of practical importance in the application of such methods in motor transport enterprises` activity providing the necessary information for management in modern business conditions

    Exclusive J/Psi electroproduction in a dual model

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    Exclusive J/Psi electroproduction is studied in the framework of the analytic S-matrix theory. The differential and integrated elastic cross sections are calculated using the Modified Dual Amplitude with Mandelstam Analyticity (M-DAMA) model. The model is applied to the description of the available experimantal data and proves to be valid in a wide region of the kinematical variables s, t and Q^2. Our amplitude can be used also as a universal background parametrization for the extraction of tiny resonance signals.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Novel features of diffraction at the LHC

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    Interest and problems in the studies of diffraction at LHC are highlighted. Predictions for the global characteristics of proton-proton interactions at the LHC energy are given. Potential discoveries of the antishadow scattering mode and diffractive scattering conjugated with high--ETE_T jets are discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, journal version, 1 figure added, extended introductio

    Extraction of TMDs with global fits

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    We present a brief review of our recent extractions of the Transverse-Momentum–Dependent distribution and fragmentation functions performed by analysing Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering and e+e− → h1h2 + X data on azimuthal asymmetries

    Comparing extractions of Sivers functions

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    A comparison is given of the various recently published extractions of the Sivers functions from the HERMES and COMPASS data on single-transverse spin asymmetries in semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of "The International Workshop on Transverse Polarisation Phenomena in Hard Processes" (Transversity 2005), Villa Olmo (Como), 7-10th. September 200


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    Purpose: to optimize surgical tactics and improve the results of treatment of rectocele.Materials and methods: clinical group included 87 women suffering rectocele 2-3 degrees. Depending on the surgical treatment, the patients were divided into two groups. In Group 1 (n = 38) in the surgical treatment of transvaginal access comply with levatoroplastic and colporrhaphia. In Group 2 (n = 49) plastic rectocele was carried out from the combined transvaginal and transrectal access and was fixing domes sacrospinal vagina, colporrhaphia, augmented transrectal «time 11» mucopexy to a height of 5 cm above the dentate line.Results: sonoelastometric study of stiffness of the muscles of the perineum, tonometric study of vaginal pressure gradient of rest and stress are important diagnostic criteria of pelvic floor functional insufficiency and severity of rectocele. Surgery in 2 patients was more physiological as, accompanied by fewer recurrences of development, higher quality of life and recommended that patients with 3 degrees of rectocele.Summary: the severity of functional insufficiency of muscles of the perineum is the basis of choosing the tactics of surgical treatment of prolapse

    From the exclusive photoproduction of heavy quarkonia at HERA to the EDDE at TeVatron and LHC

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    Exclusive photoproduction of heavy quarkonia at HERA is analyzed in the framework of the Regge-eikonal approach together with the nonrelativistic bound state formalism. Total and differential cross-sections for the process γ+p(QQˉ)1S+p\gamma+p\to (Q\bar{Q})_{1S}+p are calculated. The model predicts cross-sections of Exclusive Double Diffractive Events (EDDE) at TeVatron and LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, reference is adde


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    Instrumented indentation is a very promising technique for studying structural phase transitions in crystalline materials such as silicon.In the present work silicon samples with different crystallographic orientations and doping rates were investigated using indentation with a pyramid indentor of Berkovich type. For studying the electrical properties the indentor was made of semiconductor boron−doped single crystalline diamond. For verification of structural transitions in silicon Raman spectroscopy technique was applied.Electrical current through the contact area under the indentor was measured simultaneously with recording the mechanical response of the material during the indentation process. It is shown that variation in current value gives additional information about the conditions of contact between the indentor and the sample surface. The influence of variations in resistivity and contact area on the measured electrical current value is discussed.Применение метода измерительного индентирования является перспективным для изучения структурных фазовых переходовв кристаллических материалах, таких как кремний. Рассмотрены экспериментальные результаты исследования поведения образцов кремния с различной кристаллической ориентацией и степенью легирования при нагружении алмазным индентором в виде пирамиды Берковича. Для изучения электрических параметров в качествематериала индентора использовали легированный бором полупроводниковый монокристалл алмаза. Для подтверждения структурных превращений в кремнии применен метод рама-новской спектроскопии.Одновременно с измерением механического отклика материала при индентировании регистрировали ток, протекающийв области контакта наконечника с образцом. Показано, что изменение значения тока дает дополнительную информацию об условиях взаимодействия индентора с материалом. Обсуждено влияние изменений удельного сопротивления и контактной площади, происходящих при фазовом превращении, на измеряемое значение тока