17 research outputs found

    Seed-specific expression of truncated OsGAD2 produces GABA-enriched rice grains that influence a decrease in blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a four-carbon amino acid that is commonly present in living organisms and functions as a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in mammals. It is understood to have a potentially anti-hypertensive effect in mammals. GABA is synthesized from glutamate by glutamate decarboxylase (GAD). In plants, GAD is regulated via its calmodulin-binding domain (CaMBD) by Ca2+/CaM. We have previously reported that a C-terminal truncated version of one of the five rice GAD isoforms, GAD2ΔC, revealed higher enzymatic activity in vitro and that its over-expression resulted in exceptionally high GABA accumulation (Akama and Takaiwa, J Exp Bot 58:2699–2607, 2007). In this study, GAD2ΔC, under the control of the rice glutelin promoter (GluB-1), was introduced into rice cells via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation to produce transgenic rice lines. Analysis of the free amino acid content of rice grains revealed up to about a 30-fold higher level of GABA than in non-transformed rice grains. There were also very high levels of various free protein amino acids in the seeds. GABA-enriched rice grains were milled to a fine powder for oral administration to spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs). Six weeks of administration showed that transgenic rice brings about a 20 mmHg decrease in blood pressure in two different kinds of SHRs, while there was no significant hypotensive effect in WKYs. These results suggest an alternative way to control and/or cure hypertension in humans with GABA-enriched rice as part of a common daily diet

    Genome-wide gene expression analysis supports a developmental model of low temperature tolerance gene regulation in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To identify the genes involved in the development of low temperature (LT) tolerance in hexaploid wheat, we examined the global changes in expression in response to cold of the 55,052 potentially unique genes represented in the Affymetrix Wheat Genome microarray. We compared the expression of genes in winter-habit (winter Norstar and winter Manitou) and spring-habit (spring Manitou and spring Norstar)) cultivars, wherein the locus for the vernalization gene <it>Vrn-A1 </it>was swapped between the parental winter Norstar and spring Manitou in the derived near-isogenic lines winter Manitou and spring Norstar. Global expression of genes in the crowns of 3-leaf stage plants cold-acclimated at 6°C for 0, 2, 14, 21, 38, 42, 56 and 70 days was examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of variance of gene expression separated the samples by genetic background and by the developmental stage before or after vernalization saturation was reached. Using gene-specific ANOVA we identified 12,901 genes (at <it>p </it>< 0.001) that change in expression with respect to both genotype and the duration of cold-treatment. We examined in more detail a subset of these genes (2,771) where expression was highly influenced by the interaction between these two main factors. Functional assignments using GO annotations showed that genes involved in transport, oxidation-reduction, and stress response were highly represented. Clustering based on the pattern of transcript accumulation identified genes that were up or down-regulated by cold-treatment. Our data indicate that the cold-sensitive lines can up-regulate known cold-responsive genes comparable to that of cold-hardy lines. The levels of expression of these genes were highly influenced by the initial rate and the duration of the gene's response to cold. We show that the <it>Vrn-A1 </it>locus controls the duration of gene expression but not its initial rate of response to cold treatment. Furthermore, we provide evidence that <it>Ta.Vrn-A1 </it>and <it>Ta.Vrt1 </it>originally hypothesized to encode for the same gene showed different patterns of expression and therefore are distinct.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides novel insight into the underlying mechanisms that regulate the expression of cold-responsive genes in wheat. The results support the developmental model of LT tolerance gene regulation and demonstrate the complex genotype by environment interactions that determine LT adaptation in winter annual cereals.</p

    A survey of green plant tRNA 3'-end processing enzyme tRNase Zs, homologs of the candidate prostate cancer susceptibility protein ELAC2

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>tRNase Z removes the 3'-trailer sequences from precursor tRNAs, which is an essential step preceding the addition of the CCA sequence. tRNase Z exists in the short (tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>) and long (tRNase Z<sup>L</sup>) forms. Based on the sequence characteristics, they can be divided into two major types: bacterial-type tRNase Z<sup>S </sup>and eukaryotic-type tRNase Z<sup>L</sup>, and one minor type, <it>Thermotoga maritima </it>(TM)-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>. The number of tRNase Zs is highly variable, with the largest number being identified experimentally in the flowering plant <it>Arabidopsis thaliana</it>. It is unknown whether multiple tRNase Zs found in <it>A. thaliana </it>is common to the plant kingdom. Also unknown is the extent of sequence and structural conservation among tRNase Zs from the plant kingdom.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We report the identification and analysis of candidate tRNase Zs in 27 fully sequenced genomes of green plants, the great majority of which are flowering plants. It appears that green plants contain multiple distinct tRNase Zs predicted to reside in different subcellular compartments. Furthermore, while the bacterial-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s are present only in basal land plants and green algae, the TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s are widespread in green plants. The protein sequences of the TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s identified in green plants are similar to those of the bacterial-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s but have distinct features, including the TM-type flexible arm, the variant catalytic HEAT and HST motifs, and a lack of the PxKxRN motif involved in CCA anti-determination (inhibition of tRNase Z activity by CCA), which prevents tRNase Z cleavage of mature tRNAs. Examination of flowering plant chloroplast tRNA genes reveals that many of these genes encode partial CCA sequences. Based on our results and previous studies, we predict that the plant TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s may not recognize the CCA sequence as an anti-determinant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings substantially expand the current repertoire of the TM-type tRNase Z<sup>S</sup>s and hint at the possibility that these proteins may have been selected for their ability to process chloroplast pre-tRNAs with whole or partial CCA sequences. Our results also support the coevolution of tRNase Zs and tRNA 3'-trailer sequences in plants.</p

    A host plant genome ( Zizania latifolia

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    Despite the importance of host-microbe interactions in natural ecosystems, agriculture and medicine, the impact of long-term (especially decades or longer) microbial colonization on the dynamics of host genomes is not well understood. The vegetable crop Jiaobai' with enlarged edible stems was domesticated from wild Zizania latifolia (Oryzeae) approximately 2000years ago as a result of persistent infection by a fungal endophyte, Ustilago esculenta. Asexual propagation via infected rhizomes is the only means of Jiaobai production, and the Z.latifolia-endophyte complex has been maintained continuously for two centuries. Here, genomic analysis revealed that cultivated Z.latifolia has a significantly smaller repertoire of immune receptors compared with wild Z.latifolia. There are widespread gene losses/mutations and expression changes in the plant-pathogen interaction pathway in Jiaobai. These results show that continuous long-standing endophyte association can have a major effect on the evolution of the structural and transcriptomic components of the host genome. Significance Statement This study reports the genome of Jiaobai, a unique crop species domesticated from wild Zizania latifolia (Oryzeae) as a consequence of persistent infection by a fungal endophyte. Cultivated Z.latifolia (Jiaobai') has a significantly smaller repertoire of immune receptors compared with wild Z.latifolia, showing that continuous long-standing endophyte association can have a major effect on the evolution of the host genome