90 research outputs found

    Robotic Fire Extinguisher Mounted to an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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    Tato práce obsahuje návrh a realizaci robotického hasícího systému upevněného na autonomní dron. Hasící systém je schopný směřovat paprsek vody do určené pozice ohně, která je detekována pomocí senzorů. Manipulátor se dvěma stupni volnosti je patřičně nastavován na základě výpočtu inverzní kinematické úlohy a voda je vypouštěna jen v okamžiku splnění podmínek dosahu. Celou dobu byl také kladen důraz na celkovou nosnost dronu a tedy i celkovou hmotnost hasícího systému včetně nádrže naplněné vodou. Nejprve byl tedy navržen hardware, potom byly provedeny matematické výpočty, které byly následně implementovány do řídícího programu. Veškeré simulace byly provedeny v prostředí Matlab. Během reálného testování bylo ověřeno, že hasící systém je funkční.This thesis contains design a realisation of a robotic fire extinguisher mounted to an unmanned aerial vehicle. The fire extinguisher system is able to direct water stream into the fire location detected by sensors. The two degrees of freedom manipulator is based on inverse kinematics enumeration, and the water pump turns on only if the set range condition is fulfilled. During this project's development, the maximal weight of the drone, as well as the maximal weight of the fire extinguisher system with full water storage, had to be taken into account. First, the suitable hardware was developed, then the mathematical enumeration was performed and implemented into the control program. The simulations in this project were performed in Matlab. The functionality of the fire extinguisher system was verified in real-life experiments

    Complex Insurance Protection of Company HP Konzult Ltd.

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou návrhu komplexní pojistné ochrany vybraného podnikatelského subjektu, kterým je společnost HP Konzult, spol. s r.o. Diplomová práce obsahuje základní teoretická východiska z oblasti pojištění podnikatelských subjektů, analýzu rizik a návrh komplexní pojistné ochrany, aby byly minimalizovány analyzovaná rizika ohrožující chod společnosti.This diploma paper deals with the problems of the suggestion of a complex insurance protection of entrepreneurial subject, which is company HP Konzult Ltd. It contains basic theoretical solutions in the area of the insurance of entrepreneurial subjects, risk analysis, and complex insurance protection to minimize analized risks that threaten company operation.

    Socratic asking as a way to the truth

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    The thesis is focused on the method of Socratic questioning the essence of things and phenomena. This approach to his difficult, almost aporethical problems, is based on a structured, critical assessment of a given specific situation. These basic features will be demonstrated in Plato's early dialogues, specifically in Prótagoras and Faidros, where not only will we recognize the basic features of this dialectical method, but we will be able to understand the fundamental difference between Socrates and sophists. However, in order to fully understand this method, it is first necessary to understand the psychic and mental development of Socrates. Therefore, in addition to the above-mentioned texts, my work will also be based on the work of Jan Patočka, who maps this historical course and profile of the philosopher's life. What is the main point in the method of Socratic questioning? How can it be understood as a path to truth? And how can its knowledge and application change our daily lives?Práce je zaměřena na metodu sókratovského tázání po podstatách věcí a jevů. Tento jeho životní přístup k obtížným, až na první pohled aporetickým problémům, je založený na komplexním, strukturovaném, kritickém posouzení dané konkrétní situace. Tyto základní rysy budou demonstrovány na raných dialozích Platónových, konkrétně na spisech Prótagoras a Faidros, kde nejenže rozpoznáme základní rysy této dialektické metody, ale budeme u prvně jmenovaného dialogu schopni pochopit zásadní odlišnost Sókrata od sofistů. K tomu, abychom tuto metodu pochopili plně, je však nutné nejprve porozumět samotnému duševnímu vývoji Sókrata. Proto se kromě výše zmíněných textů bude práce opírat i o dílo Jana Patočky, který tento historický průběh a profilaci filosofova života mapuje. V čem metoda sókratovského dotazování spočívá? Jakým způsobem může být chápána jako cesta ku pravdě? A jak nám její znalost a uplatňování může proměnit náš každodenní život?Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    The Proposal of the Employee Benefits in HP Konzult Ltd

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    Obsahem bakalářské práce je posouzení systému péče o zaměstnance včetně poskytování zaměstnaneckých výhod ve vybraném podniku, zjištění jeho nedostatků a návrhy opatření vedoucích ke zlepšení tohoto systému.The content of the bachelor's work is to consider how selected company is concerned about its employees, especially employees' benefits, finding its imperfections and suggestions that will improve this system.

    Methods to detect selection in DNA sequences

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    Tématem diplomové práce jsou metody detekce selekce v DNA sekvencích. V úvodu se popíše molekulární evoluce. Uvedeme, čím je způsobena a jak se projevuje. Dále budou popsány genové mutace a mechanismy šíření a fixace. Rozebereme si podrobně selekci a obecné matematické vztahy pro selekční tlak. Definujeme pozitivní, negativní a neutrální selekci. Práce se zaměří na výpočetní metody evolučních vzdáleností synonymních a nesynonymních substitucí. Budou popsány tři metody pro výpočet selekčního tlaku – Nei-Gojobori, Li-Wu-Luo a Comeron. Popíšeme veškeré modely matematickými vztahy. Pro statistické vyhodnocení jednotlivých selekcí budou zavedeny statistické testy – využívat se bude z-test. V praktické části budou informace o vytvořeném softwaru, který ze sekvencí z veřejných databází ve formátu GenBank vypočítá selekční tlak a zobrazí oblasti selekce na základě statistického testu. Program bude využit na dva datové sety dvou různých genových kódů. Jejich výsledky budou porovnávány. Zhodnotíme všechny tři metody výpočtu selekčního tlaku a vlivu vstupních parametrů.The topic of semestral thesis is methods to detect selection in DNA sequences. In the begining of the thesis we will describe molecular evolution. It will be written what made the evolution and how the evolution is shown. Moreover there are gen mutations and mechanisms of diffuse and fixation. It will be defined what pozitive, negative and neutral selection is. The thesis is focused on evolution distance of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution. There will be described three methods – Nei-Gojobori, Li-Wu-Luo and Comeron. All these methods will be described with mathematic formulas. There will be statistic test to decide what kind of selection ti is – there will be used z-test. In the practical part, there will be information about developed software what counts selection pressure from sequences from databazes in format GenBank and it shows parts where selection is. The software will be used for two data sets with two different genetic codes. The result will be discussed. We will discuss results of all three methods of selection pressure and influence of input parametrs.

    Cycling segments multimodal analysis and classification using neural networks

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    This paper presents methodology for the processing of GPS and heart rate signals acquired during long-term physical activities. The data analysed include geo-positioning and heart rate multichannel signals recorded for 272.2 h of cycling across the Andes mountains over a 5694-km long expedition. The proposed computational methods include multimodal data de-noising, visualization, and analysis in order to determine specific biomedical features. The results include the correspondence between the heart rate and slope for downhill and uphill cycling and the mean heart rate evolution on flat segments: a regression coefficient of -0.014 bpm/h related to time and 6.3 bpm/km related to altitude. The classification accuracy of selected cycling features by neural networks, support vector machine, and k-nearest neighbours methods is between 91.3% and 98.6%. The proposed methods allow the analysis of data during physical activities, enabling an efficient human-machine interaction. © 2017 by the authors.Cancer Research U

    Development of a location-based service for a Brno City District

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    There are many different types of places in any city. These places include playgrounds, dog runs, cultural heritage sites and many more. A city usually wants to provide information about location and equipment of these places. The common way is via a city website. However, nowadays a much more common source of information are mobile applications. This article deals with a development of a mobile application for the Brno-North district of Brno city. The application is designed to inform the citizens of the city district about interesting places in their vicinity. The central element of the application is a map which shows where all the interesting places are located. The application is focused primarily on families; however, it can be useful for any citizen of the district.O

    Reproducing type II white-light solar flare observations with electron and proton beam simulations

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    We investigate the cause of the suppressed Balmer series and the origin of the white-light continuum emission in the X1.0 class solar flare on 2014 June 11. We use radiative hydrodynamic simulations to model the response of the flaring atmosphere to both electron and proton beams, which are energetically constrained using Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager and Fermi observations. A comparison of synthetic spectra with the observations allows us to narrow the range of beam fluxes and low energy cutoff that may be applicable to this event. We conclude that the electron and proton beams that can reproduce the observed spectral features are those that have relatively low fluxes and high values for the low energy cutoff. While electron beams shift the upper chromosphere and transition region to greater geometrical heights, proton beams with a similar flux leave these areas of the atmosphere relatively undisturbed. It is easier for proton beams to penetrate to the deeper layers and not deposit their energy in the upper chromosphere where the Balmer lines are formed. The relatively weak particle beams that are applicable to this flare do not cause a significant shift of the τ = 1 surface and the observed excess WL emission is optically thin

    Operating Characteristics of a Timber Trailer with a Hybrid Drive

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    This paper deals with the design and operational evaluation of a timber tractor-trailer unit with a hybrid trailer drive. The source of electrical energy for the two induction motors driving the front wheels of the tandem trailer axle is a battery, which is recharged by an induction machine operating as a generator during periods of a lower demand for power from the tractor diesel engine. An electric drive was designed for the defined working cycle of the tractor-trailer unit, and its loading characteristics were tested in the laboratory. The parameters measured on the field tests during timber forwarding were battery voltage and power, and the energy balance. Three adjustment levels of the potentiometer controlling the trailer hybrid drive (50, 75 and 100%) were tested at three different forwarding distances of 100, 500 and 1000 m. Additionally, any slippage of the prime mover wheels and trailer was measured. The maximum peak power taken from the battery was ca. 33 kW during the field tests, whilst the drive was able to deliver a peak output of up to 72 kW for 10 s and permanently up to ca. 50 kW. Even in harsh terrain conditions, the electric drive assisted the combustion engine only when the loaded tractor-trailer unit was travelling uphill. The hybrid drive operation was sustainable for the whole working shift, without the need for recharging when the potentiometer was set to 50%. This appropriate setting of the potentiometer controlling the trailer's hybrid drive reduced the slipping of the driven wheels of the tractor-trailer unit whilst travelling uphill.O