13 research outputs found

    Callus Induction and Differentiation on Melon From In Vitro Culture with The Addition of Indole Acetic Acid and Benzyl Amino Purine Growth Regulator

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    Melon plants (Cucumis melo L.) are susceptible to disease attacks primarily caused by viruses. One of the viruses often attacking melon plants is Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Previous studies have shown that melon callus produced from in vitro culture is detected to have CMV resistance gene (Creb-2). However, the trait of resistance to CMV in that melon (F2) is still segregated. To know the stability of the Creb-2 gene, further research is needed to detect the gene in the differentiated callus. This study aims to  callus induce and callus differentiate melon. Firstly, melon seeds were grown on ¼ MS medium with addition of 2 mg / L 2.4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate and 1 mg / L BAP (Benzyl Amino Purine) to grow callus. Secondly, the callus was differentiated in MS medium with the addition of 2,4-D , BAP and IAA in different doses. 0 mg / L; 0.01 mg / L 2.4-D and 0.1 mg / L BAP, and MS medium with 0.01 mg / L; 0.1 mg / L; 1 mg / L IAA (Iodole Acetic Acid) and 0.1 mg / L BAP. The results showed that callus was successfully differentiated into root and it grew optimally in MS medium with 0.01 mg / L 2.4-D: 0.1 mg / L BAP and 1 mg / L IAA: 0.1 mg / L BAP . Therefore the roots can be used as isolation samples and DNA amplification to detect stability of the Creb-2 gene

    Indeks Mitosis dan Jumlah Kromosom Kentang Hitam (Coleus tuberosus)

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    Kentang hitam (Coleus tuberosus) merupakan jenis kentang yang paling langka dari jenis kentang lainnya. Tanaman kentang hitam yang berasal dari Afrika Barat ini memiliki umbi yang tergolong kecil dan daging umbi berwarna hitam. Kurang optimalnya pemanfaatan kentang hitam sebagai sumber karbohidrat non beras sejalan dengan berkurangnya penelitian dan pengembangan komoditas tersebut. Pemanfaatan kentang hitam sebagai sumber karbohidrat masih sangat kurang sehingga ketertarikan riset dan pengembangan komoditas kentang hitam juga rendah. Tanaman Solanaceae merupakan tanaman yang memiliki variasi morfologi dan jumlah kromosom terbesar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui waktu mitosis aktif dan jumlah kromosom kentang hitam. Sehingga hal ini akan menambah data base bank genetik. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2019 hingga Desember 2019 di Laboratorium Terpadu, Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Bahan tanaman yang digunakan adalah ujung akar kentang hitam yang dipreparasi kromosomnya menggunakan metode squashing. Preparasi kromosom dimulai dari pukul 06.00 WIB sampai pukul 13.00 WIB dengan interval waktu preparasi kromosom setiap 30 menit dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa waktu mitosis kentang hitam (Coleus tuberosus) berkisar antara pukul 07.00-11.00 WIB, sedangkan fase prometafase ditemukan pada pukul 07.30 WIB. Jumlah kromosom diploid (2n) kentang hitam adalah 32 kromosom

    Pemberdayaan Perempuan Dalam Produksi Masker Dan Penerapan Disiplin Memakai Masker Bagi Pekerja Harian Dalam Penanganan Wabah Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 outbreak that hit globally had amajor impact on economic activity in developing countries, especially Indonesia. In order to continue carrying out daily activities, especially working, it is necessary to comply with health protocol. Health protocols when doing activities include wearing masks, washing hands frequently with soap, avoiding crowds and maintaining a minumum distance of 1.5 meters from each other. The need for masks that are currentky not fulfilled by daily workers or laborers in Margomulyo village, Seyegan sub-district, Sleman regency, Province of Yogyakarta is primary need while working. The importance of education regarding the dangers of transmission of the Corona Virus or SARS-Cov-2 needs to be done to prevent the faster transmission of the virus. Therefore, the organization group ‘Aisyiyah in collaboration with Universitas ‘Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, empowers women tailors in neighborhood to produce cloth masks. Furthermore, these mask were distributed to daily workers in the Mrgomulyo village environment who had high mobility and had ahigh potential to transmit the Corona virus

    Uji Kandungan Logam Berat (Pb) dan Tembaga (Cu) pada Kue Lumpur Menggunakan Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kandungan Timbal (Pb) dan Tembaga (Cu) pada kue lumpur yang dijajakan ditepi jalan Pasar X. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dengan destruksi kue lumpur dengan HNO3 pekat  dan asam perklorat 70%. Kandungan Timbal dan Tembaga dianalisis menggunakan Spektofotometer Serapan Atom (SSA). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan kandungan logam berat Timbal (Pb) dan Tembaga (Cu) kue lumpur yang dijual di tepi jalan Pasar X di luar batas aman untuk dikonsumsi dari Badan Standarisasi Nasional dan Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan RI. Terukur 4.4 ppm untuk kadar Timbal (Pb) dan 1,1 ppm untuk kadar Tembaga (Cu)


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    Cocoa is a strategic commodity for plantation in Indonesia. However, pest and disease infections are inevitably common constrains for the cocoa cultivators. Cocoa mosaic disease is one of disease which is cause cocoa trees suffering. Pseudomonas fluorescens are obligate aerobic bacteria that are very valuable for agricultural technology. The bacteria also protect plants from pathogens infection by producing secondary metabolites that kill bacteria and other fungi. The bacteria can use as safe and environmentally friendly biological control agents. This study aims to determine P. fluorescens liquid fertilizer formulation and its effectiveness in suppressing mosaic disease in cocoa plants. The research method was carried out by making a liquid formula from P. fluorescens and then applying it to cocoa plants that were attacked by mosaic disease. Bacteria isolates grown in conch broth medium were incubated for 3 days. Then the fertilizer formula was applied to mosaic symptomatic cocoa plants with fertilizer concentrations of 25%, 50% and 75% compared to spraying using chemical insecticides. The results showed that the liquid formula concentration of 75% can suppress the most effective mosaic symptoms and the optimal growth of cocoa plants for 7 treatments..  Keywords: Cocoa, Formulation, mosaic disease, Pseudomonas fluorescen

    Callus Induction and Differentiation on Melon From In Vitro Culture with The Addition of Indole Acetic Acid and Benzyl Amino Purine Growth Regulator

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    Melon plants (Cucumis melo L.) are susceptible to disease attacks primarily caused by viruses. One of the viruses often attacking melon plants is Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV). Previous studies have shown that melon callus produced from in vitro culture is detected to have CMV resistance gene (Creb-2). However, the trait of resistance to CMV in that melon (F2) is still segregated. To know the stability of the Creb-2 gene, further research is needed to detect the gene in the differentiated callus. This study aims to  callus induce and callus differentiate melon. Firstly, melon seeds were grown on ¼ MS medium with addition of 2 mg / L 2.4-Dichlorophenoxyacetate and 1 mg / L BAP (Benzyl Amino Purine) to grow callus. Secondly, the callus was differentiated in MS medium with the addition of 2,4-D , BAP and IAA in different doses. 0 mg / L; 0.01 mg / L 2.4-D and 0.1 mg / L BAP, and MS medium with 0.01 mg / L; 0.1 mg / L; 1 mg / L IAA (Iodole Acetic Acid) and 0.1 mg / L BAP. The results showed that callus was successfully differentiated into root and it grew optimally in MS medium with 0.01 mg / L 2.4-D: 0.1 mg / L BAP and 1 mg / L IAA: 0.1 mg / L BAP . Therefore the roots can be used as isolation samples and DNA amplification to detect stability of the Creb-2 gene.</p

    Narcissus Plants: A Melting Pot of Potyviruses

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    Our paper presents detailed evolutionary analyses of narcissus viruses from wild and domesticated Narcissus plants in Japan. Narcissus late season yellows virus (NLSYV) and narcissus degeneration virus (NDV) are major viruses of Narcissus plants, causing serious disease outbreaks in Japan. In this study, we collected Narcissus plants showing mosaic or striped leaves along with asymptomatic plants in Japan for evolutionary analyses. Our findings show that (1) NLSYV is widely distributed, whereas the distribution of NDV is limited to the southwest parts of Japan; (2) the genomes of NLSYV isolates share nucleotide identities of around 82%, whereas those of NDV isolates are around 94%; (3) three novel recombination type patterns were found in NLSYV; (4) NLSYV comprises at least five distinct phylogenetic groups whereas NDV has two; and (5) infection with narcissus viruses often occur as co-infection with different viruses, different isolates of the same virus, and in the presence of quasispecies (mutant clouds) of the same virus in nature. Therefore, the wild and domesticated Narcissus plants in Japan are somewhat like a melting pot of potyviruses and other viruses

    Tangguh Hadapi Covid-19 dengan Budidaya Tanaman Obat Keluarga di Desa Margomulyo, Seyegan, Sleman

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    During the Covid-19 outbreak, it is essential to maintain faith and a happy soul; it is also necessary to maintain our health immunity. The body's immunity can be supported by consuming healthy food and a balanced diet. Consumption of additional supplements from chemical medicine cause side effects if consumed overdoses. By utilizing the land yard for the cultivation of herbal plants, it can be used as an alternative solution to reduce the consumption of chemical drugs, in line with the problems faced by the program partner nursery, which has an extensive collection of medicinal plants but does not yet know the efficacy of each type of plant. The community service program during the pandemic was carried out through limited counseling to 30 health cadres of Margomulyo village. The method used in this activity is public education through lectures, questions, and discussions. Participants were also given a pocketbook "List of Herbal Plants and their benefits and also given plant seeds. Participants' level of knowledge was measured using a questionnaire given before and after the lecture. From the results, it can be seen that there is an increase in the understanding of the participant's post-test scores compared to pre-test scores. Participants' increased knowledge about family medicinal plants was expected to share the knowledge with the broader community and apply the cultivation of herbal plants inland around the house

    Pembentukan Komunitas Masyarakat Pembuat Media Tanam dari Sampah Plastik Kresek

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    The focus of the community service program is the formation of communities that are committed to processing plastic rubbish materials into planting media (mediokres). Mediokres is a product of Sayidan Agro Media’s organizational innovation in Sleman, D.I. Yogyakarta, which is able to utilize plastic bag rubbish at the Final Disposal Site becomes a planting medium to replace soil. Mediokres has been widely marketed in Indonesia However, in the production process of mediokres, there is the obstacle, one of which is the supply of mediokres products which is slow compared to the large consumer demand. Therefore the formed mediokres community is able to help meet the mediokres stock both for ordering and stocking every month. So that consumer demand is fulfilled


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    Indonesia has been the second biggest producer of cacao after Ivory Coast. Cacao plantation in Indonesia which spreads over 1.652 million ha is mostly managed by smallholders. Cacao has become a beneficial comodity which can provide job opportunities for over 1.64 million people, so that it contributes more than US $ 1.6 billion/year. However, pest and disease infections are inevitable common constraints for the cultivators. The current disease is of Cacao Swollen Shoot Virus (CSSV). Despite its symptoms in the cacao trees are obvious, the existence of this viral being is unknown yet, nor the prevention steps to deal with it. The information on its diversity will really help comprehend the epidemiologic development and countermeasures as well as the virus evolution. This research is intended to study the mosaic disease virus molecularly, which is obtained from clon DR1 in Kalibawang, Kulon Progo cacao plantation. The virus morphology is observed by using an transmission electron microscope with quick dipping method. The PCR analysis with conserved region ORF1 primary is applied to detect the viral existence in the infected trees. Identification of CSSV molecular characters is undertaken by PCR sequencing analysis. The sequence is analysed by using BioEdit and Mega5 programs to initiate a kinship dendogram. The result shows that clon DR1 cacao trees in Kalibawang are infected by mosaic disease with mild visual severity on leaf typical symptom. From the electronic microscope observation, a ±100 nm rod-shaped viral particle with diameter of 15.3 mm is found. In the molecular level, the cause of mosaic symptom is CSSV amplified at conserved area with size of 375 bp. The result is the first report confirming that the molecular cause of cacao mosaic in Indonesia is CSSV. CSSV molecular characters on DIY isolate are much different with those found abroad