61 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Kid Production Traits of Kacang Goat Under Smallholders Production System

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    The main objectives of this study were to assess the influence of environmental (non-genetic) factors on kid production traits of Kacang goat under smallholders production system. The study was conducted at the Kacang goat smallholders, located at the centre of Kacang goat in Gundi subdistric, Purwodadi regency, Central Java. The kid production traits evaluated are birth weight, weaning weight, and growth rate till weaning. The environmental factors assessed were: sex (male, female), type of birth (singles, twins, triplets) and dam's parity (1-7). Data were analysed statistically according to the analysis of variance procedure using the General Linear Model (GLM). Least squares analysis revealed that dam's parity, birth type, and sex of kid were significant sources of variation for birth and weaning weight and pre weaning growth in Kacang kids. The average birth weight, weaning weight and pre weaning growth of males (2.07±0.02 kg; 10.457±0.1 kg; 69.35±0.73 g/d) were found to be higher than females (1.95±0.02 kg; 9.15±0.09 kg; 60.73±0.71 g/d). Kid production traits increased with parity, with the largest values at the fourth parity and then slightly decreased thereafter. The average male and female birth weight (2.18+0.03 kg; 2.02+0.03 kg), weaning weight (10.72+0.11 and 9.39+0.13 kg) and pre weaning growth (71.63+0.79 and 62.21+0.96 g/d ) of single kids were heavier than twins, and triplets indicating the influence of the mothering ability of doe. It was recommended, the farmers should consider maternal ability for improvement of weaning weight and growth rate of Kacang kids. (Animal Production 12(2): 111-116 (2010

    Potensi Penyu Hijau (Chelonia Mydas L.) Dan Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Daya Tarik Wisata Di Kawasan Pantai Sindangkerta, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    Sindangkerta beach is one of the spreading locations of green turtles (Chelonia mydas L.) in Indonesia. The existence of the green turtles can potentially and utilization as one of the ocean ecotourism objects. The purpose of the research is investigating the potential and utilization of green turtles such as environment, habit, spreading of nest, and laying eggs period as one of the ocean ecotourism. Development of green turtle potency as one of the ocean tourism is process of lay eggs and behavior of feeding hunt

    Pemberian Konsentrat Mengandung Tepung Biji dan Kulit Durian Fermentasi terhadap Produksi dan Kualitas Susu serta MIOFC pada Sapi Perah

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    Tujuan dari aplikasi ini untuk mengevaluasi konsentrat mengandung tepung biji durian dan kulit durian fermentasi terhadap produksi dan kualitas susu serta milk income of feed cost (MIOFC) pada sapi perah. Hasil aplikasi pemberian konsentrat mengandung tepung biji durian menghasilkan produksi susu yang lebih tinggi (8,93l/ekor/hari) dibanding perlakuan lainnya.  Konsentrat dengan tepung biji durian membutuhkan biaya ransum terendah  (Rp.17.507,35/ekor/hari), menghasilkan penerimaan susu tertinggi (Rp.89.275,00/ekor/hari) dan MIOFC tertinggi (Rp.71.767,60/ekor/hari).  Namun, ransum dasar (tanpa konsentrat tepung biji durian dan kulit durian fermentasi) tetap yang efisien karena tidak menggunakan konsentrat sehingga biaya ransum lebih rendah; sementara, produksi susu hampir sama dengan konsentrat tepung biji durian

    Student Views of Ethics Position in Business (Comparison Among Students of Accounting, Management, and Economic Development Department)

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    Generally, normative ethics has two main categories, namely teleology and deontology. Teleology covers all views expressing a care to the expected consequences of an action, while deontology focusing on the need to follow a certain rule. This study aimed in exploring the views of students toward the position of ethics in business using those two main categories. This study compared three groups of students from three departments: accounting, management and economic development. This study also focused on the effect of study period toward student’s views related with the position of ethics in business. By using one way ANOVA and independent t test, it can be implied that there was a significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business among students from accounting, management, and economic development. Moreover, the Tukey test showed that there was a significant difference of student views toward the position of ethics in business between accounting and management students (sig 0.018 < 0.05), while there was no significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business between accounting and economic development students (sig 0.992 > 0.05). Differently, there was a significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business between management and economic development students (sig 0,013 < 0.05). In details, the result of this study also implied that there was no significant difference of student’s views toward the position of ethics in business among students of year 2014 and 2016, from all three departments. It implied that the study period did not affect the student’s views toward the position of ethics in business.   Keywords: ethic, teleology, deontolog

    Evaluasi Kinerja Lalu Lintas Simpang Di Jalan Layang Dan Bundaran Kalibanteng, Semarang Dengan Nilai Ekuivalensi Mobil Penumpang Simpang Bersinyal Terkoreksi

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    Pintu masuk utama Kota Semarang dari arah Barat melalui jalur non tol melewati Simpang Kalibanteng yang memiliki 6 (enam) pendekat utama. Tingginya aktivitas masyarakat yang melewati simpang ini mengakibatkan kemacetan terutama pada jam sibuk. Arus lalu lintas pada ruas jalan terdiri dari berbagai tipe kendaraan dengan karakteristik berbeda. Arus lalu lintas ini dinyatakan dalam satuan mobil penumpang (smp) dengan nilai konversi yang disebut nilai ekivalensi mobil penumpang (emp). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi kinerja jalan layang dan simpang bersinyal dengan nilai emp yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi lapangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda dengan pendekatan lalu lintas dengan metode kapasitas. Hasil analisis nilai emp untuk simpang bersinyal Kalibanteng pada Jalan Siliwangi untuk HV= 1,33 dan MC= 0,54, Jalan Bandara Ahmad Yani untuk HV= 0,77 dan MC= 0,63, Jalan Yos Sudarso untuk HV= 1,84 dan MC= 0,46, Jalan Jendral Sudirman untuk HV= 2,24 dan MC= 0,09, Jalan Pamularsih untuk HV= 1,99 dan MC= 0,19, Jalan Abdul Rahman Saleh untuk HV= 0,56 dan MC= 0,52. Hasil analisis derajat kejenuh simpang bersinyal pada kondisi eksisting terbesar yaitu pada jalan Siliwangi sebesar 0,99. Solusi perbaikan kinerja yang dilakukan yaitu optimasi waktu siklus dan fase sinyal, dan Perubahan arah arus di fly over. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dengan Perubahan arah arus tersebut, menghasilkan derajat kejenuhan terbesar yaitu 0,78 pada Jalan Siliwangi, Jalan Jendral Sudirman dan Jalan Yos Sudarso. Disimpulkan bahwa Perubahan arah arus menghasilkan kinerja simpang yang lebih baik dari kondisi eksisting

    Perbandingan Kinerja Simpang Bersinyal Berdasarkan Pkji 2014 Dan Pengamatan Langsung (Studi Kasus : Simpang Jl. Brigjend Sudiarto/ Jl. Gajah Raya/ Jl. Lamper Tengah Kota Semarang

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    Pedoman Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia atau PKJI merupakan pemutakhiran Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia atau MKJI. Studi pra-penelitian mengindikasikan hasil analisis PKJI lebih mendekati pengamatan lapangan dibandingkan hasil analisis MKJI, namun masih ada perbedaan yang signifikan. Lebih lanjut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan karakteristik antrian pada simpang bersinyal hasil analisis PKJI terhadap hasil pengamatan di lapangan, dan untuk memberikan rekomendasi faktor penyesuaian terhadap PKJI. Kajian ini diterapkan pada Simpang Gajah di Kota Semarang dengan parameter analisis jumlah antrian (NQ1 dan NQ2), panjang antrian (PA), dan rasio kendaraan henti (RKH). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa antara analisis PKJI dan pengamatan lapangan terdapat perbedaan NQ1 sebesar 2,26 – 305,22 skr, perbedaan NQ2 sebesar 0,28 – 9,60 skr, perbedaan PA sebesar 8,63 – 1913,34 meter, dan perbedaan RKH sebesar 0,66 – 6,08 stop/skr. Perbedaan ini dapat diminimalkan dengan faktor koreksi (FK) meliputi faktor koreksi jumlah antrian (FKNQ1 dan FKNQ2), faktor koreksi panjang antrian (FKPA), dan faktor koreksi rasio kendaraan henti (FKRKH). Faktor koreksi digunakan dengan Perumusan : nilai parameter (NQ1, NQ2, PA, RKH) PKJI terkoreksi = nilai parameter (NQ1, NQ2, PA, RKH) PKJI Hitungan x (1-FK). Luasan rata-rata per skr pada DJ<0,85 disesuaikan dari 20 m2 menjadi ±12 m2

    Sintesis Lithium Titanat dengan Metode Hidrotermal dan Efek Suhu Sintering pada Karakteristik Nanostrukturnya

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    SYNTHESIS OF LITHIUM TITANATE USING HYDROTHERMAL METHOD AND THE EFFECT OF SINTERING TEMPERATURE ON ITS NANOSTRUCTURE. Lithium titanate is one of the compounds used as anode material in lithium ion batteries. This compound is synthesized using hydrothermal method at 120oC for 15 h bymixing TiO2 anatase and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) as a source of lithium followed by sintering at 550, 650 and 750 oC to obtain the LTO with spinel crystalline phase. The TiO2 anatase in this research was made by the sol-gel method with calcination temperature at 300oC for 2 hours. The obtained compounds were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET), FT-IR spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM). The FE-SEM micrograph results show the compounds of lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12), Li2TiO3 and the remainder of TiO2 rutile with irregular morphological structures as agglomerates. The XRD and BET results shows that sintering at 550 oC produced average crystallite size of 33.45 nm and a surface area of 6.65 m2/g, dominated by TiO2 rutile. Further, the sintering temperature of 650 oC produced average crystallite sizes of 27.70 nm, surface area of 1.91 m2/g, dominated by TiO2 rutile. Finally, the temperature of 750 oC produced average crystallite sizes of 52.06 nm, dominated by lithium titanate (Li4Ti5O12). The FT-IR results confirms the presence of LTO spinel in the sintered product. Finally, the aim of this work to obtain the crystallite size below 100 nm has been achieved

    Community-Led Total Sanitation: A Mixed-Methods Systematic Review of Evidence and Its Quality

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    Background: Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) is a widely applied rural behavior change approach for ending open defecation. However, evidence of its impact is unclear. Objectives: We conducted a systematic review of journal-published and gray literature to a) assess evidence quality, b) summarize CLTS impacts, and c) identify factors affecting implementation and effectiveness. Methods: Eligible studies were systematically screened and selected for analysis from searches of seven databases and 16 websites. We developed a framework to appraise literature quality. We qualitatively analyzed factors enabling or constraining CLTS, and summarized results from quantitative evaluations. Discussion: We included 200 studies (14 quantitative evaluations, 29 qualitative studies, and 157 case studies). Journal-published literature was generally of higher quality than gray literature. Fourteen quantitative evaluations reported decreases in open defecation, but did not corroborate the widespread claims of open defecation–free (ODF) villages found in case studies. Over one-fourth of the literature overstated conclusions, attributing outcomes and impacts to interventions without an appropriate study design. We identified 43 implementation- and community-related factors reportedly affecting CLTS. This analysis revealed the importance of adaptability, structured posttriggering activities, appropriate community selection, and further research on combining and sequencing CLTS with other interventions. Conclusions: The evidence base on CLTS effectiveness available to practitioners, policy makers, and program managers to inform their actions is weak. Our results highlight the need for more rigorous research on CLTS impacts as well as applied research initiatives that bring researchers and practitioners together to address implementation challenges to improve rural sanitation efforts

    High resolution synteny maps allowing direct comparisons between the coffee and tomato genomes

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and coffee (Coffea canephora) belong to the sister families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, respectively. We report herein the mapping of a common set of 257 Conserved Ortholog Set II genes in the genomes of both species. The mapped markers are well distributed across both genomes allowing the first syntenic comparison between species from these two families. The majority (75%) of the synteny blocks are short (<4 cM); however, some extend up to 50 cM. In an effort to further characterize the synteny between these two genomes, we took advantage of the available sequence for the tomato genome to show that tomato chromosome 7 is syntenic to half of the two coffee linkage groups E and F with the putative break point in tomato localized to the boundary of the heterochromatin and euchromatin on the long arm. In addition to the new insight on genome conservation and evolution between the plant families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, the comparative maps presented herein provide a translational tool by which coffee researchers may take benefit of DNA sequence and genetic information from tomato and vice versa. It is thus expected that these comparative genome information will help to facilitate and expedite genetic and genomic research in coffee
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