24 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sustainability Business Media from Hyperlocal and Entrepreneurial Journalism Perspectives: a Case Study of DI'S Way Daily

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    In general, it is concurred that the print media industry is an industry category that is currently sunset with its product life cycle is decreasing. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic condition since March 2020 in Indonesia has forced media businesses to suffer even more. However, on Saturday, July 4, 2020, Surabaya city has a new daily media published, namely “DI's Way Daily”. The figure behind it is Dahlan Iskan, a media figure known as the pioneer of Jawa Pos Daily. DI's Way brings several differentiating attributes to its product. With a simple case study method, this paper aims to examine the resilience of this daily from the perspective of hyperlocal content production strategy (hyperlocality) and entrepreneurial journalism. A local content strategy is insufficient to make the media business sustainable as it needs to be accompanied by entrepreneurial journalism

    Digital Disruption in Print Media: Challenges of Convergence and Business Models

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    Disruption in information technology has caused newspapers experiencing a significant decline in revenue in terms of the number of customers and advertising. However, the efforts of print media companies in Indone-sia to expand their customer base and revenue by expanding into online media platforms have not found the right business model because of a number of constraints on the media industry's business environment in the country. Characteristics of mass media products and consumers that are distinctive compared to other prod-ucts make the management of media companies have to take a different strategic approach in maintaining the survival of their business in the future. The unpreparedness of human resources who are still strong in their “print” mindset and information technology infrastructure are obstacles. The character of media consumers who still view online information as a product that should not be paid is also an obstacle. Meanwhile, the cost of differentiating information production is high amid the offer of social media platforms that aggregate in-formation in abundance and free of charge

    Digitising newspaper content in Indonesia: the challenge of enforcing the culture of immediacy

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    This research is aimed at examining how the culture of immediacy is implemented in a newspaper undergoing digital transformation. This paper is written based on the case of Harian Kompas, the most influential newspaper in Indonesia, that just officially launched its paywall-based digital site, kompas.id as an alternative platform. Within this context, the daily implemented the digital-first strategy to put the priority of rapid digital news production prior to its slow-pace print edition. Through ethnography fieldwork in the daily’s newsroom, relying on in-depth interviews and participant observations, the study highlights a notion that the culture of immediacy is not easy to implement. The challenge rests on the fact that it is not only contradictory to the common rhythm of rigid newspaper work-flow and deadline among reporters and editors, but further it is considered harmful to the daily’s prescribed core value of comprehensive journalism originated from its editorial philosophy as well as journalism credo of being credible. It is within the constant negotiations among all the newsroom’s actors, the culture of immediacy remains to be a contesting value that should be carried out by the daily as a way to excrete the old habit of print deadline while the digital-first transformation is still taking shape

    How Organizational and Non-Organizational Factors of Media Shape the Nature of News

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    Makalah ini mencoba memaparkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi organisasi media dalam proses produksi berita. Bahasan diawali dengan elaborasi kritis tentang bagaimana sisi-sisi organisasional di lingkungan media dengan segala aspek prosedur rutin, aturan dan struktur hirarki menjadi faktor penting untuk menentukan produk akhir yang disebut berita. Pembahasan tajam lalu beralih ke news sources (nara sumber) yang begitu kuatnya menjadi determinan atas proses pembuatan berita. Dari sisi logika ekonomi, dipaparkan pula betapa faktor audiens dan pengiklan menjadi aktor-aktor penting yang tak patut dikesampingkan

    Media and Politics: Examination on the Political Stance of Kompas in Gus Dur’s Impeachment Process

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    Riset ini mencoba menelaah peran politik pers—agen pembangunan, agen penghambat, dan agen perubahan—dalam isu pemakzulan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) di era awal Indonesia memasuki era demokrasi . Dari analisa yang dilakukan dengan metode analisis isi kuantitatif diketahui bahwa Kompas memerankan fungsi sebagai agen penghambat sekaligus juga agen pembangunan. Peran seperti ini menjadi efektif dan strategis bagi demokratisasi Indonesia

    How Organizational and Non-Organizational Factors of Media Shape the Nature of News

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    Makalah ini mencoba memaparkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi organisasi media dalam proses produksi berita. Bahasan diawali dengan elaborasi kritis tentang bagaimana sisi-sisi organisasional di lingkungan media dengan segala aspek prosedur rutin, aturan dan struktur hirarki menjadi faktor penting untuk menentukan produk akhir yang disebut berita. Pembahasan tajam lalu beralih ke news sources (nara sumber) yang begitu kuatnya menjadi determinan atas proses pembuatan berita. Dari sisi logika ekonomi, dipaparkan pula betapa faktor audiens dan pengiklan menjadi aktor-aktor penting yang tak patut dikesampingkan

    Kiat sukses membuat proposal: Dilengkapi dengan alamat-alamat Lembaga Donor

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    218 hlm. : - ; 18 cm

    A Study Of The Communicative Patterns Of Job Interviews (A Discourse Analysis Approach)

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    Heeding to his own experience as he, once, failed in a job interview, the writer, then, started to realize the importance of knowing the nature of job interview, especially dealing with the communicative effectiveness which may affect the future decision for the candidate's sake. The writer recognized that so far there is no research which is concerned with job interview in Bahasa Indonesia. He thinks that such a study will be a breakthrough. In this thesis, the writer is trying to find out the patterns of communicative choice used by interactants - interviewer and candidate - during job interview interaction. The writer describes the structures and nature of job interview by dividing them into two major categories: Linguistic and Paralinguistic patterns. In linguistics pattern, the discussion is in the range of knowing the asymmetry power in the job interview interaction, which are reflected in certain type and function of interruptions and questions. As the interactants convey cues and vowel lengthening to pass on certain informational message, then the writer also describes the patterns of paralinguistic choice. The writer is able to show when, why, and how the patterns of the communicative choices are used by the interactants. Moreover, this study clearly shows that the communicative choices used by interactants in job interview specifically have certain patterns which totally differ from ordinary conversation nor other types of interaction

    Digitising Newspaper Content in Indonesia: The Challenge of Enforcing the Culture of Immediacy

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    This research is aimed at examining how the culture of immediacy is implemented in a newspaper undergoing digital transformation. This paper is written based on the case of Harian Kompas, the most influential newspaper in Indonesia, that just officially launched its paywall-based digital site, kompas.id as an alternative platform. Within this context, the daily implemented the digital-first strategy to put the priority of rapid digital news production prior to its slow-pace print edition. Through ethnography fieldwork in the daily’s newsroom, relying on in-depth interviews and participant observations, the study highlights a notion that the culture of immediacy is not easy to implement. The challenge rests on the fact that it is not only contradictory to the common rhythm of rigid newspaper work-flow and deadline among reporters and editors, but further it is considered harmful to the daily’s prescribed core value of comprehensive journalism originated from its editorial philosophy as well as journalism credo of being credible. It is within the constant negotiations among all the newsroom’s actors, the culture of immediacy remains to be a contesting value that should be carried out by the daily as a way to excrete the old habit of print deadline while the digital-first transformation is still taking shape

    Digitising Newspaper Content in Indonesia: The Challenge of Enforcing the Culture of Immediacy

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    This research is aimed at examining how the culture of immediacy is implemented in a newspaper undergoing digital transformation. This paper is written based on the case of Harian Kompas, the most influential newspaper in Indonesia, that just officially launched its paywall-based digital site, kompas.id as an alternative platform. Within this context, the daily implemented the digital-first strategy to put the priority of rapid digital news production prior to its slow-pace print edition. Through ethnography fieldwork in the daily’s newsroom, relying on in-depth interviews and participant observations, the study highlights a notion that the culture of immediacy is not easy to implement. The challenge rests on the fact that it is not only contradictory to the common rhythm of rigid newspaper work-flow and deadline among reporters and editors, but further it is considered harmful to the daily’s prescribed core value of comprehensive journalism originated from its editorial philosophy as well as journalism credo of being credible. It is within the constant negotiations among all the newsroom’s actors, the culture of immediacy remains to be a contesting value that should be carried out by the daily as a way to excrete the old habit of print deadline while the digital-first transformation is still taking shape