9 research outputs found


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    Abstract The problem in this study is how to teach competence students practice field experience physical education study programs 2019/2020 in junior high school and high school at Pontianak city. This research is a quantitative study with survey method. Data collection techniques by giving questionnaires. The population in this study was 39 schools. Data analysis using a percentage. Based on the results of research that has been done, the result obtained that the teaching competencies of students in the field study program practice physical education 2019/2020 in junior and high school at Pontianak city have 3 categories. First, category is a very good category with a percentage of 89,74%. The second category is a good category is 7,69%. The third category is 2,56% good enough. While students in bad catagories do not exist. This means competence students practice field experience in secondary and middle schools senior high school in Pontianak are classified as good. Keywords : Physical Education, Survey, Teaching Skil

    Readiness of Warunggunung Village, Lebak Regency in Realizing the Smart Village Program: a Review of the Smart Government Domain

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    In research This the existence of a Smart village in Warunggunung Village can understand problems faced by the village with understand situation latest from problems that exist in the village, with manage various source power to be effective and efficient, then maximizing objective for serve public. Study This aim for see how one dimensions of the smart village implemented namely smart government in Warunggunung Village, Lebak Regency. Method used in study This is descriptive qualitative use theory from Bakri (2004) about readiness with the STOPE model. Interview data collection done with informant from the Warunggunung Village Head's Office and parties public. Research result show that readiness village warunggunung in dimensions of smart government yet walk with Good seen from lack of budget and HR readiness of Warunggunung Village in prepare digitalization service village in Warunggung Village Because Still There is a number of features that are not yet Can walk optimally. Other perceived obstacles were also seen from side public it's the one that’s lacking participate active and public with the world of digitalization. Efforts made as preparedness and coping factor inhibitor with do training For increase the quality of human resources as well Keep going do socialization massively to the people of Warunggung Village about method use technology digital information and services

    Divided Government and Its Impact on the Performance of Legislation in the Indonesian Province of Aceh

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    The Indonesian Province of Aceh holds a special autonomy to have a local political party that is expected to promote the people’s interests in Aceh. In this sense, the privileged autonomy should have to have a good governance performance.  Nevertheless, it has not yet impacted significantly the performance of legislation. After the 2017 local election, two major local political parties dominate Aceh’s provincial government, which discord with each other crucially that results in a divided government. This research aims to observe factors that take effect on the performance of legislation in the province of Aceh in the course of 2014 to 2018. This study employs qualitative methods. It reveals that in the legislation process, there is ineffective communication between the provincial government of Aceh and the local parliament (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Aceh/DPRA) to legislate a local regulation called qanun. This phenomenon is also triggered by the dispute over the parliament, which is split between two major local political parties. With ineffective communication between the government and the parliament, they did not work optimally to legislate many bills in every one-year term. Divided government leads to the vacuum or unproductivity of elements of the provincial government

    Production of Biodegradable Sulfonated Methyl Ester by a Falling Film Reactor for ASP Flooding in EOR

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    Petroleum production can be improved through enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods such as chemical injection. This study focused on sulfonation of methyl ester using SO3 dissolved in oleum compounds (H2SO4.SO3) in a mini-pilot falling film reactor at 70 °C and its application for chemical EOR with ASP flooding. The reactor was equipped with cooling water to facilitate heat transfer in view of the highly exothermic reaction. Biodegradable methyl ester sulfonate, a biosurfactant, was produced from esterification of vegetable oils, palm kernel oil, and coconut oil. The MES products were characterized by Fourier transform infrared testing, which showed S=O and -OH groups peaks, indicating that sulfonation had occurred. The IFT test data showed that the MES from CNO produced the lowest IFT values for light oil and heavy oil, equal to 11.4 mN/m and 10.3 mN/m, respectively. The effect of the MES concentration on the phase behavior was an increase of the IFT value before being applied in ASP flooding, and a decrease after reaching the optimum condition. The EOR core flooding test with the formulated ASP resulted in original oil in place (OOIP) percentages in the range of 12 to 23.5%. The highest acquisition was 23.53% OOIP for an ASP composition of 200 ppm, 0.5%wt, 2800 ppm, respectively

    Jaringan Aktor dalam Program Percepatan Pendaftaran Tanah di Badan Pertanahan Nasional Kota Semarang

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    Actor network is a collaboration that emphasizes the relationship or interaction between actors involved in a particular public affair to make the public affairs successful, it is very dependent on coordination between actors in finding a middle way to achieve common goals. The network of actors is very important and urgent in accelerating the implementation of the land registration acceleration program at the National Land Agency of Semarang City. Based on the Actor Network Theory (ANT) theory proposed by Bruno Latour in 1987, it has been used in various fields of knowledge, including the social field, with the concept of consensus building which was initiated where stakeholders interact, negotiate and have tolerance as the basis and used in this study to describe the model. network of actors in accelerating land registration as a form of public service. This study aims to identify and analyze the role of actors, as well as the network model of actors in the complete systematic land registration acceleration program in the city of Semarang. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and the key instrument is the researcher (the researcher is the key informant). The results of this study indicate that the Semarang City Land Office is the main actor and acts as a mouthpiece for implementing policies, facilitators and coordinators. This study examines the development of policies for accelerating land registration in Indonesia in relation to network relationships between actors who influence policies in this field

    Implementasi Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Di Balai Pelatihan Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan salah satu motor perekonomian nasional Indonesia menjadi salah satu perhatian pemerintah. Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki jumlah UMKM cukup tinggi yaitu 4.174.210 unit. Hal ini tentunya membutuhkan perhatian dan upaya yang lebih serius oleh Provinsi Jawa Tengah untuk mengelola UMKM agar dapat memberikan konstribusi yang positif bagi perekonomian nasional dan daerah, serta untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Balai Pelatihan Koperasi UKM Provinsi Jawa Tengah (Balatkop UKM) memberikan peningkatan keterampilan kerja kepada UMKM melalui pendidikan dan pelatihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi program pendidikan dan pelatihan koperasi dan UMKM serta untuk mengetahui faktor pendorong dan faktor penghambatnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasi penelitian menunjukkan terdapat fenomena yang dianggap kurang baik seperti ketepatan kebijakan, ketepatan pelaksana, ketepatan sasaran, ketepatan lingkungan dan ketepatan proses. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan bahwa faktor pendukung implementasi program adalah komunikasi, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi, sedangkan faktor penghambat terdapat pada faktor sumberdaya. &nbsp

    Efektifitas Tindak Lanjut Rekomendasi Hasil Pemeriksaan

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    Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) Perwakilan Provinsi Jawa Tengah melaksanakan tugas pemeriksaan atas pengelolaan dan tanggung jawab keuangan daerah pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Wonosobo. Status tindak lanjut rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan tersebut masih ada yang belum selesai tindaklanjutnya, ada yang belum ditindaklanjuti dan tidak dapat ditindaklanjuti. Terkait dengan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas pemerintah daerah dalam melaksanakan tindak lanjut atas rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan, dan apa yang menjadi faktor-faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam menindaklanjuti rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, analisis data sekunder, observasi dan wawancara dengan informan yang dipilih yaitu pejabat teknis di Inspektorat, BPPKAD, pejabat dan auditor di BPK yang menangani pemantauan tindak lanjut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan dalam pemantauan belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, masih terjadinya permasalahan serupa di tahun berikutnya menunjukkan tindak lanjut rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan belum sepenuhnya efektif, namun tindakan perbaikan sesuai rekomendasi telah efektif dalam memperoleh opini WT

    Prospects of Halal Tourism Development in West Aceh District

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    Halal Tourism is one of the sectors that is now expected to make a major contribution to the economy of a country. The concept of halal tourism aims to provide tourism services based on Islamic law. Not only Muslim countries are aggressively developing Halal Tourism, but several other non-Muslim countries are also now competing to open Halal Tourism packages, this is realized by a large number of the Muslim population in the world. Indonesia is no exception, especially Aceh, which is also currently developing Halal Tourism with all the potential it has so it is expected to become the world's main destination for Halal Tourism. This study aims to determine the prospects and challenges in developing Halal Tourism in West Aceh Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods using literature studies. The results of the study indicate that Aceh Barat Regency in developing Halal Tourism has collaborated with relevant agencies and stakeholders and provides services based on Islamic Sharia. The challenge of West Aceh Regency in developing Halal Tourism is to carry out strong collaboration between the central government, local governments, and industry players in the development of halal tourism, both related to promotion, branding, improvement of supporting facilities and infrastructure as well as efforts to change the mindset of the community and business actors regarding the importance of Developing Halal touris

    Tata Kelola Informasi Peta Zona Nilai Tanah pada Kantor Pertanahan Kota Semarang

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    The community doesn’t know the benefits and access to information on land value zone maps at the Semarang City Land Office yet, so the sale and purchase transactions that occur still use the Tax Object Selling Value (NJOP) whose value is below the land market price. The information on the prevailing land value zone map is also assessed that there are not in accordance with market prices, thus making the public file a complaint at the Semarang City Land Office. However, the lack of transparency provided made the community less aware of how the complaint procedure was, and the community was not even involved in determining the price on the applicable land value zone map. The purpose of this study was to determine how the management of land value zone map information at the Semarang City Land Office, which is considered to have not been done optimally. The theory used in this study refers to Vane Klasen's public participation and the transparency (policy, easy access, check and balance principle) proposed by Sedarmayanti. This study uses a qualitative approach and the researcher as a key instrument. The results show that the management of land value zone map information at the Semarang City Land Office has not been maximally implemented, that there is still a need to improve the socialization of benefits and the process of complaints about land value zone map information and public participation