24 research outputs found

    Utilizing Generative Adversarial Network for Synthetic Image Generation to Address Imbalance Challenges in Chest X-Ray Image Classification

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    Deep learning-based classifiers need lots of image data to train. Unfortunately, not all real-world cases are supported by a huge amount of image data. One of the cases are images for classification of pneumonia infections with chest X-rays images. This study proposes a way of synthesizing chest X-rays with abnormal conditions in order to use the synthesized images for classification purposes. A GAN-based technique can generate synthetic images with greater quality that resemble original images thus can provide a more balanced data distribution than other approaches. To indirectly evaluate the quality of our GAN-based synthetic images, we used CNN-based classification architectures on diverse datasets. Three scenarios examined the effects of synthetic picture categorization. Scenario-1: adding 90% of synthesized images to the original images into the training dataset. Scenario-2: adding 50% of synthesized images to the original images. Scenario-3: adding 10% of synthesized image to the original images. The classification test revealed significantly increased F1 scores in all scenarios. Our study also emphasizes the significance of addressing the problem of imbalanced collections of chest X-ray images and the capability of GANs to alleviate this issue

    Hemichorea Onset Lambat pada Stroke Perdarahan Thalamus Kanan

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    Pendahuluan: Chorea merupakan gangguan gerak involunter hiperkinetik. Chorea dapat disebabkan lesi vaskular serebral iskemik atau perdarahan. Gejala klinis melibatkan satu sisi tubuh dan lesi terletak di hemisfer otak kontralateral. Gangguan gerak pasca stroke paling sering dikaitkan dengan lesi di basal ganglia (44%) dan thalamus (37%). Laporan ini bertujuan untuk menyampaikan kasus hemichorea, gangguan gerak pascastroke perdarahan yang meliputi diagnosis, terapi dan prognosis. Kasus: Seorang laki-laki 59 tahun menderita tekanan darah tinggi, dislipidemia dan mengalami stroke perdarahan dengan kelemahan tubuh di sisi kiri. 5 bulan paca stroke pasien datang ke poliklinik rawat jalan saraf dengan keluhan lengan bawah kiri bergerak seperti menghentak. Pasien mengaku gerakan mulai muncul pada jemari tangan, terasa tertarik tarik otomatis menyentak, gerakannya tidak dapat dikendalikan. Pemeriksaan fisik dalam batas normal, pemeriksaan neurologis menunjukkan hemiparese sisi kiri dan gerakan otot berlangsung cepat, tanpa ritme, melibatkan satu anggota badan yaitu lengan kiri dan tes laboratorium menunjukkan dislipidemia. Pencitraan otak menunjukkan area hipointens pada thalamus kanan. Gejala dapat terkontrol dengan pemberian obat antidopaminergik (haloperidol) dan agonis GABA (klonazepam). Kesimpulan: Gangguan gerak dapat terjadi pascastroke sehingga penting untuk mengetahui dan mempertimbangkan terapi serta prognosis untuk kualitas hidup pasien pascastroke. Pemberian haloperidol dan klonazepam pada kasus hemichorea mengurangi klinis gerakan involunter

    The Diagnostic Challenges in Patient with Multiple System Atrophy: A Case Report

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    Introduction Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare, severe adult onset, sporadic, progressive neurodegenerative movement disorders that are still poorly understood. It is characterized by cerebellar ataxia, autonomic disorders, and parkinsonism syndrome in various combinations. The incidence rate is 0.6 cases per 100,000 people per year. Prevalence is 4-5 cases per 100,000 people. Despite of the presence of well-established clinical criteria for multiple system atrophy, ante-mortem diagnosis is difficult. Case We present a case of 44-year-old, male who with unsteady, wide based gait and rigidity which had developed gradually for 2 years. One year after the appearance of the first symptoms, he developed dysarthria, difficulty in swallowing, dizziness when changing position, and bladder incontinence. From neurologic examination we found orthostatic hypotension, dysmetria and dysdiadochokinesia on the both side. He met all the major criteria for possible rapid progression of MSA. In addition, brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed prominent solids left and right cerebellum hemispheres and slight atrophy pons. Conclusion Our case can be classified as MSA according to the diagnostic criteria because the definitive diagnosis of MSA is only based on post-mortem pathological analysis. From this case we can learn that diagnosing MRA is quite challenging especially in early years of disease. The importance of good MRI interpretation and early finding of brain MRI abnormality can improve the accuracy of MSA diagnosi

    Automated Chest X-Ray Report Generator Using Multi-Model Deep Learning Approach

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    Reading and interpreting chest X-ray images is one of the most radiologist's routines. However, it still can be challenging, even for the most experienced ones. Therefore, we proposed a multi-model deep learning-based automated chest X-ray report generator system designed to assist radiologists in their work. The basic idea of the proposed system is by utilizing multi binary-classification models for detecting multi abnormalities, with each model responsible for detecting one abnormality, in a single image. In this study, we limited the radiology abnormalities detection to only cardiomegaly, lung effusion, and consolidation. The system generates a radiology report by performing the following three steps: image pre-processing, utilizing deep learning models to detect abnormalities, and producing a report. The aim of the image pre-processing step is to standardize the input by scaling it to 128x128 pixels and slicing it into three segments, which covers the upper, lower, and middle parts of the lung. After pre-processing, each corresponding model classifies the image, resulting in a 0 (zero) for no abnormality detected and a 1 (one) for the presence of an abnormality. The prediction outputs of each model are then concatenated to form a 'result code'. The 'result code' is used to construct a report by selecting the appropriate pre-determined sentence for each detected abnormality in the report generation step. The proposed system is expected to reduce the workload of radiologists and increase the accuracy of chest X-ray diagnosis.Comment: Presented in the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICoDSE 2023

    Penyakit Parkinson: Tinjauan Tentang Salah Satu Penyakit Neurodegeneratif yang Paling Umum

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    Penyakit Parkinson (PP) adalah penyakit neurodegeneratif paling umum ke dua yang melibatkan hilangnya neuron dopaminergik di otak tengah yang menyebabkan gejala motorik dan nonmotorik pada pasien yang mengalaminya. Gejala motorik ini dapat dikelola dan dikendalikan dalam  jangka waktu tertentu dengan menggunakan obat-obatan seperti levodopa. PP mempengaruhi jutaan orang di seluruh dunia, oleh karena itu tinjauan pustaka tinjauan pustaka tentang PP menjadi penting dan kami akan menyampaikan berbagai hal penting dari PP mulai dari patofisiologi hingga tindakan pengobatan baik medikamentosa maupun tindakan intervensi

    VIM Line Technique for Determining the Ventral Intermediate Location‎

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    Abstract Aim: To prove that VIM line technique created by using a mathematical model, can be used to identify the location of the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (VIM) MATERIAL and METHODS: Eleven patients with Parkinson?s disease (PD) were assessed. To determine the VIM location, 3-T magnetic resonance imaging and stereotactic protocol 128-slice computed tomography were used. The VIM line technique was performed by drawing a line from the end-point of the right external globus pallidus to that of the left external globus pallidus in the intercommissural plane. PD severity was measured using the Unified Parkinson?s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Results: A mathematical model was constructed to describe the VIM line technique for determining the VIM location. UPDRS scores before and after thalamotomy showed a significant decreasing trend (p=0.003). Conclusion: The VIM line technique using the mathematical model can be considered a referential method to determine the VIM location. Its effectiveness was demonstrated by decreased UPDRS scores in patients after VIM thalamotomy

    Vim line technique thalamotomy for Parkinson tremor: Case series

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    Introduction The ventral intermediate (Vim) nucleus of the thalamus is difficult to identify even with 3 T magnetic resonance imaging. Stereotactic Vim thalamotomy is a usual procedure to control Parkinson tremor. Successful relieving of the tremor depends on the accuracy of defining the Vim location. Presentation of cases Three patients with Parkinson tremor were subjected to stereotactic thalamotomy using the Vim line technique (VLT) so as to precisely determine the Vim location. All patients showed good results, with improved tremors, as indicated by the UPDRS score, without any complications. Discussion The precise targeting of the Vim nucleus is crucial importance for the successful Vim thalamotomy. Various method has been developed to determine Vim location. Atlas based and Guiot’s technique routinely used by neurosurgeon. VLT is a new technique that has been developed to determine the Vim location on MRI. Conclusion VLT is useful for the determination of the Vim location. However, further research is warranted to prove its effectiveness


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepi akuntan perusahaan perhotelan terhadap kepatuhan akuntan publik atas kode etik. Data yang digunakan merupakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang didistribusikan di wilayah Provinsi Bali. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah Akuntan Perusahaan Perhotelan yang berada di wilayah Provinsi Bali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Sampel dari penelitian ini adalah akuntan perusahaan yang bekerja pada hotel bintang 3-5 dengan asumsi bahwa hotel bintang 3-5 lebih banyak menggunakan jasa akuntan publik dibandingkan dengan bintang 1 dan bintang 2. Sampel akuntan perusahaan juga merupakan akuntan perusahaan dengan latar belakang pendidikan akuntansi baik lulusan D3, S1, S2, dan/atauS3, sehingga memiliki pengetahuan dan lebih memahami apa yang dimaksud dengan kode etik akuntan. Total sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 94 orang. Untuk menguji validitas data digunakan koefisien korelasi Product Moment Pearson sedangkan untuk reabilitas data digunakan Cronbach Alpha. Selanjutnya analisis deskriptif dengan prosedur FREQUENCIES dan CROSSTABS digunakan untuk menganalisis persepsi akuntan perusahaan perhotelan. Hasil dari penelitian adalah sebagai berikut menunjukkan akuntan perusahaan perhotelan di Provinsi Bali memiliki persepsi bahwa akuntan publik telah patuh atas kode etik

    Analisis Numerik pada Balloon-Expandable Stent Menggunakan Tipe Elemen Solid dan Beam

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    Stent, merupakan tabung metal mikro berbentuk jaring yang biasa digunakan untuk menyangga pembuluh darah yang menyempit karena pertumbuhan plak. Setiap desain stent yang baru harus melewati pengujian. Pengujian menggunakan simulasi metode elemen hingga sangat membantu dalam hal ini. Namun, bentuk elemen solid sangat kompleks dan menyita banyak waktu dalam simulasi pengujian stent, sehingga perlu ditemukan cara lain yang efektif. Dalam penelitian ini diusulkan penggunaan elemen tipe beam dalam pengujian desain baru stent. Analisis struktural dilakukan dengan ANSYS Workbench Student R18 sedangkan model solid 3D yang kompleks dibuat di Solidworks 2014. Dua jenis balloon-expandable stent (BES): Palmaz stent, untuk mewakili stent dengan geometri struktur yang rigid, dan Sinusoidal stent, untuk geometri struktur yang fleksibel. Bentuk balon yang digunakan adalah balon simetris yang dapat mengembang ke semua sisi. Dengan demikian, ada 4 model yang dibandingkan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu Palmaz tipe elemen solid, Palmaz tipe elemen beam, Sinusoidal tipe elemen solid, dan Sinusoidal tipe elemen beam. Analisis yang diteliti meliputi: karakteristik deformasi, tegangan, dan regangan plastis. Material model untuk stent adalah SS316L yang bersifat isotropik, sedangkan untuk balloon adalah polyurethane yang bersifat hiper elastik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan elemen beam dapat menjadi metode baru dalam simulasi metode elemen hingga (MEH) pada balloon-expandable stent. Namun, penggunaan elemen beam tidak dapat menunjukkan hasil regangan plastis pada simulasi balloon-expandable stent. ============================================================ Stent, a small metal meshed tube used to support narrowed blood vessels due to plaque growth. Each new stent design have to pass the evaluation test before releasing in the market. Testing using finite element simulation is very helpful in this regard. However, solid element form is very complex and takes a lot of time in simulating stent testing, so it needs to be found another effective way. In this study it is proposed the use of beam type elements in testing new stent designs. Structural transient analysis was performed with ANSYS Workbench Student R18 while a complex 3D solid model was made in Solidworks 2014. Two types of balloon-expandable stents (BES): Palmaz stents, to represent stents with rigid structural geometry, and sinusoidal stents, for structural geometry flexible. The shape of the balloon used is a symmetrical balloon that can expand to all sides. Thus, there are 4 models compared in this research, namely Palmaz solid element type, Palmaz beam element type, Sinusoidal solid element type, and Sinusoidal beam element type. The analyzes include deformation characteristics, stress, and plastic strain. Material model for stent is SS316L which is isotropik, while for balloon is polyurethane which is hyper elastic. The results of this study indicate that the use of beam elements can be a new method in finite element method (MEH) simulations on balloon-expandable stents. However, the use of beam elements can not show the result of the plastic strain on the balloon-expandable stent simulation

    Profil Gejala Motorik dan Non-Motorik pada Pasien Penyakit Parkinson di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya

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    Penyakit Parkinson (PD) adalah penyakit neurodegeneratif kronis kedua yang paling umum setelah penyakit Alzheimer. Sebanyak 90% orang dengan PD melaporkan gejala non-motorik dari tahap awal hingga penyakit lanjut. Gejala non-motorik Parkinson merujuk pada gangguan yang tidak terkait dengan gerakan. Tujuan: Mengidentifikasi gejala motorik dan non-motorik yang dialami pasien parkinson. Metode: Studi retrospektif deskriptif dari rekam medis penyakit Parkinson dengan ICD 10 koding G20.0 di Poliklinik Rawat Jalan Neurologi Rumah Sakit Umum Soetomo, Surabaya, Indonesia (Januari-Desember 2019). Hasil: Sejumlah 51 pasien PD direkrut untuk penelitian ini. Semua pasien PD yang datang ke klinik kami 100% dengan gejala motorik tetapi hampir 68,09% bermanifestasi dengan gejala non-motorik. Gejala motorik yang paling sering adalah tremor istirahat 93,62%, rigiditas 46,81%, ketidakstabilan postural 19,15%, dan bradikinesia 10,64%. Nyeri (38,30%) adalah gejala non-motorik tersering dari pasien PD sementara masalah tidur (12,77%) adalah gejala non-motorik tersering kedua. Masalah kognitif dilaporkan oleh 6,38% pasien. Sisa gejala non-motorik lainnya adalah disfagia, masalah sensorik, retensi urin, hipersalivasi, dan kecemasan dengan masing-masing frekuensi 2,13%. Kesimpulan : Gejala non-motorik cukup sering pada pasien PD dalam populasi kami dan identifikasi awal pasien yang berisiko lebih tinggi untuk berkembang menjadi gejala non-motorik spesifik, berpotensi terjadinya peningkatan manajemen gejala atau pencegahan gejala non-motorik spesifik