71 research outputs found

    Meeting the challenges of micronutrient deficiencies in emergency-affected populations

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    Micronutrient deficiencies occur frequently in refugee and displaced populations. These deficiency diseases include, in addition to the most common Fe and vitamin A deficiencies, scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), pellagra (niacin and/or tryptophan deficiency) and beriberi (thiamin deficiency), which are not seen frequently in non-emergency-affected populations. The main causes of the outbreaks have been inadequate food rations given to populations dependent on food aid. There is no universal solution to the problem of micronutrient deficiencies, and not all interventions to prevent the deficiency diseases are feasible in every emergency setting. The preferred way of preventing these micronutrient deficiencies would be by securing dietary diversification through the provision of vegetables, fruit and pulses, which may not be a feasible strategy, especially in the initial phase of a relief operation. The one basic emergency strategy has been to include a fortified blended cereal in the ration of all food-aid-dependent populations (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees/World Food Programme, 1997). In situations where the emergency-affected population has access to markets, recommendations have been to increase the general ration to encourage the sale and/or barter of a portion of the ration in exchange for locally-available fruit and vegetables (World Health Organization, 1999a, b, 2000). Promotion of home gardens as well as promotion of local trading are recommended longer-term options aiming at the self-sufficiency of emergency-affected households. The provision of fortified blended foods in the general ration has successfully prevented and controlled micronutrient deficiencies in various emergency settings. However, the strategy of relying only on fortified blended foods to prevent micronutrient deficiencies should be reviewed in the light of recurring evidence that provision of adequate supplies of these foods is often problematic. Donor policies on the bartering or exchange of food aid should also be clarified. Furthermore, the establishment of micronutrient surveillance systems, including standardized micronutrient deficiency diagnostic criteria, are vital for the control of micronutrient deficiency disease

    Analisi e modifica di un impianto manifatturiero e di processi industriali secondo la logica Lean

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    L'argomento principale è la valutazione tecnico-economica di un progetto di completo relayout dello stabilimento produttivo della Eurovinil S.p.A.. Si riporta dapprima una descrizione del progetto generale, e le tecniche utilizzate per stimare i costi e i benefici del progetto. Quest'analisi consente di individuare due case-study principali che verranno sviluppati con maggior dettaglio di progettazione, pervenendo ad una stima puntuale della redditività degli stessi. Seguiranno infine delle conclusioni in termini di risultati previsti dall'implementazione dei progetti illustrati, ed eventuali sviluppi futuri

    A prova da responsabilidade médica

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    Neste trabalho procurou-se identificar o regime probatório aplicável às ações de responsabilidade civil médica, uma matéria revestida de alguma complexidade, derivada da especificidade técnico-científica associada aos temas da prova. Inicia-se por uma breve análise histórica da forma como a medicina foi sendo percecionada pela sociedade ao longo dos tempos e de quais as consequências para o desenvolvimento da tutela jurídica da relação médico-paciente. Identifica-se o regime de direito material aplicável: concretizando a diferença entre responsabilidade por má prática médica e responsabilidade por violação do consentimento informado; os conceitos específicos de ilicitude, culpa e dano na responsabilidade civil médica; a aplicação de regimes de responsabilidade objetiva; e a possibilidade desta ação ser tratada no âmbito da jurisdição administrativa ou ainda da jurisdição penal. Tendo por base esta análise, apresenta-se o regime de distribuição do onus probandi, com especial consideração sobre: os casos em que se admite a sua inversão; a repartição do ónus da prova nas ações por violação do consentimento informado; e a aplicação destas regras aos pedidos de indemnização cível enxertados em processo penal. Expõem-se as soluções doutrinárias e jurisprudenciais para que, de acordo com o quadro legal vigente, se ultrapassem as dificuldades de prova sentidas por médicos, pacientes e até pelos próprios agentes jurisdicionais, nomeadamente, através do recurso a presunções judiciais e a métodos menos exigentes na valoração de prova. Faz-se referência aos meios de prova sobre os quais incide legislação especial na matéria (a prova testemunhal, documental e pericial) e ainda uma breve referência à possibilidade de aproveitamento da prova produzida noutros processos no processo cível. Conclui-se pela análise crítica do quadro legal vigente, apresentando-se sugestões de implementação de regimes complementares para tutela do dano.This paper aims to identify the rules of evidence applicable to medical malpractice lawsuits. It is a somewhat complex subject due to the technical scientific specificity associated with the themes covered. It begins with a brief historical analysis concerning the way in which medicine has been perceived by society throughout the ages as well as the consequences for the development of legal protection for the doctor-patient relationship. The applicable substantive law is identified, emphasizing: the difference between responsibility for medical malpractice and responsibility for violation of informed consent; the specific concepts of unlawfulness, guilt and damage in medical liability; the application of strict liability; and the possibility of this lawsuit taking place in an administrative court or even a criminal court. Based on this analysis, the burden of proof is presented, with special focus on the cases in which its reversal is admitted; the burden of proof in actions for violation of informed consent; and the application of these rules to claims for compensation made to criminal courts. The legal literature and case law solutions are presented so that, in accordance with the current legal framework, the difficulties related to evidence felt by doctors, patients and even by the courts themselves are overcome by judicial presumptions and less demanding methods in the assessment of evidence. It is also made a reference to the evidence on which special legislation in this field applies (witness, documentary and expert evidence) and a brief reference to the use of evidence from other proceedings. As a conclusion, this paper produces a critical analysis of the current legal framework, presenting suggestions for the implementation of supplementary systems to compensate for damage

    Ativos internacionais no contexto de média-variância: uma análise envolvendo os mercados, brasileiro, europeus e norte-americano.

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.O presente trabalho procura analisar a possibilidade de existência de benefícios, em termos de risco-retorno, decorrentes da incorporação de ativos internacionais a cenários inicialmente compostos apenas por ativos domésticos. Para definir carteiras ótimas foi utilizada a abordagem de média-variância inicialmente proposta por Harry Markowitz em 1952 que marcou o início da teoria moderna do portfólio. Com tal finalidade foram utilizadas, aproximadamente, 4400 observações diárias dos papéis mais negociados dos mercados brasileiro, europeu e norteamericano. As matrizes de covariâncias foram obtidas de acordo com o modelo de médias moveis exponencialmente ponderadas (EWMA) como utilizado no RiskMetrics. A partir das matrizes obtidas anteriormente, são analisadas as séries históricas de correlação média domésticas e internacionais que, por definição, indicariam a possibilidade de maior diversificação de risco. Após a obtenção das carteiras ótimas, a partir das rotinas quantitativas implementadas no software MATLAB, foi analisado o desempenho que cada critério de seleção teve ao longo do período amostral. Finalmente, foram efetuadas as comparações pertinentes procurando visualizar a existência ou ausência de performances superiores nas carteiras otimizadas globalmente

    Panel 2.11: Food Security and Nutrition

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    This is a summary of the presentations and discussion of Panel 2.11, Food Security and Nutrition of the Conference, Health Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster in Asia, convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) in Phuket, Thailand, 04-06 May 2005. The topics discussed included issues related to food security and nutrition as pertain to the responses to the damage created by the Tsunami. It is presented in the following major sections: (1) findings; (2) key questions; (3) discussion; and (4) recommendation

    Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Characterization of Senecio clivicolus Wedd.

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    peer-reviewedAntioxidant phytochemicals play a key role in oxidative stress control and in the prevention of related disorders, such as premature aging, degenerative diseases, diabetes, and cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential antioxidant activity and the phytochemical profile of Senecio clivicolus Wedd., a perennial shrub, belonging to the Asteraceae family. Despite the wide interest of this family, this specie has not been investigated yet. S. clivicolus aerial parts were extracted with 96% ethanol. Then, the ethanol extract was fractionated by liquid/liquid extraction using an increasing solvents polarity. Total polyphenol and terpenoid contents were measured. Moreover, the antioxidant activity was evaluated by six different complementary in vitro assays. The Relative Antioxidant Capacity Index (RACI) was used to compare data obtained by different tests. The sample showing the highest RACI was subjected to characterization and quantitation of its phenolic composition using LC-MS/MS analysis. The ethyl acetate fraction, investigated by LC-MS/MS analysis, showed 30 compounds, most of them are chlorogenic acid and flavonoid derivatives. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about the evaluation of antioxidant activity and phytochemical profile of S. clivicolus, underlying the importance of this species as a source of health-promoting phytochemicals.This research was supported by the University of Basilicata, Project “Monitoraggio delle acque marine costiere e profonde in Basilicata” D.G.R. 1490 of 4/12/2014