176 research outputs found

    Platelet derived growth factor and its receptors in the developing rat central nervous system

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    In the mature rat optic nerve there are several types of postmitotic glial cells including oligodendrocytes and type-1 astrocytes. Type-1 astrocytes develop from one type of precursor cell, while oligodendrocytes develop from a different progenitor cell known as an O-2A progenitor. O-2A progenitor cells can be stimulated to divide in vitro by mitogens secreted by cultured cortical (type-1-like) astrocytes or by purified platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). By northern blotting I show that cultured cortical astrocytes synthesize the A chain of PDGF. Its time course of appearance in the brain and its distribution in the optic nerve suggest that type-1 astrocytes might be a source of PDGF-A in vivo, and that PDGF-A is probably important for O-2A progenitor proliferation during development. O-2A progenitors express the α-subunit of the PDGF receptor PDGF-αR. To visualize these cells and other cells in the CNS that might express PDGF-αR, I performed in situ hybridization using a probe specific to PDGF-αR. During late embryonic and early postnatal neurogenesis, the spatiotemporal distribution of PDGF-αR+ cells, together with 125I-PDGF binding studies on subsets of glial cells in vitro, suggests that PDGF-αR may be expressed preferentially by cells of the O-2A lineage and might, therefore, be a useful marker for studying the development of this lineage from its earliest origins in the ventricular zones of the developing brain and spinal cord. By in situ hybridization I showed that, in the E14 spinal cord, PDGF-αR is expressed in the basal ventricular zone in two longitudinal columns, one each side of the central canal. These columns are initially comprised of only two cells in the cross-sectional plane, but the PDGF-αR cells appear subsequently to multiply and disseminate throughout the spinal cord. In the brain, PDGF-αR+ cells seem to arise in a specialized germinal zone beneath the foramen of Monro, in the ventral half of the developing diencephalon. These results lead me to propose that the earliest oligodendrocyte precursors are generated in very restricted regions of the ventricular zones of the developing brain and spinal cord during a brief window of time around E14

    Ionic liquids and reactions at the electrochemical interface

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) represent a fascinating, and yet to be fully understood, medium for a variety of chemical, physical and biological processes. Electrochemical processes form an important subset of these that are particularly of interest, since ILs tend to be good electrochemical solvents and exhibit other properties which make them very useful as electrolytes in electrochemical devices. It is important therefore to understand the extent to which electrochemical reactions and processes behave in a relatively &ldquo;normal&rdquo;, for example aqueous solution, fashion as opposed to exhibiting phenomena more uniquely the product of their organic ionic nature. This perspective examines a range of electrochemical reactions in ionic liquids, in many cases in the context of real world applications, to highlight the phenomena as far as they are understood and where data gaps exist. The important areas of lithium and conducting polymer electrochemistry are discussed in detail.<br /

    Organic ionic plastic crystals : recent advances

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    Investigations into the synthesis and utilisation of organic ionic plastic crystals have made significant progress in recent years, driven by a continued need for high conductivity solid state electrolytes for a range of electrochemical devices. There are a number of different aspects to research in this area; fundamental studies, utilising a wide range of analytical techniques, of both pure and doped plastic crystals, and the development of plastic crystal-based materials as electrolytes in, for example, lithium ion batteries. Progress in these areas is highlighted and the development of new organic ionic plastic crystals, including a new class of proton conductors, is discussed.<br /

    Hubble Space Telescope FUV Spectra of the Post-Common-Envelope Hyades Binary V471 Tauri

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    We have carried out an analysis of the HST STIS archival spectra of the magnetic white dwarf in the Hyades eclipsing-spectroscopic, post-common envelope binary V471 Tauri, time resolved on the orbit and on the X-ray rotational phase of the magnetic white dwarf. An HST STIS spectrum obtained during primary eclipse reveals a host of transition region/chromospheric emission features including N V (1238, 1242), Si IV (1393, 1402), C IV (1548, 1550) and He II (1640). The spectroscopic characteristics and emission line fluxes of the transition region/chromosphere of the very active, rapidly rotating, K2V component of V471 Tauri, are compared with the emission characteristics of fast rotating K dwarfs in young open clusters. We have detected a number of absorption features associated with metals accreted onto the photosphere of the magnetic white dwarf from which we derive radial velocities. All of the absorption features are modulated on the 555s rotation period of the white dwarf with maximum line strength at rotational phase 0.0 when the primary magnetic accretion region is facing the observer. The photospheric absorption features show no clear evidence of Zeeman splitting and no evidence of a correlation between their variations in strength and orbital phase. We report clear evidence of a secondary accretion pole. We derive C and Si abundances from the Si IV and C III features. All other absorption lines are either interstellar or associated with a region above the white dwarf and/or with coronal mass ejection events illuminated as they pass in front of the white dwarf.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal, May 10, 2012 issue - 16 figure


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    In today’s society of humans and machines, automation, animation, and ecosystems are terms of concern. Categories of life and technology have become mixed in governmental policies and drive economic exploitation and the pathologies of everyday life. This book both curiously and critically advances the term that underlies these new developments: machine

    Ionic liquids and organic ionic plastic crystals utilizing small phosphonium cations

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    The development of new liquid and solid state electrolytes is paramount for the advancement of electrochemical devices such as lithium batteries and solar cells. Ionic liquids have shown great promise in both these applications. Here we demonstrate the use of phosphonium cations with small alkyl chain substituents, in combination with a range of different anions, to produce a variety of new halide free ionic liquids that are fluid, conductive and with sufficient thermal stability for a range of electrochemical applications. Walden plot analysis of the new phosphonium ionic liquids shows that these can be classed as &quot;good&quot; ionic liquids, with low degrees of ion pairing and/or aggregation, and the lithium deposition and stripping from one of these ionic liquids has been demonstrated. Furthermore, for the first time phosphonium cations have been used to form a range of organic ionic plastic crystals. These materials can show significant ionic conductivity in the solid state and thus are of great interest as potential solid-state electrolyte materials. <br /

    The outburst duration and duty-cycle of GRS 1915+105

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    The extraordinarily long outburst of GRS 1915+105 makes it one of the most remarkable low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). It has been in a state of constant outburst since its discovery in 1992, an eruption which has persisted ~100 times longer than those of more typical LXMBs. The long orbital period of GRS 1915+105 implies that it contains large and massive accretion disc which is able to fuel its extreme outburst. In this paper, we address the longevity of the outburst and quiescence phases of GRS 1915+105 using Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of its accretion disc through many outburst cycles. Our model is set in the two-alpha framework and includes the effects of the thermo-viscous instability, tidal torques, irradiation by central X-rays and wind mass loss. We explore the model parameter space and the examine the impact of the various ingredients. We predict that the outburst of GRS 1915+105 should last a minimum of 20 years and possibly up to ~100 years if X-ray irradiation is very significant. The predicted recurrence times are of the order of 10^4 years, making the X-ray duty cycle a few 0.1%. Such a low duty cycle may mean that GRS 1915+105 is not an anomaly among the more standard LMXBs and that many similar, but quiescent, systems could be present in the Galaxy.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    The White Dwarf in EM Cygni: Beyond The Veil

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    We present a spectral analysis of the FUSE spectra of EM Cygni, a Z Cam DN system. The FUSE spectrum, obtained in quiescence, consists of 4 individual exposures (orbits): two exposures, at orbital phases phi ~ 0.65 and phi ~ 0.90, have a lower flux; and two exposures, at orbital phases phi =0.15 and 0.45, have a relatively higher flux. The change of flux level as a function of the orbital phase is consistent with the stream material (flowing over and below the disk from the hot spot region to smaller radii) partially masking the white dwarf. We carry out a spectral analysis of the FUSE data, obtained at phase 0.45 (when the flux is maximual, using the codes TLUSTY and SYNSPEC. Using a single white dwarf spectral component, we obtain a white dwarf temperature of 40,000K, rotating at 100km/s. The white dwarf, or conceivably, the material overflowing the disk rim, shows suprasolar abundances of silicon, sulphur and possibly nitrogen. Using a white dwarf+disk composite model, we obtain that the white dwarf temperature could be even as high as 50,000K, contributing more than 90% of the FUV flux, and the disk contributing less than 10% must have a mass accretion rate reaching 1.E-10 Msun/yr.In both cases, however, we obtain that the white dwarf temperature is much higher than previously estimated.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ, 3 Tables, 12 Figures (including color figures), 33 pages in present format (possibly 10 pages in ApJ format

    Infrared Emission from the Nearby Cool Core Cluster Abell 2597

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    We observed the brightest central galaxy (BCG) in the nearby (z=0.0821) cool core galaxy cluster Abell 2597 with the IRAC and MIPS instruments on board the Spitzer Space Telescope. The BCG was clearly detected in all Spitzer bandpasses, including the 70 and 160 micron wavebands. We report aperture photometry of the BCG. The spectral energy distribution exhibits a clear excess in the FIR over a Rayleigh-Jeans stellar tail, indicating a star formation rate of ~4-5 solar masses per year, consistent with the estimates from the UV and its H-alpha luminosity. This large FIR luminosity is consistent with that of a starburst or a Luminous Infrared Galaxy (LIRG), but together with a very massive and old population of stars that dominate the energy output of the galaxy. If the dust is at one temperature, the ratio of 70 to 160 micron fluxes indicate that the dust emitting mid-IR in this source is somewhat hotter than the dust emitting mid-IR in two BCGs at higher-redshift (z~0.2-0.3) and higher FIR luminosities observed earlier by Spitzer, in clusters Abell 1835 and Zwicky 3146.Comment: Accepted at Ap
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