7 research outputs found


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    The Study of structure and compotition of invasive species in protected peat forest area of ​​the Sungai Buluh, Tanjung Jabung Timur was conducted from April to September 2020. This research was conducted in open space area. Data were collected with systematic sampling method in 2 x 2 m plot in tree long transects 500 m. Every transect has 5 plots with the same distance of 100 m, so that the total plots are 25 plots. The data obtained were analyzed to determine the importance value indeks of plant species, diversity indeks and Eveness index of plants in the location. Based on the identification results, were found 31 invasive spesies in Protected Peat Forest Sungai Buluh. Cynodon dactylon was found high Important Value Index 28.60%. Diversity index was found  2,65 and the value of the evenness index 0,77 in research location


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    Pemanfaatan Limbah kulit Nenas untuk pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) sebagai Pupuk Alternatif Murah di Desa Tangkit Baru Propinsi Jambi dilakukan dengan tujuan memanfaatan limbah organik hasil produksi nenas serta membantu kelompok UMKM di Desa Tangkit Baru untuk memperoleh pupuk yang murah dan berkualitas. Pelaksanaan dilakukan dalam tiga sesi yaitu sesi pemaparan, tanya jawab dan diskusi serta praktek secara langsung dilapangan. Melalui kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (PPM) oleh Tim Pengabdian Program Studi Biologi FST-UNJA maka target yang ingin dicapai adalah mitra mampu memanfaatkan limbah nenas secara maksimal untuk dijadikan barang yang lebih bermanfaat atau dijadikan sebagai bentuk usaha. Berdasarkan hasil survey kuesioner yang dubagikan, 94,44% masyarakat bersedia ikut Kembali dalam pelatihan serupa, 89,47% masyarakat menilai pelayanan selama pelatihan berlangsung sangat baik, 58,82% masyarakat mengaku bahwa pelatihan ini sangat sesuai dengan harapan selebihnya mengaku sesui dengan harapan. Dalam pengentasan limbah, 55,56% masyarakat berpendapat bahwa kegiatan ini dapat mengurangi limbah


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    Hutan gambut merupakan hutan tropis dan menjadi sumber daya alam yang unik yang dapat mendukung keanekaragaman flora dan fauna termasuk amfibi. Hutan gambut sering mengalami kebakaran pada saat musim kemarau. Kebakaran dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup sejumlah flora dan fauna tak terkecuali amfibi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis dan komposisi amfibi serta untuk mengetahui indeks keanekaragaman dan kemerataan amfibi di Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) Tanjung Jabung Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Visual Encounter Survey (VES) yang dikombinasikan dengan transek. Transek merupakan transek akuatik yang dibuat sepanjang 500m. Data yang telah diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan Indeks Shannon Wiener dan dengan menghitung kemerataan jenis. Hasil penelitian yaitu jenis amfibi yang didapat ada 4 jenis (Fejervarya limnocharis, Fejervarya cancrivora, Hylarana erythraea dan Pulchrana baramica). Nilai keanekaragaman tergolong sedang dengan nilai H’= 1, 03. Hal ini menunjukkan secara ekologis kondisi habitat di HLG Londerang mampu untuk mendukung keberadaan jenis amfibi. Nilai kemerataan jenis amfibi menunjukkan nilai E= 0,74 yang berarti pensebaran amfibi tergolong cukup merata

    EFEK TEMPERATUR TERHADAP RESPIRASI, POLA PIGMENTASI, DAN PERILAKU KATAK POHON JAWA (Rhacophorus margaritifer Schlegel, 1837) DAN KATAK KONGKANG KOLAM (Hylarana chalconota Schlegel, 1837)

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    Mount Merapi is one of the mountain 's most active volcano in Indonesia . The last eruption of the volcano occurred in 2010. The eruption also on the southern slopes of the region. The southern slopes of Mount Merapi are known to have Anura species diversity is high enough. Comparison of the data between 2010 and 2012 showed that the diversity of Anura relatively stable. With these data indicate that the stability Anura located on the southern slope of Mount Merapi can withstand high temperatures as a result of the eruption. Anura mechanism to escape and survive the high temperatures is unknown. This research aims to study the effect of temperature on respiration, pigmentation patterns, and movement behavior and vocalization behavior. Another aim was to study the mechanism of the frog to avoid high temperatures. The sample used in this study were P. aurifasciatus and L. hasseltii. The study was conducted in the laboratory by using variations in temperature. Temperature variation used is the lowest temperature in the environment, the temperature within the normal range, and some degree of temperature above the normal temperature range. Data were collected for respiration , morphology , and behavior to determine the effect of temperature. Morphological observations made primarily against pigmentation patterns. Behavior observations carried on the movement behavior and vocalization behavior. Respiration increases at progressively higher temperatures in R. margaritifer while in H. chalconota will enter a period of rest at high temperatures. The pattern will change colors become brighter at higher temperatures and look good on R. margaritifer and H. chalconota. In R. margaritifer movement will be dominant in land area is compared to the higher regions, while in H. chalconota will more be on the waters. H. chalconota have a more diverse vocalizations when compared R. margaritifer. At high temperatures H. chalconota more concerned with physiological adaptation when compared with the behavior

    PERILAKU HARIAN BURUNG KAKATUA KOKI (cacatua galerita) DI AREA EX-SITU TAMAN RIMBA ZOO JAMBI: The Daily Behavior Of The Chef Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita) In Ex-Situ Area Of The Jambi Zoo Jungle Park

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    Kakatua koki (Cacatua galerita) merupakan burung yang dilindungi, karena termasuk dalam kategori Least Concern dan termasuk ke dalam Appendiks II, karena banyak diperdagangkan baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri, sehingga memiliki populasi yang terus menurun. Salah satu konservasi ex-situ yaitu Taman Rimba Zoo Jambi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas periaku harian, perilaku makan, dan pakan kesukaan, serta apa saja komposisi pakan kakatua koki (Cacatua galerita) di Taman Rimba Zoo Jambi.  Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12-25 September 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Focal Animal Sampling dengan metode pencatatan data secara Continuous Sampling. Data yang didapat berupa data primer, data sekunder, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian data dianalisis menggunakan rumus Altman, hasil berupa tabel dan diagram. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan terdapat 14 perilaku yang teramati, perilaku yang paling dominan yaitu perilaku bertengger 26% atau 2900 menit, perilaku ingesti 18% atau 2026 menit, perilaku menelisi bulu 12% atau 1384 menit. Adapun pakan yang diberikan untuk kakatua terdiri dari sayur-sayuran [kangkung (Ipomea aquatica), tauge (Vigna radiata), dan wortel (Daucus carota)], biji-bijian [jagung (Zea mays)], buah-buahan [pepaya (Carica papaya) dan pisang (Musa paradisiaca)], serta air digunakan untuk minum. Pakan kesukaan kakatua yaitu jagung (Zea mays) dan pepaya (Carica papaya)

    Distribusi Herpetofauna di Kawasan Hutan Lindung Gambut Sungai Buluh Tanjung Jabung Timur

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    Hutan Lindung Gambut (HLG) Sungai Buluh  is one of the village forests in East Tanjung Jabung. Peat soil has high water content and is herpetofauna habitat. Herpetofauna acts as a prey and predator in the peat ecosystem. Some of them occupy the position of top predators on food networks in the peat ecosystem. The existence of this group of animals also acts as an environmental bioindicator which can be indicated by its species richness and individual count. This research was conducted on two habitat conditions (terrestrial and aquatic) with the aim of this study were the distribution and habitat characteristics of herpetofauna in the HLG Sungai Buluh.  This study used the Visual Encounter Survey (VES) method which was combined by transect lines in each habitat. Sampling was done nocturnal and diurnal. The specimens obtained then preserved in 70% alcohol. The results showed total of 105 individual herpetofauna consisting of 4 Anura families (Bufonidae 1 species, Dicroglossidae 3 species, Rhacophoridae 3 species, and Ranidae 4 species) and 4 Reptile families (Agamidae 3 species, Scincidae 2 species, Gekkonidae 1 species, and Natricidae 1 species). Eleven species were found in the terrestrial habitat transect while eleven species were found in aquatic habitat transects. Furthermore,  four species were found in both habitat transects. From these results it can be concluded that the HLG Sungai Buluh has a suitable habitat for herpetofauna. However, further research needs to be carried out covering the entire are of HLG Sungai Bulu

    Perilaku Harian Buaya Muara (Crocodylus porosus, Schneider 1801) di Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa Jogia

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    The aim of this research was to find out the daily behavior of Crocodylus porosus in Jogja Animal Rescue Center (PPSJ). The daily behavior included feeding habit, social behavior, basking and movement. This research was using Focal Animal Sampling Method and observed for four months. As individual targets were male and female dominant of C. porosus, Monti and Bunda. The Runs test showed that the behavior of C. porosus had a pattern in daily activities. Based on Mann-Whitney U test, both male and female of C. porosus did not have any difference in feeding habit (U:16; nl: 6; n2:6; p>0.05), social behavior (U:29; n1: 8; n2:8; p>0.05), basking (U=12; n1:5; n2:5; p>0.05) and movement (U:16; n1:6; n2:6; p>0.05). Key words: Behavior, daily activity, Crocodylus porosus, Monti and Bunda, PPS