360 research outputs found
Analisis “Brand Equity” Siaran Berita Stasiun Televisi Swasta Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keadaan berbagai merek siaran berita stasiun televisi swasta berdasarkan dimensi ekuitas mereknya, dengan memfokuskan pada empat dimensi ekuitas merek, yang meliputi loyalitas merek, kesadaran merek, persepsi kualitas, dan asosiasi merek. Metode yang digunakan metode deskriptif, dengan analisis data menggunakan tabulasi dan teknik skala. Hasil penelitian dari dimensi loyalitas merek tiga besar siaran berita secara berurutan adalah Buser, Patroli dan Liputan 6 Petang. Dari dimensi Kesadaran Merek tiga siaran berita yang disebut adalah Buser, Patroli dan Liputan 6 Petang. Dari segi asosiasi merek, Buletin Siang dan Liputan 6 Siang (44%), diasosiasikan sebagai siaran berita yang penyajiannya cepat. Patroli (62%) diasosiasikan siaran berita yang penyajiannya akurat (benar dan obyektif) Info Manca Negara (56%) diasosiasikan sebagai siaran berita yang penyajiannya cukup menarik. Dari dimensi persepsi kualitas yang dijadikan pedoman adalah, kecepatan berita 31%, keakuratan aberita 36%, penyajian berita 33%, dengan urutan merek siaran berita Liputan 6 Siang, Buser, dan Patroli
Analisis Sebaran Spasial Kualitas Perairan Teluk Jakarta
Air begitu umum sehingga diabaikan sedangkan betapa pentingnya air itu untuk mahluk hidup. Kualitas Air adalah suatu indikasi apakah perairan tersebut baik atau tidak. Teluk adalah tempat yang luas, banyak sekali sisa sisa aktivitas mahluk hidup yang dijadikan sebagai tempat pembuangan. Teluk Jakarta merupakan kawasan strategis nasional banyak aktivitas industri. Rumah tangga dan lain-lain yang berpotensi melakukan pencemaran sehingga kondisi perairan tercemar dan kotor. Analisis spasial merupakan analisis yang menampilkan gambar kondisi suatu tempat dalam suatu layer. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah, mengetahui distribusi spasial kualitas perairan di Teluk Jakarta. Mengetahui distribusi spasial Logam berat (Pb) di Perairan Teluk Jakarta. Analisis data yang digunakan menggunakan analisa deskriptif serta Geostatistik menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis dengan metode Kriging. Dengan kata lain, metode ini untuk mengestimasi besarnya nilai karakteristik Z pada titik tidak tersampel berdasarkan karakteristik titik titik sampel z yang berada disekitarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Nilai distribusi spasial parameter fisika, kimia, dan biologi perairan antara lain, suhu berada pada kisaran 29.08oC - 31.53oC, kecepatan arus berada pada 0.11m/s - 0.26 m/s, DO berada pada kisaran 4.41 - 5.78 mg/l, Salinitas berada pada kisaran 30.001 ppt – 34.99 ppt, COD berada pada kisaran 181 mg/l - 257 mg/l, BOD berada pada kisaran 11 mg/l - 23 mg/l dan Fitoplankton berkisar pada kelimpahan 10 ind/l – 451 ind/l. Nilai distribusi spasial logam berat Pb berkisar pada 0.00013 ppm – 0.009 ppm. The water is so common that it is ignored while the importance of water for living creatures. Air quality is a good indication of whether or not those waters. Gulf is a big place, a lot of the rest of the rest of the activity of living organisms that serve as a dumping ground. Jakarta Bay is an area of many national strategic industry activities. Household and other potentially polluting so polluted and dirty water conditions. Spatial analysis is an analysis showing the picture condition somewhere in a layer. The purpose of this study is, to know the spatial distribution of water quality in the Bay of Jakarta. Knowing the spatial distribution of heavy metals (Pb) in the waters of Jakarta Bay. Data analysis used descriptive analysis and Geostatistical using Geographical Information Systems with Kriging method. In other words, the method for estimating the characteristic value Z at the point tersampel not based on the characteristics of the points z samples that are nearby. The results showed that the spatial distribution of the value parameter of physics, chemistry, and biology among other waters, the temperature is in the range 29.08oC - 31.53oC, current speed is at 0.11m / s - 0:26 m / s, DO in the range of 4:41 - 5.78 mg / l, salinity in the range of 30,001 ppt - 34.99 ppt, COD in the range of 181 mg / l - 257 mg / l, BOD in the range of 11 mg / l - 23 mg / l and Phytoplankton revolves around the abundance of 10 ind / l - 451 ind / l. The value of the spatial distribution of heavy metals Pb 0.00013 ppm range in - 0.009 ppm
L'Osservatorio Geofisico di Lipari ed i 40 anni della Rete Sismica Permanente del Tirreno Meridionale
In 1966, the Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia (I.I.V.), gave the go ahead to the ambitious project of setting up a seismic network in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, an area of extraordinary geophysical interest, which until then was not covered by seismic monitoring.
At the time, there were single seismic stations on the rest of the italian peninsula.
These were inside universities, public and private bodies and at the numerous observatories of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (founded in 1936 by Antonino Lo Surdo and becoming independent of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R,. in 1945) and still used mechanical seismographs, with masses weighing from 80 up to 1300 Kg.
On the Aeolian Islands instead, electromagnetic seismometers were employed from the start.
The experimental network, planned in the Willmore laboratories at Edinburgh and tested in the Aeolian Islands over a two-year period, represented the starting point for the Permanent Seismic Network (PSN) of the Southern Tyrrhenian.
After the experience of the Laboratorio Internazionale per le Ricerche Vulcanologiche (L.I.R.V. - C.N.R.), of the Istituto di Vulcanologia of the University of Catania, the independent I.I.V. - C.N.R., together with the observatory, was launched in 1969.
In the course of the seventies, every island of the Aeolian archipelago, was equipped with at least a seismic station and the 3 sensor systems (triaxial systems) began to become widely used.
In the eighties, the “Sismologia Eolie” project was started, aimed at a further develop and update the seismic net.
With the wide use of magnetic tape recording, the instrumental data stored could be more readily transported on suitable drums to the main centre in Catania for analysis.
Here, Research Units were established in order to prepare the way for enhanced interaction between technical staff and research groups.
The instrumental geophysical investigations, progressively extended and in a permanente form to Eastern Sicily and particular around Etna.
From the nineties, operations room in Catania was fully active, working 24/24, and ensuring the seismic and volcanic surveillance of Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano.
The Geophysical Observatory of Lipari and the main centre of the Institute in Catania, were merged in 2001 into the new Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the network of the Aeolian Islands became an integral part of the Permanent Seismic Network (PSN) of Eastern Sicily and Southern Calabria.
Special prominence will be given in the course of this historical reconstruction to the evolution of instrumental seismology, thanks to forty years of continuous input, indispensable for the understanding of the seismogenetic processes in the area, this still represents the chief undertaking of the geophysical observatory on Lipari, whose important scientific but also social role must be acknowledged in the growing interaction between research and civil protection
Growth characteristics, nitrogen uptake and enzyme activities of the nitrate-utilising ectomycorrhizal Scleroderma verrucosum
The growth characteristics and uptake capacities for NO3- and NH4+, as well as activities of nitrogen assimilating-enzymes have been determined in Scleroderma verrucosum. Biomass, grown on agar or liquid MMN media, was higher on nitrate. When S. verrucosum was grown in the presence of equal amounts of ammonium and nitrate, uptake rate for NH4+ was considerably higher than that of NO3-. In addition, it was found that a limitation in ammonium concentration was a prerequisite for nitrate uptake. Nitrate reductase was stimulated when the fungus was transferred from ammonium to nitrate containing media, indicating that the enzyme was inducible by nitrate and repressed by ammonium. Glutamine synthetase and NAD-glutamate synthase activities were clearly detected in S. verrucosum, while the NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase was almost undetectable. This is consistent with the view that ammonium assimilation occurs through the GS/GOGAT cycle in S. verrucosum
Approach for Diagnostic and Treatment of Achalasia
Achalasia is a rare motor disorder of the esophagus and lower esophageal sphincter. The incidence is approximately 1/100,000 per year and the prevalence rate is 10/100,000. Achalasia is quite difficult to establishbecause the symptoms might be insidious and therefore not many people come to seek medical attention until it deteriorates to final stage of the disease. There are several modalities that can be used as diagnostic toolssuch as manometry, barium esophagogram, esophagoduodenoscopy, esophageal CT-scan, until the recent one, high-resolution manometry that can classify achalasia into three different types. The treatment options are the pharmacologic intervention, endoscopic treatment, minimal invasive surgery, and radical surgery.We reported a case of 20 year old female with achalasia who came with dysphagia symptom since three years before. The diagnosis was made by historytaking, physical examination and barium meal and esophagogastroduodenoscopy. The patient underwent pneumatic dilatation and since then the symptom was relieved
The Use of Durian Peel Wastes for Bioethanol Production
Durian peel (Durio zibethinus Murr) is one of most agricultural residues that have a percentage of approximately 60-75% and inner durian peel (soft layer) contains 11.78% starch that can be used as raw material for ethanol production. This study aimed to determine the effect of durian peel concentration on bioethanol production and the fermentation time required for bioethanol yield. Bioethanol production was carried out in a batch reactor. Two steps of liquefaction and saccharification were carried out to obtain reducing sugar. In liquefaction, 200 g durian peel flour and α-amylase were mixed with water in an Erlenmeyer 2 litter then was heated at 90°C for 2 hours. In saccharification, this mixture was then heated at 60°C for 4 h. The sugar obtained was then fermented by adding yeast as much as 0.2%; urea 0.5%; KH2PO5 0.5% of the amount of reducing sugar obtained. Bioethanol was obtained by fractionation distillation of the fermentation at 78°C. The results showed that in the saccharification using flour with a concentration of 10, 20, 30, and 40% (w/v) produced reducing sugar of 22.23, 44.25, 55.45, and 84.61 g/l, respectively. Bioethanol in the fermentation process was 1.9, 3.6, 5.2, and 7.3%, respectively. It concluded that maximum bioethanol was obtained approximately 7.3% with the reducing sugar used at 84.615 g/l during 4 d fermentation. The bioethanol content obtained was 95% after fractionation distillation
Pemanfaatan Teknologi Pembangkit Listrik Hybrid Pada Peternakan Ayam Desa Sukonolo Kabupaten Malang
Our lives are now so dependent on electricity. Loss of electricity could cause our lives could not walk normally. Various aspects of life becomes blocked, either from our daily lives to efforts that require electrical energy. The high cost of electricity tariff barriers add to the long facing entrepreneurs. Chicken farm is one of the types of businesses that require a constant electrical energy, in case of rolling blackouts it will directly affect the production process. In addition, the location of the chicken farm that is usually placed at distant places, also very influential on the continuous supply of electrical energy. Hybrid power plant technology is the right solution to respond all these problems. The plant can harness the energy that is around us, such as wind and sunlight. Then make it a stable supply of electrical energy, constant, and environment friendly. Hybrid plant is capable of producing electrical energy 12 kWh / day while the partner needs to reach 5.31 kWh / day and a chicken farmer can save electricity cost of Rp. 173,600 / month. With the results of the application of Hybrid Generating proven to reduce production costs by utilizing renewable energy on a chicken farm village Sukonolo Malang, so that energy independence can be achieved
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