
L'Osservatorio Geofisico di Lipari ed i 40 anni della Rete Sismica Permanente del Tirreno Meridionale


In 1966, the Istituto Internazionale di Vulcanologia (I.I.V.), gave the go ahead to the ambitious project of setting up a seismic network in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea, an area of extraordinary geophysical interest, which until then was not covered by seismic monitoring. At the time, there were single seismic stations on the rest of the italian peninsula. These were inside universities, public and private bodies and at the numerous observatories of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica (founded in 1936 by Antonino Lo Surdo and becoming independent of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R,. in 1945) and still used mechanical seismographs, with masses weighing from 80 up to 1300 Kg. On the Aeolian Islands instead, electromagnetic seismometers were employed from the start. The experimental network, planned in the Willmore laboratories at Edinburgh and tested in the Aeolian Islands over a two-year period, represented the starting point for the Permanent Seismic Network (PSN) of the Southern Tyrrhenian. After the experience of the Laboratorio Internazionale per le Ricerche Vulcanologiche (L.I.R.V. - C.N.R.), of the Istituto di Vulcanologia of the University of Catania, the independent I.I.V. - C.N.R., together with the observatory, was launched in 1969. In the course of the seventies, every island of the Aeolian archipelago, was equipped with at least a seismic station and the 3 sensor systems (triaxial systems) began to become widely used. In the eighties, the “Sismologia Eolie” project was started, aimed at a further develop and update the seismic net. With the wide use of magnetic tape recording, the instrumental data stored could be more readily transported on suitable drums to the main centre in Catania for analysis. Here, Research Units were established in order to prepare the way for enhanced interaction between technical staff and research groups. The instrumental geophysical investigations, progressively extended and in a permanente form to Eastern Sicily and particular around Etna. From the nineties, operations room in Catania was fully active, working 24/24, and ensuring the seismic and volcanic surveillance of Etna, Stromboli and Vulcano. The Geophysical Observatory of Lipari and the main centre of the Institute in Catania, were merged in 2001 into the new Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) and the network of the Aeolian Islands became an integral part of the Permanent Seismic Network (PSN) of Eastern Sicily and Southern Calabria. Special prominence will be given in the course of this historical reconstruction to the evolution of instrumental seismology, thanks to forty years of continuous input, indispensable for the understanding of the seismogenetic processes in the area, this still represents the chief undertaking of the geophysical observatory on Lipari, whose important scientific but also social role must be acknowledged in the growing interaction between research and civil protection

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