189 research outputs found


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    The continent on elderly is the ability of elderly to control urinate / defecate completely by self. Elderly experience the inability to control urinate / defecate Due to physical deterioration. General Purpose to Know the Overview of continent on Elderly in Tambar Utara Village. This research was conducted using descriptive research with survey approach. The type of this research is descriptive with survey approach. Descriptive method is intended to describe the important events that occur on the client. In this study using probability Sampling with Simple Random Sampling type of sampling technique by selecting each element and randomly selected. The sample consisted of 90 respondents selected at random.The results of this research show that continent at tambar utara village with average of elderly at tambar utara village be able in Activity Of Daily Living (ADL).Keywords: Activity Of Daily Living (ADL), Elderl

    “Konflik Batin Tokoh Utama方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié dalam Film Kungfu Dunk《功夫灌篮》Karya朱延平Zhū Yán Píng (Kajian Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud)”

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    Abstrak Film merupakan bagian dari karya sastra naratif yang di dalamnya terkandung unsur-unsur interinsik yang dimiliki oleh drama. Setiap manusia pada dasarnya mempunyai karakter sendiri-sendiri, dari karakter-karakter tersebut memicu terjadinya suatu interaksi yang tak jarang dapat menimbulkan persinggungan atau konflik. Konflik tersebut juga dapat terjadi dalam diri seseorang akibat dari adanya ketegangan yang terjadi, yang sering disebut sebagai konflik batin. Film Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌篮» karya 朱延平 ZhūYánPíng menggambarkan tokoh utama方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié yang mengalami konflik batin, serta penyelesaian konflik batin tersebut. Penelitian ini mempunyai rumusan masalah (1) bagaimana bentuk-bentuk konflik batin tokoh utama 方世杰Fāng Shì Jié dalam Film Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌蓝» karya 朱延平Zhū Yán Píng; (2) Bagaimana penyelesaian tokoh utama 方世杰Fāng Shì Jié menghadapi konflik batin dalam Film Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌蓝» karya 朱延平Zhū Yán Píng. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra. Teknik pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini berupa kutipan monolog, dialog, dan narasi yang menggambarkan adanya konflik batin dan cara penyelesaian konflik batin tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tokoh utama utama 方世杰Fāng Shì Jié dalam Film Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌蓝» karya 朱延平Zhū Yán Píng mengalami tiga jenis konflik batin seperti pada kajian psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud yang tertuang dalam teori struktur kepribadian, yaitu: Id (The id/Das Es/本我 běn wǒ), Ego (The Ego/Das Ich/自我 zìwǒ), Super Ego (The Super Ego/Das Ueber Ich/超我chāo wǒ). Selanjutnya, terdapat 8 cara penyelesaian konflik batin yang dilakukan oleh方世杰Fāng Shì Jié, yaitu: 压抑Yāyì (Represi/Repression), 否认Fǒurèn (Penyangkalan/Denial), 退行Tuìxíng (Regresi/Regression), 幻想Huànxiǎng (Fantasi/Fantasy),合理化Hélǐhuà (Rasionalisme/ Rationalization), 投射Tóushè (Proyeksi/ Projection), 反向Fǎn xiàng (Reaksi Formasi/Reaction Formation), dan 升华Shēnghuá (Sublimasi/ Sublimation). Kata Kunci: konflik, konflik batin, Psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud. Abstract Film is part of the narrative literary work in which there are elements of intrinsic owned by drama. Every human being basically has its own character, from that things triggers an interaction which often can cause the intersection or conflict. The conflict can also occur in a person as a result of the tension, which is often referred to as the inner conflict. As in the movie Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌篮» directed by 朱延平 ZhūYánPíng. The film depicts the main character 方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié experiencing inner conflict, as well as the inner conflict settlement. This research has the following formulation of the problem, among others: (1) how the forms of the inner conflict of the main character方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié in Movie Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌篮» directed by 朱延平 ZhūYánPíng; (2) How is the ways of the main character方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié to solve the inner conflict in Movie Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌篮» directed by 朱延平 ZhūYánPíng. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method by using a psychological approach to literature. Data collection techniques in this study using the technique see and record. The data obtained in this study in the form of a monologue, dialogue, and narration that describes the inner conflict and how this inner conflict settlement. The results of this study indicate that the main character方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié in Movie Kungfu Dunk «功夫灌篮» directed by 朱延平 ZhūYánPíng, experiencing three types of inner conflict as the study of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud set out in the theory of personality structure, namely: Id (The id / Das Es / 本我běn wǒ), Ego (The Ego / Das Ich / 自我 zìwǒ), Super Ego (The Super Ego / Ueber Das Ich / 超我chāo wǒ). Only 8 ways of solving inner conflicts conducted by方世杰 Fāng Shì Jié, that is 压抑Yāyì (Represi/Repression), 否认Fǒurèn (Penyangkalan/Denial), 退行Tuìxíng (Regresi/Regression), 幻想Huànxiǎng (Fantasi/Fantasy),合理化Hélǐhuà (Rasionalisme/ Rationalization), 投射Tóushè (Proyeksi/ Projection), 反向Fǎn xiàng (Reaksi Formasi/Reaction Formation), dan 升华Shēnghuá (Sublimasi/ Sublimation). Keywords: conflict, inner conflict, Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freu

    PENGARUH BAMBOO EXERCISE TERHADAP PENURUNAN TEKANAN DARAH PADA LANSIA DI PUSKESMAS CUKIR, INDONESIA The Influence of Bamboo Exercise to Reducing High Blood Pressure Among Elder People in Primary Health Care (PHC) of Cukir, Jombang

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    Introduction: Hypertension is one of non-communicable disease and this disease also one of leading killer if they did not get early treatment and early prevention. Mostly Hypertension was among elder people, many factors which influence this disease, such as heredity, eating behavior with high salt, obesity and lowest physical activities. Because of that physical activity like regular exercise can prevent of hypertension complication. The aim of this study was to assess the influence of Bamboo Exercise to reducing high blood pressure among elderly in PHC of Cukir, Jombang. Methodology: the methodology of this reseach used pra experimet with pre-post test desain, the population of this reseach was elderly who had hypertention. 124 respondents was selected by using inclusion criteria. The inclusion criteria are elder people who have hypertension at least six months ago, elderly aged 55 years old or more and elderly who did not consume hypertension medition when attanding this reseach. The data analyzed by t-test with α = 0,05. Results and dscussion: the results of this study found that the ages of elederly ranged from 55-75 years old with the mean of 60.3 years and standard deviation of 6.6 years. The majority of elderly were female (74.1%), and almost half of those had elementary school as their highest education (48,4%) and more than half of the participants were not work as their employment (54,1%). Based on t-test found that there is influence of Bamboo Exercise to Reducing High Blood Pressure Among Elder People in Primary Health Care (PHC) of Cukir, Jombang (p-value 0.001 and t=30.0 ; p-value 0.001 and t=3.7). The quality of life and life expectacy of elderly people was special attantion in goverment, because life expectacy is one of indicator for successful national development. Because of that the prevention of degeneratif disease like hypertention is very importance issues among elder people

    MathBERT: A Pre-trained Language Model for General NLP Tasks in Mathematics Education

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    Since the introduction of the original BERT (i.e., BASE BERT), researchers have developed various customized BERT models with improved performance for specific domains and tasks by exploiting the benefits of transfer learning. Due to the nature of mathematical texts, which often use domain specific vocabulary along with equations and math symbols, we posit that the development of a new BERT model for mathematics would be useful for many mathematical downstream tasks. In this resource paper, we introduce our multi-institutional effort (i.e., two learning platforms and three academic institutions in the US) toward this need: MathBERT, a model created by pre-training the BASE BERT model on a large mathematical corpus ranging from pre-kindergarten (pre-k), to high-school, to college graduate level mathematical content. In addition, we select three general NLP tasks that are often used in mathematics education: prediction of knowledge component, auto-grading open-ended Q&A, and knowledge tracing, to demonstrate the superiority of MathBERT over BASE BERT. Our experiments show that MathBERT outperforms prior best methods by 1.2-22% and BASE BERT by 2-8% on these tasks. In addition, we build a mathematics specific vocabulary 'mathVocab' to train with MathBERT. We discover that MathBERT pre-trained with 'mathVocab' outperforms MathBERT trained with the BASE BERT vocabulary (i.e., 'origVocab'). MathBERT is currently being adopted at the participated leaning platforms: Stride, Inc, a commercial educational resource provider, and ASSISTments.org, a free online educational platform. We release MathBERT for public usage at: https://github.com/tbs17/MathBERT.Comment: Accepted by NeurIPS 2021 MATHAI4ED Workshop (Best Paper

    Effect of simulated plow-sole on water uptake and yield of dryland wheat

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    The effect of initial profile water storage and soil compaction below the seed on the growth and the yield of dryland wheat in field experiments during two years was determined. Compaction reduced water use from deeper layers and decreased grain yield during both years. Compared with lower initial water storage, higher initial water storage in the profile resulted in more vigorous plants, deeper rooting, greater water use from lower soil layers and higher yield


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    Objective: Healthy problems are often experienced by students in Islamic boarding schools among others diarrhea, typus, and cholera. This is influenced by the behavior of throwing waste, especially in dormitories, which still need special attention. Peer group education as an effort to improve the behavior of throwing waste in its place. It aims to was to determine the influence of peer group education on PHBS about taking out waste. Methods: The research design used pra eksperiment with one group pretest posttest, a population of 189 santriwati at 4I Ainusyams Ponpes Darul Ulum girls' dormitory, approach purposive sampling technique with the criteria for class XI senior high school students and participated in all activities as many as 34 Santriwatiwati. The instrument of measuring knowledge and attitudes uses questionnaires, while the action are carried out in the way of observation. The analysis is the wilcoxon test (α<0.05). Results: Knowledge 0.015, attitude 0.011, and to do 0.000, while the behavior of disposing of waste P value 0.000 (p-value ≤ α) means that there is an influence of peer group aducation on PHBS's behavior about disposing of waste. Conclusion: This is based on the respondent's desire to improve the degree of health where the peer group education method is considered effectively applied in the dormitory in overcoming problems that occur in the dormitory, especially related to changes in health behavior

    Intention of nurses to accept covid-19 vaccination

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    Introduction: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) had spread worldwide. Nurses as health care workers (HCWs) are at great risk of contracting the virus, so they are prioritized for accepting the Covid-19 vaccination. This study aimed to determine the intention of nurses to accept the covid-19 vaccination. Method: This online survey was given to all nurses in East Java who are scheduled to get the Covid-19 vaccine and had not been confirmed of Covid-19. This survey was conducted during 20th-27th February 2021 and distributed through social media. Data analysis used using an ordinal logistic regression. Result: A total of 150 nurses in East Java responded to this survey. Most of the participants were female (68.67%), aged 30-39 years (59.33%), married (67,33%), worked less than 10 years (58.33%), graduated from Ners (60%), worked in non-covid rooms (70 %), had good knowledge about vaccines (85,33%), and had no anxiety about receiving the covid-19 vaccine (66%). There were 69.33% of nurses intend to accept vaccination, 14% had no intention to accept vaccination, and 16.67% were still unsure. Intention to accept vaccination was influenced by marital status (p= 0.043) and anxiety level (p=0.041). Conclusion: The intention to accept the COVID-19 vaccination reached 69,33% among nurses. The intention to refuse and hesitate to accept vaccines was caused by doubts about the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. Keywords: COVID-19 nurses vaccination vaccine acceptance vaccine hesitanc

    The Role of Presenilin and its Interacting Proteins in the Biogenesis of Alzheimer’s Beta Amyloid

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    The biogenesis and accumulation of the beta amyloid protein (Aβ) is a key event in the cascade of oxidative and inflammatory processes that characterises Alzheimer’s disease. The presenilins and its interacting proteins play a pivotal role in the generation of Aβ from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). In particular, three proteins (nicastrin, aph-1 and pen-2) interact with presenilins to form a large multi-subunit enzymatic complex (γ-secretase) that cleaves APP to generate Aβ. Reconstitution studies in yeast and insect cells have provided strong evidence that these four proteins are the major components of the γ-secretase enzyme. Current research is directed at elucidating the roles that each of these protein play in the function of this enzyme. In addition, a number of presenilin interacting proteins that are not components of γ-secretase play important roles in modulating Aβ production. This review will discuss the components of the γ-secretase complex and the role of presenilin interacting proteins on γ-secretase activity

    Strategi Pendistribusian Zakat Melalui Program Jatim Peduli Di Baznas Provinsi Jawa Timur

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    Fokus yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini adalah strategi pendistribusian zakat melalui program Jatim peduli di Baznas Provinsi Jawa Timur.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi. Dalam pengumpulan data, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi data dan meningkatkan ketekunan untuk menguji keabsahan data. Selain itu, juga digunakan untuk pengecekan data dari berbagai sumber. Selanjutnya, peneliti memilah-milah data, menyajikan data, dan menganalisis data secara sistematis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa keberhasilan dalam pendistribusian zakat adalah dengan menerapkan strategi. Strategi yang digunakan lembaga baznas dalam pendistribusian zakat melalui program Jatim peduli meliputi penetapan tujuan pendistribusian, analisis kekuatan, kelamahan, peluang dan ancaman, penetapan objek atau sasaran pendistribusian, perencanaan pendistribusian zakat dan metode atau cara yang digunakan dalam mendistribusikan zakat khususnya melalui program Jatim peduli. Rencana yang diterapkan adalah dengan melakukan survei dan assesment. Survei dan assesment bertujuan untuk melihat dan menentukan calon mustahik sebelum bantuan disalurkan. Metode atau cara yang digunakan untuk mendistribusikan zakat ada dua yaitu secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Metode secara langsung yaitu dengan memerikan zakat langsung kepada mustahik. Sedangkan metode tidak langsung dilakukan dengan bantuan relawan maupun baz kabupaten atau kota