2,899 research outputs found

    Fourier-Mukai transforms for coherent systems on elliptic curves

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    We determine all the Fourier-Mukai transforms for coherent systems consisting of a vector bundle over an elliptic curve and a subspace of its global sections, showing that these transforms are indexed by the positive integers. We prove that the natural stability condition for coherent systems, which depends on a parameter, is preserved by these transforms for small and large values of the parameter. By means of the Fourier-Mukai transforms we prove that certain moduli spaces of coherent systems corresponding to small and large values of the parameter are isomorphic. Using these results we draw some conclusions about the possible birational type of the moduli spaces. We prove that for a given degree dd of the vector bundle and a given dimension of the subspace of its global sections there are at most dd different possible birational types for the moduli spaces.Comment: LaTeX2e, 21 pages, some proofs simplified, typos corrected. Final version to appear in Journal of the London Mathematical Societ

    Mechanisms of adhesion and control of the hispanic peoples during the Second Punic War

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    Durante la Segunda Guerra Púnica en Hispania, tanto los romanos como los cartagineses fueron conscientes de la importancia que la participación de los indígenas podía tener en el conflicto. En este trabajo analizaremos los distintos procedimientos que ambos bandos emplearon para garantizarse su apoyo. Una primera tendencia se basaría en el empleo de gratificaciones económicas o estatutarias. La segunda comprendería prácticas coercitivas como la instalación de guarniciones, la toma de rehenes, exigencia de desarmes y represalias físicas contra los rebeldes. Estos medios constituyen la base principal sobre la que Roma aseguraría el control de los territorios hispanos durante la conquista.During the Second Punic War in Hispania, the Romans and the Carthaginians were conscious of the importance the participation of the indigenous could have in the conflict. In this work, we analyze the different procedures that both decrees used to obtain his support. The first trend would be based on the employment of economic or statutory gratifications. The second one would include coactive practices such as the installation of garrisons, the capture of hostages, exigency of disarmament and physical reprisals against the rebels. These measures constitute the principal procedure used by Rome to assure the control of the Hispanic territories during the conquest.Castilla y León. Junta SA003A10-

    Application for attendees of a talk show event

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021This document refers to the technical proposal for a final degree project in the Degree of Videogame Design and Development. The work carried out during the development of the project aims to create a mobile application for the iOS platform, which allows those attending a talk show type event to be able to participate actively. This is intended to be achieved by creating an in-app gamification system that will offer a messaging wall, a program feed, and live quizzes. Attendees within the application will have a username, email (access) and password, a user profile, an agenda, a list of sponsors, a list of guests and attendees, a wall where they can leave comments, a place in where the program team can share stories and a leaderboard with a ranking of the attendees which will count the participation to score points

    Project to extend the MATLAB simulator for communications links between LEO, GEO, Aircraft and Earth satellites

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    In the present thesis, a MatLab simulator originally designed to calculate connections between satellites and ground stations has been expanded to include airplane routes and their respective connections. The goal is to provide an accurate and efficient ground-air-space simulation tool for monitoring air connections, which will allow for improved air traffic efficiency and safety. Air transportation is one of the most widely used modes of transportation worldwide, and its efficiency and safety are of vital importance. Using satellites for monitoring airplanes is of utmost importance due to several reasons, including the ability to provide continuous global coverage, real-time data on aircraft parameters, improved air traffic management, and enhanced safety. The designed tool allows for the simulation of multiple aeroplanes and satellites, and automatically calculates the connections between aircraft and satellites and between satellites and ground stations. In addition, a module has been added to simulate and calculate connections between aircraft and ground stations. This project is part of the PLATHON project of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, which aims to develop a simulator to study the communications between constellations of cubes and the Earth. The simulator developed in this thesis will be used as a basis for the study of the communication between cubes, airplanes and ground in the PLATHON project. Testing and validation of the simulator have been conducted, and it has been demonstrated to be an effective tool for simulating and monitoring air connections. In conclusion, this project represents a significant advance within the PLATHON project in the monitoring of air connections, and has proven to be a very useful and necessary tool for monitoring aircraft routes across the globe

    The analysis of the effects of armed conflict on the economic growth of North Santander´s Catatumbo region between 2010 – 2015: Some reflections

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    El presente artículo de reflexión tiene como objetivo analizar los efectos del conflicto armado sobre el crecimiento económico en la región del Catatumbo Norte de Santander 2010 – 2015. Para tal propósito se desarrollará a partir de una metodología descriptiva, con recolección de información de fuentes primarias como la teoría de crecimiento económico y la teoría de la economía del bienestar, complementando la información a partir de fuentes secundarias como el Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística DANE, Banco de República, Gobernación del Norte de Santander, Asociación Campesina del Catatumbo, Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos, entre otras fuentes, que sirvieron como guía para el desarrollo del articulo. Los resultados a los que se llegaron con este artículo obedecen principalmente a la dependencia económica de la región con Venezuela, a los altos niveles de pobreza derivados de la falta de empleo y de oportunidades en educación, así como la falta de políticas gubernamentales que garanticen una mejora en las condiciones de vida de los habitantes. La principal conclusión se fundamenta en que los efectos del conflicto armado sobre el crecimiento económico en esta región han dejado desempleo, índices de pobreza elevados, desplazamientos de las zonas rurales a los cascos urbanos, necesidades básicas insatisfechas afectando la economía de la región y el bienestar de los pobladores.The present reflection article aims to analyze the effects of the armed conflict on economic growth in the region of Catatumbo, North Santander 2010-2015. For that purpose it will develop from a descriptive methodology, data collection from primary sources such as the theory of economic welfare and the theory of economic growth, complementing the information from secondary sources such as the National Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE), Banco de la República, Governorship of North Santander, Peasant Association of Catatumbo, National Hydrocarbons Agency among other sources, wich served as a guide for the development of the article. Results that came with this article are mainly due to the economic dependence of the region with Venezuela, high levels of poverty derived from the lack of employment and education opportunities, as well as the lack of government policies that ensure an improvement in the living conditions of the inhabitants. The main conclusion is based on that the effects of the armed conflict on economic growth in this region have left unemployment, high rates of poverty, displacement from rural areas to towns, unsatisfied basic needs affecting the region's economy and the well-being of the inhabitants

    RDF-TR: Exploiting structural redundancies to boost RDF compression

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    The number and volume of semantic data have grown impressively over the last decade, promoting compression as an essential tool for RDF preservation, sharing and management. In contrast to universal compressors, RDF compression techniques are able to detect and exploit specific forms of redundancy in RDF data. Thus, state-of-the-art RDF compressors excel at exploiting syntactic and semantic redundancies, i.e., repetitions in the serialization format and information that can be inferred implicitly. However, little attention has been paid to the existence of structural patterns within the RDF dataset; i.e. structural redundancy. In this paper, we analyze structural regularities in real-world datasets, and show three schema-based sources of redundancies that underpin the schema-relaxed nature of RDF. Then, we propose RDF-Tr (RDF Triples Reorganizer), a preprocessing technique that discovers and removes this kind of redundancy before the RDF dataset is effectively compressed. In particular, RDF-Tr groups subjects that are described by the same predicates, and locally re-codes the objects related to these predicates. Finally, we integrate RDF-Tr with two RDF compressors, HDT and k2-triples. Our experiments show that using RDF-Tr with these compressors improves by up to 2.3 times their original effectiveness, outperforming the most prominent state-of-the-art techniques

    De los servicio públicos domiciliarios como derecho fundamental. Un derecho de la población vulnerable: Estudio comparado - Colombia frente a España

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    Trabajo de investigaciónColombia es un estado social de derecho que tiene como pilar fundamental el respeto por la dignidad humana y como finalidad la obtención del bienestar general y el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los habitantes. De igual forma, establece como objeto fundamental de la actividad del Estado la solución de las necesidades insatisfechas de la población, en especial la prestación de los servicios públicos domiciliarios, que al ser indispensables, se tornan como fundamentales, en especial, para las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad.PregradoAbogad
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