403 research outputs found

    Activation and inhibition of bimanual movements in school-aged children

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    The development of motor activation and inhibition was compared in 6-to-12 year-olds. Children had to initiate or stop the externally paced movements of one hand, while maintaining that of the other hand. The time needed to perform the switching task (RT) and the spatio-temporal variables show different agerelated evolutions depending on the coordination pattern (inor anti-phase) and the type of transition (activation, selective inhibition, non selective inhibition) required. In the anti-phase mode, activation perturbs the younger subjects' responses while temporal and spatial stabilities transiently decrease around 9 years when activating in the in-phase mode. Aged-related changes differed between inhibition and activation in the antiphase mode, suggesting either the involvement of distinct neural networks or the existence of a single network that is reorganized. In contrast, stopping or adding one hand in the in-phase mode shows similar aged-related improvement. We suggest that selectively stopping or activating one arm during symmetrical coordination rely on the two faces of a common processing in which activation could be the release of inhibitio

    The Mitochondrial Genome of the Endemic Brazilian Paradoxial Frog \u3cem\u3ePseudis tocantins\u3c/em\u3e (Hylidae)

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    In this work, we present for the first time the mitochondrial genome of a paradoxical frog (Pseudis tocantins). This genome is 15.56 kb, excluding the control region, and is similar in gene content to other hylid mitogenomes. Maximum likelihood analysis, using the mitogenomes of several anurans, indicated P. tocantins as closely related to other hylid species

    Relationship between body composition, inflammation and lung function in overweight and obese asthma

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    Background: The obese-asthma phenotype is not well defined. The aim of this study was to examine both mechanical and inflammatory influences, by comparing lung function with body composition and airway inflammation in overweight and obese asthma. Methods: Overweight and obese (BMI 28-40 kg/m2) adults with asthma (n = 44) completed lung function assessment and underwent full-body dual energy x-ray absorptiometry. Venous blood samples and induced sputum were analysed for inflammatory markers. Results: In females, android and thoracic fat tissue and total body lean tissue were inversely correlated with expiratory reserve volume (ERV). Conversely in males, fat tissue was not correlated with lung function, however there was a positive association between android and thoracic lean tissue and ERV. Lower body (gynoid and leg) lean tissue was positively associated with sputum %neutrophils in females, while leptin was positively associated with android and thoracic fat tissue in males. Conclusions: This study suggests that both body composition and inflammation independently affect lung function, with distinct differences between males and females. Lean tissue exacerbates the obese-asthma phenotype in females and the mechanism responsible for this finding warrants further investigation

    History and philosophy of science in Biology teaching

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    Neste trabalho, buscamos evidenciar a concepção de História da Biologia que é veiculada nos livros didáticos. Para tanto, analisamos três coleções de livros de Biologia destinados ao Ensino Médio, e alguns livros universitários usados em cursos de formação de professores. Ao analisar este material curricular foi possível observar que a história apresentada é desvinculada do contexto cultural de cada período histórico, o que pode levar o aluno a construir uma falsa representação da ciência e do fazer científico.In this work, we search forto evidences the conception of the History of Biology being is propagated in textbooks. We analyze three Biology book collections designed estined forto middle schooledium education, and some university books used in teacher education courses. When analyzing this curricular material it was possible to observe that the history of biology presented is disengaged from entailedofthe cultural context of each historical period, and this what can lead the student to construct a false representation of science and of scientific meaning making

    The Link between Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices in Relation to Atmospheric Haze Pollution in Peninsular Malaysia

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    <div><p>Transboundary haze episodes caused by seasonal forest fires have become a recurrent phenomenon in Southeast Asia, with serious environmental, economic, and public health implications. Here we present a cross-sectional survey conducted among people in Kuala Lumpur and surrounds to assess the links between knowledge, attitudes, and practices in relation to the transboundary haze episodes. Of 305 respondents, 125 were amateur athletes participating in a duathlon event and the remainder were surveyed in an inner-city shopping mall. Across the whole sample, people who possessed more factual information about the haze phenomenon showed significantly higher levels of concern. Duathletes were more knowledgeable than non-duathletes and also more concerned about the negative effects of haze, especially on health. For all people who regularly practice outdoor sports (including people interviewed at the shopping mall), higher levels of knowledge and concerned attitudes translated into a greater likelihood of engaging in protective practices, such as cancelling their outdoor training sessions, while those with greater knowledge were more likely to check the relevant air pollution index on a daily basis. Our results indicate that the provision of accurate and timely information about air quality to residents will translate into beneficial practices, at least among particularly exposed individuals, such as amateur athletes who regularly practice outdoor sports.</p></div

    Crescimento e desenvolvimento de pessegueiros 'Chimarrita' e 'Maciel' sobre diferentes porta-enxertos e locais de cultivo.

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    Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a influência dos porta-enxertos no que se refere ao crescimento vegetativo e desenvolvimento dos pessegueiro 'Chimarrita' e 'Maciel' em três locais de cultivo. O experimento foi desenvolvido em três locais de cultivo: 1 (Embrapa Uva e Vinho), 2 (EEA UFRGS) e 3 (CAP UFPel), em três anos. As cultivares de pessegueiro utilizadas foram: 'Chimarrita' e 'Maciel' enxertadas sobre seis porta-enxertos ('Aldrighi', 'Capdeboscq', 'Flordaguard', 'Nemaguard', 'Okinawa' e Umezeiro), no espaçamento 1,5 X 5,0m e conduzidas no sistema em ?V?. Foram avaliados: volume de copa, diâmetro de tronco, massa fresca da poda, produção por planta acumulada, comprimento, espessura, gemas floríferas e densidade florífera do ramo produtivo. Também foi avaliado de forma visual o ponto de enxertia. O porta-enxerto Umezeiro induziu menor vigor nos três locais de cultivo estudados e na média dos três anos. Ele pode ser indicado para utilização sob 'Maciel' nas condições edafoclimáticas do local 3. No local 1 o porta-enxerto, 'Nemaguard' possui alto vigor e maior produção acumulada, sendo o mais indicado. Já para o local 2, os porta-enxertos 'Capdeboscq', 'Okinawa' e 'Flordaguard' são os mais indicados. Os porta-enxertos afetam as características de crescimento e desenvolvimento das cultivares 'Chimarrita' e 'Maciel', o vigor destas é menor sobre o portaenxerto Umezeiro nos três locais de cultivo. Todos os portaenxertos podem ser indicados para os três locais de cultivo, com exceção do Umezeiro, que somente pode ser indicado em combinação com a cultivar 'Maciel' no local 3

    Clinical and molecular implications of mosaicism in FMR1 full mutations

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    Expansions of more than 200 CGG repeats (full mutation) in the FMR1 gene give rise to fragile X syndrome (FXS) through a process that generally involves hypermethylation of the FMR1 promoter region and gene silencing, resulting in absence of expression of the encoded protein, FMRP. However, mosaicism with alleles differing in size and extent of methylation often exist within or between tissues of individuals with FXS. In the current work, CGG-repeat lengths and methylation status were assessed for eighteen individuals with FXS, including 13 mosaics, for which peripheral blood cells (PBMCs) and primary fibroblast cells were available. Our results show that for both PBMCs and fibroblasts, FMR1 mRNA and FMRP expression are directly correlated with the percent of methylation of the FMR1 allele. In addition, Full Scale IQ (FSIQ) scores were inversely correlated with the percent methylation and positively correlated with higher FMRP expression. These latter results point toward a positive impact on cognition for full mutation, methylation mosaics with lower methylation compared to individuals with fully methylated, full mutation alleles. However, we did not observe a significant reduction in the number of seizures, nor in the severity of hyperactivity or autism spectrum disorder, among individuals with mosaic genotypes in the presentation of FXS.These observations suggest that low, but non-zero expression of FMRP may be sufficient to positively impact cognitive function in individuals with FXS, with methylation mosaicism (lowered methylation fraction) contributing to a more positive clinical outcome