10,198 research outputs found

    Targeting Poverty in the Courts: Improving the Measurement of Ability to Pay

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    Ability-to-pay determinations are essential when governments use money-based alternative sanctions, like fines, to enforce laws. One longstanding difficulty in the U.S. has been the extreme lack of guidance on how courts are to determine a litigant’s ability to pay. The result has been a seat-of-the-pants approach that is inefficient and inaccurate, and, as a consequence, very socially costly. Fortunately, online platform technology presents a promising avenue for reform. In particular, platform technology offers the potential to increase litigant access, reduce costs, and ensure consistent and fair treatment—all of which should lead to more accurate sanctions. We use interviews, surveys, and case-level data to evaluate and discuss the experiences of six courts that recently adopted an online ability-to-pay assessment tool that streamlines and standardizes ability-to-pay determinations. Our findings suggest that the online tool improves accuracy and therefore the effectiveness of fines as punishments, and so it may make the use of fines as sanctions more socially attractive

    A Successful Broad-band Survey for Giant Lya Nebulae I: Survey Design and Candidate Selection

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    Giant Lya nebulae (or Lya "blobs") are likely sites of ongoing massive galaxy formation, but the rarity of these powerful sources has made it difficult to form a coherent picture of their properties, ionization mechanisms, and space density. Systematic narrow-band Lya nebula surveys are ongoing, but the small redshift range covered and the observational expense limit the comoving volume that can be probed by even the largest of these surveys and pose a significant problem when searching for such rare sources. We have developed a systematic search technique designed to find large Lya nebulae at 2<z<3 within deep broad-band imaging and have carried out a survey of the 9.4 square degree NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS) Bootes field. With a total survey comoving volume of ~10^8 h^-3_70 Mpc^3, this is the largest volume survey for Lya nebulae ever undertaken. In this first paper in the series, we present the details of the survey design and a systematically-selected sample of 79 candidates, which includes one previously discovered Lya nebula.Comment: Accepted to ApJ after minor revision; 25 pages in emulateapj format; 18 figures, 3 table

    The effects of spacecraft environments on some hydrolytic enzyme patterns in bacteria

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    The effects of space flight on the production and characteristics of proteolytic enzymes are studied for a number of bacterial species isolated from crew members and spacecraft. Enzymatic make-up and cultural characteristics of bacteria isolated from spacecraft crew members are determined. The organism Aeromonas proteolytica and the proteolytic enzymes which it produces are used as models for future spacecraft experiments

    Education in Pediatrics in US Colleges and Schools of Pharmacy

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    Objective. To determine the extent to which pediatrics is taught at US doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) programs and to characterize what is being taught and how. Methods. A 40-question online survey instrument was sent to accredited and candidate-status US PharmD programs. Results. Of 86 participating programs (67.2% response rate), 81 (94.2%) indicated that pediatric topics were included in their required classroom curricula (mean, 21.9 contact hours). A pediatric elective course was offered by 61.0% of programs (mean, 25.9 contact hours). Advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs) in pediatrics were offered by 97.4% of programs, with an average of 27 students per program completing this practice experience annually. Conclusions. Almost all responding programs incorporated pediatrics in their required curricula. Pediatric elective courses provided an adequate mean number of contact hours, but 39.0% of programs did not offer an elective course. One-fifth of students completed a pediatric APPE prior to graduation. Continued expansion of pediatric-focused classroom and experiential curricula across US PharmD programs is recommended

    On the Automated and Objective Detection of Emission Lines in Faint-Object Spectroscopy

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    Modern spectroscopic surveys produce large spectroscopic databases, generally with sizes well beyond the scope of manual investigation. The need arises, therefore, for an automated line detection method with objective indicators for detection significance. In this paper, we present an automated and objective method for emission line detection in spectroscopic surveys and apply this technique to 1574 spectra, obtained with the Hectospec spectrograph on the MMT Observatory (MMTO), to detect Lyman alpha emitters near z ~ 2.7. The basic idea is to generate on-source (signal plus noise) and off-source (noise only) mock observations using Monte Carlo simulations, and calculate completeness and reliability values, (C, R), for each simulated signal. By comparing the detections from real data with the Monte Carlo results, we assign the completeness and reliability values to each real detection. From 1574 spectra, we obtain 881 raw detections and, by removing low reliability detections, we finalize 649 detections from an automated pipeline. Most of high completeness and reliability detections, (C, R) ~ (1.0, 1.0), are robust detections when visually inspected; the low C and R detections are also marginal on visual inspection. This method at detecting faint sources is dependent on the accuracy of the sky subtraction.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Learning the Structure of Deep Sparse Graphical Models

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    Deep belief networks are a powerful way to model complex probability distributions. However, learning the structure of a belief network, particularly one with hidden units, is difficult. The Indian buffet process has been used as a nonparametric Bayesian prior on the directed structure of a belief network with a single infinitely wide hidden layer. In this paper, we introduce the cascading Indian buffet process (CIBP), which provides a nonparametric prior on the structure of a layered, directed belief network that is unbounded in both depth and width, yet allows tractable inference. We use the CIBP prior with the nonlinear Gaussian belief network so each unit can additionally vary its behavior between discrete and continuous representations. We provide Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for inference in these belief networks and explore the structures learned on several image data sets.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, AISTATS 2010, Revise

    Spatially Resolved Gas Kinematics within a Lyα\alpha Nebula: Evidence for Large-scale Rotation

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    We use spatially extended measurements of Lyα\alpha as well as less optically thick emission lines from an ≈\approx80 kpc Lyα\alpha nebula at z≈1.67z\approx1.67 to assess the role of resonant scattering and to disentangle kinematic signatures from Lyα\alpha radiative transfer effects. We find that the Lyα\alpha, CIV, HeII, and CIII] emission lines all tell a similar story in this system, and that the kinematics are broadly consistent with large-scale rotation. First, the observed surface brightness profiles are similar in extent in all four lines, strongly favoring a picture in which the Lyα\alpha photons are produced in situ instead of being resonantly scattered from a central source. Second, we see low kinematic offsets between Lyα\alpha and the less optically thick HeII line (∼\sim100-200 km s−1^{-1}), providing further support for the argument that the Lyα\alpha and other emission lines are all being produced within the spatially extended gas. Finally, the full velocity field of the system shows coherent velocity shear in all emission lines: ≈\approx500 km s−1^{-1} over the central ≈\approx50 kpc of the nebula. The kinematic profiles are broadly consistent with large-scale rotation in a gas disk that is at least partially stable against collapse. These observations suggest that the Lyα\alpha nebula represents accreting material that is illuminated by an offset, hidden AGN or distributed star formation, and that is undergoing rotation in a clumpy and turbulent gas disk. With an implied mass of M(<R=20 kpc)∼3×1011\sim3\times10^{11} M⊙M_{\odot}, this system may represent the early formation of a large Milky Way mass galaxy or galaxy group.Comment: Accepted to ApJ; 25 pages in emulateapj format; 15 figures, 4 table
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