310 research outputs found

    RAP2.4c and RAP2.4d in the regulation of cold stress and cold priming in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Cold stress is a major factor restricting plant performance and fitness. Depending on the length and intensity of the cold stimulus, plants respond to the stress event by alleviating immediately occurring adverse effects of cold stress and by inducing cold acclimation. In the case of a timely limited cold stimulus, Arabidopsis thaliana responds with the formation of a cold memory that modifies its response to a future cold stimulus, a phenomenon which is called priming. Short-term cold priming was previously shown to attenuate chloroplast to nucleus signalling in the regulation of cold-induced ZAT10 expression. In the present study, this effect was mimicked by transient overexpression of tAPX, but not of sAPX at 20 °C, while counteracting priming-induced tAPX accumulation during the lag-phase abolished the priming effect. This demonstrated that cold priming is mediated at the thylakoid membrane and is regulated by post-priming tAPX expression. Electrolyte leakage assays demonstrated that the AP2/ERF-Ib transcription factors RAP2.4c and RAP2.4d, that have been proposed to regulate chloroplast APX gene expression, negatively regulate the direct cold response and cold acclimation. RNAseq analysis of rap2.4c and rap2.4d KO plants one hour after transfer to 4 °C revealed stronger induction of genes that are involved in JA/ET, JA and SA signalling pathways than in wild type Col-0 pants. Subsequent analyses did not show differences in hormone contents and in sensitivity to hormone signals in rap2.4c and rap2.4d plants, demonstrating that misregulation of gene expression in the knock-out lines is independent of hormone availability and sensing. Transient overexpression of RAP2.4c and RAP2.4d also did not influence hormone-related transcript levels. Additionally, the lack of RAP2.4c and RAP2.4d did not affect cold priming-dependent attenuation of ZAT10 regulation. The similarities of the expression patterns of rap2.4c and rap2.4d with that of an npr1 mutant in the cold indicate an upstream function of both transcription factors in NPR1-mediated gene expression regulation. A putative target is TRXH5, which is involved in quaternary structure regulation and, consequently, nuclear translocation of NPR1. This gene was strongly upregulated in the rap2.4d line. Besides a DRE-motif, which is a known RAP2.4d binding site, the TRXH5 promoter contains a RAP2.4d binding motif, which was identified in the present study based on a Yeast-One-Hybrid screen with RAP2.4d and random genomic DNA fragments of Arabidopsis thaliana. The present study highlights RAP2.4d, and to a lesser extent RAP2.4c, as cold-inducible inhibitors of TRXH5 expression attenuating the NPR1-mediated induction of JA/ET, JA and SA responses in the early cold response

    Системы измерения параметров волнения для подводных аппаратов

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 97 с., 18 рис., 21 табл., 21 источник, 4 прил. Цель работы – проверка теоретической возможности регистрации и обработки данных о величине морского волнения на некоторой глубине, создание макета прибора, измеряющего соответствующее волнение, на основе датчика акселерометра. Область применения: система управления для автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата. В процессе исследования проводились: теоретический обзор линеаризованной теории волны, испытания пригодности акселерометра для задачи измерения вертикальной составляющей при волновом движении, проектирование макета, написание программы для микроконтроллера, изготовление печатной платы макета.Final qualifying work 97 p., 18 fig., 21 tab., 21 sources, 4 app. The Purpose is to test the theoretical possibility of registration and processing of data on the magnitude of sea waves at a certain depth, the creation of the layout of the device, which measures the corresponding sea swell, based on the accelerometer sensor. Scope: control system for autonomous underwater vehicle. A theoretical overview of the linearized theory of wave test accelerometer suitability for vertical component measurement tasks with wave motion, layout design, writing programs for the microcontroller and making the printed board layout were carried out while research

    Выбор способа хранения результатов научных экспериментов в базе данных на примере MS SQL Server

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    This article describes the use of MS SQL server as file storage to store files of scientific researches. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storing files to MS SQL Server

    «Графічне оформлення схем електричних принципових» методичні вказівки до практичних занять для студентів напрямів підготовки 0501 інформатика та обчислювальна техніка; 0502 автоматика та управління; 0507 електротехніка та електромеханіка; 0509 радіотехніка, радіоелектронні апарати та зв’язок; 0510 метрологія, вимірювальна техніка та інформаційно-вимірювальні технології та 1701 інформаційна безпека.

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    ЗМІСТ ВСТУП ............................................................................................................................................... 1 1. ЗАГАЛЬНІ ПОНЯТТЯ ПРО СХЕМИ ТА ЇХНЮ КЛАСИФІКАЦІЮ ...................................... 1 2. ВИМОГИ І ПРАВИЛА ВИКОНАННЯ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ ПРИНЦИПОВИХ СХЕМ ............. 1 2.1. ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИМОГИ ДО ВИКОНАННЯ СХЕМ ................................................................................. 1 2.2. ВИМОГИ ДО ГРАФІЧНОГО ОФОРМЛЕННЯ СХЕМ ......................................................................... 2 2.3. УМОВНІ ГРАФІЧНІ ПОЗНАЧЕННЯ ЕЛЕМЕНТІВ НА ЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ СХЕМАХ ................................. 4 2.4. ПОЗИЦІЙНІ ЛІТЕРНО-ЦИФРОВІ ПОЗНАЧЕННЯ В ЕЛЕКТРИЧНИХ СХЕМАХ.................................. 12 2.5. ПЕРЕЛІК ЕЛЕМЕНТІВ ................................................................................................................ 16 3. ВКАЗІВКИ ДО ВИКОНАННЯ ЗАВДАННЯ ............................................................................ 18 ЗАПИТАННЯ ДЛЯ САМОКОНТРОЛЮ ...................................................................................... 23 4. ПОРЯДОК ВИКОНАННЯ СХЕМИ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНОЇ ПРИНЦИПОВОЇ В AUTOCAD . ...... 26 ЗАПИТАННЯ ДЛЯ САМОКОНТРОЛЮ ...................................................................................... 31 ЛІТЕРАТУРА .................................................................................................................................. 31Розглянуті загальні вимоги до графічного оформлення схем електричних принципових, систематизовані основні положення державних стандартів зображення і оформлення електричних схем, наведені умовні графічні позначення електричних елементів схем

    Jugendweihefeiern im Peerkontext: ethnografische Erkundungen zur Gestaltung eines Übergangsrituals am Beispiel des Rundgangs am Jugendabend

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    Dieser Beitrag macht das 'Feiern' als (jugend-)kulturelle Praxis im Rahmen von Jugendweihe als symbolische Inszenierung eines Übergangs vom Kind zum Jugendlichen zum Gegenstand. Bislang wurden die Praktiken des Jugendweihefeierns als Kennzeichen einer kommerzialisierten und eventisierten Praxis verstanden und als Bedeutungsverlust eines Übergangsrituals interpretiert, nicht aber als Ort der kollektiven Auseinandersetzung mit der Jugendphase erforscht. Auf Grundlage der Analyse ethnografischer Daten zum Feiern in der Peergroup am Abend der Jugendweihe wird der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich diese im Zuge des Vollzugs des 'Rundgangs' den unterstellten sozialen Zustandswechsel in die Jugendphase und damit den Status als Jugendliche aneignen.The article focuses on 'celebrating' and 'partying' as (youth) cultural practice in the context of ‘Jugendweihe’ (a rite of passage developed in Germany in the 19th century as a secular complement to religious rituals) as the symbolic '‘mise en scène' of the transition from childhood to adulthood. Previous research has interpreted practices of celebrating Jugendweihe as symptoms of commercialisation and eventicisation as well as the decline of a rite of passage. Drawing on the analysis of ethnographic data on the 'party tour' among peers at the evening of Jugendweihe is interpreted as a space of collective negotiation about the meaning of the youth phase. The research question of this article is whether and how young people in the course of performing the 'party tour' do appropriate the assumed status passage and the status of youth

    Влияние интенсивной пластической деформации методом кручения под квазигидростатическим давлением на структуру и фазовый состав высокоазотистой аустенитной стали Х20АГ20Ф2

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    We investigate the microstructure and microhardness of high-nitrogen austenitic steel Fe-20Cr-20Mn-2.6V-0.3C-0.8N (in wt. %) after upset and high-pressure torsion (HPT) (6GPa) for ?, ?, and 1 revolutions at room temperature. As the result of deformation, steel microhardness increases by 1.5 times after HPT. Slip, twinning, formation of localized deformation microbands, and precipitation hardening are the main deformation mechanisms under HPT, and the level of solid solution strengthening of steel remains high after deformation

    A study on relations between soil and plant species in alpine zone at Kazdaği National Park, Turkey

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    This study examines the plant species distribution and cover abundance scales relations with soil and other environmental factors such as elevation, exposure, slope in the alpine region. 10 sample areas were determined for experimental field study in the alpine region. Plant species and their cover abundance scales and 0-5 and 5-15cm soil depth analysis were conducted in the field study. C, N, pH, soil salinity, soil texture, C/N and CaCO3 (%) were determined in soil laboratory analysis. To examine the effect of land use by the local people; sample areas were determined both on used area and non-used area in the alpine region.publisher versio