28 research outputs found

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine - some Public Health Views

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    CAM is, from the point of view of public health, a phenomenon that should be followed, analysed and controlled. Noxious as well as protective factors which accompany the implementation of CAM methods should be recognised so as to be able to inform the public of the results in a timely and accurate manner. The case study analyses the viewpoints of medical doctors, patients and the state of the phenomenon of CAM in Slovenia. A declinatory attitude of conventional medicine to CAM is present. In contrast, population express a favourable opinion on alternative methods of treatment, and more than a third of them actually make use of them

    ''Health Needs'' Concept

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    The concept of ''health needs'' is one of key concepts in public health. From the public health standpoint, the most important perspective on this concept is the perspective of a population, or an individual respectively. But along this perspective there exist several other perspectives, which can be to the certain extent similar, but also could be also very different. All this enters an enormous confusion in its understanding, and consecutively this concept seems rather elusive. This confusion originates from the fact that the concept of “health needs” is very difficult to define exactly, like it is also very difficult to define exactly the concept of “health itself”, since both concepts are extremely complex entities. The module is trying to enlighten some problems concerning the “health needs” concept”

    Healthy Public Policy

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    A supportive environment, which enables people to lead healthy lives is of utmost importance for populations being healthy. Healthy public policy is one of the most important approaches to achieve this goal. Healthy public policy is a policy “characterized by an explicit concern for health and equity in all areas of policy, and by accountability for health impact. Main building blocs of healthy public policy are: societal goals focused in health of the population, enhancement of public opinion for health, gaining support of economy in implementation of healthy public policy, funding for health, creating health-supportive informational systems, and civil society enrolment

    Complementary and Alternative Medicine - some Public Health Views

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    CAM is, from the point of view of public health, a phenomenon that should be followed, analysed and controlled. Noxious as well as protective factors which accompany the implementation of CAM methods should be recognised so as to be able to inform the public of the results in a timely and accurate manner. The case study analyses the viewpoints of medical doctors, patients and the state of the phenomenon of CAM in Slovenia. A declinatory attitude of conventional medicine to CAM is present. In contrast, population express a favourable opinion on alternative methods of treatment, and more than a third of them actually make use of them

    ''Health Needs'' Concept

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    The concept of ''health needs'' is one of key concepts in public health. From the public health standpoint, the most important perspective on this concept is the perspective of a population, or an individual respectively. But along this perspective there exist several other perspectives, which can be to the certain extent similar, but also could be also very different. All this enters an enormous confusion in its understanding, and consecutively this concept seems rather elusive. This confusion originates from the fact that the concept of “health needs” is very difficult to define exactly, like it is also very difficult to define exactly the concept of “health itself”, since both concepts are extremely complex entities. The module is trying to enlighten some problems concerning the “health needs” concept”

    Healthy Public Policy

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    A supportive environment, which enables people to lead healthy lives is of utmost importance for populations being healthy. Healthy public policy is one of the most important approaches to achieve this goal. Healthy public policy is a policy “characterized by an explicit concern for health and equity in all areas of policy, and by accountability for health impact. Main building blocs of healthy public policy are: societal goals focused in health of the population, enhancement of public opinion for health, gaining support of economy in implementation of healthy public policy, funding for health, creating health-supportive informational systems, and civil society enrolment

    An approach for evaluation of socio-technical aspects of software testing

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    V praksi lahko testiranje programske opreme vzame tudi polovico celotnega časa razvoja, kar pomeni, da je izbira pravih testnih metod zelo pomembna. Ocena uspešnosti izbranih testnih metod pa je kljub temu zelo redko izvedena. Večina modelov oceni uspešnost modela glede na objektivne ocene respondentov in dostikrat ne upošteva razlik med skrbniki procesa in uporabniki procesa. V magistrski nalogi smo tako zasnovali model, ki pri oceni testnih metod upošteva oba vidika: tehnično primernost in sprejetost med uporabniki. Model smo najprej zasnovali v teoriji preko preverjenih mehanizmov ocenjevanja ter šestih različnih dimenzij. Teoretično zasnovan model smo nato preverili in potrdili še v podjetju, ki se ukvarja z razvojem mobilnih aplikacij. Testne elemente smo ocenili v treh ekipah ter analizirali rezultate. Vodje ekip v podjetju so potrdile, da so na podlagi rezultatov modela dobili uporabne informacije.In practice software testing can take half of total time needed for development, which means that choosing the right test methods is very important. The performance of selected test methods is nevertheless very rarely evaluated. Most models on the market evaluate the performance of the model based on objective evaluations of respondents and do not take the differences between process managers and users of the process into account. In this master\u27s thesis we devised a model for the evaluation of test methods, which takes both views into account: technical suitability and acceptance among users. The model was first conceived in theory with verified evaluation methods and six different dimensions. Theoretically based model was then verified in a company that specializes in the development of mobile applications. Three teams evaluated test elements they use and we analysed the results. Team leaders have confirmed that with our model they have received useful information

    Szacowanie bezpośrednich skutków programu Rodzina 500+

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    I investigate the immediate effects of the introduction of a large-scale child benefit programme on the labour supply of household members in Poland. Due to non-random eligibility and the universal character of the programme, standard evaluation estimators may be inconsistent. In order to address this issue, I propose an approach that combines difference-in-difference (DID) propensity score based methods with the covariate balancing propensity score (CBPS) approach developed by Imai and Ratkovic [2014]. The DID estimators exploit the time dimension to uncover the causal effect of interest. The CBPS method is expected to significantly reduce the bias resulting from systematic differences between treated and untreated subpopulations. I also account for potential heterogeneity among households by focusing on comparisons between locally defined subpopulations of individuals, which jointly provide a comprehensive view on the overall impact. I find that on average previously employed mothers maintain their labour supply although there are heterogeneous weak responses depending on the age of the youngest children. Additionally, mothers who did not work before the introduction of the programme are even less likely to do so having received the benefit. The fathers’ labour supply remained mostly unaffected by the programme, with the exception of previously unemployed fathers, who tend to work more often having received the benefits. This finding may suggest that the programme strengthens the traditional division of household roles, with the male being the main earner.W artykule zbadano bezpośredni wpływ wprowadzenia programu świadczeń Rodzina 500+ na podaż pracy gospodarstw domowych w Polsce. Ze względu na uniwersalny charakter programu standardowe metody ewaluacji programów mogą zwracać niezgodne oszacowania. W celu zachowania pożądanych własności statystycznych w artykule zaproponowano nowe podejście łączące strategię estymacji difference- -in-difference (DID) z wagami bilansującymi rozkłady zmiennych towarzyszących (tzw. CBPS, Imai, Ratkovic [2014]). Podejście to rozwiązuje potencjalne problemy z brakiem spełnienia równoległych trendów, a także zmniejsza skalę obciążenia wynikającego z różnic pomiędzy jednostkami pobierającymi i niepobierającymi świadczeń. Wyniki wskazują na zaniedbywalny wpływ programu na podaż pracy w kwartałach następujących bezpośrednio po wprowadzeniu programu

    Analysis and Oversight of Development of Location Dependent Applications

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    The main goal of the thesis Analysis and Oversight of Development of Location Dependent Applications is to present as many as possible various approaches to the location services. Each described application, according to the current or selected location, reveals some information. At the beginning, there is a short presentation of the location dependent applications, a short general definition and examples, methods of acquiring or calculating the location of the user and a brief development history. The conditions and devices under which the applications were tested are also described. In the first half of the thesis, the chosen applications are presented, categorized by the class of information, which they offer or the class of the applicability. Those more general are in the category, which describes them the most. Each and every application has a description, the number of the users, the advantages and weakness and similar applications, if applicable. In the second part, the application that measures CO2 exhaustion is described. Firstly, the used technologies are presented and the reasons for their use. Following, the website of the application, mobile application and the logic behind them are described. The design and the outlook of the application is presented on various supported mobile operating systems and the application itself is divided into parts