An approach for evaluation of socio-technical aspects of software testing


V praksi lahko testiranje programske opreme vzame tudi polovico celotnega časa razvoja, kar pomeni, da je izbira pravih testnih metod zelo pomembna. Ocena uspešnosti izbranih testnih metod pa je kljub temu zelo redko izvedena. Večina modelov oceni uspešnost modela glede na objektivne ocene respondentov in dostikrat ne upošteva razlik med skrbniki procesa in uporabniki procesa. V magistrski nalogi smo tako zasnovali model, ki pri oceni testnih metod upošteva oba vidika: tehnično primernost in sprejetost med uporabniki. Model smo najprej zasnovali v teoriji preko preverjenih mehanizmov ocenjevanja ter šestih različnih dimenzij. Teoretično zasnovan model smo nato preverili in potrdili še v podjetju, ki se ukvarja z razvojem mobilnih aplikacij. Testne elemente smo ocenili v treh ekipah ter analizirali rezultate. Vodje ekip v podjetju so potrdile, da so na podlagi rezultatov modela dobili uporabne informacije.In practice software testing can take half of total time needed for development, which means that choosing the right test methods is very important. The performance of selected test methods is nevertheless very rarely evaluated. Most models on the market evaluate the performance of the model based on objective evaluations of respondents and do not take the differences between process managers and users of the process into account. In this master\u27s thesis we devised a model for the evaluation of test methods, which takes both views into account: technical suitability and acceptance among users. The model was first conceived in theory with verified evaluation methods and six different dimensions. Theoretically based model was then verified in a company that specializes in the development of mobile applications. Three teams evaluated test elements they use and we analysed the results. Team leaders have confirmed that with our model they have received useful information

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