25 research outputs found

    Deterministic positioning of nanophotonic waveguides around single self-assembled quantum dots

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    The capability to embed self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) at predefined positions in nanophotonic structures is key to the development of complex quantum photonic architectures. Here, we demonstrate that QDs can be deterministically positioned in nanophotonic waveguides by pre-locating QDs relative to a global reference frame using micro-photoluminescence (μ\muPL) spectroscopy. After nanofabrication, μ\muPL images reveal misalignments between the central axis of the waveguide and the embedded QD of only (9±46(9\pm46) nm and (1±33(1\pm33) nm, for QDs embedded in undoped and doped membranes, respectively. A priori knowledge of the QD positions allows us to study the spectral changes introduced by nanofabrication. We record average spectral shifts ranging from 0.1 to 1.1 nm, indicating that the fabrication-induced shifts can generally be compensated by electrical or thermal tuning of the QDs. Finally, we quantify the effects of the nanofabrication on the polarizability, the permanent dipole moment and the emission frequency at vanishing electric field of different QD charge states, finding that these changes are constant down to QD-surface separations of only 70 nm. Consequently, our approach deterministically integrates QDs into nanophotonic waveguides whose light-fields contain nanoscale structure and whose group index varies at the nanometer level.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures. Updated version of the manuscript, with new appendices and new figure

    Fabrication of Sawfish photonic crystal cavities in bulk diamond

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    Color centers in diamond are quantum systems with optically active spin-states that show long coherence times and are therefore a promising candidate for the development of efficient spin-photon interfaces. However, only a small portion of the emitted photons is generated by the coherent optical transition of the zero-phonon line (ZPL), which limits the overall performance of the system. Embedding these emitters in photonic crystal cavities improves the coupling to the ZPL photons and increases their emission rate. Here, we demonstrate the fabrication process of "Sawfish" cavities, a design recently proposed that has the experimentally-realistic potential to simultaneously enhance the emission rate by a factor of 46 and couple photons into a single-mode fiber with an efficiency of 88%. The presented process allows for the fabrication of fully suspended devices with a total length of 20.5 μ\mum and features size as small as 40 nm. The optical characterization shows fundamental mode resonances that follow the behavior expected from the corresponding design parameters and quality (Q) factors as high as 3825. Finally, we investigate the effects of nanofabrication on the devices and show that, despite a noticeable erosion of the fine features, the measured cavity resonances deviate by only 0.9 (1.2)% from the corresponding simulated values. This proves that the Sawfish design is robust against fabrication imperfections, which makes it an attractive choice for the development of quantum photonic networks.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    Optically Coherent Nitrogen-Vacancy Defect Centers in Diamond Nanostructures

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    Optically active solid-state spin defects have the potential to become a versatile resource for quantum information processing applications. Nitrogen-vacancy defect centers (NV) in diamond act as quantum memories and can be interfaced with coherent photons as demonstrated in entanglement protocols. However, particularly in diamond nanostructures, the effect of spectral diffusion leads to optical decoherence hindering entanglement generation. In this work, we present strategies to significantly reduce the electric noise in diamond nanostructures. We demonstrate single NVs in nanopillars exhibiting a lifetime-limited linewidth on a timescale of one second and long-term spectral stability with an inhomogeneous linewidth as low as 150 MHz over three minutes. Excitation power and energy-dependent measurements in combination with nanoscopic Monte Carlo simulations contribute to a better understanding of the impact of bulk and surface defects on the NV’s spectral properties. Finally, we propose an entanglement protocol for nanostructure-coupled NVs providing entanglement generation rates up to hundreds of kHz.Peer Reviewe

    Quantum optics with near lifetime-limited quantum-dot transitions in a nanophotonic waveguide

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    Establishing a highly efficient photon-emitter interface where the intrinsic linewidth broadening is limited solely by spontaneous emission is a key step in quantum optics. It opens a pathway to coherent light-matter interaction for, e.g., the generation of highly indistinguishable photons, few-photon optical nonlinearities, and photon-emitter quantum gates. However, residual broadening mechanisms are ubiquitous and need to be combated. For solid-state emitters charge and nuclear spin noise is of importance and the influence of photonic nanostructures on the broadening has not been clarified. We present near lifetime-limited linewidths for quantum dots embedded in nanophotonic waveguides through a resonant transmission experiment. It is found that the scattering of single photons from the quantum dot can be obtained with an extinction of 66±4%66 \pm 4 \%, which is limited by the coupling of the quantum dot to the nanostructure rather than the linewidth broadening. This is obtained by embedding the quantum dot in an electrically-contacted nanophotonic membrane. A clear pathway to obtaining even larger single-photon extinction is laid out, i.e., the approach enables a fully deterministic and coherent photon-emitter interface in the solid state that is operated at optical frequencies.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Narrow optical linewidths and spin pumping on charge-tunable close-to-surface self-assembled quantum dots in an ultrathin diode

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    We demonstrate full charge control, narrow optical linewidths, and optical spin pumping on single self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots embedded in a 162.5−nm-thin diode structure. The quantum dots are just 88nm from the top GaAs surface. We design and realize a p−i−n−i−n diode that allows single-electron charging of the quantum dots at close-to-zero applied bias. In operation, the current flow through the device is extremely small resulting in low noise. In resonance fluorescence, we measure optical linewidths below 2μeV, just a factor of 2 above the transform limit. Clear optical spin pumping is observed in a magnetic field of 0.5T in the Faraday geometry. We present this design as ideal for securing the advantages of self-assembled quantum dots—highly coherent single-photon generation, ultrafast optical spin manipulation—in the thin diodes required in quantum nanophotonics and nanophononics applications

    Indistinguishable and efficient single photons from a quantum dot in a planar nanobeam waveguide

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    We demonstrate a high-purity source of indistinguishable single photons using a quantum dot embedded in a nanophotonic waveguide. The source features a near-unity internal coupling efficiency and the collected photons are efficiently coupled off chip by implementing a taper that adiabatically couples the photons to an optical fiber. By quasiresonant excitation of the quantum dot, we measure a single-photon purity larger than 99.4% and a photon indistinguishability of up to 94±1% by using p-shell excitation combined with spectral filtering to reduce photon jitter. A temperature-dependent study allows pinpointing the residual decoherence processes, notably the effect of phonon broadening. Strict resonant excitation is implemented as well as another means of suppressing photon jitter, and the additional complexity of suppressing the excitation laser source is addressed. The paper opens a clear pathway towards the long-standing goal of a fully deterministic source of indistinguishable photons, which is integrated on a planar photonic chip

    Efficient fiber-coupled single-photon source based on quantum dots in a photonic-crystal waveguide

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    Many photonic quantum information processing applications would benefit from a high brightness, fiber-coupled source of triggered single photons. Here, we present a fiber-coupled photonic-crystal waveguide single-photon source relying on evanescent coupling of the light field from a tapered out-coupler to an optical fiber. A two-step approach is taken where the performance of the tapered out-coupler is recorded first on an independent device containing an on-chip reflector. Reflection measurements establish that the chip-to-fiber coupling efficiency exceeds 80 %. The detailed characterization of a high-efficiency photonic-crystal waveguide extended with a tapered out-coupling section is then performed. The corresponding overall single-photon source efficiency is 10.9 % ±\pm 2.3 %, which quantifies the success probability to prepare an exciton in the quantum dot, couple it out as a photon in the waveguide, and subsequently transfer it to the fiber. The applied out-coupling method is robust, stable over time, and broadband over several tens of nanometers, which makes it a highly promising pathway to increase the efficiency and reliability of planar chip-based single-photon sources.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure