12 research outputs found

    Family Adherence Hodgkin's Disease Patients Self-Care

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    Hodžkina slimība ik gadu pieaug un skar jaunu sociāli aktīvu sabiedrības daļu. Pieaugot pacientu skaitam, aktuāla ir ģimenes līdzdalība ārstēšanās un atveseļošanās procesā. Tādēļ pētījuma mērķis bija: izzināt, vai ģimenes līdzestība ietver emocionālo atbalstu un drošas vides nodrošināšanu pašaprūpes veicināšanai Hodžkina slimības pacientiem. Pētnieciskajā darbā tika izmantota kvantitatīva neeksperimentāla pētniecības metode, daudzpakāpju izlase. Tika izvirzīta hipotēze: - ģimenes līdzestība Hodžkina slimības pacientiem pašapūpes veicināšanai ir emocionāls atbalsts un drošas vides nodrošināšana. Pētījuma instruments – aptaujas anketas. Pētījuma laikā noskaidrojās, ka Hodžkina slimības pacientiem pašaprūpes veicināšanai ir svarīga ģimenes līdzestība. Atslēgvārdi: Ģimene, Hodžkina slimība, onkohematoloģija, pacients, līdzestība, pašaprūpe.The Hodgkin disease increases every year and concerns new socially active part of society. By increasing number of patients very actual part in the treatment and recovery process is family participation. Due to that, the study target was to research, does family compliance includes emotional support and safe environment providing for self-care promotion of Hodgkin disease patients. In the research work was used quantitative non experimental research method, multi selection. The study hypothesis was – promotion of family compliance for Hodgkin disease patients is emotional support and providing of safe environment. Study instrument - questionnaires. During the study it was concluded that family compliance is important for Hodgkin disease patient’s self-care promotion. Key words: family, Hodgkin disease, oncohaematology, patients, compliance, self-care

    A 100-year record of changes in organic matter characteristics and productivity in Lake Bhimtal in the Kumaon Himalaya, NW India

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    Sediment variables total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen (TN), total sulfur (TS), as well as their accumulation rates and atomic ratios (C/N and C/S), were studied along with stable isotopes (δ13C, δ15N, and δ34S), and specific biomarkers (n-alkanes and pigments) in a 35-cm-long sediment core from Lake Bhimtal, NW India. The average sedimentation rate is 3.6 mm year−1, and the core represents a provisional record of ~100 years of sedimentation history. Bulk elemental records and their ratios indicate that sediment organic matter (OM) is derived primarily from algae. In-lake productivity increased sharply over the last two decades, consistent with paleoproductivity reconstructions from other lakes in the area. An up-core decrease in δ13C values, despite other evidence for an increase in lake productivity, implies that multiple biogeochemical processes (e.g. external input of sewage or uptake of isotopically depleted CO2 as a result of fossil fuel burning) influence the C isotope record in the lake. The δ15N values (−0.2 to −3.9 ‰) reflect the presence of N-fixing cyanobacteria, and an increase in lake productivity. The δ34S profile shows enrichment of up to 5.6 ‰, and suggests that sulfate reduction occurred in these anoxic sediments. Increases in total n-alkane concentrations and their specific ratios, such as the Carbon Preference Index (CPI) and Terrestrial Aquatic Ratio (TAR), imply in-lake algal production. Likewise, pigments indicate an up-core increase in total concentration and dominance of cyanobacteria over other phytoplankton. Geochemical trends indicate a recent increase in the lake’s trophic state as a result of human-induced changes in the catchment. The study highlights the vulnerability of mountain lakes in the Himalayan region to both natural and anthropogenic processes, and the difficulties associated with reversing trophic state and ecological changes.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Link-Asia program||CSIR (India)||</p

    Effect of Mn-doping on the low temperature magnetic phase transitions of BiFeO3BiFeO_{3}

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    In the present work, we have carried out a comparative study of the low temperature phase transitions using dc magnetization (M (T)) and ac susceptibility (χ (ω, T)) measurements on undoped and 0.3 wt% MnO2_2 doped BiFeO3 samples in the 2–300 K temperature range. It is shown that MnO2_2 doping increases the resistivity and decreases the dielectric loss as a result of reduced oxygen vacancy concentration as confirmed by iodometry and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) studies. A comparative study of the dc M (T) and ac χ (ω, T) results on two types of samples reveal that the transitions around 25 K, 110 to 150 K and 260 K are intrinsic to BiFeO3_3. The widely reported transition at 50 K is argued to be defect induced, as it is absent in the doped samples. We also show that the spin-glass transition temperature (TSG_{SG}) ∼20 K, determined from an analysis of χ (ω, T), is less than the spin-glass freezing temperature (Tf_f) ∼25 K in marked contrast to TSG_{SG} > Tf_f reported by earlier workers

    Lake ecosystem responses to catchment disturbance and airborne pollution: an 800-year perspective in southern Sweden

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    Sediment sequences spanning the last 800 years from two small lakes in the south Swedish uplands were explored for assessment of effects of changing human population, local land-use practices and airborne pollution on lake-ecosystem functioning and resilience. Variations in nutrient cycling and deposition of lithogenic elements were studied, using a multi-proxy stratigraphic approach. Carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic analyses were applied in combination with records of hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) to investigate the sources and depositional conditions of sediment organic matter. Changes in fluvial and airborne delivery of inorganic matter were based on X-ray fluorescence measurements. The results reveal that population growth and related increases in land-use pressure had a major impact on catchment erosion and input of terrestrial organic matter to the lakes from the 1500s to the end of the 1800s. Evidence also exists of a brief period of catchment disturbance at ca. 1200-1300, followed by recovery, likely connected to the Black Death pandemic. At ca. 1900 synchronous shifts in most of the proxy records suggest a marked change in external forcing common to the two lakes related to a major decrease in population density and the introduction of modern forestry following the industrial revolution. Interestingly, the two sediment records exhibit generally coherent trends in C/N ratio, organic C content and delta C-13, both before and after 1900, indicating broadly similar sensitivities of the lake ecosystems to human impact. In contrast, deviating trends in total N content, delta N-15 and lithogenic element concentrations (K, Ti, Rb and Zr) reflect site-specific responses to local disturbances during the last century due to different nutrient conditions and catchment properties. Our companion sediment records highlight the importance of understanding long-term human impact on watersheds and demonstrate how regional versus local forcing of lake ecosystems, as well as site-specific responses related to catchment characteristics can be reconstructed

    Traditional and ayurvedic foods of Indian origin

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    The Ayurveda contains a wealth of knowledge on health sciences. Accordingly traditional foods and their dietary guidelines are prescribed in Ayurveda. There is so much similarity in ayurvedic dietetics and traditional foods that many of the traditional health foods in India can be called ayurvedic foods. This review article introduces the concepts of ayurvedic health foods in India and describes several traditional heath foods across various regions of India. Recommended dietary guidelines according to age and health condition of the consumer, and seasonal considerations are presented for each of the traditional health foods of India. In the era of globalization of the population and international food trading, health conscious citizens around the globe will benefit from the wealth of knowledge on traditional Indian and ayurvedic health foods of Indian origin

    Combining Limnology and Palaeolimnology to Investigate Recent Regime Shifts in a Shallow, Eutrophic Lake

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    In this study, we demonstrate that an integrated approach, combining palaeolimnological records and limnological monitoring data, can increase our understanding of changing ecological patterns and processes in shallow lakes. We focused on recent regime shifts in shallow Lake Krankesjön, southern Sweden, including the collapse of the clear-water state in 1975 and its subsequent recovery in the late 1980s. We used diatom, hydrocarbon, and biogenic silica sediment records, in concert with limnological data sets on nutrient concentrations, water clarity, chlorophyll-a and water depth, to investigate the shifts. The shift from clear to turbid conditions was abrupt and occurred over 1 to 2 years, whereas recovery of the clear-water state was more gradual, taking 4–5 years. In 1978, shortly after the first regime shift in water clarity, the diatom community underwent a significant shift. It became less diverse, with decreased abundance of epiphytic and planktonic taxa. Despite rising phosphorus concentrations and lower abundance of submerged macrophytes, Lake Krankesjön has remained in the clear-water state over the past 20 years, although this state seems to be increasingly unstable and susceptible to collapse. The complex reactions of the entire lake ecosystem to major changes in lake-water clarity, as shown by the palaeolimnological variables investigated in this study, emphasize the importance of careful lake and catchment management if a stable, clear-water state is desired

    Comparative evaluation of impact strength of natural tooth and two different fragment reattachment technique: An in-vitro study

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    Background: The reattached fragments are prone to re-fracture if another traumatic episode occurs or under non-physiological use of the restored teeth. There is a scarcity of literature regarding the management of uncomplicated crown fracture reattachment following a further fracture Therefore, concerns have been directed towards the strength of reattachment of the fractured teeth. Hence the aim of the in-vitro study was to evaluate &amp; compare the impact strength of reattached fragments with composite resin &amp; polyethylene fiber impregnated in composite resin with that of the natural tooth. Methodology: Total samples of 42 teeth were collected and indicated for extraction. They were cleaned ultrasonically and later stored in a 0.9% saline solution. The samples were divided into three groups of 14 samples each. The fracture was induced by disk, only Ellis class II fractured teeth were included in the study. Group 1 (control group) sound tooth: Directly checked for impact strength. Group 2: Reattachment of the fractured fragment using composite resin. Group 3: Reattachment using polyethylene fiber impregnated in composite resin with minimal preparation. All samples were thermocycled between 5°C - 55°C for 500 cycles with 30 seconds dwell time and tested in an ‘impact testing machine’.&nbsp