8 research outputs found

    Praćenje rane gravidnosti i rane embrionalne smrtnosti primjenom ultrazvučne pretrage i određivanjem razine trofoblastičnoga proteina i progesterona u kravljem serumu

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    The aim of study was to investigate the role of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) in early pregnancy, as well as the possibility of using PAG and ultrasound as diagnostic tools in the diagnosis of embryonic mortality. Our research included 73 Simmental cows, 3-7 years old, which calved every year. According to ultrasound findings (on the 17th, 24th, 35th and 45th day following AI), the cows were divided into 3 groups: pregnant cows (n = 34), non-pregnant cows (n = 18) and cows which had suffered embryonic mortality (n = 21). Blood samples were collected every 72 hours between the 12th and 45th day following AI and levels of progesterone and pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAG) were determined. Statistical analysis of variance for progesterone at days 12, 21 and 35 following AI showed significant differences between pregnant cows and both the non-pregnant and embryonic mortality groups (P>0.05). PAG variance analysis at days 24, 30 and 34 following AI showed highly significant differences (P>0.01) between the non-pregnant and both the embryonic mortality and pregnant groups. On the other hand, variance analysis showed that mean values for PAG at days 40 and 45 following AI were highly significantly different (P>0.01) between the pregnant and both the nonpregnant and embryonic mortality groups. The conclusion emerged that it is impossible to determine embryonic mortality merely on the basis of progesterone profile, but it is easy to distinguish pregnant from non-pregnant cows, supposing cows to be more than 21 days pregnant. It is very easy and accurate to distinguish non-pregnant cows from cows that have suffered early embryonic mortality. Furthermore, 98% of the cows in our research which had experienced embryonic mortality, lost their embryos 17-24 days after AI, visible in a drastic decrease in PAG seven and half to nine days later. Using PAG for pregnancy diagnosis enables us to prove the existence of live, vital embryos in utero 24 days after conception.Svrha ovog rada bila je istražiti ulogu trofoblastičnoga proteina (PAG) u fiziologiji rane gravidnosti u goveda kao i mogućnost njegove primjene te ultrazvuka u dijagnostici rane embrionalne smrtnosti. Promatrane su bile 73 krave simentalske pasmine, u dobi od tri do sedam godina, u kojih nisu ustanovljene poteškoće s plodnošću. Sve su držane na pet obiteljskih gospodarstava u Međimurskoj županiji, u uzgojima koji su brojili od osam do 20 krava. Krave su bile podijeljene u tri skupine: gravidne krave (n = 34), krave sumnjive na ranu embrionalnu smrtnost (n = 21) i negravidne krave (n = 18). Na osnovi ultrazvučnih pretraga i laboratorijskoga praćenja razine progesterona i trofoblastičnoga proteina u serumu od 12. do 45. dana nakon UO donijeti su sljedeći zaključci. Na osnovi razine progesterona u serumu moguće je razlučiti gravidne od negravidnih krava, ali nije moguće dijagnosticirati embrionalnu smrtnost. Na temelju razine trofoblastičnoga proteina moguće je sa sigurnošću razlikovati krave kod kojih je nastupila embrionalna smrtnost nakon 16. dana gravidnosti od krava koje nisu postale steone. Embrionalna smrtnost vidljiva je na osnovi znatnoga pada razine trofoblastičnoga proteina u serumu majke, i to 7,5-9 dana nakon uginuća embrija, koliko iznosi i biološki poluživot trofoblastičnoga proteina u prvom mjesecu gravidnosti. Praćenjem razine trofoblastičnoga proteina u serumu moguće je pouzdano dokazati postojanje živoga vitalnoga embrija u maternici steone krave već nakon 24. dana steonosti. U istraživanju je 98% krava u skupini u kojoj je nastupila embrionalna smrtnost izgubilo embrij kad su bile gravidne 17-24 dana što predstavlja kritično razdoblje za preživljavanje embrija

    Changes and variations of body condition scoring values in dairy cows during production cycle

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    Procjenu metaboličkog i energetskog statusa mliječnih krava u bilo kojem stadiju proizvodnog ciklusa možemo izvršiti na osnovu analize krvi i usporedbom brojnih biokemijskih pokazatelja. Osim toga za procjenu nam može poslužiti jednostavna, jeftina i praktična metoda tzv. procjena tjelesne kondicije (body condition scoring (BCS)), a predstavlja određivanje količine tjelesnih rezervi (masnog i mišićnog tkiva) koje plotkinja posjeduje u određenom stadiju proizvodnje. Na brojčanoj ljestvici, ocjenama od 1 do 5 s preciznošću ocjene od 0,25 boda ocjenjuje se tjelesna kondicija plotkinje. Izrazito mršave plotkinje ocjenjuju se ocjenom 1, a pretile ocjenom 5. BCS manji od 2,75, ali i viši od 3,75 (po skali od 1 do 5) prilikom teljenja povezani su sa zdravstvenim problemima poput zamašćene jetre, ketoze i smanjene proizvodnje mlijeka. Prijelazno ili tranzicijsko razdoblje tj.razdoblje od 2 do 4 tjedna prije i 2-4 tjedna nakon teljenja okarakterizirano je dubokim endokrinim i metaboličkim promjenama kako bi se zadovoljila proizvodnja mlijeka tijekom rane laktacije. Unos suhe tvari i energije niži je od zahtjeva krava što rezultira negativnom energetskom ravnotežom (engl. negative energy balance (NEB)). Energetski zahtjevi povećavaju se tijekom prijelaznog razdoblja što rezultira hipoglikemičkim statusom. Takva situacija zahtijeva kompenzatorni odgovor organizma koji se sastoji od pojačane lipolize masnog tkiva, glukoneogeneze i glikogenolize u jetri, mobilizacije zaliha bjelančevina u mišićnom tkivu te mobilizacije minerala u kostima. Genetskom selekcijom, u cilju povećanja proizvodnje mlijeka tijekom rane laktacije, dobivene su krave koje uspješno mobilizraju više tjelesnih rezervi na štetu vlastitog zdravlja i plodnosti.We can evaluate the metabolic and energy status of dairy cows at any stage of the production cycle on the basis of blood analysis, and by comparing numerous biochemical indicators. In addition, we can use the simple, inexpensive and practical method of body condition scoring (BCS), which is a determination of the amount of body reserves (fat and muscle tissue) that the cow possesses at a certain stage of production. On the numerical scale, scores from 1 to 5, with score precision to 0.25 points, evaluate the physical fitness of breeder cows. Extremely skinny cows are rated 1, and obese ones with a grade of 5. A BCS less than 2.75, but also higher than 3.75 (on a scale of 1 to 5) around calving are associated with health problems such as fatty liver, ketosis and reduced milk production. The transition or transitional period is the period 2 to 4 weeks before and 2-4 weeks after calving, which is characterized by deep endocrine and metabolic changes that follow increased milk production during early lactation. The dry matter intake and energy status is lower and this results in negative energy balance (NEB). Energy requirements increase during the transition period, resulting in hypoglycaemic status. This situation requires a compensatory response by the organism, consisting of increased adipose tissue lipolysis, gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis in the liver, mobilization of protein stocks in muscle tissue and mobilization of minerals in the bones. Genetic selection, with the aim of increasing milk production during early lactation, has resulted in cows successfully mobilizing more body reserves at the expense of their own health and fertilit

    Rasplodni pokazatelji burskih koza u umjerenoj klimatskoj zoni.

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    The objective of this study was to determine the reproductive performance in Boer goats under semiintensive management in north-western Croatia over three consecutive years. Sixty Boer does, aged 2 to 6 years, were divided into three groups. A total of 1.80 kids were born per doe (435 newborn in 242 pregnancies). Boer goat fertility was 93.44%. Does with single kids accounted for 22.53% (n = 98), with twins 49.20% (n = 107), triplets 18.62% (n = 27), quadruplets 7.35% (n = 8) and quintuplets 2.29% (n = 2). The average birth weight of Boer goats was 3.48 ± 0.04 kg (1.70 kg to 5.4 kg). The birth weight of goat kids in pluriparous Boer does was significantly (P<0.05) higher in comparison to kids in primiparous does by gender. The birth weight of birth weight was significantly (P<0.05) higher than female Boer kids. There was no impact from goat age, number of kiddings and birth weight. More than 76% of Boer does delivered in the winter and spring. It is supposed that after transferring from the southern to the northern hemisphere, Boer goats have gradually acclimated to a new seasonality.Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi rasplodne pokazatelje burskih koza u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj u poluintenzivnom uzgoju kroz tri uzastopne godine. Šezdeset burskih koza u dobi od dvije do šest godina, podijeljenih u tri skupine upotrijebljeno je u ovom istraživanju. Dobilo se 1,80 jareta po jarenju, to jest 2,41 jare po kozi godišnje (435 jaradi u 242 jarenja). Fertilitet u burske koze iznosio je 93,44%. Koza s jednim jaretom bilo je 22,53% (n = 98), s dvojkima 49,20% (n = 107), trojkima 18,62% (n = 27), četvorkima 7,35% (n = 8) i 2,29% s petorkima (n = 2). Prosječna porođajna masa jaradi iznosila je 3,48 ± 0,04 kg (od 1,70 kg do 5,4 kg). Prosječna porođajna masa jaradi kod primiparnih koza (n = 68) iznosila je 3,21 ± 0,08 u muške i 3,01 ± 0,11 kg u ženske jaradi (n = 54). Kod pluriparnih burskih koza porođajna masa jaradi bila je značajno veća (P<0,05) u odnosu na jarad primiparnih koza neovisno o spolu. Porođajna masa muške jaradi burske rase bila je značajno veća (P<0,05) u odnosu na žensku jarad. Nije postojala korelacija između starosti koze, rednog broja jarenja i porođajne težine. Više od 76% burskih koza ojarilo se zimi (45%), a 31% u proljeće. Pretpostavlja se da se burska koza nakon preseljenja iz Južne u Sjevernu hemisferu postupno prilagodila na novu sezonost. Burska koza sa svojim genetskim potencijalom može poslužiti za križanje s domaćim kozama europskog podrijetla u cilju poboljšavanja njihove reprodukcijske sposobnosti

    Reproductive immunology in viviparous mammals: evolutionary paradox of interactions among immune mechanisms and autologous or allogeneic gametes and semiallogeneic foetuses

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    Literally, reproductive immunology was born in bovine on-farm reproduction where seminal experiments intended for developing methods for embryo transfer in cattle were performed. Actually, these experiments led to two of major concepts and fundamental principles of reproductive immunology using the bovine species as a model for biomedical research, namely the concept of acquired immunological tolerance and the paradox of the semiallogeneic bovine foetus whereby such organism can develop within an immunologically competent host. Peter Medawar, a scientist who together with Frank Macfarlande Burnet shared the 1960 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for discovery of acquired immunological tolerance, while studying dizygotic cattle twins, thereby giving birth to reproductive immunology. Also, these findings significantly influenced development of organ transplants and showed that using farm animals as models for studying transplantation immunology had general relevance for mammalian biology and health including those of humans. However, the interest for further research of the fascinating maternal immune influences on pregnancy and perinatal outcomes and of the prevention and treatment of immunologically mediated reproductive disorders in viviparous mammals of veterinary relevance by veterinary immunologists and reproductive clinicians have been very scarce regarding the application of nonspecific immunomodulatory agents for prevention and treatment of subfertility and infertility in pigs and cattle, but still broadening knowledge in this area and hold great potential for improving such therapy in the future. The aim of the current overview is to provide up-to-date information and explaining/translating relevant immunology phenomena into veterinary practice for specialists and scientists/clinicians in reproduction of animals.Link to the corrected article: [https://vet-erinar.vet.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2052

    Rasplodni pokazatelji burskih koza u umjerenoj klimatskoj zoni.

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    The objective of this study was to determine the reproductive performance in Boer goats under semiintensive management in north-western Croatia over three consecutive years. Sixty Boer does, aged 2 to 6 years, were divided into three groups. A total of 1.80 kids were born per doe (435 newborn in 242 pregnancies). Boer goat fertility was 93.44%. Does with single kids accounted for 22.53% (n = 98), with twins 49.20% (n = 107), triplets 18.62% (n = 27), quadruplets 7.35% (n = 8) and quintuplets 2.29% (n = 2). The average birth weight of Boer goats was 3.48 ± 0.04 kg (1.70 kg to 5.4 kg). The birth weight of goat kids in pluriparous Boer does was significantly (P<0.05) higher in comparison to kids in primiparous does by gender. The birth weight of birth weight was significantly (P<0.05) higher than female Boer kids. There was no impact from goat age, number of kiddings and birth weight. More than 76% of Boer does delivered in the winter and spring. It is supposed that after transferring from the southern to the northern hemisphere, Boer goats have gradually acclimated to a new seasonality.Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi rasplodne pokazatelje burskih koza u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj u poluintenzivnom uzgoju kroz tri uzastopne godine. Šezdeset burskih koza u dobi od dvije do šest godina, podijeljenih u tri skupine upotrijebljeno je u ovom istraživanju. Dobilo se 1,80 jareta po jarenju, to jest 2,41 jare po kozi godišnje (435 jaradi u 242 jarenja). Fertilitet u burske koze iznosio je 93,44%. Koza s jednim jaretom bilo je 22,53% (n = 98), s dvojkima 49,20% (n = 107), trojkima 18,62% (n = 27), četvorkima 7,35% (n = 8) i 2,29% s petorkima (n = 2). Prosječna porođajna masa jaradi iznosila je 3,48 ± 0,04 kg (od 1,70 kg do 5,4 kg). Prosječna porođajna masa jaradi kod primiparnih koza (n = 68) iznosila je 3,21 ± 0,08 u muške i 3,01 ± 0,11 kg u ženske jaradi (n = 54). Kod pluriparnih burskih koza porođajna masa jaradi bila je značajno veća (P<0,05) u odnosu na jarad primiparnih koza neovisno o spolu. Porođajna masa muške jaradi burske rase bila je značajno veća (P<0,05) u odnosu na žensku jarad. Nije postojala korelacija između starosti koze, rednog broja jarenja i porođajne težine. Više od 76% burskih koza ojarilo se zimi (45%), a 31% u proljeće. Pretpostavlja se da se burska koza nakon preseljenja iz Južne u Sjevernu hemisferu postupno prilagodila na novu sezonost. Burska koza sa svojim genetskim potencijalom može poslužiti za križanje s domaćim kozama europskog podrijetla u cilju poboljšavanja njihove reprodukcijske sposobnosti