144 research outputs found

    Structural Normalization of Topological Resonance Energy

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    Topological resonance energy method, derived as a variant of Dewar resonance energy concept, and expressed by adjacency algebra formalism, has been for years applied for successful prediction of aromatic properties of conjugated organic and inorganic species. In this work a numerical value of TRE has been discussed in light of its physical meaning. Normalization method of this value has been proposed, and numerical boundary values for evaluation of the degree of aromaticity were given. The method is new and quite different from all other known methods which has been proposed and employed for TRE normalization. Versatility and stability of our normalization procedure has been shown on numerous examples

    Structural Normalization of Topological Resonance Energy

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    Topological resonance energy method, derived as a variant of Dewar resonance energy concept, and expressed by adjacency algebra formalism, has been for years applied for successful prediction of aromatic properties of conjugated organic and inorganic species. In this work a numerical value of TRE has been discussed in light of its physical meaning. Normalization method of this value has been proposed, and numerical boundary values for evaluation of the degree of aromaticity were given. The method is new and quite different from all other known methods which has been proposed and employed for TRE normalization. Versatility and stability of our normalization procedure has been shown on numerous examples

    Okvir i naziv medicinskog tretmana i njihov uticaj na zdravstvene odluke

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    Decisions about one's own health range from everyday easy ones, such as taking a vitamin pill, to those made in the situations of life-threatening diseases. When it comes to choosing treatments, patients have difficulty understanding statistical information about the possible outcomes of alternative treatments, such as probabilities and risks. These challenges are especially important in the context of the shared decision-making. The aim of this study was to examine the influence of the labelling of the treatment in risky choice decision tasks. The risky choice framing effect (FE) pertains to the systematic preference reversal because different aspects of formally identical situations are emphasized. In the present study, the participants made a forced choice between a non-risky and risky treatment presented in terms of gains and losses. In the first condition surgery was the risky option and in the second it was radiation. In the third condition, the treatments' labels were replaced with ' A' and 'B'. Chi-square tests revealed a significant difference in the proportions of risky choices between the three conditions. The FE was registered only in the first and the second condition, and it was moderate and strong, respectively. When choosing between surgery and radiation, participants' choices were indeed influenced by the naming of the treatment, but not exclusively-they generally preferred surgery, and when it was offered in terms of losses, they preferred it even more.Odluke o ličnom zdravlju protežu se od svakodnevnih i lakih, kao Å”to je odluka o uzimanju vitaminskog suplementa, do onih koje se donose u situacijama kada je prisutna životno ugrožavajuća bolest. Pacijenti koji donose odluku o izboru tretmana suočavaju se sa specifičnim izazovima i imaju poteÅ”koća da razumeju statističke podatke o mogućim ishodima alternativnih tretmana, o verovatnoći i o rizicima. Ova problematika je posebno značajna u kontekstu prakse zajedničkog odlučivanja, u kojoj i pacijent, a ne samo lekar, donosi odluku o tome na koji način će se tretirati bolest. Cilj ove studije bio je da se ispita uticaj naziva tretmana u zadacima odlučivanja u uslovima rizika. Efekat okvira rizičnog izbora se odnosi na sistematsku promenu redosleda preferencija koje su različite po rizičnosti. Do toga dolazi usled naglaÅ”avanja različitih aspekata identične situacije prilikom prikazivanja opcija donosiocima odluka. U naÅ”oj studiji ispitanici su prinudno birali između nerizičnog i rizičnog tretmana, koji su predstavljeni u terminima dobitka i gubitka. U prvoj eksperimentalnoj situaciji, kao rizična opcija predstavljena je operacija, a u drugoj zračenje. U trećem eksperimentu, nazivi tretmana su zamenjeni apstraktnim oznakama A i B. Rezultati pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku u proporcijama rizičnih odgovora između tri eksperimentalne situacije. Efekat okvira je registrovan u prvom i drugom eksperimentu; u prvom umerenog, a u drugom većeg intenziteta. Kada biraju između operacije i zračenja na ispitanike utiče naziv tretmana, ali to ne objaÅ”njava celokupnu varijansu. Po pravilu, preferirali su operaciju, a kada je ona prikazana u terminima gubitka, ta preferencija je bila joÅ” jača

    Efficiency of modified therapeutic protocol in the treatment of some varieties of canine cardiovascular dirofilariasis

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    The paper presents clinical diagnostic approaches and therapeutic effects of a specific protocol for the treatment of dogs with cardiovascular dirofilariasis in the Belgrade City (Serbia) territory. The study involved 50 privately owned dogs of different breeds, gender, and age, all showing signs of cardio respiratory disorders. In addition to a general physical examination, blood tests were done to detect microfilaria and adult forms, and X-ray, ECG, and echocardiography were performed as well. At the first examination, 34 out of 50 examined dogs were positive for microfilaria and adult forms. Because of a lack of drug used as the golden standard in dirofilariasis treatment, it involved a combination of doxycycline (10 mg/kg) and ivermectin (6 mu g/kg) supported with Advocate Bayer spot-on. After six months, the first control was performed while continuing treatment with the aforesaid protocol, and the second control was performed after 12 months. Of the 34 treated dogs, all were negative for microfilaria, as early as after the first six months of the treatment (100%). One dog was positive for adult forms of the parasite after six and 12 months. In echocardiography and X-ray examination after 12 months, six dogs showed evident chronic changes. At controls conducted at sixth month and at one year, the implemented therapy was successful in 97.05% (33/34) of primarily infected dogs

    An Analysis of Energy Efficient Data Transfer between Mobile Device and Dedicated Server

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    This paper discusses research results with regard to energy-efficient transmission of serialised data between servers and mobile devices. A test environment was created in which the research authors primarily measured electricity consumption during communication between a mobile device and server. Numerical results were used to determine how well data serialisation was performed on a dedicated server and its effects on the power consumption of a mobile device. The time spent in data serialisation and the size of the serialised file were found to significantly influence energy consumption. Based on that fact, results have been used to create a mathematical model which was later introduced with functional forms. The main variables in those functional forms were time of serialisation and size of a serialised file. The data collected through this research has been used for an experimental API-CB Saver, which based on mathematical models chooses the most favourable manner of serialisation and compression in real time. The results collected during the tests show that the CBSaver-Api approach performs with greater energy efficiency than current techniques. Furthermore, with optimal selection of data serialisation type and compression level in real time the considered system shows better performance in power saving. According to the results, the API-CBSaver tests indicate the direction which one should take for the purposes of improving energy efficiency

    Kardiopulmonarna metastrongiliodoza pasa i mačaka doprinos za postavljanje dijagnoze

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    Background. In the last fifteen years on the European continent and also worldwide, the prevalence of cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidosis in dogs and cats has increased significantly, especially cases involving those parasites which are the most important for veterinary practice (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus and Crenosoma vulpis). Scope and Approach. The aim of this study is to present a detailed clinical-parasitological approach to highlight the importance of these helminths, and to display the newest findings concerning the diagnostic possibilities in dogs and cats Key Findings and Conclusions. The effects of global warming, vector range shift, the frequent transportation and movement of animals to other epizootic areas, as well as the intensification of merchandise transportation and movement of people are just some of the potential factors which could impact the dynamics of incidence, upkeep and spread of cardiopulmonary nematodoses in carnivores. For the timely implementation of effective treatment of sick animals, it essential to accurately diagnose these parasitoses. Accurate, timely diagnosis can, in the end, significantly contribute to the prognostic course of disease in infected carnivores. Cardiopulmonary metastrongyloidoses in dogs and cats have great clinical-parasitological significance because of their high degree of pathogenicity, their spread outside endemic areas, the difficulties encountered in establishing their diagnosis, and the fact that they represent a potential danger to human health.Uvod. U poslednjih petnaest godina, na evropskom kontinentu i Å”irom sveta značajno se povećala prevalencija kardiopulmonalnih metastrongilidoza kod pasa i mačaka, naročito onih uzročnika koji imaju najveći značaj za veterinarsku praksu (Angiostrongylus vasorum, Aelurostrongylus abstrusus i Crenosoma vulpis). Cilj i pristup. Cilj ovog rada je da se detaljnim kliničko-parazitoloÅ”kim osvrtom istakne značaj ove grupe helmintoza i da se prikažu najnovija saznanja vezana za mogućnosti njihove dijagnostike kod pasa i mačaka. Ključni nalazi i zaključak. Efekti globalnog zagrevanja, pomeranje granica habitacije vektora, učestalo kretanje i transport životinja u druga epizootioloÅ”ka područja, intenziviran promet robe i velika fluktuacija ljudi, samo su neki od potencijalnih faktora koji bi mogli uticati na ovakvu dinamiku pojavljivanja, održavanja i Å”irenja kardiopulmonalnih nematodoza kod mesojeda. Za blagovremeno sprovođenje efikasnog tretmana obolelih jedinki neophodna je precizna dijagnostika ovih parazitoza, Å”to u krajnjem ishodu značajno može uticati na prognostički tok oboljenja kod inficiranih mesojeda. S obzirom na stepen njihove patogenosti, poteÅ”koće koje se javljaju u postavljanju dijagnoze, kao i činjenicu da neke od njih predstavljaju potencijalnu opasnost po zdravlje ljudi, navedena oboljenja imaju izuzetan klinički i epizootioloÅ”ki značaj

    Serbia: Another endemic region for canine ocular thelaziosis

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    Canine thelaziosis is widely distributed in Far Eastern countries and considered endemic in many European countries, between latitudes 39 and 46 N. Because of the unique relationship between the causer and its intermediate and final hosts, the genus Thelazia is one of the most specialized nematodes in the taxon. Thelazia callipaeda (superfamily: Thelazioidea) infects the conjunctivas of several mammalians, including dogs and humans. Since dogs may also represent a reservoir of infection for humans, the aim of the study was to show the epidemiological situation of thelaziosis in dogs in the Republic of Serbia, after it was first diagnosed in 2014, which is crucial for the successful treatment, control, and prevention of the disease. The research was performed on privately owned dogs in the period from the end of April 2013 to the end of October 2015 in 7 different regions in Serbia. Adult parasites were mechanically removed from dogs with manifested ocular disorders, and thelaziosis was diagnosed in 178 out of 501 animals. The high prevalence of T. callipaeda in dogs (35.52%) in the analyzed areas of Serbia indicates the endemicity of eyeworm infestation in these areas


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    Many sensors exhibit nonlinear dependence between their input and output variables and specific techniques are often applied for the linearization of their transfer characteristics. Some of them include additional analog circuits, while the others are based on different numerical procedures. One commonly used software solution is Progressive Polynomial Approximation. This method for sensor transfer function linearization shows strong dependence on the order of selected nodes in the linearization vector. There are several modifications of this method which enhance its effectiveness but require extensive computational time. This paper proposes the methodology that shows improvement over Progressive Polynomial Approximation without additional increase of complexity. It concerns the order of linearization nodes in linearization vector. The optimal order of nodes is determined on the basis of sensor transfer function concavity. The proposed methodology is compared to the previously reported methods on a set of analytical functions. It is then implemented in the temperature measurement system using a set of thermistors with negative temperature coefficients. It is shown that its implementation in the low-cost microcontrollers integrated into the nodes of reconfigurable sensor networks is justified

    Pomological Identification of Hazel Cultivars (Corylus avellana L.) in Plantations in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    The paper presents the results of the analysis of pomological-technological characteristics of 13 hazel cultivars present in production plantations in the area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Through previous analysis of pomological characteristics of fruit in several hazel plantations it was noted that there was a possibility of erroneous cultivar denomination. These fruits are sold at the domestic market as hazels for consumption, as well as for confectionary and cosmetic industry. Due to the increasing interest of producers in BIH for hazel cultivation and the uncontrolled spread of seedlings by producers through the offshoots from the existing production plantations, a possibility has been created to establish a plantation with erroneous assortment and thus an inadequate cultivar composition, particularly in terms of pollination and fertilization. Therefore, a comparison was carried out of pomological characteristics of fruit and the content of oil in the kernel of 13 hazel cultivars from older plantations in BIH with cultivars from the Collection of Nuts in Maribor owned by the Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana. Based on the analysis conducted, a deviation of fruit characteristics of some cultivars was determined, compared to the standard features of cultivars by which names they were labelled. Cultivars labelled by the producer during the collection of samples as: ā€˜Istrian Roundā€™, ā€˜Tonda di Giffoni 2ā€™, ā€˜HallĀ“s Giantā€™ and ā€˜N.N.1ā€™ were identified and they fully corresponded with their characteristics to the following cultivars: ā€˜Istrian Longā€™, ā€˜Mortarelaā€™, ā€˜Fertile de Coutardā€™ and ā€˜HallĀ“s Giantā€™. The research also showed that the fruits of the examined cultivars in BIH according to their pomological properties are as good as the fruits of cultivars grown in other areas
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