98 research outputs found

    The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in normal placentas and placentas with growth restriction

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    Posteljica je organ koji povezuje fetus i majku te ima ključnu ulogu u fetalnom rastu i razvoju prijenosom kisika i hranjivih tvari te uklanjanjem razgradnih i štetnih produkata. ----- Krvne žile posteljice se razvijaju tijekom cijele trudnoće vaskularizacijom te granajućom i negranajućom angiogenezom. Vaskulogeneza je proces stvaranja de novo krvnih žila iz mezenhimalnih stanica. Angiogeneza je proces neovaskularizacije iz već postojećih krvnih žila kao odgovor na hipoksiju, a zbiva se u embriju i u odrasloj dobi. U regulaciji vaskulogeneze i angiogeneze glavnu ulogu ima vaskularni endotelni čimbenik rasta (VEGF). VEGF je signalna molekula koja regulira mnoge funkcije endotelnih stanica, kao što su mitogeneza, vaskularni tonus, propusnost i proizvodnja vazoaktivnih molekula. Glavni regulator ekspresije VEGF-a je hipoksija putem hipoksijom inducibilnih faktora (HIF) te razni citokini i čimbenici rasta. Napredovanjem normalne trudnoće raste intervilozni p te se postepeno snižavaju razine slobodnog VEGF-a, a povisuju razine placentnog čimbenika rasta (PIGF). ----- Intrauterini zastoj u rastu (IUZR) je česta dijagnoza u opstetriciji te je uzrok značajnog perinatalnog mortaliteta i morbiditeta. IUZR podrazumijeva usporenje rasta fetusa čiji je potencijal za rast veći od izmjerenog. Izmjereni rast označuje normalne vrijednosti fetalnog rasta u određenoj populaciji. U Hrvatskoj se koristi granica od 10. centile za određenu gestacijsku dob. Ovisno o fazi rasta u kojoj nastupa zastoj IUZR može biti simetrični i asimetrični. Patofiziologija zastoja u rastu još nije potpuno razjašnjena, ali su definirana tri vrste hipoksije: preplacentna, uteroplacentna i postplacentna. U IUZR-u nastalom zbog insuficijencije placente promijenjene su razine čimbenika rasta. Provedena su brojna istraživanja o ekspresiji vaskularnih endotelnih čimbenika rasta i njihovih receptora u posteljicama fetusa s IUZR-om koja su dala oprečne rezultate.Placenta is the organ that connects fetus to the mother. It has a key role in fetal growth and development by transferring oxygen and nutrients, and by removing harmful products. ----- The blood vessels of the placenta develop throughout pregnancy through the processes of vascularization and branching and non-branching angiogenesis. Vasculogenesis is the process of creating blood vessels de novo from precursor mesenchymal cells. Angiogenesis is the process of neovascularization from existing blood vessels in response to hypoxia which occurs in the embryo and in adults. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family plays a key role in the regulation of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. VEGF is a signaling molecule that regulates many functions of endothelial cells, such as mitogenesis, vascular tone, permeability and production of vasoactive molecules. The regulator of VEGF expression is hypoxia by hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), and various cytokines and growth factors. Along with the development of a normal pregnancy intervilous p increases gradually lowering the level of free VEGF, and increasing levels of PIGF. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common diagnosis in obstetrics and is a significant cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. IUGR implies reduced fetal growth, whose growth potential is greater than the measured. In Croatia limit of 10. percentile for a particular gestational age is used. Depending on the growth stage when growth restriction occurs, IUGR can be symmetrical and asymmetrical. Pathophysiology of growth retardation is not completely understood, but three types of hypoxia are defined: preplacental, uteroplacental and postplacental. ----- In IUGR, due to failure of the placenta, expression of growth factors is changed. Numerous studies of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factors and their receptor in IUGR were conducted with conflicting results

    Représentation des mots et des non-mots en mémoire visuelle à court terme : évidence provenant de l'électrophysiologie humaine

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in normal placentas and placentas with growth restriction

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    Posteljica je organ koji povezuje fetus i majku te ima ključnu ulogu u fetalnom rastu i razvoju prijenosom kisika i hranjivih tvari te uklanjanjem razgradnih i štetnih produkata. ----- Krvne žile posteljice se razvijaju tijekom cijele trudnoće vaskularizacijom te granajućom i negranajućom angiogenezom. Vaskulogeneza je proces stvaranja de novo krvnih žila iz mezenhimalnih stanica. Angiogeneza je proces neovaskularizacije iz već postojećih krvnih žila kao odgovor na hipoksiju, a zbiva se u embriju i u odrasloj dobi. U regulaciji vaskulogeneze i angiogeneze glavnu ulogu ima vaskularni endotelni čimbenik rasta (VEGF). VEGF je signalna molekula koja regulira mnoge funkcije endotelnih stanica, kao što su mitogeneza, vaskularni tonus, propusnost i proizvodnja vazoaktivnih molekula. Glavni regulator ekspresije VEGF-a je hipoksija putem hipoksijom inducibilnih faktora (HIF) te razni citokini i čimbenici rasta. Napredovanjem normalne trudnoće raste intervilozni p te se postepeno snižavaju razine slobodnog VEGF-a, a povisuju razine placentnog čimbenika rasta (PIGF). ----- Intrauterini zastoj u rastu (IUZR) je česta dijagnoza u opstetriciji te je uzrok značajnog perinatalnog mortaliteta i morbiditeta. IUZR podrazumijeva usporenje rasta fetusa čiji je potencijal za rast veći od izmjerenog. Izmjereni rast označuje normalne vrijednosti fetalnog rasta u određenoj populaciji. U Hrvatskoj se koristi granica od 10. centile za određenu gestacijsku dob. Ovisno o fazi rasta u kojoj nastupa zastoj IUZR može biti simetrični i asimetrični. Patofiziologija zastoja u rastu još nije potpuno razjašnjena, ali su definirana tri vrste hipoksije: preplacentna, uteroplacentna i postplacentna. U IUZR-u nastalom zbog insuficijencije placente promijenjene su razine čimbenika rasta. Provedena su brojna istraživanja o ekspresiji vaskularnih endotelnih čimbenika rasta i njihovih receptora u posteljicama fetusa s IUZR-om koja su dala oprečne rezultate.Placenta is the organ that connects fetus to the mother. It has a key role in fetal growth and development by transferring oxygen and nutrients, and by removing harmful products. ----- The blood vessels of the placenta develop throughout pregnancy through the processes of vascularization and branching and non-branching angiogenesis. Vasculogenesis is the process of creating blood vessels de novo from precursor mesenchymal cells. Angiogenesis is the process of neovascularization from existing blood vessels in response to hypoxia which occurs in the embryo and in adults. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family plays a key role in the regulation of vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. VEGF is a signaling molecule that regulates many functions of endothelial cells, such as mitogenesis, vascular tone, permeability and production of vasoactive molecules. The regulator of VEGF expression is hypoxia by hypoxia inducible factor (HIF), and various cytokines and growth factors. Along with the development of a normal pregnancy intervilous p increases gradually lowering the level of free VEGF, and increasing levels of PIGF. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a common diagnosis in obstetrics and is a significant cause of perinatal mortality and morbidity. IUGR implies reduced fetal growth, whose growth potential is greater than the measured. In Croatia limit of 10. percentile for a particular gestational age is used. Depending on the growth stage when growth restriction occurs, IUGR can be symmetrical and asymmetrical. Pathophysiology of growth retardation is not completely understood, but three types of hypoxia are defined: preplacental, uteroplacental and postplacental. ----- In IUGR, due to failure of the placenta, expression of growth factors is changed. Numerous studies of the expression of vascular endothelial growth factors and their receptor in IUGR were conducted with conflicting results

    Artistic and Cultural Itinerary of Fiume in the Literary Work Osvaldo Ramous

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    Il periodo del primo Novecento è stato per molti aspetti il più turbolento e disastroso nella storia dell’umanità. In un lasso di tempo relativamente breve, si sono verificate due guerre che hanno coinvolto le maggiori potenze mondiali e hanno causato, in seguito all’uso di armi di distruzione di massa e di atti di violenza mai visti prima, milioni di vittime. Nella prima metà del XX secolo si è inoltre assistito alla dissoluzione di grandi imperi e alla creazione di stati più piccoli, a massicce emigrazioni forzate di milioni di persone, a sradicamenti socio-culturali e linguistici delle diverse zone,ad accaniti bombardamenti che rasero al suolo molte città, cambiando sostanzialmente la loro fisionomia. Risulta emblematica, in tale contesto, la città di Fiume. Nel periodo preso in esame, fu vittima di tragiche vicende storiche che si accavallarono in maniera talmente rapida da farla diventare un vero “simbolo dell’Europa del Secolo Ventesimo.” Sarà questa la definizione data da Osvaldo Ramous, scrittore, saggista e traduttore fiumano, che nel romanzo Il cavallo di cartapesta, offrirà una biografia della sua città natale descrivendone i „cantucci“, le vie e piazze, i monumenti cittadini nonché gli usi, i costumi, la lingua e le radici culturali dei fiumani. Lo scopo della presente tesi, che ha per oggetto appunto Il cavallo di cartapesta, è di enucleare, mediante un'attenta analisi filologica, l'immagine culturale e artistica di Fiume, offerta da Ramous non solo nel romanzo sunnominato ma pure in saggi e articoli pubblicati su varie riviste culturali. Dopo una breve biografia dell'autore fiumano e, a seguito della contestualizzazione di avvenimenti storici narrati nel romanzo, vengono citati e analizzati diversi passi del testo al fine di svelare e cogliere la preziosa lezione di vita che traspare tra le righe di quest'opera singolare della letteratura istro-quarnerina. Viene offerto un ampio itinerario artistico e culturale dei numerosi luoghi cittadini nominati ne Il cavallo di cartapesta, romanzo con cui si conclude la produzione narrativa ramousiana. Attraverso la lettura del testo si ottiene una esaustiva mappa artistica, tela determinante per ricostruire un passato culturale oggi, in parte, distrutto. Il romanzo, in tal modo, diventa documento, testimonianza importante della storia, dei costumi, della lingua e delle radici di Fiume.The early Twentieth century was, in many ways, the most turbulent and disastrous in the history of mankind. In this time period, two wars involved the major world powers and caused millions of victims with weapons of mass destruction and bursts of human aggression never seen before. In the first half of the XX century, great empires collapsed and smaller states were created instead, while millions were forced to emigrate and socio-cultural and linguistic eradication occurred in different areas. In addition, those wars were followed by fierce bombing that demolished or destroyed large parts of many European cities, substantially changing their physiognomy. Emblematic in this context is the city of Fiume (Rijeka) which, within the time-frame covered in this thesis, was the victim of a series of tragic historical events making it the "symbol of Europe in the Twentieth Century". Such definition of Fiume (Rijeka) was coined by Osvaldo Ramous, writer, poet, essayist and translator. In his novel "Il cavallo di cartapesta" (The horse of papier-mâché), the author offers a biography of his hometown by describing its streets and squares, its customs, the particular language as well as its cultural roots. The thesis analyzes the way Ramous depicted its hometown both in the Il cavallo di cartapesta novel as well as in essays and articles published in various cultural journals. Here, I first present a short author’s biography and then explain the historical events narrated in the novel. I move on by quoting and analyzing several novel passages to unravel and grasp the precious life lessons that shine through this singular work of the Istrian-Quarnero literature. The thesis offers a broad artistic and cultural itinerary of the emblematic city monuments mentioned in the Il cavallo di cartapesta, a novel which marks the end of the Ramousian narrative production. While reading the text, one can obtain a comprehensive artistic map, a crucial “canvas” necessary to reconstruct the city’s cultural past that, is nowadays, partly destroyed. The novel, thus, becomes a document, an important testimony of the history, customs, language and roots of Fiume (Rijeka)

    Utjecaj aktualne tehnologije broda na pojavnost ljudske greške

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    Ovaj se rad bavi čimbenicima koji utječu na pojavu ljudske greške koja stoji kao najzastupljeniji uzročnik pomorskih nezgoda. Ti čimbenici su zastupljeni unutar četiri područja: tehnologija, znanje i vještine pomoraca, organizacija i komunikacija. Kroz povijest pomorske industrije jasno je uočljiv trend konstantnih tehnoloških promjena koje su oblikovale cjelokupan pomorski sustav i promijenile proces navigacije te tako utjecale na sve aktivnosti koje mogu voditi ka ljudskoj grešci. Tako su se mijenjala znanja i vještine potrebne za obavljanje tih aktivnosti, načini komuniciranja među članovima posade i između posade i brodarskih kompanija, te su se shodno tome, uvodili različiti modeli organizacijskog ustroja na brodovima. Ljudska je greška promatrana kao pogrešno djelovanje koje proizlazi iz neadekvatnih tehnoloških i organizacijskih rješenja, ali i čovjekovih odabira i stavova. Stoga se posebna pažnja pridaje usklađenosti između brodske opreme i pomoraca kao korisnika, drugim riječima rečeno, između vanjskih i unutarnjih čimbenika.This paper deals with factors which influence on appearance of human error which is considered to be the most represented causal factor of marine accidents. These factors are represented within four different domains: technology, knowledge and skills of seafarers, organization and communication. Thrughout the history of marine industry there is noticeable trend of constant technological changes which have formed the entire marine system and changed the process of navigation and in that way affected all activities which may lead to human error. That's how knowledge and skills required to perform those activities, ways of communicating between members of the crew and between shipping Company and the shipping crew have changed, and in accordance with that, different models of organizational structure have been introduced on ships. Human error is considered to be erroneous activity which stems from inadequate technological and organizational solutions, but also from man's choices and attitudes. Therefore, special attention is attached to compatibility between Ship's equipment and seafarers as users, in other words, between external and internal factors


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    Prognostički učinak doze dijalize na ishode u bolesnika liječenih peritonejskom dijalizom uglavnom je promatran iz retrospektivnih podataka. Kako kontrolirati učinkovitost dijalize i kakav je njen utjecaj na preživljavanje bolesnika i metode pokušali smo istražiti u našem desetogodišnjem retrospektivnom radu. Komparirali smo kliničko stanje pacijenta, laboratorijske pokazatelje doze dijalize (Kt/V) i transportne funkcije peritonejske membrane (PET). Pacijenti su podijeljeni prema vrijednostima Kt/V manje od 1,7 te od 1,7-2,2 i više. Prema nalazima PET-a podijeljeni su u četiri standardne skupine. Kt/V i PET su nezaobilazni čimbenici evaluacije peritonealne membrane i preskripcije otopina za dijalizu. Vremenom i upalnim procesima mijenjaju se transportne, ultrailtracijske i druge karakteristike membrane. U bilo kojem izračunu adekvatnosti bitno je razlučiti bolesnike koji mokre i anurične bolesnikePeritoneal dialysis is an equally valuable method for some patients. It is a method with some advantages and thus should be considered the method of choice. Are the trends of treatment with this method instead of terminal kidney disease replacement stagnating? In our ten-year retrospective study, we tried to do assess how to control the eficiency of dialysis and what was its inluence on patient survival. We compared clinical state of patients, laboratory indicators of dialysis dosage (Kt/v) and peritoneal membrane transport function (PET). Patients were divided according to Kt/v values 2.2. According to PET indings, they were divided into four standard groups. Kt/v and PET are unavoidable evaluation factors of peritoneal membrane and for prescribing dialysis. The transport, ultrailtration and other membrane characteristics change with time and with inlammatory processes. On any calculation of adequacy, it is essential to distinguish diuretic and anuric patients. The adequacy of peritoneal dialysis should be incorporated in the conclusion on prescriptions and quality treatment of each individual patient

    The role of oncology nurse in cancer patient care

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    Sestrinske intervencije kod onkološkog pacijenta nužne su i potrebne u svim fazama bolesti, od akutne faze do terminalne bolesti. Sestrinske intervencije vezane su i uz edukaciju pacijenta i obitelji, a nadasve su važne u palijativnoj skrbi. Sestra uključuje pacijenta u terapijski postupak, educira ga u smislu zdravstvene njege, prva uočava novonastale simptome ili pogoršanje simptoma u onkološkog pacijenta i prva komunicira s obitelji. Onkološke medicinske sestre moraju odlikovati visoka stručnost, moralne kvalitete i visok stupanj empatije za pacijenta i njegovu obitelj.Nursing interventions in the patient with cancer are necessary and required in all stages, from the acute phase to the terminal illness. Furthermore, the nursing interventions are related to education of patients and families, and above all they are important in palliative care. The nurse introduces the patient in the therapeutic process, educates him in terms of health care, first observes emerging symptoms or worsening of symptoms in the patient with cancer and first communicates with patient’s family. Oncology nurses must be characterized by high professionalism, moral qualities and a high degree of empathy for patients and their families