8 research outputs found

    Suggested Literature Benefits for English Students in the Novel Fire Side by Susan Wiggs

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    ABSTRACT                 This study aimed to know what are benefits for students that are suggested in the contemporary novel Fire Side by Susan Wiggs. As English is a foreign language in Indonesia, every sources of benefit is needed in the English learning process, some students might need some new perspectives and some other ways to understand English materials, teachers can take it from the literature benefits that is implicitly stated in every work of literature. In this study, Fire Side is used in order to subsequently obtain any benefits that are inside the novel for the English Students. The writer uses qualitative method with a descriptive analysis in this research. The result of the research is quiet interesting with fairly large benefits like providing some examples of language model, supporting some areas of the language art curriculum, enhancing reading ability that will help improving their behaviour, and help them to develop their visual literacy. Keywords: Literature Benefits, Creative Learning, English Student

    An Analysis of Code-Mixing Usage in WhatsApp Groups Conversation among Lecturers of Universitas Pamulang

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    This study was aimed to find out the kinds of code-mixing used by lecturers from some departments and the factors of using code mixing. This study was a descriptive qualitative analysis that attempted to describe the kinds of code-mixing and the factors. The participants of this study were lecturers from 4 different groups of Universitas Pamulang. The participants were selected based on the purposive sampling in order to support the research finding. The data were taken from questionnaire and observation on WhatsApp groups to seek the factors and to classify the types of code-mixing. As the results, the writers found the group of Pelatih TOEFL produced 15 congruent lexicalization, 4 insertion and 0 alternation. The group of Penelitian Internal Unpam produced 15 congruent lexicalization, 6 insertion and 2 alternation. The group of Sastra Unpam produced 9 congruent lexicalization, 10 insertion and 5 alternation. The group of Prodi Sasing produced 17 congruent lexicalization, 3 insertion and 5 alternation. In addition, the distribution of questionnaire resulted the factors of applying code-mixing on all WhatsApp groups. Bilingualism (38%), speaker and interlocutor (4%), situation (5%), vocabulary (46%) and prestige (8%) are the factors found in Pelatih dan Pengawas TOEFL group. Bilingualism (21%), speaker and interlocutor (11.11%), situation (22%), vocabulary (38%) and prestige (8%) are the factors found in Peenelitian Internal Unpam group. Bilingualism (48%), speaker and interlocutor (5%), situation (13%), vocabulary (34%) and prestige (0%) are the factors found in Sastra Unpam group. Bilingualism (55%), speaker and interlocutor (5%), situation (7%), vocabulary 67%) and prestige (12%) are the factors found in Sastra Unpam group

    Students’ Responses through the Use of Edpuzzle as an Application in Achieving Listening Comprehension

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    This study aims to find out students’ responses through the use of Edpuzzleas an application in achieving listening comprehension. As a foreign language in Indonesia, sometimes students will face some obstacles and difficulties in learning the English language; the obstacles that must be faced by the first-year students, where else there are some skills to learn at the same time which will worsen their learning process as it will be hard to be understood with low competence in the first place. The use of Edpuzzle here is expected to help to get through the initial problem related to the achievement of listening comprehension. Edpuzzle is a platform that helps teachers invite students to have fun learning using videos. These videos can be edited and adjusted to the goal of the teachers in the class activity on a particular subject; they can be cut, recorded new voice, and add some more questions if it is needed. In this study, the participants are first-year students in English Literature of the University of Pamulang (UNPAM) with 54 students in the subject of listening. The data were collected by using a questionnaire and the discussion in the e-learning forum of UNPAM in listening subjects. The results of the study revealed that the students were interested in learning the English language of the subject listening using Edpuzzle as it lifts their consciousness so that they can overwhelmingly enjoy the process of learning. They also found out that the subject listening is becoming entertaining to learn and can be a fun learning too even with the task that is difficult for them, alongside their thought that learning English using Edpuzzle can help them improve their listening comprehension in a fun way possible

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis melalui Analisis Film dalam Ranah Sastra

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    In Indonesia, science has been taught from an early age, starting from kindergarten to university, which emphasizes on critical thinking skills. Short film is one of the literary works in the form of audiovisual which is considered capable of helping improve students' critical thinking skills. In collaboration with the Dialectika Institute, a mass media institution engaged in civil society studies, research and development, especially focusing on the fields of religion, culture and democracy, this Community Service (PkM) activity was carried out for 3 days starting from the 22nd until February 24, 2023 which aims to improve participants’ critical thinking skills through training related to narrative and cinematographic elements in short films. In order to maximize training results, this PkM activity used several methods, including the Lecture-based Teaching style and the mentoring method in delivering training materials. In addition, the PkM team delivered questionnaires containing questions about the training material and opinions regarding the PkM to the participants in order to measure and see the results before and after the training. The results of the activity showed that this PkM activity was able to attract enthusiasm and was also able to improve the participants' critical thinking skills as seen from the results of the questionnaires delivered. In addition, this activity is able to make them see works from different perspectives than just seeing them as a means of entertainment

    Dongeng: Media Pemahaman Multibudaya Bagi Generasi Penduduk Global

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    Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat adalah salah satu unsur dalam Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi yang wajib dilaksanakan oleh setiap dosen pada tiap semesternya. Adanya tindakan perundungan, kurangnya rasa tenggang rasa dan perasaan saling mendukung di antara para remaja menjadi latar belakang utama dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada msyarakat ini. Artikel ini membahas kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang bertujuan meningkatkan kesadaran multikulturalisme di kalangan reamaja. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan oleh beberapa dosen dan mahasiswa Program Studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Pamulang melalui pembuatan video dongeng dengan menggunakan stick puppets sebagai properti. hal ini ditujukan kepada tutor dan para peserta didik di Jampang English Village (JEV) Bogor. Melalui metode deskriptif analitis, data memperlihatkan beberapa pengaruh mendongeng terhadap keterampilan kognitif anak. Setelah menyaksikan video yang bersisi dongeng dengan menggunakan hand puppet, ditemukan adanya peningkatan keterampilan peserta dalam hal kerjasama, mendengarkan, pemerolehan bahasa, kreatifitas, imajinasi, dan kesadaran multikultural. Pengetahuan yang diperoleh melalui kegiatan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat menciptakan semangat baru dalam meningkatkan motivasi dan menciptakan materi-materi terkait kesadaran multikultural, sebagai upaya mewujudkan situasi damai dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat

    I Am Healthy (Increasing The Awareness Of Staying Healthy For Young Children) At Taman Bacaan Kolong Jembatan Ciputat

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    Abstract The purpose of Community Service Activities is to carry out one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In addition, it is expected that by serving the community, the existence of higher education institutions can make a major contribution to the development and application of knowledge to the community. The method used in this Community Service is in the form of expository namely the delivery of material verbally and inquiry that is learning that emphasizes the critical and analytical thinking processes related to the awareness about health in their neighborhoods with a deep understanding of the material on how to determine the future. The result of this community service obtained is the increased knowledge for children in the Taman Bacaan Kolong Jembatan Ciputat, South Tangerang so that they have a good view of how to apply awareness of hygiene and health and can be an example for other children. The knowledge gained at Community Service this time is expected to be able to provide new enthusiasm for us in delivering material and motivation and contribute to the young generation in schools, campuses and families. Kata Kunci: expository; awareness; health; inquiry.   Abstrak Tujuan dari Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat adalah untuk melaksanakan salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Selain itu diharapkan dengan pengabdian kepada masyarakat tersebut keberadaan perguruan tinggi dapat memberikan kontribusi besar kepada pengembangan dan penerapan keilmuan kepada masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan pada Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini berupa ekspositori yaitu penyampaian materi secara verbal dan inquiry yaitu pembelajaran yang menekankan pada proses berpikir kritis dan analitis terkait kesadaran mengenai kesehatan di dalam lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka dengan pemahaman mendalam terkait materi bagaimana menentukan masa depan. Hasil pengabdian masyarakat yang diperoleh adalah bertambahnya keilmuan bagi anak-anak di Taman Baca Kolong Jembatan Ciputat, Tangerang Selatan agar mereka memiliki pandangan yang baik bagaimana cara menerapkan kesadaran akan kebersihan dan kesehatan dan dapat menjadi contoh bagi anak lainnya. Ilmu yang diperoleh pada Pengabdian Masyarakat kali ini diharapkan mampu memberikan semangat baru bagi kita dalam menyampaikan materi dan motivasi serta berkontribusi bagi generasi muda, baik dilingkungan sekolah, kampus dan keluarga. Kata Kunci: ekspository; kesadaran; kesehatan; inquiry

    Naturalism in deborah digges's poems

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    This research concerned about the discussion and analysis of Deborah Digges�s poems entitled; Trapeze, My Life�s Calling, and The Leaves. The writer uses a descriptive method in which she describes the picture of theories of naturalism and other meaning to support and influence the theme. It is analyzed qualitatively based on the relevant theory of the study. The writer employs herself to collect the data; by reading the text, and marking them to make it easier to analyze. The three of Digges�s poems is rich of intrinsic elements. This research is limited on figure of speech and some of imagery elements. It includes the Social Darwinism that represents the naturalism. In her conclusion, the writer found that the three of Deborah Digges�s poems have the similarity of its picture, and it represents the naturalism through out the nature image in the poems

    Pembentukan Karakter Anak Melalui Pengenalan Karya Sastra Puisi Di Tpa Al-Ikhlas Pondok Aren

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    Teknologi yang berkembang di era transformasi industri 4.0 memberi dampak positif sekaligus negatif di segala aspek kehidupan manusia. Salah satu dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan jika masyarakat hanya berfokus cara menghadapi revolusi, tanpa mengindahkan pembentukan karakter anak yang dapat menyebabkan merosotnya nilai moral bangsa. Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an (TPA) Al-Ikhlas yang berlokasi di Pondok Aren merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan agama yang dipercaya mampu memberikan pendidikan karakter anak. Di TPA tersebut mengalami beberapa kendala dalam proses pendidikan karakter anak, yaitu minimnya pemahaman orang tua tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter anak, kurangnya peran lingkungan dalam pembentukan karakter anak usia dini, rendahnya minat baca anak-anak, dan metode pembelajaran yang monoton. Oleh sebab itu, TPA Al-Ikhlas dijadikan tempat pelaksanaan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat berupa pengajaran pendidikan karakter menggunakan karya sastra puisi berbahasa Inggris guna meningkatkan motivasi belajar para peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan adalah Total Phisycal Response mengingat peserta didik adalah anak usia dini. Para pendidik berperan secara aktif memberi contoh membacakan puisi, mempraktekkan dengan gerak tubuh dan intonasi yang tepat, menjelaskan isi kandungan puisi, dan di akhir kegiatan peserta didik akan dibimbing untuk membacakan puisi secara bergantian, membuat gambar ilustrasi, dan juga membuat puisi. Sehingga, pesan moral yang disampaikan melalui metode yang interaktif diharapkan mampu memberikan pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik secara maksimal. Terlebih lagi, para peserta didik dapat belajar bahasa Inggris bersama-sama dengan lebih menyenangkan. Kegiatan PkM dengan puisi ini mampu membentuk karakter anak, memberikan pesan moral dan nasehat, menghibur, serta memotivasi anak untuk berbahasa Inggris