Suggested Literature Benefits for English Students in the Novel Fire Side by Susan Wiggs


ABSTRACT                 This study aimed to know what are benefits for students that are suggested in the contemporary novel Fire Side by Susan Wiggs. As English is a foreign language in Indonesia, every sources of benefit is needed in the English learning process, some students might need some new perspectives and some other ways to understand English materials, teachers can take it from the literature benefits that is implicitly stated in every work of literature. In this study, Fire Side is used in order to subsequently obtain any benefits that are inside the novel for the English Students. The writer uses qualitative method with a descriptive analysis in this research. The result of the research is quiet interesting with fairly large benefits like providing some examples of language model, supporting some areas of the language art curriculum, enhancing reading ability that will help improving their behaviour, and help them to develop their visual literacy. Keywords: Literature Benefits, Creative Learning, English Student

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