Naturalism in deborah digges's poems


This research concerned about the discussion and analysis of Deborah Digges�s poems entitled; Trapeze, My Life�s Calling, and The Leaves. The writer uses a descriptive method in which she describes the picture of theories of naturalism and other meaning to support and influence the theme. It is analyzed qualitatively based on the relevant theory of the study. The writer employs herself to collect the data; by reading the text, and marking them to make it easier to analyze. The three of Digges�s poems is rich of intrinsic elements. This research is limited on figure of speech and some of imagery elements. It includes the Social Darwinism that represents the naturalism. In her conclusion, the writer found that the three of Deborah Digges�s poems have the similarity of its picture, and it represents the naturalism through out the nature image in the poems

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