18 research outputs found

    Effects of noises on near infrared sensor for blood glucose level measurement

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    This paper proposed the method of measuring glucose level in solution using near infrared light (NIR) and photodiode sensor. We studied noises that occurred on the output signal of NIR sensor in three different room conditions in order to know the effects on this sensor output voltage stability. The sensor’s circuit consisted of a 1450 nm NIR light emitting diode, a photodiode as the receiver, transimpedance amplifier, a notch filter, and a 4th order low pass filter. The results indicated that sunlight passing through windows was the most influencing factor caused the unstable sensor output voltage. Filters removed the effective voltages and the average sensor output voltages from the three rooms were 4.6825 V for air media, 2.2809 V for water media and 2.3368 V for glucose solution media. The output voltages tended to increase for one-hour measurement about 10 to 40 mV for air media, 40 to 90 mV for water media and 30 to 80 mV for glucose solution media. This sensor could only be used in a short time and suitable in a room without sunlight. Based on the voltage difference of the average sensor output voltage with water and glucose solution media, the sensor had the potential to be a blood glucose level meter

    Mesin Kartu Antrian Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega16a

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    Queuing card device based on ATmega16A microcontroller is a queuing card printing machine to print a card number and displays the number on seven segments along with voice calling the number. This queuing card machine is built with a thermal printer, a microcontroller, two seven segments and an IC ISD4004-16M. The microcontroller controls the seven segments, the printer and ISD4004-16M IC. After being assembled and tested the queuing card machine work in accordance with the design that has been made.Mesin pencetak kartu antrian berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega16A adalah sebuah mesin untuk mencetak nomor antrian pada kertas, menampilkannya pada seven segment dan mengeluarkan suara yang menyebutkan nomor tersebut. Mesin ini terdiri dari sebuah thermal printer, mikrokontroler, dua buah seven segment dan sebuah IC suara ISD400416M. Mikrokontroler mengendalikan seven segment, printer dan IC suara ISD4004-16M. Sesudah dirangkai dan diuji, mesin pencetak kartu antrian ini bekerja sesuai dengan rancangan yang dibuat

    Pot Iklan Bertenaga Surya

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    The Solar Powered Display Vase is a vase designed to display an outdoor advertisement. The circuit applies sun light energy as the power supply to save energy and environment friendly. The advertisement is displayed by Light Emitting Diodes (LED) as a simulation. An accumullator is used as the power supply and it will be charged automatically by a sel surya. A microcontroller is used to control the process of the circuit. After the circuit is constructed and tested, it is known that if the output voltage of the solar cell is above 1.8V the LEDs are off and they are on if the voltage is less than 1.8V

    Alat Ukur Kualitas Air Minum Dengan Parameter Ph, Suhu, Tingkat Kekeruhan, Dan Jumlah Padatan Terlarut

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    Water is a natural resource that plays an important role in human life, one of that is to be consumed. Water used for consumption should be clean, odorless, tasteless, colorless, and meet the Ministry of Health standards. This water quality instrument measures parameters such as temperature, turbidity, TDS, pH and uses Arduino as a microcontroller. LM35 sensor is used to measure temperature. PH sensor with pH sensor conditioning from Dfrobot is used to measures pH level, photodiode and infrared LED as the sensor is used to measure turbidity level, conductivity sensor is used to measure TDS level. The results show that the sensors have different error level. The temperature sensor has 5.4 % maximum error value with 1.145 average standard deviation, the measurement of pH has 0.848 % error value and 0.01 average standard deviation, the measurement of TDS has 0.97 % error value and 6.69 average standard deviation. Air merupakan sumber daya alam yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya adalah untuk dikonsumsi. Air yang digunakan untuk dikonsumsi harus bersih, tidak berbau, berasa, berwarna dan sesuai standar yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementerian Kesehatan. Alat ukur kualitas air ini menggunakan parameter suhu, kekeruhan, TDS, pH serta menggunakan Arduino sebagai mikrokontrolernya. Pengukuran suhu menggunakan sensor LM35, pengukuran pH menggunakan sensor pH dengan pengkondisian sensor pH dari Dfrobot, pengukuran kekeruhan dilakukan dengan sensor fotodiode dan LED infra merah dan pengukuran TDS menggunakan sensor konduktivitas. Hasil akhir dari pembuatan alat ini masing-masing sensor pengukuran memiliki variasi eror yaitu sensor suhu dengan nilai eror maksimal 5,4 % dengan standar deviasi rata-rata 1,145. PH dengan eror 0,848 % dan standar deviasi rata-rata 0,01. TDS dengan eror 0,97 % dan standar deviasi rata-rata 6,69

    Model Sistem Pengendalian Suhu dan Kelembaban Ruangan Produksi Obat Berbasis NodeMCU ESP32

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    Production process in a pharmaceutical industry must follow the guidelines stated in Current Good Manufacturing Practice (CGMP). The production process has to be stopped if the temperature and the humidity of the production room do not meet the set point and a report about the caused has to be made. This research proposed a model of a temperature and humidity automatic control system based on Node MCU ESP32 and give the information to technicians continuously. With the php MyAdmin Web Server connection, data of temperature and humidity can be stored and monitored remotely using a smartphone or a computer. A DHT 11 sensor is used to detect temperature and humidity, a Peltier fan is used to control the room temperature and a dehumidifier is used to control the air humidity. The system controls C and D production class room according to CGMP for liquid drug type in a sterile room. The C class drug production room temperature range is set from 16ËšC to 25ËšC and the air humidity range is 45% to 55%. The D class drug production room temperature range is set 20ËšC to 27ËšC and the air humidity range is 40% to 60%. From the test results, it can be seen that the system can control room temperature and humidity automatically when there are disturbances as well as recording the time when the disturbances occur to complete the data reports during the drug production process

    Comparative study of 940 nm and 1450 nm near infrared sensor for glucose concentration monitoring

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    In order to manage their blood glucose level, diabetics have to test their blood glucose level regularly. Unfortunately, the current blood glucose measurement device is uncomfortable, painful, event costly for the diabetics; therefore, a lot of effort is given to develop a noninvasive blood glucose meter. We studied the potential of two near infrared wavelength i.e. 1450 and 940 nm as glucose sensor. Each sensor consists of a light emitting diode (LED) as light source, a photodiode that is sensitive to that wavelength, transimpedance amplifier, and filters. An acrylic box size 5cmx1cmx5cm was used as glucose solution container. The LED and photodiode were located at each side of box width, at 1 cm distance. The container was than filled with various concentrations of glucose solution, and the sensor output voltages were measured. The results show that for glucose concentration 0 to 500 mg/dl, the output voltages of the 1450 nm sensor tend to lower when the glucose concentration is higher, therefore it has the potential to be used as glucose sensor. Different result is obtained from the 940 nm sensor where the output voltages were remained the same when the glucose concentration was varied

    Alat Sterilisasi Kering Dengan Kunci Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Dry Sterilizer with Automatic Lock Door Based on Microcontroller ATMEGA16A is a machine to sterilize surgical instruments. This sterilizer equips with an automatic solenoid locking door system that controlled by a temperature sensor. When the temperature inside the chamber is above 37 °C, the door will remain locked, because the temperature is higher than the temperature of the human body. When the temperature is 37 °C the door willautomatically open. Microcontroller ATMEGA16A as a controller sets the length of time of sterilization process and controls the work process of temperature sensors, solenoids, heater, LCD and relay. The results show that the heating process takes 5 minutes to reach 120 °C and the cooling process requires 15 minutes to reach 37 °C.Alat Sterilisasi Kering dengan Pengunci Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMEGA16A adalah sebuah pemanas yang berfungsi sebagai peralatan untuk mensterilkan instrumen-instrumen bedah. Pengunci otomatis pada bagian pintu alat sterilisasi menggunakan kunci solenoid yang menutup dan membukanya diatur oleh sebuah sensor temperatur. Ketikatemperatur di dalam ruangan pemanas di atas 37 °C atau lebih panas dari temperatur tubuh manusia maka pintu alat sterilisasi akan tetap terkunci. Pada saat temperatur sudah mencapai 37 °C maka pintu akan otomatis terbuka. Mikrokontroler ATMEGA16A sebagai pemroses akan mengatur lama waktu proses sterilisasi, serta mengatur proses kerja sensor temperatur, solenoid, pemanas, LCD dan relay. Setelah diuji ternyata pemanasanmembutuhkan waktu rata-rata 5 menit untuk mencapai temperatur 120 °C. Proses pendinginan memerlukan waktu rata-rata 15 menit untuk mencapai temperatur 37 °C

    Pemodelan Sistem Informasi Banjir Penduduk Daerah Aliran Sungai Menggunakan Wireless Sensor Network

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    Intisari — Selama periode Januari-Februari, umumnya penyebab banjir yang terjadi dikarenakan curah hujan yang tinggi dan sungai-sungai yang meluap. Siklus penanganan banjir meliputi pemberitahuan, penyebaran informasi  prakiraan banjir, reaksi cepat dan bantuan penanganan darurat banjir serta perlawanan terhadap banjir. Sistem informasi banjir ini  dibuat agar dapat meminimalisir dampak bencana banjir bagi daerah yang belum mempunyai stasiun pemantau banjir, dirancang menjadi 3 bagian yaitu Node, Master Node, Jalur Informasi. Bagian Node digunakan untuk mendeteksi tinggi muka air pada daerah aliran sungai rawan banjir menggunakan sensor ultrasonik. Bagian Master Node digunakan untuk mendeteksi curah hujan harian dengan sensor tipping bucket, menerima data dari bagian Node serta membunyikan sirine saat tinggi muka air sungai mendekati tanggul sungai. Komunikasi antara Node dan Master Node menggunakan LoRa SX1278. Bagian Jalur Informasi memonitor data tinggi muka air sungai dan curah hujan harian untuk penduduk daerah aliran sungai dan stakeholder penanggulangan banjir melalui aplikasi Blynk pada smartphone. Dari hasil pengujian diketahui LoRa SX1278 mampu berkomunikasi pada area outdoor berpenghalang 600 meter dan outdoor tanpa penghalang hingga 900 meter. Waktu respon rata-rata notifikasi dan peringatan dini diterima kurang dari 3 detik. Kata kunci — Sistem Informasi Banjir, sensor ultrasonik, tipping bucket, LoRa SX1278, Blynk.   Abstract — During January-February period, generally the caused of flooding were due to high rainfall and overflowing rivers. The flood management cycle included notification, dissemination of flood forecast information, rapid response and assistance for flood emergency management and flood resistance. This flood information system was created in order to minimize the impact of flood disaster for an area that did not yet had a flood monitoring station. This system was designed into 3 parts, namely Node, Master Node, Information Path. The Node section used ultrasonic sensor to detect  water level in flood-prone watersheds. The Master Node section used a tipping bucket sensor to detect daily rainfall, received data from the Node section and sound a siren when the river’s water level approach the river embankment. LoRa SX1278 was used to communicate between Node and Master Node. The Information Line section was used to  monitor the river’s water level data and daily rainfall for watershed residents and stakeholders for flood prevention through the Blynk application on  smartphones. Based on test result, LoRa SX1278 was able to communicate in outdoor areas with barriers until 600 meters and outdoor areas without obstacles up to 900 meters. The average response time for notifications and early warning sirens were less than 3 seconds.   Keywords— Flood Information System, ultrasonic sensor, tipping bucket, LoRa SX1278, Blynk


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    Queuing card device based on ATmega16A microcontroller is a queuing card printing machine to print a card number and displays the number on seven segments along with voice calling the number. This queuing card machine is built with a thermal printer, a microcontroller, two seven segments and an IC ISD4004-16M. The microcontroller controls the seven segments, the printer and ISD4004-16M IC.  After being assembled and tested the queuing card machine work in accordance with the design that has been made.Mesin pencetak kartu antrian berbasis mikrokontroler ATmega16A adalah sebuah mesin untuk mencetak nomor antrian pada kertas, menampilkannya pada seven segment dan mengeluarkan suara yang menyebutkan nomor tersebut. Mesin ini terdiri dari sebuah thermal printer, mikrokontroler, dua buah seven segment dan sebuah IC suara ISD400416M. Mikrokontroler mengendalikan seven segment, printer dan IC suara ISD4004-16M. Sesudah dirangkai dan diuji, mesin pencetak kartu antrian ini bekerja sesuai dengan rancangan yang dibuat. 